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by Clayborne, By Kimberly M.


  Written By Kimberly M. Clayborne


  Copyright 2014 Kimberly M. Clayborne


  Kindle Edition


  All characters and situations in this story are from the author’s, Kimberly M. Clayborne, imagination. Though some subdivisions, towns, and cities may have actual names; the characters, situations, businesses, and geography of those places are all from the author’s imagination. They are not based on real life or real life occurrences.


  Cover Image:

  I can’t remember which public domain site I found it on but it fit my story to a tee. So thanks whatever site it was!


  Don’t forget to check out my other works and continue

  To keep an eye out for my new stories!

  Under my Penname Marie @


  All the Delicious Things

  All the Delicious Things- Part 2

  The Ghost of Mary Beth


  Being reissued on Smashwords very soon:



  Her Protector


  Coming soon

  Axed- An Alexia Barrett Mystery

  The Hunter


  For My Fans,

  All I can say is

  Thank you for your loyalty

  And letting me do what

  I love!


  Table of Content

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  About the author

  Dear Reader


  A New Love?

  Tim finished playing and for a moment there was complete silence as she was still under the spell of the music. But then he watched her eyes flutter open. She looked at him with heavy lidded desire in her eyes and Tim’s body responded in kind. He lowered the violin and took a step towards her. Kassie’s eyes widened and she stood up quickly, clearing her throat.

  “That was very beautiful.” She said softly.

  “I was hoping you would fall in love with Bach.” He said.


  “Johann Sebastian Bach.” He said.

  “Oh, it was very beautiful.” Kassie whispered stepping back from him toward the door and grabbing the doorknob nervously. Tim noticed that the hand resting on the door knob was shaking slightly. “You’re an excellent player.” She opened the door.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m going to go to bed.” Her voice was barely audible as she backed out of the room. “Like I said help yourself to anything you want.”

  “Anything?” His voice had dipped to a deep sexy level and his eyes raked her body wickedly. Kassie found herself wondering what it would be like to hear that voice murmuring naughty things in her ear every night and her insides turned to mush.

  “Yes, anything you want.” She answered breathlessly. Tim was suddenly in front of her and she snapped back to reality. She saw the look in his eyes, the need, the lust, and the want and it all worked inside of her. “In, in the fridge and . . . and cabinets. Goodnight!” She rushed out and closed the door behind her.


  Chapter 1

  He’d spent a good half hour sitting on the arm of his sofa looking out the window at the beautiful woman pacing back and forth in front of the house next door. She was nicely dressed so he figured she was a realtor. He wondered which agency she worked for since his friend Max was showing this house also. The woman looked around the neighborhood impatiently and sighed, then at her watch before looking down the street again.

  Timothy wanted to go out and introduce himself to the beauty but she looked majorly annoyed, so he left it alone. He left the window and went to his kitchen, dropping his empty coffee mug in the sink. But he found himself back at the window within a few seconds. After all, she was very pretty and something about her drew him like a moth to a flame. He wasn’t sure what it was about her that seemed so attractive.

  After a few minutes, Max finally pulled up. He jumped out of the car and rushed over to her, hand outstretched. Reluctantly she accepted his shake and they exchanged pleasantries that didn’t seem very pleasant for either before they walked up to the house.

  “No.” Tim mumbled to himself, deciding to let this one go. “She seems high maintenance.” He was done with overly pretty, high maintenance women. Tim felt like he was too old for that stuff now. It was fun when he was in his twenties but he was thirty eight and not getting any younger. Finally, he walked away again and this time for good.


  Kassie Lawton was in the middle of house hunting and quickly losing her patience with this realtor. The man was always late and this was her ninth house! Every home he showed her had some defect. She had to put him in his place more than once when he took her to neighborhoods out in the sticks or where she was surrounded by elderly people. Not that the house in the neighborhood of elderly people was bad, but she wasn’t old yet. She needed liveliness. Not extreme quietness after eight o’clock at night.

  She stared up at the ceiling as she walked through the living room. The ceiling was white and vaulted, with dark mahogany colored wood beams that ran the width. The house was in a beautiful Queen Anne’s style, complete with the original stained glass attic windows. The info Max had emailed her said that it was five bedrooms, three bathrooms with a huge kitchen, living room, dining room and a den, that she was going to turn into her studio. The attic was finished and there was a large linen closet in the upstairs hallway. Two of the bedrooms had large walk in closets, one of the bedrooms was off the kitchen and she planned to turn it into a sitting room. The yard outside was at least a half of an acre in back and quarter in the front.

  “All of the electrical has been replaced and upgraded.” Max Berger said. “The previous owners invested fifty thousand into the house to bring up the value and if you ask me I think they did a great job.” He smiled toothily.

  Max watched the pretty African-American woman as she slowly walked through to the dining room. She was about five foot seven and very nicely built. She wore a charcoal gray houndstooth business suit, the pants hugging her round hips and bottom to perfection. The suit jacket buttoned around her small waist and encased her full breast. Yes she was definitely attractive, but Max couldn’t help but to notice there was something slightly off about her, a sadness or . . . just something he couldn’t put his finger on.

  Kassie turned, looking at him coldly.

  “Yes . . .” She said blandly. “But I didn’t ask you.”

  His smile faded and she turned, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder, and continuing to the kitchen. Max cleared his throat, quickly annoyed by her rudeness.

  “Well.” He said continuing with the same professionalism as he had when he first walked into the home. “This kitchen has also been upgraded. All of the appliances are new and top of the line. The counters are-,”

  “Yes, I can see that.” Impatience tinged
her voice, “the basement please.” She said.

  He looked at her quickly then gave her a tight smile.

  “Oh yes.” Max said. He hated the basement. He didn’t even want to go down with the owners. “It’s right this way.” He said softly as he forced his feet to move.


  Max opened the creaky door, turned on the light, and started down the old wooden stairs, she followed him. The basement was creepy, dark, and dank; she could see why he was a little apprehensive about coming down. It was clean though. There wasn’t a box or container left down there nor a pile of dust in a corner. The windows needed cleaning and a fresh coat of paint but she could smash that out in an hour or so.

  Looking around the basement, she was already thinking about what she could put down here. Maybe fix it up nicely, put in some track lighting for brightness and turn it into a game room for when her friends kids visited her. Her best friend Rosie had young ones, the oldest being ten. It would be a nice escape and the kids wouldn’t have to be around adults all visit long.

  Kassie took a flashlight from her bag and rolled the bright beam over the foundation of the house then up along the structural beams. Everything looked all right. Granted she was no expert but she knew what a crack or wood rot looked like.

  Max continued his selling points, telling her that the house was built in 1897. It was located on a street of historic style homes, all build by industrial giants in their heyday. The house was nearly a golden yellow with brown trim. An old wood fence enclosed the property but the gate didn’t close correctly, and because she was anal retentive, Kassie wanted to keep everything original and would have it fixed.

  “We have an inspector that is employed by the company who can-,” Max started.

  “I’ll hire my own.” Kassie interrupted. “Thank you.” She walked past him and up the stairs into the large kitchen not seeing the burst of irritation that covered Max’s face for a brief moment. He walked behind her, pretty or not, she was definitely one of the rudest clients he’d ever had to deal with!


  Kassie pulled open a door in the kitchen and looked into the room. It was a large pantry with hardwood floors, in need of some repair, and two long cabinets ran against one wall. It needed painting but it wasn’t too bad. She closed it and walked to another door. It was a laundry room with a washer, dryer and a large utility sink. It had a cement floor that promised to be cold in the winter. There was a large window in this room that looked out on the backyard.

  Kassie looked out on that dull boring yard; landscaping was a priority. Something to occupy her mind if she decided on this house. Her eyes caught a playful Irish terrier running around next door. It ran to the back steps of her possible neighbor’s house, and then out into the yard, repeating the routine until someone ran out behind it. A tall, well built and attractive man picked up a little red handball and threw it. The dog ran, caught it, and bought it back to him.

  Kassie watched them play. A slight tinge of jealousy grew in her. They seemed so happy, so carefree that it annoyed her a bit.

  The guy had a toned build, but he wasn’t a muscular guy. He walked with power and authority, and Kassie had to admit she felt a little hitch in her stomach watching him. She quickly pushed it away and chastised herself for being foolish and distractible.

  “Ahh.” Max said smiling over her shoulder, following the line of her vision and talking in a soft enticing voice: “That is the dashing classical violinist Timothy Baron; he’s thirty eight, divorced with a nine year old daughter and single. My daughter and his daughter are in the same troop, she’s a sweet kid. And that little rascal is his dog Griffin.”

  Kassie watched the rust colored dog as it raced across the yard. It was the most beautiful dog she had ever seen and somehow fit it’s owner to a tee. They were both beautiful creatures.

  “That’s nice, but I was just thinking how beautiful his dog is.” She said softly. It wasn’t a complete lie. She knew Max was throwing in the super hot neighbor to get her to buy the house but he didn’t need to, she was in love with it anyway . . . not that he had to know that.

  He nodded.

  “Oh.” He said, not sounding very convinced.

  She walked past him and back into the kitchen, setting her bag on the counter as if the house were hers already. She turned to Max, staring at him as he stopped across the island from her and waited for her to say something. She sighed but he wasn’t sure if she was annoyed or thinking.

  “This house is nice.” She said softly. “It’s just what I’m looking for.” She took her sunglasses out of her bag and put them on. “I’ll have my inspector come look at it; of course I will accompany him.” She said.

  Max gave her a pursed smile. “Of course.” He said.

  “I’ll take it.” She told him. “Five hundred thousand you said?”

  “Yes.” He started. “But we haven’t gotten any of your loan information yet.”

  “I’m not getting a loan.” She said haughtily. “I’m paying the bank cash for it.”

  “Oh!” He said surprised.

  “Just because I’m Black, Mr. Berger does not mean I can’t afford to buy this house.” Kassie snapped. And Max instantly became embarrassed. He didn’t mean for it to sound that way. Most of the time he had loan info before looking for a house for someone.

  “Oh no, I didn’t mean that.” He said quickly. “I, I know who you are and who you were married to, it’s just that most of my clients get loans.”

  “Yes, well I am not one of them.” She snapped.

  “I’m sorry if you think I meant to imply-,” He started to explain.

  “I will have my accountant get in touch with you and the bank,” She cut him off. “And my lawyer will look over the papers.” Kassie turned and walked out.

  “Good day.” She said arrogantly.

  Max exhaled, happy to see her leave. Each trip to see a house with her made him drink afterward.


  Kassie stomped down the stairs in her red designer pumps, holding her matching bag casually. She opened her suit jacket as she walked down the cement walkway. She looked like she’d just stepped out of a high end magazine or something. Everything she wore was neat and pressed. Even her shoulder length chestnut hair seemed neat and without a hair out of place. Kassie was completely oblivious to Tim’s eyes on her as she walked to her car. He watched her, suddenly having the undeniable urge to untidy all of that neatness.

  Griffin pulled Timothy past the gate at the exact moment as she opened it. Tim’s eyes locked with the beautiful woman’s and his mouth went dry, he felt his heart begin to pound in his chest. She was prettier up close than far away. He almost felt like he had seen her before but couldn’t place her. Had she been one of his conquests? Tim wasn’t sure but he knew he would remember someone that delicious.

  Kassie saw now how handsome he truly was and a strange intense heat washed over her. His eyes were like a clear blue Arctic sky, his lips were full and warm, and he had a small scar on his chin. He was really very easy on the eyes and smelled so good she could bury her face in his clothing and never come up for fresh air.

  “Hello.” He said with a brilliant smile.

  Kassie’s heart lurched against her rib cage and a wave of panic washed over her. She clutched her bag to her and sailed past him.

  If she had bothered to look back, Kassie would have seen the look of shock on his face. Timothy couldn’t believe he saw her do that! Shock quickly gave way to anger and he became highly offended. He had never in his life had a woman clutch her bag and act as if he were about to attack her! He couldn’t believe it.

  He watched her walk down to a red convertible. She got in and put her bag onto the floor of the car, staring him with cold dark eyes. Timothy arched a brow at her as she buckled up and started the car.

  “Tim.” Max called as he walked down the porch steps.

  Timothy finally took his eyes from her and looked at Max.

  Kassie pulled off, s
peeding down the street as if she owned it.

  “Hey Max.” He said softly. He watched her car as it turned the corner at the end of the block. She gave new meaning to the term, “Hell on Wheels.”

  “Hey. I see you’ve met your new neighbor.” He chimed teasingly at Tim who chuckled.

  “Oh yeah? Great!” He said with an animated arm flap. “Maybe it’s time for me to sell gramma’s old place.” Tim said. They laughed as they started to walk down the street together.

  “Why, so you can have Isabelle blowing into town like a tornado?” Max joked, Tim chuckled.

  Isabelle was Timothy’s grandmother. She was eighty seven and lived in Florida with his grandfather who was eighty-nine. They’d been married for sixty-seven years and were still very much in love. Tim had hoped that he and his ex wife Nora would be that way but they just couldn’t work it out the right way.

  “Yeah, that’s all I need, an old Scottish woman kicking my ass and hitting me over the head with her purse.” Timothy smiled. “You know those Macgregor women are a rowdy bunch.” Max laughed.

  Tim was referring to his grandmother’s maiden name before she became a Baron. She was always feisty, for as long as he could remember, gramma Isabelle had been a force to be reckoned with. But she was also fair, kind hearted and loving. She always had a hug, a kiss and a kind word for him, even now. Tim towered the small woman by a foot and an inch but still, to him, she was larger than life.

  He’d only gone to Florida a few times to visit his grandparents and was definitely going to make it down to see them before the year was out. He missed them very much.

  “Well, gramma’s a lily compared to this one moving next door to you, Ms. Kassie Lawton . . . You know I had my chance when we were in that basement man, I should have taken it. No one would ever know she was missing.” Max said, strangling the air.

  Timothy threw his head back, roaring with laughter.

  “What are you talking about?” He asked still chuckling.

  “We were checking out the basement. I could have hit her with a pipe and tucked her into the support beams until I could move her.” Max joked. “Ease peasy.”

  “You read too many murder mysteries.” Timothy smiled. “See you at parents bowling night on Friday?” They waved to Helena Morrison as they passed her house. She waved back with a cheery hello.


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