A Reunion to Remember

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A Reunion to Remember Page 7

by TJ Thomas

Rhonda looked at it. “Olive oil?”

  Jo shrugged. “I couldn’t find an olive branch.”

  Their shared amusement broke some of the tension.

  “How are you?” Rhonda asked.

  “I’m okay. You?”

  “Fine, I’m fine. Do you want to sit?”

  “I’m not sure I’ll be here that long. Mostly I wanted to come apologize in person.”

  Rhonda leaned against the arm of the sofa. “What are you sorry for?”

  “You know the answer to that.”

  “I want you to spell it out for me.”

  Jo shifted from foot to foot and finally looked at Rhonda. “I’m sorry for losing control and attacking you.”

  “Attacking me?”

  “That’s what I did.”

  “Not even one little bit.”


  Rhonda stepped toward Jo. “And as for you losing control, that part I enjoyed quite a lot.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Truthfully, I’m not entirely sure. But what I do know is that I liked kissing you.”

  Jo stood utterly still. “I have no idea what to do with that information.”

  Rhonda took another step, closing the distance between them. “Maybe we should kiss again.”

  Jo visibly swallowed. “Why?”

  “Mostly because I want to.” Rhonda slid her arms around Jo’s neck and pulled Jo down to meet her. Rhonda outlined Jo’s lips with her tongue. When she pushed for entry, Jo moaned. Then she adjusted the angle of her head and opened her mouth. Her hands were suddenly on Rhonda’s hips pulling her closer still. Their tongues met in a clash of heat. Rhonda’s knees threatened to buckle and she gripped Jo’s shoulders for support. Jo wrenched her mouth away and took a step back, breaking all contact between them. “Jesus.”


  “I need to sit down.” She collapsed into the closest chair.

  Rhonda knelt beside her. “What’s wrong?”

  “This is not what I expected to happen when I came here today.”

  “Are you disappointed?”

  “No. Confused, yes, but definitely not disappointed.”

  “What are you confused about?”

  “You. This. Rhonda you’re straight, aren’t you?”

  “I always thought so, until recently.”

  “How recently?”

  “Oh, about the time I saw you at the wedding.”

  Jo stood quickly and crossed the room before turning back to Rhonda. “What are you saying?”

  Rhonda stood and tried to go to her, but Jo actively worked to keep the distance between them. It stung. “Look, I’m handling this badly. It seems I have more than a little crush on you. In fact, I’m very attracted to you.”

  “So the night of the wedding…the kiss…?”

  “I wasn’t drunk. I knew exactly what I was doing. Dancing with you…I was very turned on.”

  “You let me think…”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I was confused. I acted in the moment and I didn’t want things to be weird between us, so I asked you to forget it happened.”

  Jo finally stopped moving away from her and Rhonda was able to close the distance once more.

  “I thought I was going crazy. I thought it was only me.”

  Rhonda stood directly in front of Jo now. “I’m so sorry. You have to believe me. I was confused at first and I just wanted to give it some time to see if it was something that would pass.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I know it won’t.”

  “What do you want to do about it?”

  Rhonda licked her lips and took a risk.

  “If you’re willing, I would like to explore it with you, slowly. I want you to move back in and we can take our time figuring out what this connection is between us.”

  “You realize I’m only here for two more months?”

  “I know. I’m not asking for a commitment or strings of any kind. I just can’t stop thinking about you and all the things I want to do to you. The only thing I think about more is all the things I want you to do to me.”

  Jo’s eyes darkened and finally she smiled. “Well, who in their right mind could turn down an offer like that?”

  “Is that a yes?”

  Jo bent down until their lips were an inch apart. “Yes.” Then she closed the space between them.


  Jo walked into Amy and Randi’s house whistling. Amy looked over from the couch where she was watching a game. “What has you in such high spirits?”

  “I talked to Rhonda.”

  “Clearly, it went well.”

  “Much better than expected actually.”

  “Want to fill me in?”

  Jo sat on the chair beside the couch. “So, the reason I’ve been staying with you is because I couldn’t be around Rhonda anymore without wanting her. The day I showed up on your doorstep, I kissed her.”

  Amy picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. “Are you crazy?”

  “I felt like I was.”

  “Rhonda’s straight. You know you’re just asking for trouble.”

  “Well, it turns out, maybe not so much.”

  “Not so much, what?”

  “Rhonda may not be as straight as I always thought.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because today she kissed me and it wasn’t the first time.”

  “Come again?”

  “The night of your wedding, after I drove her home, she kissed me. But she blamed that on too much to drink. She apologized for that today. Apparently, she needed time to figure out what was going on.”

  “And what’s going on?”

  “She and I are going to explore the attraction we feel for each other.”

  “At the risk of repeating myself, are you crazy?”

  “Maybe. Maybe I am. But when she asked, I couldn’t say no. Who could?”

  “You’re leaving in two months.”

  “I pointed that out. She said she wanted to explore and didn’t expect any commitment.”

  “Jo, are you actually okay with that arrangement? What about her family?”

  “We didn’t get that far. But we have some serious chemistry and I’d like to see where that takes us.”

  Amy shook her head. “I still think you’re asking for trouble.”

  “So noted. Now, I’m going to grab my stuff. Rhonda’s making us dinner.”

  Jo left Amy’s feeling a bit deflated. Amy had raised some good points that Jo hadn’t thought about in her daze of desire for Rhonda. But when she got back to Rhonda’s house, she shook off the mood. They would just take things one day at a time and see where they ended up. She ran upstairs and unpacked her bag in her room. Then she joined Rhonda in the kitchen.

  “Hi. It smells great in here.”

  Rhonda turned. “Hi. Everything go okay?”

  “All good. Amy says hello. I literally just this minute realized, I should have asked you first. I told her about our plan. I’m sorry if you didn’t want her to know.”

  Rhonda crossed to Jo then. “It’s okay. She’s your best friend. I’d be surprised if you hadn’t told her.” Rhonda put her hands on Jo’s shoulders. “But if it’s okay with you, I would like to keep the circle small for a while. It’s all pretty new to me.”

  “I understand.”

  “Don’t you want to kiss me?”

  Jo’s stomach clenched, her throat tightened making her voice hoarse. “Of course I do.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  This kiss was hot and urgent as Jo released some of the pent up desire she held back before. Rhonda moaned and matched the urgency in Jo’s embrace. Jo slowed the kiss and lifted her head. “I do enjoy kissing you.”

  “Likewise. Would you like some wine?”

  “I’d love some. I’ll get it. Would you like a red to go with the spaghetti?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Dinner with Rhonda was a whole new experience.
Not having to hide the desire she felt was refreshing. Jo was able to fully relax and enjoy herself. After they put the kitchen back in order, they moved into the living room with their wine and sat close together on the sofa. Jo’s arm lay across the back of the couch and she started playing with the ends of Rhonda’s hair.

  “Your hair is like silk. I’ve wanted to touch it again since I kissed you the other day.”

  “Touch away.”

  Rhonda turned and leaned into her. She touched her lips to Jo’s. The kiss was sweet and tender. Jo restrained herself from taking it deeper, wanting Rhonda to set the pace. Jo didn’t have to wait long. Rhonda shifted and sat on Jo’s lap. She teased Jo’s mouth open and explored with her tongue. Jo joined the dance and when their tongues met with a flash of heat, Rhonda moaned. Jo buried both her hands in Rhonda’s hair, trying to hold on. This was Rhonda’s show; she would lead the way.

  Rhonda broke the kiss and went quickly to kissing Jo’s neck from her ear to the open collar of her shirt. Jo moaned. Rhonda returned to Jo’s mouth. She guided one of Jo’s hands to her breast. Jo ran her thumb over the hard nipple evident through Rhonda’s blouse and bra. Rhonda gasped and ground down into Jo’s lap. The pressure on Jo’s already throbbing clit was almost too much. She slid her hands down to Rhonda’s hips. Rhonda whimpered at the loss of contact. Jo broke the kiss. Her breath ragged, she said, “We need to slow down.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Incredibly turned on, but fine.”

  “Then why did you stop?”

  “If we kept that up much longer, I would have gotten carried away. You asked that we explore this slowly and that’s what I plan to do.”

  “What if I’m ready?”

  “Take a minute and think, when we’re not touching.”

  Rhonda scooted off Jo’s lap and broke all contact. She stared into space for a few minutes and took deep breaths.

  Jo asked, “Are you?”

  Rhonda turned back. “No, not yet.”


  “I don’t know if I should apologize or thank you.”

  Jo bent and lifted their wine glasses from the coffee table. She handed one to Rhonda. “No reason for either. I like that we’re taking our time. I think I’ve already mentioned I very much enjoy kissing you. We can take this as slowly as you need. When I take you to bed, and to be clear I would like that to happen, I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  Rhonda leaned over and touched her lips to Jo’s. “Thank you.”

  A short while later, they climbed the stairs to turn in. They both stopped in front of Rhonda’s bedroom. Jo bent down and kissed her deeply. “Sweet dreams.”

  “Sleep well, Jo.”

  Jo turned and headed for her room as Rhonda went through her door. She quickly stripped naked and climbed between the cool sheets. The soft cotton against her sensitive nipples made her bite her lip to hold back a moan. She clasped her hands behind her head, reluctant to take care of her need even though she had now held Rhonda in her hands. But when she heard sounds from down the hall that were unmistakable, her restraint melted.

  She slid her hand down her torso and kept moving down until she could feel her clit. It was hot and swollen as she knew it would be. She moved her free hand to her breast and fondled her nipple while she made long, sweeping strokes up and down her clit. She was already so close. She dipped one finger into her opening and slicked the juices along her labia, then worked her way back to the bundle of twitching nerves at her center. She imagined it was Rhonda touching her. In mere moments, she climaxed so forcefully that her back rose off the bed.


  Rhonda woke energized. She’d been honest with Jo. She wasn’t ready to go to bed with her, but she was getting very close. When she laid down last night, she’d still been wound up from their heavy make-out session. She’d imagined Jo’s hands on her as she brought herself to orgasm. She’d had to stifle her shout of ecstasy behind a pillow. Part of her couldn’t wait to have Jo there in person, but she needed time and she owed it to both of them to take that time before they took things further.

  She wrapped her silk robe around her and went downstairs. After doctoring her coffee just the way she liked it, she planted herself on a stool and started working the crossword puzzle in the morning paper. She was a bit old school, according to her kids, in that she still preferred to get the paper in paper form, not on a device.

  She turned when she heard the front door open. This was one of her favorite parts of the day. Jo walked into the kitchen, hot and sweaty from her run. She saw Jo’s gaze dip to her chest before she determinedly looked into her face.

  “Good morning.” Jo’s voice was strained.

  “Jo, come here.”

  When Jo stood before her, Rhonda said, “It’s okay.”


  “I like when you look at me. You get this look of hunger in your eyes. That look makes me feel beautiful.”

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  “And you look yummy when you’ve been running. You should probably kiss me soon.”

  Jo bent and touched her lips to Rhonda’s, careful to keep the rest of their bodies from making contact. She deepened the kiss briefly and then stepped back. “More coffee?”

  “Um, no, I’m good for now.” Rhonda watched as Jo went around the bar and pulled down a mug. She watched her pour her coffee. Finally, she asked, “Are you all right?”

  “I’m good, why?”

  “You seem tense.”

  Jo blew out a breath and set her coffee down before leaning on her hands on the counter, facing Rhonda. “I seem to be in a perpetual state of arousal whenever you’re anywhere close.”


  “I didn’t say that to pressure you, I meant what I said last night. But that’s what you’re sensing.”

  “Okay. Have you considered taking care of it yourself?” Rhonda could feel herself blush and knew Jo saw it when she smiled.

  “I tried last night, I wasn’t going to, but then I heard sounds coming from your room, and they shattered my restraint. It helped for about 2.2 seconds. Like I said, it seems to be perpetual.”

  Rhonda knew her face was now completely red in her embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”

  Jo came around the bar then and took her hands. “God, Rhonda, please don’t ever be sorry for taking, giving, or getting pleasure.”

  “I’m not sorry about that. I’m sorry this is hard for you.”

  “Don’t apologize for that either. I have every confidence it will be worth the wait, whenever you’re ready.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because of how turned on I get and how responsive you are when we kiss.” Jo kissed her then, slow and deep. “Now I’m going to take a shower. For the record, if you ever want to join me, you’d be welcome.” Without another word, Jo grabbed her coffee and left the room.

  Rhonda was so tempted to follow Jo upstairs but she refrained. Not fair to Jo, until she was completely ready. Soon, she was sure she would be, very soon.


  By Friday evening, the weather had turned cooler. Rhonda and Jo were enjoying an after work cocktail. Rhonda turned to Jo. “Maybe you can build a fire while I get us refills?”


  On Rhonda’s way to the kitchen, she stopped at the stereo and selected soft background music.

  Jo pulled the screen away from the fireplace. She selected a couple of logs that lay neatly stacked on the side and placed them on the grate. She added kindling from the can beside the logs and was a little in awe that she found the long matches in the same slender box on the mantel where she had always gone for them. She crouched down to arrange the wood and kindling.

  She picked up her wine glass and sat close to Rhonda on the sofa. “This is nice.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  Jo and Rhonda sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes watching the logs catch, and enjoying the wine and the music. Jo to
ok Rhonda’s glass and placed it next to her own on the table. She leaned back and pulled Rhonda close and kissed her.

  She kept it simple and light giving Rhonda time to stop her if she wanted.

  Rhonda’s next words almost stopped her heart and changed her plan to take things between them slowly.



  “Will you please take me to bed?”

  Jo was certain her heart had never beaten so fast. She was sure Rhonda could hear it over the music. She stood and drew Rhonda up with her. She kissed her deeply and then led her to the top of the stairs. Once they were in Rhonda’s bedroom, she shut the door behind them, and turned to Rhonda. She saw no hesitation.

  Jo moved at a leisurely pace, deepening each kiss a little more. As they reached the bed, Jo stopped and looked at Rhonda wanting and needing her to be sure. “Rhonda?”


  Jo placed her hand on Rhonda’s cheek. “You’re sure?”

  Rhonda placed her hand on top of Jo’s and turned to place a kiss on her palm. “I’m sure.”

  Those were exactly the words Jo needed to hear. She ran her hands down Rhonda’s arms and pulled Rhonda’s sweater over her head and tossed it aside. “Beautiful,” Jo breathed.

  Jo stepped back, still holding Rhonda’s hand. “Let me look at you.”

  Rhonda stood there in her bra and jeans and tried not to shy away from Jo’s gaze. Jo let her eyes roam over Rhonda in appreciation. “You have an amazing body. You are very sexy.”

  She ran her hands back up Rhonda’s arms as she kissed her. She raised her head to watch Rhonda’s reaction when she ran her hand up her stomach to cup her breast. Rhonda’s breathing hitched and her mouth parted, but her gaze was steady on Jo’s. When Jo flicked her thumb over her hard nipple, Rhonda moaned with pleasure.

  Jo wound her hands around Rhonda’s back and unhooked her bra. She bent to take a nipple into her mouth and Rhonda gasped. She slid her hands down Rhonda’s stomach and unbuttoned her jeans. She drew the jeans down, kissing Rhonda’s legs as she exposed them. Jo knelt on one knee as Rhonda gripped her shoulders so she could remove her shoes before finally removing the last of her clothes. Jo paused for a moment and looked up the length of Rhonda’s body. Her heart jumped a little at the trust she saw in Rhonda’s expression. She stood up and kicked off her shoes and pulled off her jeans and shirt, and moved to Rhonda once more.


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