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One Night With the Billionaire

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “Touch your breasts.” His eyes dipped down to said body part and she didn’t wait to obey him. Letting go of his neck she felt off balance, felt like she would fall at any moment, but Luca’s hands tightened around her. He whispered, “I’ve got you, baby. Now, do as I say, and pinch those pretty pink nipples.” Her back pressed more firmly against the wall, the lightly textured wallpaper causing a slow burn to start below the surface of her skin as she shifted. Taking her nipple between her index finger and thumb, she mimicked what Luca had done to them just moments before. It was so good, but his touch was infinitely better.

  His hands gripped the cheeks of her ass a little tighter and then he was sliding into her, all the while his stare riveted to what she was doing to her breasts. Mouth opening on a silent cry, Linden closed her eyes and let the feel of him filling her up wash through her. When he was fully inside of her, his balls touching the bottom crease of her ass, he stilled.

  “You won’t shave this pussy for anyone but me, baby.” She didn’t have time to register what he said because her inner muscles clenched around his girth and he grunted. He pulled out of her so that just the hot tip of him was embedded in her opening and then shoved it back in. He was so large she swore she could feel his pulse beat in his shaft, matching the frantic rhythm of her own heart.

  His thrusts, fierce and powerful, rocked her against the wall. Her sweat-soaked skin started to chafe against the wall, but the discomfort only seemed to add to the pleasure-filled eroticism of the act.

  “So fucking tight.” His face was buried in the crook of her neck. “I’m going to fuck you so hard that your pussy will ache for me when I’m not there.” She pinched her nipples harder as she listened to him talk dirty. “And when I’m done with you, baby, when you’re sweaty and weak, begging me to stop, pleading with me that you can’t handle anymore, I’m going to fuck your ass.” At the last word he shoved into her forcefully and she cried out in climax. It was an almost out-of-body experience. Having him inside of her, moving, coaxing, stroking her to orgasm was nothing like touching herself, was like no other sexual experience she had ever had. It was hard and rough, gritty and dirty. It was everything she had been missing, she realized.

  She expected Luca to come right after her, but when she felt his teeth graze the skin of her throat, adding a bit of pressure, a bit of pain, she knew he wasn’t done with her yet.

  “Hold on,” his arms tightened around her and she was suddenly moving through the air, the only solid thing keeping her grounded was Luca. One of his arms left her for a second and she heard the sound of crystal shattering against the floor and metal echoing off the walls. Then her back met the cool table and her breath hissed out of her. Luca was still buried deep within and as soon as she was laid out before him like a feast, he started pounding into her.

  “Hands above your head, and baby,” he slammed into her once, stilled, and held her gaze, “if you move your hands for any reason, I’m going to spank that pretty ass of yours with my flogger until you can’t sit for a week.”

  In and out. In and out. He resumed stroking her from the inside, bringing her closer to an orgasm she didn’t think she would be able to tolerate. Already he had given her several, and despite the fact she didn’t think she had it in her for another one, Luca was proving that wrong. It was like his mission. The determination on his face said as much.

  Hands above her head like he ordered, she held on to the edge of the table for leverage as he worked her pussy with his cock like an expert. A swivel of his hips on the down stroke, a bump to her cervix with the tip of his cock when he pushed inside, and he had her climbing closer and closer to Elysium. Luca was the composer, and he was playing her body like she was his masterpiece. Had she ever been with a man that knew exactly how to touch her, that she would get off numerous times?

  How would she ever go back to having just a professional relationship with him? How would she be able to look at him without picturing his Adonis body nude? Just thinking about him ignoring her again, not even glancing her way at the office sent an unexpected jolt of discomfort inside of her that she frowned. No, now was not the time to worry about all of that. After tonight things would go back to the way they were. She would go home and wallow in her self-pity with a big bowl of Rocky Road, and when Monday came along, she would act just as unconcerned and disinterested when she saw him as he was sure to act toward her.

  “You’re going to stop thinking and just feel, baby. You’re going to enjoy my big cock pounding away in your tight, slippery cunt.” He emphasized his point by gripping her waist and pulling her down so her ass hung off the table and he could get more leverage fucking her. Her arms were still above her head, but now only her fingers brushed the edge of the table.

  Was she that transparent that he noticed her mind was elsewhere? She didn’t have time to ponder it because his finger was on her clit and he was thrusting into her again. Back arched to try and shift her body so she could slide further down on him, a hoarse moan of satisfaction left her when he pushed fully into her. The pleasure went on and on, and this time she thought for sure he would get off, but he pulled out as soon as her orgasm subsided and when she opened her eyes she could see his cock was still stiff.

  He lifted her easily into his arms and strode out of the dining room, up the stairs, and into his room. He was a man on a mission and she was the mountain he aimed to climb. She was the wild animal he strived to tame. There had never been a man that was so intent on pleasing her, or maybe by him pleasing her he was also pleasing himself? Is that what he meant when he said he wanted a woman that would derive pleasure by bringing him pleasure?

  Chapter Eight

  When her back met the satiny softness of the sheets on his bed he didn’t give her any time to contemplate what his next move was. She was unceremoniously flipped onto her belly and positioned so her toes touched the floor and she had to balance on them. Her ass was in the air and he pushed her thighs apart. There was no question that he could see every intimate part of her, and as if to prove her point she felt him run his finger over her hairless folds.

  He gathered her moisture and brought it to her anus, the hole that had never been breached. “I want your hands above you. The same rules apply as before, Linden.” He leaned forward so his chest covered her back and gripped a chunk of her hair, pulling her head up so her neck was barred. He whispered in her ear in a rough growl, “I hope you do disobey me, because the punishment will be oh so sweet.” He let go of her hair and smoothed his hand down the length of her spin, stopping at the top of her ass and giving it a forceful slap. The sound of flesh meeting flesh was highly erotic and she wanted to hear more of it. Lifting her ass, she presented more of it to him, hoping her would take the hint. All she got was a richly dark laugh.

  He brought more moisture to the rosebud, and just as she closed her eyes and savored the taboo nature of his act he pushed his finger into her ass. On instinct she reached back, not realizing the mistake she had made until Luca pulled away from her. She immediately put her hands back where they were and mumbled an apology.

  “Too late, sweetheart.” She heard him move across the plush carpet but didn’t dare look back. Would he actually use a flogger on her? She knew enough about sex toys to know that what he intended to use on her was for the sole purpose of inflicting pain. Or maybe pleasure where he was concerned? How many other women did he use it on? Did he like hearing a woman cry out as he brought it down on their flesh? Just when fear started to take control of her he was back, his chest on her back. His heat seeped into her, easing away the fear that tried to control her. She had never had a man do half the things Luca had done, and although some may have seemed tame, him using toys that could potentially inflict a great deal of pain made her rethink this whole proposition.

  “What I want to do to you is meant to pleasure you. Fear does not belong here, and does not belong in what we are experiencing together.” He kissed the side of her head and she was surprised at the comforting ge
sture. Luca didn’t seem like the type of man that would take the time to reassure a woman he was fucking, but he did with her and that went a long way in helping her trust for him grow.

  “I just want to make you feel good. Trust me, baby. Trust me to take care of you.” He didn’t move and just let his words sink in. He seemed to be waiting for her reply.

  “Okay.” The single word came out on her exhale. Luca gripped her chin and turned her so their lips met. The kiss was soft, sweet, so unlike the corporate high roller that she saw Monday through Friday. His demeanor was so unlike the persona he displayed that she was taken aback by it. When the kiss ended their eyes locked. His silent question hung between them and she swallowed, knowing what he wanted to hear and knowing she had to go with her instinct.

  “I trust you.”

  He didn’t smile, just leaned in and gave his response with a press of his mouth to hers. When his chest left her back, she buried her face in the mattress, breathing in the scent that was all Luca Harlow. There was no time for her to think about what-ifs as the feel of numerous strips sliding across her back and ass sent chills racing over her skin. It was a slow glide that enticed.

  Over and over he teased her and she waited for the moment when he would apply more pressure to those strips. They felt like leather to her and she wanted to feel the streaks of white-hot pleasure/pain those tiny leather fingers would cause. The more she thought about it the more she became excited. Her pussy felt wetter, more swollen, and against all odds she wanted to come again. She may be sexually exhausted, so sated that she could hardly move, but she wanted more. A lot more.

  Chapter Nine

  Luca brought the flogger down on her ass for the fourth time and she strained forward. Every part of her back and bottom felt hot, sensitive. Endorphins exploded inside of her and the rush of pleasure had warm tears sliding down her cheeks and coating the silky sheets beneath her. There was no sound coming from Luca, just the steady noise of the leather strips zinging through the air before they struck her body. Every time she heard it, that whoosh through the air, her pussy would clamp down and her nipples would tingle. She was becoming Pavlov’s dog.

  “Such a good little girl, Linden.” Another strike to her ass. “So responsive.” One more, this time on her inner thighs. She had since eased her legs open, loving that every once in a while a strip would graze her labia, causing a sharp lash that had her growing slicker. She wanted his cock in her, wanted him filling her. Most of all she wanted his dick in her ass. It was such a foreign desire, one that she never thought she would entertain.

  He must have stroked her a dozen times before she was crying into the sheet for him to stop, for him to give her more. She could feel the individual crisscrossed lines covering her flesh, knew that he was watching her, tracing those lines with his eyes, with his fingers.

  “Beg me to fuck your ass. Beg me to spread these red cheeks, covered with my marks, and shove into your tight little asshole.” When she didn’t answer right away he slapped her ass with his open palm.

  “Yes, please. Do it. Fuck my ass. Fuck it hard.” It hadn’t been exactly what he wanted her to say, but he didn’t punish her again so she assumed it was good enough. Cool air shifted over her anus when he spread her cheeks. He moved her moisture from her pussy to the puckered hole and slowly started working the digit inside. There was a slight bit of discomfort, but when he added a second digit and started scissoring them inside of her, stretching her for what he was about to push into her. For several torturing minutes he fucked her ass with his fingers while his other hand ran circles around her clit. It was a slow burn of desire that made her desperate for him, but it wouldn’t get her off. She knew what he was doing, knew he was waiting for her to come until he was buried deep in her ass.

  The sheets were bunched in her fists and she couldn’t contain the moans that continually spilled from her as he moved his fingers in her ass and teased her clit. Her pussy clenched, trying to grab onto something, but disappointment slammed into her when there was nothing for her to grip on to. He removed his probing fingers and replaced them with the very broad, very hot tip of his shaft. He was big and her hole was very small. Pain lanced through her when he tried to push past the tight ring of muscle.

  “Bare down, baby. It’ll go in nice and smooth if you relax.” She did as he asked and felt her eyes widen when he finally slid into her. The discomfort took her breath away, and when he was fully embedded inside of her, the gentle slap of his balls becoming wet from her moisture, she let the breath she hadn’t realized she held in, out.

  With her eyes closed and her mind trying to wrap itself around what she was experiencing, she didn’t realize Luca had leaned forward until she felt one of his hands encompass both of her wrists. He raised them above her so far that she felt the strain in her shoulders. His other hand braced on the spot right between her shoulder blades. He used his weight above her, pushing her into the mattress as he started to slowly slide in and out of her ass. It was a strange feeling, being filled back there, but with each thrust and retreat, she started to feel the fullness and discomfort start to morph into something even more wicked, and even more delicious.

  The sound of slippery skin moving together, of his balls slapping against her swollen, wet pussy, was a driving fuel to the ecstasy that was climbing in her body and just lying in wait to explode. She forced her head up and saw the mirror on the dresser right across from her. She could see Luca’s powerful body above hers, his golden skin sweat slicked, and his muscles bunched and taut as his hips pushed in and pulled out of her. His gaze was riveted to the spot where his cock disappeared and a look of unadulterated lust covered his expression.

  “Jesus.” Luca’s voice was deep and distorted and as if he couldn’t help himself his speed increased and his thrusts intensified. She felt droplets of his sweat drip onto her back, and the knowledge that the usually clam and composed businessman was sweating above, not able to control himself, was such a turn on she found herself lifting her ass onto his dick, needing to be impaled by him more.

  “Stop, baby. Fucking hell, that’s so damn good.” The pressure on her back intensified and she stilled, letting Luca control her, do whatever the hell he wanted to because that is what she wanted. God … yes. That is so what she wanted. “You are so damn good. So good, that I’m never going to get enough. Never.”

  His words had warmth spreading through her but she didn’t let the idea that he may want something more from her than one night alter what she knew in her heart. When the night was over, that would be the end of them. She would enjoy this night to the fullest and stop worrying about what would never happen.

  Faster. Harder. He started fucking her so fiercely that her body was shifting up the bed and he had to stop twice to pull her back down on his dick. The material beneath her became wet from her juices and she spread her legs wider, trying to rub herself on the material, trying to settle the desperation inside of her.

  “Please, Sir.” Her words were muffled in the bed sheets, but he heard her nonetheless.

  “Please what?” Gruff, deep and hard, Luca’s words gave her the strength to tell him what she wanted.

  “I need it. Please let me come.”

  “Ah, fuck, baby. All you have to do is ask and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you anything you want.” His fingers slipped between her body and the mattress and he started flicking her clit. It only took him three hard presses on her clit and she was coming hard. Her ass tightened around his shaft and he fucked her harder.

  “Yes, Linden. Squeeze that sweet little fucking ass on my cock. Suck the cum from me.” His hand on her wrists tightened to the point she knew there would be bruises but she welcomed them. The pain made it better, made the pleasure more carnal. He grunted once and pumped into her hard, so hard that she cried out as an unexpected tremor worked its way through her.

  Even though he wore a condom she could feel the hard jets of his cum through the latex. It was a heady feeling and she wished the
re was nothing between them so that she could feel the force of his desire wash inside of her. Luca collapsed on top of her, their breathing ragged, their skin sweat-slicked. She couldn’t hold her eyes open, couldn’t process the exhaustion that he caused within her.

  When she agreed to this one night she didn’t know what to expect. When Luca said he wanted her to submit to him all sorts of images flashed through her mind, ones with whips and chains, gags and blindfolds. Her night with Luca had been a surprise, but there hadn’t been the kinky BDSM acts she thought their one night would entail. He certainly showed her he liked to be in control, but he had also been gentle and caring. She felt the heavy weight of him roll off her, but before she let the comforting blanket of sleep take her away, she felt Luca pull her into a tight embrace. He whispered something into her hair but she was already drifting away, letting the pleasurable soreness in her body be the last thing she registered.

  Chapter Ten

  Monday morning

  Linden took a deep breath and, for the third time since she pulled into the parking lot of Harlow Enterprises, she tried to talk herself into getting out of the car. All she kept thinking about was when she woke up Sunday morning, alone in Luca’s bed. His side had been ice cold and she wondered when he had snuck out, finally deciding that pulling her close to his body had been a mistake. She had lay there for a good twenty minutes, embarrassed to leave for fear she would run into him. Finally, because the thought of him coming into the room and throwing her out was even more mortifying than her running into him, she had forced herself out of his bed and done the ‘Walk of Shame’ out his front door.

  Now, here she sat, in front of his building, dreading the thought of seeing him. What on earth had possessed her to agree to be Luca Harlow’s one-night stand? She obviously hadn’t thought how she would feel come Monday morning, but it was too late to think about all that now.


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