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A Long Time Coming

Page 23

by Heather Van Fleet

  “The kid is really cool—cusses worse than Harley does.”

  “Yeah? I’d love to meet him.”

  His head fell to the side, his eyes smiling just as brightly as his mouth was. “You’d like him. His mom’s a tough bitch, but she’s also a doctor there. The only problem is that I’m going to need a ride to and from the hospital until I get my license back.”

  Six months ago, David had been lost—just a shell of the guy who was now sitting next to her. But today, for the first time in two and a half years, she saw something flare to life in his eyes—something akin to hope. Hope was good. Better than good actually. He wasn’t taking huge steps by any means, simply getting a job, getting his driver’s license renewed, but those little things all added up. And despite the difficulties that lay ahead, Abigail knew that starting small would lead to something so much more.

  “Just tell me when and where to go, and I’ll be there.”

  “Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons…”

  Nodding she tightened her grip on his hand. “I can do Wednesdays and Thursdays. But I work Tuesday afternoons.”

  “Yeah, no big deal. I’ll hitch a ride from JT, or someone.”

  “David I’m…really proud of you.”

  Grinning, he brought her fingers to his mouth, kissing each one of them individually as he spoke. She shuddered as his dark eyes sparkled up at her. Driving was becoming damn near impossible. “It’s you, Abigail. You are the reason why I’m doing this. You are my sole purpose for finally living my life again.” He flattened his other palm on her stomach, “And this too.”

  Swallowing a sigh, she returned her gaze to the road, all too aware of what he was telling her. Fingertips skated under her shirt, dancing across her lower abdomen as he spoke. His voice was low, and so sure, that it left no doubt in her mind that he was actually accepting this miracle between them. “I didn’t have a reason to keep living until you gave yourself to me, until you and our baby made me believe I had to do something again.” She started to speak, opened her mouth and everything, but he shook his head. “Don’t…let me say it” Frowning, she let her voice fall back into her throat. Damn him and his sweet words.

  Damn him for making her feel so treasured. Most girls would love it, and she did, but didn’t he understand too, that he would have done something, regardless of her presence? He’d never believe, but it was true. David was a strong man—just needed a push. She gave him that push, yeah, but other than that, he did it all on his own. That’s why she was so proud of him.

  “And I know you probably don’t want to hear it, but it’s true. Even if there wasn’t a baby involved, I still would be here, with you. Always, Abs.” David pulled her out of her own funk, made her remember that beyond the bad, there was always good on the other end, so in a way, he had healed her too, even though she didn’t realize she’d been broken.

  Ten minutes later, they pulled into the hospital lot. Five minutes after that they were in a small room of an after–hours office. Abigail sat on a bed, dressed in only a white hospital gown. David on the other hand, was white himself—like a ghost. Pale, voiceless, nothing about him said he was happy to be there, he was the complete opposite of the boy she’d glimpsed in the car. Not that she blamed him. In fact, she knew exactly why he was the way he was. It was the hospital. Nothing good had ever happened to him in hospitals. Just for once though, she prayed that God would maybe ease up on them, give them something to work for, rather than something to lose…

  “David I—”

  The door creaked open before she was able to fork out an apology for bringing him there. But then something changed and before she could even blink, David was there next to her, holding her hand, staring down at her with love and support and complete adoration on his face, even if behind his eyes hovered anxiety that he had never been able to hide from her.

  “Good evening, I’m Doctor Tugs. It’s good to meet you both.” The short little Asian man was all business, his eyes narrowing down at her chart as he thumbed through all the paperwork she’d filled out. “Let’s have a look, shall we?”

  “A look?” David’s voice cracked, his grip tightened on her hand as he moved back towards her head. If she wasn’t scared to death herself, she would have probably laughed at him.

  “Yes son, I need to check her cervix, and make sure everything is intact. I believe the spotting is nothing more than implantation bleeding, something that can oftentimes occur around the tenth week of pregnancy, but for the sake of Miss Zane here, we are going to take a closer look.”


  His shit may have been quiet, but the doctor must have heard, answering him with a disapproving glare from over his shoulder as he washed his hands. Abigail reached for David’s arms, needing him to stay close and with her. Passing out would not be a good thing.

  “David, I have an idea.”

  Frowning, he settled down next to her on a seat, running his hands through his hair. “And what’s that?” The nurse entered the room, and helped her lift her legs into the stirrups. Abigail’s knees trembled as the doctor inched closer, but she kept a smile on her face, needing to distract David more than herself.

  “Tonight, let me take you out.”

  “You want to take me out…and you want to talk about it now?” God he was cute, even when confused and terrified.

  “Um, there’s no better time than now?” She squirmed, and shut her eyes as her stomach cramped. Dammit, that hurt. What the hell was the doctor doing down there anyways?

  “Uh…” Abigail followed David’s gaze as he watched the doctor between her legs with intent. Every second that passed, his face grew whiter. Jesus, this was just an exam…what would he do when she was actually going through labor?

  “David,” she hissed, yanking on his t–shirt, “snap the fuck out of it!”

  He jumped, as did the doctor, and the nurse, who also cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes. Whatever, she was who she was, and didn’t conform to anyone’s standards, doctor’s office or not.

  “I’m fine,” he snarled defensively, sitting back against his chair. He ran a trembling hand down the front of his face, snapping it into his lap a second later. Yeah, David was far from fine—freaked out, and completely looking like he was going to puke any second—but fine was not on her list of adjectives.

  “Good, because it’s my hoo–ha getting worked on here, not your penis, you got it?” He blinked, looking utterly baffled at her words. She nodded once, and let out a breath as she laid her head back on the pillow. Staring up at the white tiled ceiling, she snapped at him once more. “Now…are you going to let me take you out tonight to celebrate this new job, or what?”

  “Um, yeah Abs, sure, whatever you wanna do.”

  Whatever she wanted, huh? Yeah, she could totally use that to her advantage. But she was going for focus here, not distraction. And surely mentioning sex slave acts while the OB was examining her crotch was not an appropriate conversation to be having.

  She patted his hand once more and blew out another cleansing breath, just as the nurse lowered her white paper gown back over her legs. The doctor rolled his stool away, slipped off his gloves, and proceeded to write in his chart.

  “Good. Because I’ve got big plans for us tonight…” she whispered, winking at him in the process.

  So the sex act conversation was out…but a little sexual innuendo never hurt anyone, right?

  “Listen, I don’t want to hold you two off any longer now from your little…date night conversation. But as far as I can see, everything looks in order. I suggest you take it easy though, Miss Zane, at least for a few days. Then by the end of the week, just follow up with your regular OB. But if the bleeding worsens or gets heavier, please don’t hesitate to come back in.”

  “Sure, thanks. I’ve got my first appointment Friday morning.”

  “You do?” If it was at all possible, David’s face paled even more when Abigail turned to face him at his question. He frowned at
her, his face reddening as he did. “I didn’t know that.” He stared down at his palms, his mouth sat in a tight grimace. Was he really mad that she hadn’t told him about the appointment? Or was there something else going on.

  Then he blinked, refocusing on the doctor again. “Is, you know…sex okay?”

  Oh hell…was that his problem here? He was afraid they weren’t going to have sex anymore? And to top it off, he was asking the little Asian doctor who looked like he was on his last nerve about it too? Pressing her chin into her chest, Abigail studied a simple hangnail, trying her hardest to keep her laughter away. David’s face was void of any humor, whatsoever though—straight–up serious concern reflected in his harsh gaze.

  Man…apparently she’d have to follow up on her sex favor thing sooner, rather than later.

  The doctor cleared his throat as he stood. His chart pressed against his chest, his eyes narrowing as he glanced between the two of them. “Just as long as she’s comfortable with it, then it’s just fine to continue with sexual intercourse. I don’t see anything suggesting any impending miscarriage at this time.”

  Relief had never sounded so sweet, and although this doctor wasn’t her favorite, Abigail still wanted to hug him. Their baby—David’s and her baby—was good. Dammit though, this happiness shit hurt her brain; the up and down emotional stuff hurt even worse. But as David snagged her hand and pulled it to his lips, and the doctor exited the room, she decided she was good with a little brain ache, if it got them to where they were meant to be.

  After they were released, and walking back towards the car, David pulled her in close, only to whisper in her ear. “Now…about that date promise, hmm?”

  “Mmm, well, doctor’s orders said I was only to do things I’m comfortable with…”

  Unlocking her door, Abigail grinned just as his hands wrapped around her waist from behind, keeping her from entering. “Yes, well, I heard that too,” his hands slipped low over her stomach, under her shirt. She moaned, dropping her keys against the cement with a crash. Her head lulled back against his chest as he splayed his hand across her skin, his fingers paying particular attention to her bellybutton as he did. His hot mouth was on her ear, engulfing her body into flames—the best kind of flames. The kind any sane person would want to burn up with. She was so definitely sane too—beyond sane—and when his hands dipped below her pants, only so they could run along the edges of her panties right there in the middle of the parking lot for all to see, she had never felt saner.

  “God, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it back home…” He growled, nibbling on her neck, his hands creeping lower, brushing just over where she wanted him the most.

  “Mmm,” she sighed shutting her eyes, lost to his touch, lost even more when his lips traced a line of kisses right below her ear. “Neither will I…”

  “Excuse me…I’d like to get into my car please.”

  “Holy shit!” David jumped back, like he’d just been caught by his mom or something.

  “Um, yes, I would say something to that affect too, young man.” The little Asian doctor groaned, slipping behind her with a frown of disapproval on his face. David was already on the other side of the car, his face red—his eyes wide with apology. Too bad what they’d almost done needed no apology in her book.

  “I suggest you take it easy in parking lots though,” the man whispered under his breath at her. “Maybe save it for the privacy of your bedroom, hmm?”

  Sex advice from a man who appeared sexless himself. Who would have thought it? She only shrugged her response, slipping into the car—totally not ashamed of the fact that she was ready to pick it right back up where they almost had been seconds ago in the space of her tiny car. Sue her. She’d like to get all the David time in she could. They’d been apart way too long, so making up for lost time was of mass importance in her world.

  * * *

  “Mom, where are you? Abigail and I are here.” Her arms wrapped around his waist, tucking into the front pockets of his jeans as they stepped into the kitchen. Abigail pressed her warm body into his back as he eyed the darkness of his seemingly abandoned house. If Abigail wasn’t too careful, then he’d take her up on her little secret offerings right there on the counter of the kitchen…and then maybe on the table too. Followed by the floor, and then the stairs… and yeah, they’d definitely have to make it up to the bedroom for more.

  “They’re not here, David. There are no cars in the garage.” He shut his eyes, pressing his hands against the edge of the counter as her body began to rub up against him from behind.

  “I can see that,” he groaned, enjoying her wandering fingers as they slipped up the front of his shirt. Normally, he would have been worried and wondering about his parents being gone so unexpectedly without leaving an obvious note. But the simple fact that Abigail was prowling around his body like a damn cat in heat made any and all concerns take a back seat to his need for her.

  A shirt fell on the floor, followed by pants. He gaped, and then he blinked as she sauntered up next to him. A pure, white hot, take–me–now smile was on her face. Red panties and a red bra? How did he not notice this at the doctor’s office? “Wh–what are you doing?” Fuck, he knew exactly what she was doing. Hence the reason his hands were already reaching for her waist, why he was already pulling her back towards the counter.

  “I want my dessert first.” She shrugged, nibbling on her bottom lip, all seductress–like. She played the part damn well.

  He shook his head, his face heating as he studied the length of her body. Perky, perfect, kissable breasts sat swollen inside of her bra. The tiniest lump sat just below her bellybutton, signifying the truth he was starting to fully wrap his head around. Abigail was curvy and completely delicious and his.

  Suddenly it wasn’t candy or chocolate pie he found himself wanting to give her.

  But instead of doing what he wanted, touching her, kissing her senseless, he wound up walking to the door instead. His hands shook from anticipation as he locked the door—even the deadbolt. There would be no interruptions as far as he was concerned. He’d make damn sure of that.

  Pulling herself up on top of the counter, she grinned, looking ready to be devoured just as he turned to face her fully. She was so wild, how had he not known this before? Fuck that—how had he survived so long without it? That was one question he’d never be able to answer. Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned back. Damn those eyes of hers. They had qualities in them that could easily melt a man; he was most definitely included in that group, hell, he was the president.

  Slowly, he made his way back over to her, his body was in complete control, his mind screaming at him to move his body faster. Finally, he stood in front of her, settling his body in between her knees, pulling her into him. His hands dug into her backside, she was amazingly perfect to touch. “You really can’t wait, can you?” He teased, feeling his body respond to her sexy smile, her hands that were diving into the neckline of his shirt.

  “No. And don’t make me, please.”

  Grinning wider, he reached for her underwear, not needing any clearer answer than that. Slowly, he slipped them off of her, one sexy–ass leg at a time. The smoothness of her skin brushed against the back of his fingertips as he did, and it took all of his self–restraint not to lower his lips and kiss every single inch of her. But he didn’t know where his parents were. Therefore he had no idea how much time they had. So he had to take what he was given, and run like hell with it.

  Sitting up, completely bare except for her bra, she scooted impossibly closer, only to wrap her endless legs around his waist. “God, Abs…what are you doing to me here?” He raised his hands, cupping her neck, tilting her chin back so he could kiss her pulse. His lips traveled at warp speed up and down her skin, stopping when he reached the dip just above her breasts. His breath was heavy, heaving in and out as he hovered over her. She reached around to undo her bra, pressing her chest upwards, silently begging for something more it seemed
. But he shook his head no, and pulled her hands into her lap instead.

  “Don’t move.”

  Grinning, she nodded, letting him have his way. He didn’t undo her straps though, instead, he lowered each one, kissing the mark where the silk had dug into her skin. She sighed contentedly reaching for his hair, moving her hands through the tangles, even after he’d told her not to move. She dug her fingers into his scalp, and that move was all it took to steal away any self–control he had left.

  Undoing his pants in no time, he let them fall to the floor—not even bothering with his shirt. The need to fully consume her made all other thoughts running wildly through his head become extinct. And in one single movement, one motion of his hips and hers, they were connected fully, right there on the edge of his mother’s kitchen counter.

  “David, oh god…” Her tiny little moans were his kryptonite, and he was damn near the point of exploding on a mental front—as much as a physical front—every time she let them echo in his ears.

  He opened his eyes, lowering his forehead against hers, needing nothing more than to see her let go, to see her vulnerability come out, to see the toughness she always exuded, fade to that point of complete peace—utter bliss. Mere minutes later, after only a few slow movements of their warm, connecting bodies, she was already to that point, shuddering in his arms, panting against his cheeks, his mouth. Their lips just barely grazed, her breath washing over his. He didn’t want to kiss her. He wanted to watch her—ingrain the vision of her face in his mind—even though the image would always be there. Her eyes were wide, her face opened completely. This was the mother of his child—this was the woman he intended to be with until his very last breath escaped his lungs.

  Nineteen was young, but love didn’t know a limit on age.


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