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Body Shot (Last Shot)

Page 13

by Kelly Jamieson

  “So hot,” he groaned, shifting so he could bend forward and rub his mouth over one breast. He sucked her nipple into his mouth along with the cotton, plumping the breast up to his mouth, and she drew in a sharp breath. He scraped his teeth over the hard fabric-covered nub and her head fell back on a long moan. Her hands slid up to his head, holding him there, digging into his hair.

  He reached for one of her legs and eased it straight, laying it across his lap and bringing her closer to him. He slid a hand into her hair as he kissed her again and her hands roamed over his upper arms and shoulders and chest. Then he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her so she was on his lap, straddling him. She pressed him into the back of the sofa as he caressed her waist and hips, their mouths moving together, tongues licking, breath quickening.

  She rubbed over his chest, rocking her pelvis into his crotch. His dick lengthened and thickened. Heat rushed through his body and pleasure built with each move of her pussy, rubbing their bodies together. His heart thudded.

  She shoved his shirt up and set her hands on bare skin with a sexy little sound of delight. He reached behind his head to pull his shirt off and tossed it aside. Hayden straightened as he did so and reached behind her to caress his thigh. Tingles spread through his groin. With her eyes on his face, she slipped her hand under the hem of his shorts and explored higher. And higher. Jesus, his eyes wanted to cross as his body tightened in anticipation of her touch.

  Then she found him and closed her fingers around his hard cock.

  “Oh yeah,” she murmured. “Feel how hard you are.”

  “Fuck yeah.” He thrust into her hand. “All for you, baby.”

  “Want to be skin to skin.” She rose onto her knees so he could shove his shorts down; then he helped her get hers off, along with panties. She lowered herself onto him. He was about to stop her—because no condom—but instead of taking him inside, she slid her wet pussy along the length of his cock, the tip of it lying on his belly. With her feet hooked over his thighs, she moved on him. Jesus. He stared down between them to see the shiny smooth head of his cock and her glistening pink pussy lips sliding along the shaft, back and forth. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he groaned. “You’re surprising me, Professor. Look at you taking over and getting creative.”

  Her smile was sultry. “I’m surprising myself.” She bit her lip and moved on him again. “But I’m just doing what feels good.”

  “That does feel good. Christ. You’re making me crazy. Need to be inside you, but no condom.”

  “We’ll just do this, then.” And she reached behind again to finger his balls. They drew up tight against his body. Her other hand planted on his chest, she slid back and forth along his length. Sparks raced through him, every nerve ending electrified, tension building in his spine, his balls aching.

  “Is this working for you?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Oh yeah.”

  He slid lower into the couch and skimmed his hands up under her tank top to her breasts, squeezing them, then pinching her nipples. She panted in choppy bursts, eyelids half-closed, lips parted. She moved faster and she let out a fractured cry, her body going still other than her pussy pulsing in tiny movements against him.

  That sent him over. He shouted as a bolt of heat surged up his dick and exploded, his dick jerking with each pulse, coming on his stomach. He thought his heart was going to burst out of his chest. When he could wrench his eyes open he focused on Hayden perched on his lap, her hot, wet pussy still on his cock, jizz all over his abs and some on the couch. She was gazing down at that with a fascinated expression, her cheeks pink.

  “Wow,” she whispered. “That was hot.”

  “Christ.” His head fell back into the cushions, his body weak and quaking. “Hot doesn’t even begin to describe that. Incendiary, maybe.”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “I have to move. My hips are seizing up.”

  He closed his hands over her waist, enjoying how delicate she felt and how tiny she looked in his big hands, and lifted her off him, swinging her around to plant her on her ass on the couch. She let out a shocked little gasp.

  He leaned forward and plucked a couple of tissues from a box on the table and swiped them over his belly, watching her all the while. “Damn, you look sexy like that. Your hair all wild, wearing nothing but a little tank top that shows off your nipples. Your cheeks all rosy.”

  She swallowed and pressed her hands to her cheeks. “Oh my God. I must look hideous.”

  “Fuck no. The word I used was ‘sexy.’” He snagged more tissues and wiped off the couch, then dropped back beside her, bare ass to the red leather. “You know, you’re right. This leather couch is very practical for sex.”

  She started laughing and bent over at the waist. “Well, I can honestly tell you I was not thinking about having sex on this couch when I bought it.”

  “Seriously? A red leather couch? You had to be thinking about having sex on it. A red leather couch just screams ‘Let’s fuck right here, right now.’”

  She laughed harder and he pulled her into his arms.

  “I’d be thinking about sex if I was buying a red leather couch.”

  “I’m so shocked.”

  Now he laughed, and tucked her face into his neck. “I think we need to put our clothes back on or we’ll be fucking again, right here.”

  “Oh, come on. You’ve already done it twice in one night.”

  He made a wounded sound. “Are you questioning my virility?”

  She kissed his neck with a little tongue. Pleasure slid down his spine. “I’m teasing you.”

  Her sense of humor didn’t surprise him anymore, but every time she showed it he got a weird feeling in his chest.

  “And yes, putting clothes back on would be a good idea.” She moved away from him and bent to pick up her panties, standing to primly tug them on.

  “Nice panties.” He tapped her butt in the little black bikini panties edged with ivory lace.

  She gave him a tiny smirk. “Thank you.”

  “My goal is to make every one of those pairs of panties wet.”

  She made a soft choking noise. “Oh, really!”

  “Yeah.” He should go get her some bras that matched the panties. Yeah, he was definitely going to do that. He just needed to sneak a peek at her bra to see what size it was. Though he was pretty sure 34C was it. “Just gonna go clean up.”

  He strolled through her bedroom to the bathroom, taking a detour of a few steps to snag the bra on the floor. Heh. He was right.

  She’d added her shorts by the time he got back, but that was okay because her ridiculous legs were on display, her feet propped on the edge of the coffee table.

  “It’s still early,” he said, dropping down beside her again. “How about we watch a movie?”

  She blinked at him. “Like, on TV?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  She made a face but reached for the remote control. “Here.”

  “You have Netflix, right?”


  “What? No Netflix?”





  Her forehead wrinkled. “Maybe.”

  “How do you watch movies?”

  “I don’t.”

  His chin dropped to his chest and he stared at her. “Never?”

  “Well, maybe once in a while…Okay, not really. I just don’t have time to watch a lot of TV. I watch the news.”

  He heaved a sigh and started channel surfing. “No Xbox? DVD player?”

  She laughed softly. “I’m really letting you down here, aren’t I?”

  “Okay, get your laptop. Is your TV Bluetooth? We can log into my Amazon account.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He laughed, but he wasn’t sure if she was serious or yanking his chain. “For this, we’re gonna watch porn.”

  “Oooh. I’ll get my laptop.”

  He barked
out a surprised laugh and shook his head, watching her stroll across to the desk.

  Chapter 13

  Saturday morning, Hayden drove to the grocery store to pick up some things for both herself and Aunt Gina and Uncle Colin. Then she went to their place to deliver the groceries and do more food preparation and cleaning up.

  Aunt Gina’s hip fracture had required surgery to pin it, and then she’d developed pneumonia in the hospital, which had extended her stay there and had them pretty worried. Then she’d been moved to a rehab center while they tried to get her mobile again. She’d been home a few weeks now and was still using a walker. They’d let her come home because Uncle Colin was there to help her, but little did they know, he was more hindrance than help, not able to cook or do laundry, and he had no concept of what a floor mop was for.

  “How are you doing, Aunt Gina?” She first checked on her aunt, who was sitting in a recliner in the living room watching television.

  “Hello, Hayden! I’m doing okay.” Aunt Gina gave her a somewhat forced smile.

  Hayden crossed over and crouched beside her. “Are you in pain?”

  She grimaced. “Oh yes. But nothing to be done about it.”

  “Did you take a pain pill?”

  “No. I hate taking pills all the time.”

  “I’ll get you one. There’s no need for you to suffer.”

  “Those pills constipate me.”

  Hayden bit her lip, uncertain whether to push her aunt to take a pill or not. This was so hard, looking after the people who’d looked after her. Aunt Gina was an adult and still of sound mind, so she should know whether to take a pill, but Hayden worried she was too stubborn and was suffering unnecessarily.

  “Well, if the pain is bad, you should take a pill for it.” She touched her aunt’s arm, then rose. “I brought some groceries. I’ll go put them away. Where’s Uncle Colin?”

  “He’s out back, working in the yard.”

  Hayden nodded. The yard was Uncle Colin’s pride and joy. He loved gardening and had turned their yard into a gorgeous landscape. In her opinion, he should spend a little more time indoors, looking after the house and his wife, and less time pruning and fertilizing plants, but again, he was an adult and it was his life. Hayden loved her aunt and uncle and was grateful to them for everything they’d done for her after her parents died, but that didn’t mean she always agreed with their choices.

  “Why are they even still living in this huge house,” she grumbled to herself in the kitchen as she unpacked bags. “With that huge yard.” She sighed at seeing the dishes in the sink, the dishwasher full of more dirty dishes. And she sighed again when she pulled out the package of dishwasher detergent tablets and found it empty. Damn.

  She felt bad that she’d never realized how much Aunt Gina had done to look after Uncle Colin and their home. It had only become evident when Aunt Gina had been out of the picture, in the hospital. At first, Hayden hadn’t even thought to check in on her uncle; she’d been busy visiting Aunt Gina and making sure she had everything she needed and talking to the health-care professionals involved in her care. She’d assumed that Uncle Colin could make himself a sandwich and replace the toilet paper on the roll. She’d assumed wrong.

  Then she’d been running from the hospital to their home to take care of things there. She’d discovered unpaid bills and dirty bathrooms, Uncle Colin living off fast food and happily caring for his rosebushes.

  She suspected that Uncle Colin was in a bit of denial about his wife’s health situation, and disappeared into the yard as a coping mechanism. Hayden had to talk herself out of being angry at him, deducing that he was probably feeling afraid and worried and overwhelmed himself. She just wished he would deal with it some other way. And she wasn’t sure it was her role to tell him to man up. Maybe if they were her parents, she’d do that, but since they were her aunt and uncle, she was a little unsure of her role, other than she knew she had to help them however she could.

  Gina was her dad’s sister. Dad had been a lot older than Mom, nearly forty when Hayden had been born, and Gina was now seventy-four, Uncle Colin seventy-eight. And Hayden was starting to suspect that even before her fall, Gina hadn’t been able to care for the house as well as she’d used to. Which made Hayden feel even guiltier. She should have noticed sooner. She should have talked to them about moving out of the house before this had happened. They could be happily ensconced in some seniors’ complex, being waited on hand and foot. They had the money, and especially after they sold this big house they’d have no financial issues.

  But Uncle Colin refused to leave his yard. Growing a couple of pots of plants on a balcony wouldn’t be enough for him.

  These thoughts ran through her mind as she cleaned up the kitchen and put away groceries.

  “I have to pop out to the store, Aunt Gina,” she called a while later. “But I’ll be right back. You’re out of dishwasher detergent. Is there anything else you need me to pick up?”

  “Oh, Hayden. You don’t need to do all this.”

  Hayden smiled at her aunt. There wasn’t anyone else to do it. Her cousins Jeff and John lived on the other side of the country, in New York. They’d been home briefly when their mom had been hospitalized, but they both had families and demanding careers, and couldn’t get back often. Also, neither of them was very nurturing, having freaked out a little at seeing their mother in the hospital doped up on pain meds and blood thinners. “It’s not a problem,” she assured her aunt.

  “I don’t think there’s anything else we need. You picked up that Black Forest ham Colin likes?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Thank you, dear.”

  Hayden made the trip to the nearest supermarket, grabbed the detergent, and was back in a short time. She threw together a couple of casseroles and was making ham and cheese sandwiches when Uncle Colin appeared from the yard. She debated having a discussion with him about getting more help, since it was likely Aunt Gina was never going to get back to the level of function she’d had before the accident—or the level of function she’d had five years ago, if they were being honest. But Uncle Colin sat with Aunt Gina in the living room while they ate and then disappeared back outside; so she glumly put that plan on hold. Again.

  At home, she tried to get a couple of hours of work in before changing to go to Conquistadors.

  Beck had invited her to come to the bar tonight.

  She sucked in a deep breath at the thought of seeing him again. She wanted that. But walking into a bar alone was never a comfortable thing to do, even though Beck had invited her. And he was working, so she was going to be sitting by herself.

  “You’ll be busy,” she’d said last night when he’d asked her to come. “Working.”

  He’d smirked. “We won’t tell the boss.”

  She could do this. She cleaned herself up, changing into jeans and a top she hoped Carrie (and Beck) would approve of, and walked over to Conquistadors.

  She spotted Beck behind the bar, laughing. Next to him, also smiling, was Marco, his teeth flashing white in his bronzed face. She wished Carrie was around so she could’ve at least had someone with her.

  Then Beck spotted her and his expression changed. And the way he looked at her made her feel less nervous, because clearly he was happy to see her. He immediately moved around from behind the bar to stride toward her. “Hi, gorgeous.” He set a hand on her shoulder, bent, and kissed her, his hand sliding gently up to the side of her neck.

  “Hi.” She peered at him, her belly fluttering even more wildly now, a different kind of flutter.

  “Come on over and meet the guys.”

  He took her hand and led her to a stool at the far end of the bar. About half the stools were occupied and most of the tables, a pleasant buzz of conversation humming along with the music that played.

  “I kind of met them at the tasting.”

  “True, that. But you can get to know them better.”

  If his friends were as charming and irresistible
as he was, she was in big trouble. She slid up onto the high seat and hung the strap of her purse over the back.

  Marco moved toward her. “Hi there.” He set his hands on the bar. “You must be Hayden.”

  “Hayden?” She swung around to look at Beck. “No, I’m Courtney.” She turned back to Marco and watched his mouth drop open and his eyes widen.

  “Oh shit,” he stammered, eyes flicking to Beck and then back to her. “I’m sorry.”

  Beck fell against the bar laughing and Hayden smiled. She looked at Marco. “No, I’m sorry. I’m kidding. I am Hayden.”

  Luckily Marco had a sense of humor. His smile went wry. “Good one.”

  “Jesus Christ, you should’ve seen your face,” Beck chortled. He leaned over and kissed Hayden’s cheek. “Damn, babe, I’m so proud of you right now.”

  Hayden laughed. “It was just a little joke.”

  “It was epic. What would you like to drink?”

  “I don’t know. A margarita?”

  “How about I make you something different to try.”

  “Um, like what?”

  “I’ll make you a paloma.”

  “Okay.” She eyed him doubtfully, not sure what that was going to be.

  He left her and reappeared on the other side of the bar. He pulled a grapefruit out of the small fridge and held it up. “Grapefruit.” With sure movements he sliced up the grapefruit and rubbed the rim of a short glass with it. “Salt.” He deftly twisted the rim of the glass into some coarse salt. Then he squeezed the grapefruit into the glass, added a shot of lime juice and some sugar, and stirred it with a long spoon. “Now the tequila.” He added a shot, dropped in ice cubes, and used the soda gun to top off the drink with club soda. “Here you go.” He pushed a paper napkin in front of her and set the glass on it.

  “Yum.” Intrigued by the grapefruit juice, she picked up the glass and sipped. She nodded approvingly. “That’s really good!”


  “I’ll have one of those.” A woman two stools down the bar spoke up. “That looks great.”

  “Sure thing, Helena. How about you, Joe?”

  Hayden looked toward the woman and the man on the other side of her, whom Beck apparently knew.


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