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His Secret Baby: A BDSM Revenge Wedding Romance

Page 96

by Ashlee Price

  She wondered what needs the offer covered, but was pretty sure she knew which ones he was talking about. Carly hoped that he could not see how turned on she was. She turned and finished before she went in the tent to hide. She just needed a few minutes to calm down. Her body felt over-heated and she decided to swim up the creek a ways to give herself a few moments. In truth she just needed to cool her ardor and she figured a cold swim would do that.

  The woman found the water colder than expected and gasped when she jumped in. Her whole body tightened from the sudden chill, but she was soon moving forward, trying to adjust to the frigid water. It seemed to do the trick because after a couple of minutes in the creek, she had long since forgotten why she had jumped in from the start.

  Carly cursed a little as she pulled herself up from the bankside. She was numb from the neck down and all she wanted to do was get dry and warm again. The two men had started a fire in front of the tents. Her tent had been moved and they all faced the roaring fire. The heat and flames beckoned her closer. She stood shivering for a moment, her palms up towards the fire.

  “I was going to tell you that creek is fed by a natural spring up a ways. Bet you about froze yourself to death.”

  Carly shot him a dirty look. The water was definitely colder than it should have been. She looked down at the goosebumps that covered her arm and she held them close to her body to warm back up. The movement sent her two breasts apart and her turgid, dark nipples were clear through the white fabric.

  “Why don’t you go get dressed Carly? You are going to catch your death out here like this.”

  Lonnie ripped his gaze from her darkened nipples, looking away embarrassed to be caught. He could clearly see the suspect in Saul’s eyes.

  “Come on man, you ready to catch some fish?”

  Saul’s momentary frown was gone. He told himself he was just being silly and followed after his old friend. He looked back to see Carly watching them leave, still standing by the fire dripping wet.

  Chapter 4

  “Things have changed Saul. It is kind of nice to see you all domestic.”

  “Yeah, but it is boring by your standards I’m sure.”

  “Nah, it sounds good, the single life, but I want to settle down one day.”

  Saul couldn’t help but notice his friend’s eyes going back to the lit tent. Carly’s silhouette showed her changing and he could see the desire in Lonnie’s eyes. His fatherly instincts went up, but he knew that the man would never try anything. He trusted him.

  “You will find you a nice girl your OWN age one day.”

  Lonnie looked up at his friend and burst out laughing.

  “Yeah I guess I will.”

  The man got a hit and the conversation ended there. After a while and several fish flopping on the grass, they took the fish down to the creek’s edge and cleaned them. The fish sizzled on the fire on a small grate Lonnie brought and the three sat on logs. Now one spoke, everyone just watched the fire lick the cooking meat. When it was finally ready, Carly was the first to duck into her tent for the night. The two men stayed up talking about the good old days and Carly fell asleep listening to them.

  She woke up some time later and there was a slight snoring sound. She knew it was her father from years of hearing it and she found herself looking at the wall of the tent that faced Lonnie’s tent. Carly wanted to go out and go into his tent, but she knew that she just couldn’t. She mustn’t.

  Carly was overwhelmed with the way her body had responded to the man. Every time she was around him, she felt a little crazy. The night and the sounds of her father snoring did nothing to abate her need that rose up. It had been too long and she knew that she had been turning down her most basic instinct. It was easy to avoid while on campus and surrounded with so many guys that were her age. They did not make her feel like the looks from Lonnie did. Lonnie was a real man and she imagined what he would do to her.

  Carly’s fingers went underneath her panties and she moaned low when she felt how sensitive her slippery flesh was. She bit her lip to stifle her noise as she rubbed her aching core. She did not think of her ex-boyfriend or anyone else from school. When she closed her eyes, Lonnie’s strong chin and hard chest were all that materialized. She pretended that is was his hands on hers, though she knew that his would be thicker and rougher as she pushed a slim finger inside of herself.


  Lonnie was not asleep and he heard every moan and whimper, the woman made. She was not as quiet, as she may have thought because he could even here the sudden change of her breathing as she brought herself to an orgasm. He looked down at his hard erection and chided his self. He could not be attracted to his best friend’s youngest daughter. Lonnie knew the bond they shared and he had seen Saul like many others never would. He never wanted to be on the receiving end of his rage.

  He sighed to himself and tried not to look over into the girl’s dark tent. She was the one thing he couldn’t have, but so help him, that very fact made him want her even more. While Lonnie doubted that she was a virgin at her age, she had an innocence about her that demanded his attention. His need to dominate and exploit that innocence was warring against his snoring friend on his other side of him.

  He turned over frustrated, but refused to touch his aching cock. He knew that it would only make it worse and he would only want her more.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Lonnie was the last one to get out of his tent and he seemed to be the worse for wear. While Saul was smiling and chipper Lonnie was in a foul mood and he looked at the reason. Carly was dressed in shorts that were somehow even shorter than the day before. Her shirt was also barely drifting over her shorts and he could see peeks of her curves underneath.

  His front ached and seeing her made it ache worse. The devilish grin she had on her face stopped him in his tracks.

  “Here get you some coffee Lonnie, Carly made some eggs to if you are hungry. They are the powdered ones, but they taste a whole lot better than we were used to. Did the food ever get any better?”

  Lonnie looked at Saul and grinned.

  “Hell no. It might have gotten worse in some places.”

  The man sat down on the log and took the pre-offered cup of steaming liquid. It helped wake him up and focus his mind away from his uncomfortable state. The air was crisp and the sun was barely on the horizon. It was a great day and after everything was packed up, they all started higher up the mountain. Saul took the lead again and Carly was happy to shake her ass in the middle.

  Lonnie could not take his eyes from her round hips sashaying ahead of him. That she knew what she was doing and continued to do it right in front of her father was too much for Lonnie to deal with. He surged ahead passed the vixen and the two men started a competition to see who could get to the top of the summit first. They pulled ahead and Carly just let them go. She never understood how two men could be turned into children so easily.

  She shook her head and stopped for a drink of water. It was already warming up and she could feel a glistening of sweat on her arms and legs. She missed being out in the woods, but her legs were screaming with the hike. Carly could no longer hear the two men and she walked a little faster with the sounds of the forest closing in around her.


  The first summit was a couple thousand feet higher than where they had parked. With most of the wind blocked from a sheer cliff side, they all agreed to camp there for the night. The extra exertion the two men did with their racing could be seen in the stiff way that they were walking. Saul in particular was hurting and more vocal, but Carly had seen Lonnie grab his lower back and grimace.

  “Man, tell me you have something in your pack for pain. My back is killing me. Civilian life has made me soft. I feel like shit man and we used to do ten times this.”

  Lonnie smirked, but he too could feel the travel more on his aging body. He tossed Saul a bottle and mumbled something about going for a walk before it got too dark. Carly was off collecting firewo
od and he hadn’t seen her in a while. There wasn’t much to worry about up there, but Lonnie needed to get away from them both to relieve the painful ache he had had for the last couple of days. He just needed to come so he could sleep that night.

  He walked down the ridgeline long enough to get completely out of sight of Saul. He knew that the pills would knock him out, but it would be a while and Lonnie just couldn’t wait. He had walked behind Carly long enough to get a permanent hard-on that he had to spend the rest of the day hiding. He had walked so fast up the trail that his thighs ached when they finally reached the summit almost an hour before she had. While Saul though he was trying to race him, it was more to get his mind off of the succulent woman below them on the trail.

  The man knew it was wrong and that he shouldn’t feel that way, but as soon as he closed his eyes with his exposed cock in his hands, his mind pictured her round ass. Flashes of her bouncing breasts from the ride up there went through his head as his hand gripped and slid down his shaft.

  Chapter 6

  Carly came upon Lonnie when he first pulled his cock out of his pants. She was fascinated and knew that he was hard for her. It wasn’t until her name was ever so softly spoken on his lips that she decided to make her presence known. She cleared her throat and watched the man’s eyes open to find her staring down at his nonstop hand. She wanted to move closer, but the intensity in his eyes held her back.

  There was a hard edge to his face and she knew that she had to decide quickly.

  His quickening strokes pulled her closer. She thought he would stop, maybe even tried to hide what he was doing, but instead, he turned towards her more and jerked himself harder. His dark eyes asked for things that his mouth could not and Carly went down slowly to her knees in front of him. Her mouth moved closer to the jostling head and stopped inches from his now stilled member.

  Carly looked up at him with those innocent eyes and then engulfed the mushroom head without any further warning. Lonnie growled and thrust his hips forward when he got his hand out of the way. The young woman took almost half of him inside before he pushed against the back of her throat. Instead of stopping, Carly grabbed his ass and pushed him deeper.

  She was choking herself on his fat cock, but she wanted to hear him whimper. His cock pulsed in her throat and she added suction as she pulled it out for the first time.

  “You seemed to need some help Lonnie.”

  The man shook his head in agreement, though he would have agreed with anything as she fed his long length back in between her red lips. His hands went to the blonde’s hair, delving his fingers into her silky strands and urging more into her hot crevice. His hands itched to touch her, but he did not want her to stop. He never wanted her to stop as her head bobbed slowly up and down his length. He was amazed to watch so much of him go in and then feel her swirling tongue down the velvet rod.

  “Yes I needed your help Carly. Where the hell did you learn to do that?”

  She chuckled with him in her mouth and then pushed him out in a rush with her throat muscles. Instead of letting it come completely out though, she sucked him back in to slam on the back of her throat several times in quick succession.

  “Oh fuck. I am about to come.”

  The man’s grip loosened on her head and he was ready for her to pull back. Instead, she sucked harder on his end and willed it down her throat. He shot straight in and felt her mouth collapse around him as she swallowed mouthfuls of his cum. He was the one who finally pulled away, the tip sensitive even to the breeze.

  “Wow, what brought that on?”

  He looked down at Carly who was wiping the side of her lips and then sticking her finger in her mouth for another taste.

  “Well you made me come last night. Thought I should return the favor is all.”

  The young woman turned and walked back towards the campfire. Lonnie looked on long after she was gone. It took several minutes until his cock was soft enough to stuff back in his pants. His walk back to the camp was slow going and a bit confusing. He scolded himself for giving in, but he was already hatching a plan to get more than just her mouth. He had to have all of her.

  “Man that was one long walk. Carly has done got firewood for the night and made some dinner.”

  Lonnie looked over at the grinning girl and the mischief was back in her eyes. Saul tossed him the bottle back and thanked him.

  “Thanks man. It is already starting to feel better. I bet I am going to sleep great tonight.”

  Lonnie heard the words and his mind was already formulating a plan. He pulled out his flask and offered it to Saul.

  “A drink always works faster. We are not as young as we used to be old friend, but you did good today.”

  Lonnie was talking easily and the two men passed the boos back and forth. His hits were smaller, as the other man’s eyes started to glaze and his speech slurred slightly.

  “Yea it sure does.”

  Lonnie looked at him strange. The man was quiet for several minutes and then popped that out of his mouth.

  “I think I need to go lay down. I can’t feel my back now.”

  “I will help you daddy. We don’t need you falling and really hurting yourself.”

  He grabbed her hand that she offered and she helped her father get up from the log bench. They both stumbled for a minute, but she quickly had him going towards his tent. Lonnie listened to her telling him goodnight and then she scampered off to her own tent. Lonnie was left wanting more and she was not making it any easier on him.

  He could not keep his eyes from glancing over at her tent. He saw the woman take off her clothing and slide into her bed through the dark outline of the thin tent material. He gritted his teeth and felt the urgent rush of desire flow through him. Lonnie kept looking over for a sign, any indication that he was welcome to come in, but none came. He stayed up long past the fire had died out and the coals were smoldering in the shallow pit they had dug.

  The man lit a cigarette from his backpack, an emergency one he always carried around with him. It seemed like a bad enough emergency to him. Contemplating fucking a man’s daughter while he was passed out yards away was bad enough, but his own best friend’s daughter was even worse. There was a fleeting thought to just leave, walk back down the mountain at night flashed through his mind. He knew that if he didn’t leave right then, he was going to do something that he would very well regret the next day.

  Chapter 7

  Carly woke from an arousing dream, to find that she was not alone in the tent. At first, her heart started to pound because she couldn’t see who it was. When she saw it was Lonnie though, another type of chill went through her. His eyes ravished her in her sleeping bag. He tied the rope on the tent opening closed and walked towards her with intent.

  She searched for some little quip to say, but he was not in a joking mood and the words died on her lips. He looked like a man possessed and she would not have wanted to stop him. After tasting him and shoving him down her throat in the woods, all she could think about was how he would feel throbbing inside of her. She was wet then, as she was again as he looked down at her.

  Carly finally got her courage and unzipped her sleeping bag. She was wearing nothing underneath and the man gasped. Her thick thighs splayed open, revealing her glistening, bare folds. Flames leapt into his eyes and she closed hers in a rush, as a defense to his body coming down onto hers with such determination.

  His wide chest and hips pushed her legs apart easily. She hissed when hardness press against her stomach. She wanted it to happen, but she also worried about her father not too far away.

  “Why don’t we go out in the woods some?”

  “Why? You are here and wet now.”

  Carly didn’t want to remind him of her father, maybe she was afraid he would stop. His mouth came down on hers and she started to forget what she was going to say. His hips pressed between her legs and he felt hard enough to pierce her, right through his khakis. She cried out with the stimulation and his
mouth engulfed the sound.

  Carly tried not to make too much noise, but his hips grinding against hers were becoming unbearable. She felt like he was taunting her and her need for more rose. She pulled her lips off of his and took in a few breaths, her head falling back slightly. Lonnie’s tongue circled the flesh on her throat, sucking in small nibbles of the quivering surface.

  She heard a grunt from above her as his greedy mouth suckled in the soft flesh of one of her breasts. His lips closed around the nipple and she squealed with the intense pleasure. Her body came up off the ground and she arched towards him, willing him to take more of her into his mouth, to do more to calm her raging hormones.

  “Mmm, Lonnie that feels so good. We need to go somewhere where I can moan.”

  “You can here. Your dad is out for the night. He took one of my pills earlier, trust me.”

  Carly wanted to, but she was still nervous with her father so close. His hand pressing between her legs sealed her fate and she did not try so hard to hold back. She couldn’t hold back the whimper as he pressed his hand against her heated flesh swiftly. His palm covered her and she pushed back against him for even more pressure.

  “Mmm, so eager Carly.”

  Her hands flew to his short cropped hair and urged him down without words. Words were not needed because her body was begging for it. He chuckled at her need and remembered the night before when she had played with herself so delicately beside him. The noises she had tried to squash kept him up the rest of the night and haunted him the next day. That is why he had to run out in the woods like an animal. And now, her looking up at him with her glazed eyes, making him want to prolong the woman’s desires. He wanted Carly to want him as much as he had wanted her since he had seen her again after all those years. Saul lying in the next tent was the last thing on his mind. All he could think about was her.

  “Were you waiting for me, all wet and naked in here?”


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