A Reunion to Remember

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A Reunion to Remember Page 8

by TJ Thomas

  Rhonda stared at Jo’s body in open appreciation. She tentatively reached out and ran her hands down Jo’s strong arms and over the rippled muscles of her stomach. She was thrilled when the muscles quivered under her hand. Then Jo surprised Rhonda by scooping her into her arms. She carried Rhonda the last few steps to the bed. Rhonda felt weightless in Jo’s strong embrace. Jo laid her on the bed as though she were precious. Rhonda wrapped her hands behind Jo’s head and tugged her down for a searing kiss.

  Eventually, Jo raised herself up and shifted to lay the length of her body against Rhonda’s. She kissed and tasted while her hand explored, finding the places where Rhonda’s body craved to be touched.

  Rhonda’s skin burned with pleasure, the epicenter of the fire blazing between her legs. She ached for Jo to touch her where she needed it most, but everywhere Jo touched felt so good she didn’t want to interrupt. Jo seemed to read her mind, and Rhonda gasped as Jo cupped her center. Rhonda’s body arched, pushing into Jo’s hand. Jo slid a finger between Rhonda’s swollen folds and stroked her clit. Rhonda’s hips rose and pushed against her. She needed more and her body writhed with each stroke of Jo’s finger. “Oh, Jo, I’m going to come.”

  “Yes. Yes, come for me, Rhonda.” Jo stroked the hard, swollen tissue faster. Rhonda’s body clenched as the pleasure all zeroed in on her clit. She climbed fast and crashed down. Before she could catch her breath, Jo slipped two fingers into Rhonda’s hot, wet center and drove her up again. The climax left them both breathless. Jo slowed her hand, leaving her fingers inside.

  Jo leaned down and kissed her forehead, her cheek, and her mouth. Rhonda struggled to focus. “Wow! That was more than I imagined.”

  “We’re just getting started.”

  “Sounds promising.”

  Jo bent down and kissed Rhonda long and deep.


  Later, Jo kissed Rhonda on the forehead and left her sleeping as she slipped out of bed. She pulled on her jeans and shirt and quietly made her way downstairs. She headed straight for the kitchen to hunt up provisions. She hoped to keep Rhonda occupied for many hours. Refueling was necessary to keep things up. When she opened the refrigerator, she said a silent thank you to Rhonda.

  Rhonda had always liked to cook. Jo found the fried chicken she had recently made. She grabbed a big plate and loaded it with chicken and homemade macaroni and cheese. She gathered forks, napkins, and the bottle of wine Rhonda had opened earlier. She put the extra food away and grabbed a bottle of water too. She carefully carried the picnic back upstairs.

  Jo set dinner on the bedside table, stripped back down, and climbed into bed. She lay next to Rhonda simply watching her sleep. Before long, she ached to touch Rhonda again.

  Lying on her side, Rhonda facing Jo, their bodies inches apart, she started to stroke Rhonda’s hip. She moved her hand up her side to her shoulder and down to her hip. Rhonda moaned softly in slumber, as though enjoying a nice dream. On the next upward sweep, Jo grazed Rhonda’s breast. Rhonda moaned. The slow seduction and Rhonda’s ready response, even in sleep, drove Jo wild. Her own clit pulsed. She had a hard time keeping her hand slow and gentle.

  Jo leaned in and touched her lips to Rhonda’s. The connection roused Rhonda. She looked dreamily up at Jo, who turned up the heat. She deepened the kiss, and her strokes became fast and fervent. Rhonda’s body responded. Jo’s restraint was lost. She rolled onto her back pulling Rhonda on top of her. She met Rhonda’s lips for a long, burning kiss. She plunged into Rhonda’s hot, wet center, driving deep. Rhonda gasped and dug her fingers into Jo’s shoulders. Keeping her gaze locked with Jo’s, Rhonda rode Jo’s fingers fast and hard. As she came, Rhonda took over. She lifted Jo’s arms above her head. Then she kissed and sucked Jo’s nipples. Jo couldn’t catch her breath. Rhonda’s hands and mouth were claiming her. No one had ever taken so much pleasure in exploring her body, and it drove her crazy. Rhonda seemed to be everywhere at once. Then she was back for a long, smoldering kiss. Rhonda positioned her body between Jo’s legs.

  She kissed her way down Jo’s body, stopping to explore, spending time nibbling, and caressing her breasts. Her body ached with need, but she wanted Rhonda to do whatever she wanted with her, even if she went insane waiting for the release she needed. Rhonda kissed down her torso and slid her body down so she could explore her center. As Rhonda stroked her clit with her tongue, Jo’s body exploded. Rhonda hung on and continued to lick and plunder her to excruciating bliss. Rhonda slowed her tongue and allowed Jo’s body to settle. She returned the way she had come, kissing Jo’s body on the way back up. She laid her full weight on Jo and placed her mouth to Jo’s lips. The kiss was tender and sweet. Rhonda laid her head on Jo’s chest and waited until her breathing eased and her heartbeat slowed from the hammer it had been moments before.

  Jo didn’t have the words to tell Rhonda everything she felt. She raised her head a fraction and found herself looking at the top of Rhonda’s gorgeous mane of hair. She kissed the top of her head. Rhonda pushed herself up and shifted so she could straddle Jo’s stomach. She raised her arms and stretched them high. Jo watched her. She enjoyed seeing Rhonda so relaxed.

  Rhonda expelled a long, deep breath. “I feel amazing.”

  Rhonda’s grin turned into puzzlement as she sniffed the air.

  Jo tensed. “What is it?”

  Rhonda sighed. “I’m starving.”

  Jo chuckled in relief. “I can fix that.” She turned and looked at the provisions.

  Rhonda’s eyes widened in anticipation. “Oh yum, how did you manage all this?”

  “You, my dear, are a very sound sleeper. I’m not quite ready to leave the bedroom, so I thought I should bring in supplies so we can keep our strength up.”

  With a devilish grin, Rhonda leaned over and grabbed the plate and, still straddling Jo, bit into a piece of chicken. “Works for me.”

  Rhonda lifted her hips just enough so Jo could slide up and sit back against the headboard. She handed Jo the plate and leaned back over for the bottle of water. Jo caught herself watching as Rhonda uncapped the bottle and drank from it like she had been in the desert for days. “Hmmm, that’s good.”

  Jo held out her hand.

  Rhonda raised the bottle above her head. “For a kiss.”

  Jo gladly obliged. The kiss lit the embers so near the surface, and she was seconds from setting aside the food and letting the fire consume them. Before she could, Rhonda raised her head. “Food first.” Jo fought for control and reined herself in. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Nor I you, but we need to eat.”

  Jo leaned over and grabbed the wine and glasses. She poured and handed one glass to Rhonda and lifted hers in toast. “To slow explorations.”

  “And to the best picnic I’ve ever had.” They clinked glasses. Rhonda moved to sit beside Jo at the head of the bed, their shoulders touching.

  “This chicken is amazing. It may be even better than it was the other night and it was delicious then.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m wonderful. Today has been amazing. Part of me still can’t believe this is happening.”

  “I’m right there with you, but I’m sure glad it is.”

  “Me too.”

  “Listen, I know we said no strings, but I need you to know while you and I are together I won’t be with anyone else. I know I don’t have the right to ask, but it would be my preference if you weren’t with anyone else either.”

  “Jo, you have every right. I’ve never been with more than one person at once and I’m not going to start now. I won’t be with anyone else while you and I are together.”



  As the first rays of light filtered through the curtains, Rhonda woke and studied Jo’s face relaxed in sleep. She was overcome with emotions. A month ago, she never would have expected this to happen, but now that it had, she wasn’t sure she wanted it to end. Jo was you
ng and had her whole life ahead of her. Rhonda was determined not to hold her back. She would cherish the time she had with her.

  Jo’s eyelids started to flutter toward waking. Rhonda returned to the moment, hid her concerns, and smiled brightly. When Jo’s eyes opened fully. Rhonda greeted her warmly. “Good morning.”

  “Hi. How did you sleep?” she said groggily.

  “Hard. You?”

  Jo snuggled closer to Rhonda. “Better than I have in a long time. How long have you been awake?”

  “A little while.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I enjoyed watching you sleep. Besides, I thought you could use the rest given the plans I have for you today.”

  Jo raised her head so she could meet Rhonda’s gaze. “Oh, what do you have in mind?”

  “Let me show you.” Rhonda pushed Jo onto her back and threw her leg over her hips. She leaned down for a scorching kiss.

  Quite a while later, Jo lay on her back with Rhonda’s head resting on her shoulder. Rhonda had been quiet for a few minutes, but she wasn’t sleeping. “What are you thinking about?” Jo asked.

  Caught in deep thoughts, Rhonda pulled herself back. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “Are you always so tidy or are you trying to make a good impression?”

  “This is what you’re actually lying here thinking about?”

  “It’s been on my mind.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You never leave anything just lying around. Not your shoes, not a glass, and your room is always immaculate when you leave for work. Even Kona’s toys are always put away unless she’s actively playing with something. If I didn’t know better or see Kona’s things around, I wouldn’t even be sure you actually live here.”

  Jo shrugged. “I guess it’s a hard habit to break. My father didn’t like clutter. It was better to keep things clean. Plus I never want to take advantage of your hospitality.”

  “And leaving your jacket on the couch or something equally harmless would be taking advantage of my hospitality?”

  Jo shrugged. “Why take the risk?”

  Rhonda pushed herself up onto her elbow so she could look directly at Jo. “There is no risk. Clearly, you’re not a slob, but it won’t hurt anything if you wanted to relax your own standards a bit. I meant it when I said I want you to treat my home like your home.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “That’s all I can ask. Now come here.”


  On Saturday, as they were getting dressed, Rhonda said, “Let’s go out tonight.”

  Jo looked over to where Rhonda was pulling on her slacks. “Sure, where would you like to go?”

  “I thought we could get dressed up and go out for dinner and dancing, but I hadn’t thought of anywhere specific. How’s that sound?”

  “It sounds great. I know a place we can go.”

  “Wonderful. Then it’s a date.”

  As a thought occurred to her, Jo moved closer. “Rhonda?”

  Rhonda looked up. “Yes?”

  Jo hesitated, trying to find the right words. “This is the first time we’ll be ‘out’ together in public, like on a date. I know we’ve been out to dinner and stuff before, but this time I’ll want to hold your hand and touch you. Is that okay?”

  “Of course it’s okay, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  “I wouldn’t have suggested going out if I thought I’d be uncomfortable.”

  “I just…” Jo paused, wanting Rhonda to know what she might face. “You haven’t had to deal with the looks before. There are still people who stare at two women walking down the street holding hands.”

  “Let them stare.”


  “Jo, I’m not taking this lightly. I understand what you’re saying, but I’m grateful to have you in my life. I’m not ashamed of you or what is happening between us. Fear is not going to keep me from showing affection for you, in public or anywhere else.” To end the discussion, Rhonda stepped to Jo and pulled her down for a deep, lingering kiss.

  “Point taken.”


  This is crazy, Jo thought as she got ready in the guest bathroom for her first official date with Rhonda. Rhonda insisted on not seeing each other prepare for the evening. She wanted Jo to get the full effect of her outfit, and that wouldn’t happen if she watched her dress. Rhonda had been locked in the bedroom for more than two hours. Meanwhile, Jo had run a few errands, fed Kona, and then headed upstairs to get ready.

  She finished applying her cologne and slid her shirt on. The tie and jacket followed. She liked the look; glad she’d opted for the dark charcoal gray suit for their evening. With her own preparations done, she went downstairs. Kona followed and lay in her bed by the front window where she could see Jo and the stairs. Moments later, Jo heard the bedroom door open. She turned around at the foot of the stairs and watched as Rhonda approached.

  Jo’s jaw dropped. She had seen Rhonda in various states of undress and with nothing on at all, but the extra care Rhonda had taken with her appearance tonight had the intended effect. She was awestruck. Her gaze traveled up and down Rhonda’s entire body, taking it all in. The emerald green dress was stunning. The plunging neckline and floor length skirt clinging to Rhonda perfectly had Jo’s heart racing. As Rhonda stepped down each stair, the long slit in the side of the skirt slipped to reveal a hint of Rhonda’s thigh. Jo’s heart skipped a beat.

  Rhonda’s hair was swept into a stylish updo leaving her sleek neck and shoulders exposed. She accented the look with a solitary dangling diamond earring that hung from each ear. Rhonda turned to give Jo a view of the back. The gown was backless, and the fabric rode low on Rhonda’s hips. The whole package made Jo melt.

  As Rhonda reached the bottom step, she smiled. With three-inch heels, she was a bit taller than Jo. Rhonda could not have been more pleased with her reaction. She reached out and closed Jo’s mouth, which brought Jo back from wherever she had gone in her head. She focused on Rhonda. “My God, you’re gorgeous, amazing, radiant. I can’t tell you how beautiful you look. There are just no words that do you justice.”

  “Thank you. You’re looking pretty handsome yourself. The blue shirt sets off your eyes beautifully,” she said, running her hand down Jo’s chest.

  “Thank you,” Jo said automatically.

  Rhonda grinned as Jo continued to stare at her. “Jo?”


  “Do you think you can take a step back so I can come down this last step?”

  “What? Oh, yeah sure.” Jo stepped back and Rhonda followed.

  “Jo, what’s behind your back?”

  Jo finally recovered some basic mental functioning ability. She pulled her hand from behind her back. She held out a single white rose. “This is for you.”

  “Thank you.” Rhonda took the rose and kissed Jo lightly on the cheek.

  As the kiss ended, Jo breathed deeply. “Your perfume is intoxicating.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Rhonda moved to the closet and pulled out her wrap. “Shall we go?”

  Jo’s brain was finally fully functional again. “Yes, let’s. Will you be warm enough with just the wrap?”

  “I’m sure if I get a little chilly you’ll keep me warm.”

  Jo held out her arm. Rhonda slipped hers through to walk to the car. Jo escorted her to the passenger side and opened the door. Once she was in, Jo closed the door and walked around to the other side. She got the heater going quickly and then selected soft background music. Rhonda laid her hand on Jo’s leg and left it there. When Jo didn’t need her right hand for driving, she covered Rhonda’s hand with her own.

  While stopped at a red light, Jo said, “Rhonda.”

  Rhonda turned.

  “I’ll never question you again if you want to get ready in separate rooms before a night out.

  “Good to know.”

  “One other thing you should know. If anyone stares at you tonight it won’t be because you’re with me. It will be because you’re strikingly gorgeous. Nobody will even see me.”

  Before long, Jo pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant. Jo walked around to open Rhonda’s door and held out her hand to help her. Jo and Rhonda walked hand in hand into the restaurant, and the hostess took them to their table. Jo was full of pride at the heads turning to follow Rhonda. Jo pulled out Rhonda’s chair and then moved to her own.

  “Wow, everything looks delicious,” said Rhonda as she looked at the menu.

  “Yes, it does. Are you leaning toward anything yet?”

  “I think I might just have to try the seared scallops. How about you?”

  “I’m thinking about the prime rib.”

  Once their order was placed, Jo leaned forward and reached across the table to take Rhonda’s hand. “This was a great idea.”

  Rhonda laced her fingers with Jo’s. “It was, wasn’t it?”

  The entire meal was wonderful. When the check came, they both reached for it.

  “Let me,” Jo said.

  “No, this one’s on me. I asked you out after all.”

  “Well, thank you very much. Dinner was lovely. The next one is my treat, not the company’s, mine.”

  “Fair enough, if you do the asking,” Rhonda said slyly.

  “In that case, Rhonda, would you like to go out on a date with me next Friday night?”

  “I would love to.”

  Jo decided to leave the car parked, and she took Rhonda’s hand to walk down the street to the piano bar. They found a table back a bit from the dance floor. Jo pulled out Rhonda’s chair. “Let me get you a drink. Would you like to stick with wine?”

  “Actually, I think I’d like a martini, up, three olives.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Jo walked over to the bar to place their order, and Rhonda watched the dancers on the floor. She had never seen so many women dancing together. She was enthralled by it.


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