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Cleave (Cutting Cords Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Mickie B. Ashling

  Trent’s dominant personality was an intrinsic part of his makeup I’d never be able to change, and I really didn’t want to, anyway. It was one of the reasons I was attracted to him in the first place. His supreme confidence was more alluring than his toned body, and knowing he was willing to bend the rules for me was the main reason I would give this lifestyle another shot. I didn’t think I’d ever be the poster boy for BDSM, and I was pretty sure that, deep down inside, Trent knew it as well. However, there were certain aspects I could live with and needed, almost as much as he did.

  I glanced at my shoulder before going back to bed. He’d done a number on me last night, and there were about ten slashes I wouldn’t be able to hide with makeup. Thankfully, it was Saturday, and I’d have forty-eight hours to heal before I needed to show my naked torso to anyone other than Trent. Max would go insane if he knew cutting was still a large part of my life, but the difference between self-mutilation and knife play was like night and day. One was controlled, and the other was a pathetic plea for help. There was no way I’d ever fall back into the pitiful black hole with Trent by my side. Even our scenes were few and far between. It wasn’t something I craved on a daily basis, but when I needed it, Trent was masterful in guiding me through the slippery slopes of my strange psyche.

  In the morning, he put me through my paces. Meditation was essential to my stability. Reminding me daily of everything I’d achieved through my hard work was an exercise that kept me grounded and focused on the positive rather than the negative. This morning we’d both been floating on the high of last night’s reunion. Instead of letting me give him a blowjob, like I normally would, he hauled me up to his chest and peppered my neck with sloppy kisses, stopping to check out the shallow gashes he’d drawn on my shoulder with his six-inch bowie knife. The blade was honed to perfection and could split hairs.

  “Does it hurt?” He frowned with concern.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “I’m glad we’ve got the weekend off. I wouldn’t want anyone to get a glimpse of this.”

  “Believe me, you’re the only one who’s going to be seeing me in the next couple of days.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t want to see or talk to anyone until Monday―especially Cole. I’m so done with him.”

  “Are you a hundred percent sure?”


  “Come,” he said, taking me by the hand and leading me back to bed.

  We started out gently, but our chemistry simmered constantly, and it didn’t take long for the desire to perk up to a rolling boil. He cried out when I sucked him down my throat, yanking on my hair and rutting against me as I did my very best to make this one of my more memorable blowjobs. I caressed his perineum and teased the puckered skin around his anus with fingers slicked by the lube I’d found tucked underneath a pillow. We bought the travel-size tubes by the gross and had them scattered in strategic spots around the apartment. Never let it be said that my master was not a true boy scout. He was always prepared, and I reaped the benefits.

  I stuck in a finger, pushing past the ring of muscle gently, but Trent seized up and attempted to shove me away.

  “Let me,” I persisted. “I promise it will be good.”

  “No,” he said, squirming away.

  “All right, just relax,” I said, disappointed once again while resuming my efforts on his cock. I fondled and sucked his balls, licking up and down his rigid organ until his momentary panic subsided. He grew pliant under my touch, spreading his legs apart as he gave in to the pleasure. Soon after, I felt the salty spunk filling my mouth, and I swallowed repeatedly, loving the guttural sounds coming out of his throat.

  When his cock grew soft in my mouth, I let go and lay on top of him, pressing my boner up against his thigh. “I was hoping you’d let me fuck you.”

  “Good things come to he who waits.”

  “Spare me the platitudes. I want to top.”

  “Not this time… let me have you instead.”

  “Like you’ve done every other time?”

  “Are you going to ruin the day by being petulant?”

  “No, but at least tell me why this is such a monumental hurdle for you.”

  “Not now… let’s fuck.”

  “I think you’re done for the moment.”

  “Give me a sec,” he said, scooting away and heading toward the bureau. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a huge dildo, twirling it around like a baton. “This will work until I’ve revived.”

  Glancing at his cock, I could tell it wouldn’t be much longer. He was already perking up. I gave in, too high from our reunion to let anything spoil the moment. I smiled invitingly and spread my legs. “Have at it, Master.”

  “Roll over,” he commanded, “on your hands and knees.”

  I stopped thinking as soon as I felt the dildo stretching my hole and tapping my sweet spot. All thoughts of fucking Trent were obliterated by the sensation swirling through me as he shoved in the rubber monster, pegging my organ over and over.

  When I spurted over his sheets and was thoroughly drained, I tried one more time. “Tell me you aren’t holding back because of the funeral fuck.”

  “Please… I’ve written off the incident. Cole has nothing to do with my problem.”

  “So you admit there’s a problem.”

  “Yes and I’ll tell you about it in good time.”

  “I don’t mean to be a dick about this, sir, but you know the worst there is to know about me. How bad could your story be? Do you honestly think I, of all people, would judge?”


  “I love you, and I want to give you the kind of pleasure you give me routinely. Have you never been penetrated? Has anyone ever milked your prostate?”

  He pushed me away abruptly and headed for the bathroom. I wanted to smack myself upside the head, knowing I’d crossed the line again. My verbal filter was absolutely defective, and if it were possible, I would have ordered a new part. Just as I heard Trent turn on the shower, the doorbell rang. The only person who could possibly be visiting at this hour would be Max.

  I wrapped a sheet around my waist and headed for the front door. When I yanked it open, fully prepared to give Max a verbal thrashing for disturbing us on a day off, I almost swallowed my tongue instead. Noriko was standing there.

  “What are you doing here?” I blurted out rudely.

  “I need to speak with you.”

  “You and I have nothing to say to each other.”

  “I must speak with you, Sloan.”

  “Couldn’t you have called?”

  “I’ve tried your phone several times, but it goes to voice mail.”

  “Oh… I guess my phone is off.”

  “Must be.”

  “How the heck did you find me?”

  “Max gave me Trent’s address.”

  Remind me to kill him the next time I see him. “Well, you’re here, so what’s so important?”

  “Sloan-san, your shoulder is bleeding,” Noriko said, stepping closer to take a better look. “Did you cut yourself?”

  “What? No,” I said, immediately wrapping the sheet around me like a toga.

  “Your shoulder looks like it’s been cut several times.”

  “Mind you own business, okay? Why are you here?”

  “I want you to hear it from me.”

  “Hear what?”

  “You must reconsider Cole’s offer.”


  “Having you in his life will make mine so much better.”

  “Wow, this is another first, in a month of firsts. Having a wife pimp for her husband has got to be a new low for Cole.”

  “I hoped you and I could work out an arrangement, but it seems you are still angry with me.”

  “It doesn’t matter whether I’m angry or who came up with this warped idea. I’m not interested and you should stop stalking me.”

  “Who’s stalking who?”

  Ah… shit. Trent came ou
t of the bedroom with a towel around his waist and a puzzled look. “Who the hell are you talking to?”

  He pushed me aside gently and frowned at Noriko. “You have no business coming here.”

  “I wanted to speak with Sloan, but he did not pick up his phone.”

  “Didn’t it occur to you that he was incommunicado for a reason?”

  “What are you hiding?” Noriko asked, reaching for the bedsheet and ignoring Trent. “Did he hurt you for meeting Cole yesterday?”

  “What part of mind-your-own-business don’t you understand?” Trent hissed. He looked like he wanted to lift her bodily and throw her in the elevator.

  “Why is he bleeding?” Noriko asked again, refusing to back down. I had to admit she was like a small pit bull with extra-large balls.

  “He’s done nothing but love me,” I interjected. “Something your darling husband forgot to do years ago.”

  “He still loves you.”

  “Bullshit! You guys want me to be a part of your cozy ménage, and I’m not in the least bit interested. Now, take your meddling, designer-clad, geisha body and get the fuck out!” I knew I’d completely lost my cool, and I was sure everyone in the building could hear me screaming, but I didn’t give a damn.

  She pursed her lips, spun around, and walked out.

  “Good fucking riddance.” I slammed the door. “I bet you she’ll go straight home and tell Cole about my shoulder.”

  “To stir up trouble?”

  “Of course. The bitch will do or say anything to stay married, and to her way of thinking, breaking up our relationship is a sure way of getting me back with Cole.”

  “Let her try.”

  A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and I yanked it open, prepared to do battle with Noriko again, but Cole was there with Freddie by his side.

  “What the… how did you get here so fast?”

  “I was downstairs waiting for Noriko. Has Trent hurt you?”


  “Then what’s with the blood? Noriko said you’re bleeding. Are you up to your old tricks again?”

  “Oh my God, Cole, you’re fucking unbelievable! You have no right to question anything I do, especially when it involves Trent. Now turn around and go!”

  “You haven’t heard the last of me, Sloan.”

  “I wish you would just disappear, Cole.”

  “Not likely.”


  Chapter 20

  The morning got progressively worse. Hearing Sloan ranting angrily and remembering the look on Noriko’s face when she accused me of hurting Sloan were only surpassed by the phone call I got from Joe Driscoll about an hour later.

  “What have you been doing to my son?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I just got off the phone with Cole. He said you’re torturing Sloan for seeing him behind your back.”

  “Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?”

  “Get Sloan on the phone, will you?”

  I handed the phone to Sloan, who had barely recovered from his outburst with Cole. He’d been upset about having our privacy invaded. That anyone would think I was taking out my anger on him bothered Sloan more than hearing Cole and Noriko’s preposterous offer.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your dad.”

  He grabbed the phone out of my hand, and I listened to the one-sided conversation.

  “No, I’m not cutting again,” Sloan said quietly.

  I observed my boy rolling his eyes and sticking out his tongue at the phone. It was kind of funny until I heard his next sentence.

  “He’s not hurting me, Dad. I was in a bar fight last night, and I scraped my shoulder on some bricks. Cole is delusional.”

  Sloan paused and then said, “There’s no need to have an intervention. I am fine. Cole is the one who’s lost his mind.”

  I moved closer and put my arm around Sloan. He put the phone on speaker so I could hear Joe’s ongoing tirade.

  “Cole seems to think you’re cutting yourself again.”

  “He wants to keep Trent and me apart so he can weasel his way back into my life. Do you have any idea what he’s proposed, Dad?”

  “Tell me,” Joe said.

  “Cole prefers to stay married for numerous reasons, but he also wants the benefit of having me on the side as a lover.”

  “He’s a good-for-nothing piece of shit.”

  “I knew he wouldn’t tell you the whole story.”

  “He should be ashamed, and his wife doesn’t have to put up with his crap.”

  “Newsflash, Dad. It was her idea.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. Supposedly, it’s okay to have a little something on the side in Japan.”

  “Have they looked out the window lately? This is the US of A, and over here it’s not okay to have a lover on the side.”

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  “He couldn’t understand why you turned him down?”


  “So he came up with this story about you cutting again?”

  “Right again.”

  “Well, fuck him and his degrading proposal. As long as you and Trent are okay, then I’m going with your story.”

  “Mighty big of you, Joe,” I interjected, unable to keep my mouth shut for one more minute. “You have the fucking nerve to call here and presume Cole is telling the truth without even asking us first?”

  “I called to get your side of things, didn’t I?”

  “You already decided I was guilty without any proof.”

  “Chill out, Trent. I’m just watching out for my kid.”

  “Your kid is almost thirty years old and really doesn’t need your protection any longer. Not when he has me!”

  “So what are you―his husband?”

  “As soon as he says yes to my proposal, I will be.”

  “Whoa,” Sloan exclaimed, looking at me bug-eyed.

  I winked at Sloan and continued. “Nice talking to you, Joe. We’ll catch up another time.”

  I disconnected and faced Sloan. He appeared shell-shocked by my statement. In a shaky voice, he asked, “Were you serious?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “You don’t mean a collaring, do you? We’re talking bona fide wedding with rings and tuxedos and a marriage license?”

  “I thought we’d go for a more casual look, but if you want to play dress-up we can.”

  “This is so sudden,” Sloan said, grinning. He threw himself at me and latched on like a limpet. “We’re engaged?”



  “No text-speak please.”

  “What an understated proposal.”

  “You were expecting a big party?”

  “No, but a romantic dinner would be nice.”

  “You haven’t said yes.”

  “Of course I’ll marry you.”

  “Are you sure I’m what you want?”

  “I’m positive.”

  “Let’s do it in early summer.”

  “That’s four months from now.”

  “Is it too soon or not soon enough?”

  “It doesn’t give us much time to prepare.”

  “Don’t turn this into a spectacle, Sloan.”

  “Have you ever been married?”


  “Me neither, so don’t take all the fun out of it.”

  “Are you going to go bridezilla on me?”

  “Not unless you burst my bubble of happiness.”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  We melted into each other and had an appropriate engagement kiss. After we parted, Sloan asked if we could go back to The Tavern. “I want you to meet Bryce.”

  “I’ve already met him, remember?”

  “I want to hear more about this Cara thingy.”

  “What thingy?”

  “About us being soul friends.”

  “I know we’ve got a connection.”

; “It sounded way cooler when he explained it.”

  Loud banging interrupted my train of thought, and I cussed my way to the front door. I was surprised to see Max. “We never got the memo.”

  “What are you talking about?” Max huffed. “Are you going to let me in or what?”

  “Why are you here, and more importantly, how dare you give Cole and Noriko my address.”

  “How dare I? I’ll tell you how dare I,” Max growled, muscling through. “Cole said it was a fucking emergency because he’d been trying to reach Sloan all evening. I haven’t seen either one of you since you took off yesterday afternoon. How was I supposed to know that everything was kosher?”

  “I guess you wouldn’t.”

  “Precisely, so don’t be huffing and puffing.”

  “My house, my right.”

  “Where is Sloan anyway?”

  “He must be changing.”

  “I need to talk to him.”

  “He’ll be right out.”

  “This can’t wait.”

  “Max, hold on,” I said, getting irritated again. I was talking to an empty space because he’d walked into the bedroom without even knocking. I followed close on his heels and saw him get right in Sloan’s face.

  “What’re you doing here?” Sloan asked, clearly confused by his appearance.

  “Take your shirt off.”

  “Why?” Sloan asked, instantly on the defense.

  “Your dad called and said―”

  “Let go of me,” Sloan protested, struggling with Max, who was pulling at his shirt.

  “If you don’t let go of him right now, I swear I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Trent, if you have nothing to hide, then this shouldn’t be a problem.”

  I stepped in front of Sloan to protect him from Max’s grabby hands. “Who appointed you bodyguard, and how dare you insinuate there’s even a problem.”

  “Look, Joe asked me to come over and see for myself to make sure he wasn’t being abused.”

  “Abused?” I snarled in his face. “You think I would fucking abuse him?”

  “Max, you’ve lost your mind,” Sloan interjected, sliding in between us before things got really ugly. “Noriko saw a few scratches on my shoulder and turned this into a witch hunt, with Cole’s permission, no doubt.”


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