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Glamorous: A Grace Bishop Novel (Grace Bishop Novels)

Page 9

by Denise Bossarte

  After a pause, Anthony said “Because they are uncontrolled, untrained, and have no loyalty to the Paranorms or The Family.”

  “And you know this from personal experience? From meeting Aperto Rottos and seeing what they can do?” Nicco challenged.

  Anthony hesitated. “No. I never met an Aperto Rotto in person before today, but everyone knows how dangerous they are to us.”

  “Uncontrolled and untrained, yet today Miss Bishop read Sergey’s dagger with more precision than you yourself ever did.”

  With more precision than anyone but those with the strongest psychometry ever had.

  Anthony had the decency to look embarrassed.

  “Why do you think Miss Bishop came to us today?”

  “According to what she said this evening, she wants help to find and stop someone preying on Norm girls.”

  “An Aperto Rotto, who Sophie says only found out about the Paranorm world a few days ago, comes to us seeking help for Norms unable to protect themselves. She faces an unknown situation out of loyalty to a friend at what she can only perceive as great risk to herself.”

  Anthony refused to comment.

  “This Aperto Rotto lost both her parents three years ago. She was raising her younger brother by herself until he died in a car accident which almost killed her. Then she discovers she has abilities beyond rational explanation.”

  Anthony started to interject, but Nicco raised his hand to keep him quiet. “Have you ever thought about what it must be like for Aperto Rottos? How an accident releases powers they do not understand or have a context for? With no family of Paranorms to explain their gifts to them or guide them on how to use those gifts? To explain the tenets Paranorms must live by to survive in the world of Norms, or how to support and be loyal to The Family? All these things have been available to you since birth, but none of it has been available to someone like Miss Bishop.”

  It pleased Nicco that Anthony was listening to what he was saying. He hoped it was not because Anthony was preparing counter arguments but was absorbing what he was trying to impart.

  “What would be a clairvoyant’s first experience with a ghost in your family?”

  Anthony hesitated before saying, “Another family member who stayed on as a ghost to train new clairvoyants.”

  “Yes, a relative who would manage the first encounter for the clairvoyant at a certain age. Someone who would always be available as a mentor as the child grew into their ability. And what about Miss Bishop? What was her first experience with her gift, her first experience with seeing ghosts?”

  “I don’t know,” Anthony admitted.

  “Her abilities came to her in the hospital. You know we station Paranorms there in various positions to keep an eye out for newly ‘born’ Aperto Rottos, and they identified her right away.

  “Can you imagine being besieged by ghosts who suffered sickness and pain and death and aren’t aware of their situations? All attracted to, and wanting something from, a clairvoyant Aperto Rotto? And Miss Bishop, newly gifted, with no understanding or control of her ability.

  “That is why most of the Aperto Rottos are institutionalized or commit suicide. They cannot take their situation. They cannot manage their abilities and either go mad or find a permanent way to escape by killing themselves.”

  Anthony grew sober at the scenario Nicco was drawing for him.

  “But somehow, somehow, Miss Bishop survived. She learned to control her abilities, to understand them, and to use them for a purpose. And to do it well.”

  The strength she showed in personality and the power and focus of her “untrained” skills were remarkable. How had she done it? Was it her training as a police officer that allowed her to dissociate from the brutality of what she saw and experienced upon “waking” at the hospital?

  There was no family to support her, but were the friends there for her enough? Or was there another reason he was not seeing that helped her survive and to thrive. Helped her gain control over her abilities and still be able to function in the Norms’ world? Nicco forced himself to stop his speculations and to focus on his conversation with Anthony.

  “Do you think you would do as well if you were in her position?” Nicco challenged.

  It was obvious Anthony was struggling between what he learned about Aperto Rottos since childhood and the story Nicco recounted to him for this particular Aperto Rotto.

  “When you offered my help to Miss Bishop, Grace, what were you expecting me to do?” Anthony inquired after a pause, all arrogance gone from his voice.

  Nicco didn’t let his pleasure at Anthony’s question show. “Whatever you can to help her solve this case, in a way that maintains the tenets and protects our world but stops this man. Consider yourself an ambassador for the Paranorms if you will, one with an opportunity to bridge the gaps you described in the understanding and experience of Miss Bishop. Trust her judgment, but guide her where you can. Until there is a resolution, we will postpone your participation in the show.”

  Anthony looked surprised, but satisfied, if not thrilled, with the assignment.

  “Do you think you can do that?” Nicco asked.

  “Yes, Mio Signore. I can do that.”

  “And you cannot share with Sophie, Marcella, or anyone else in your family about what happened here today. Nothing, understood?”

  Anthony appeared uncomfortable but agreed “Yes, Mio Signore.”

  “And if Miss Bishop asks more questions about Paranorms or The Family, particularly The Family, tell her she needs to come to me for the answers.”

  “Even if she asks questions about The Family’s powers?”

  “No, not one word. She has enough to deal with right now—she needs to focus on her case. I have been careful to avoid spell craft in her presence to keep her unaware of my true nature. I will tell her about The Family when the time is right.”

  “Yes, Mio Signore.”

  “Then we are done for today. Take the time between now and Tuesday to get ready for your meeting with Miss Bishop and her friends.”

  Without another word, Anthony rose and bowed, then left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Nicco settled back once again into his chair.

  Ah, Gabriella, I am trying to follow your advice, although I am sure there is still more for me to “see.” Is your favorite protégé “awake” yet?

  Chapter 18

  Nicco smiled to himself as the air stirred in the room. Gabriella wouldn’t hesitate to come to him now that Anthony was gone. He closed his eyes and, with a fingertip, drew the symbols for Second Sight and Second Hearing on the ink blotter on the desk.

  Lesser warlocks would have needed to use a more permanent method to draw the symbols, like chalk or pencil, to make the spell work. Nicco was powerful and practiced enough in his will that a cursory drawing sufficed to activate the spells.

  He opened his eyes to see Gabriella sitting at ease in the chair Anthony had vacated.

  “Welcome, Gabriella. Thank you for your help today.”

  “That made for an entertaining morning, Little Raven.”

  Nicco chuckled at her use of the name. She gave it to him long ago, but she would always think of him that way, despite the intervening years.

  “I was curious when you asked me to help with the testing. Marcella and her family are normally the ones to deal with the clairvoyant Paranorms, so I expected this would be something special. Something special indeed. An Aperto Rotto with two abilities! Where did you ever find her?” Gabriella’s face glowed with interest.

  Nicco grimaced. “V ‘asked’ me to test her.”

  “You mean Viora commanded you to determine the extent of the girl’s powers,” Gabriella said.


  “Your sister keeps a sharp eye on what is happening in her domain. What brought her attention to this Grace?”

  “V’s had this girl watched for a while, now. I believe the tipping point came when Miss Bishop reached out to someone in Marcella’s famil
y and was asking about her ability.”

  Nicco tapped his fingers on the desk. “I do not think V is aware the girl has two abilities. I think that is something I will keep to myself for a while.”

  Gabriella looked at Nicco, the concern obvious on her face.

  “Do you think it is wise to keep things from your sister? Do you want to engage her in these types of games?”

  “My half-sister does not need to know anything more than that this girl is a true Aperto Rotto,” Nicco growled. “Especially when Grace’s problem might be related to one of V’s damnable pets.”

  Gabriella sat waiting, while Nicco’s temper cooled.

  “What are you planning to do about Grace, then?” she asked, redirecting the conversation.

  “For now, nothing. Anthony will find out what is going on and will keep me informed.”

  “You won’t share with Viora that Grace has multiple powers, but you also won’t do anything yourself to help Grace.”

  “Help her? What do you expect me to do?”

  “Educate her on her powers,” was Gabriella’s exasperated reply.

  “Gabriella, a Paranorm is the Paranorms’ problem, even an Aperto Rotto. If she needs help with her powers, she should go to Marcella and her family.”

  Gabriella gave him a stern look.

  “You know full well Marcella will not accept an Aperto Rotto into her family. Even with your formal recognition, which you have not given, it will be a challenge to get their family to accept one such as Grace. It is rarely done.”

  Nicco kept his face untouched by emotion, not giving Gabriella anything to tell if her arguments were having an impact.

  “You are not even willing to mentor her like you do the other Paranorms here at the theater?” Gabriella asked.

  Nicco gave Gabriella a considering look. “What is your interest in the girl, Gabriella? Why push for me to become involved with her?”

  “Because for once, after too many years to recall, you are finally interested in something!” Gabriella leaned to the front of her chair.

  “You have shown nothing but apathy about your life for too long.” Gabriella eyed him. “I thought this one sparked something in you, but maybe I am wrong.”

  “I told you this is something for the Paranorms to deal with. If you are so interested in the girl, you should mentor her yourself.”

  Gabriella stood and walked to the edge of the desk, forcing Nicco to look up at her.

  “Niccolo Sidotti, you are acting like a stubborn child. I was your mentor for years at your mother’s request. She was my cousin and dear friend, and I gladly took on the challenge of a difficult student. It is not my place now to mentor this child. I have done as much as I can for her. She is yours. It is your place to help her from here. To help her as I helped you.” With a swirl of air, Gabriella’s form vanished, leaving Nicco alone in the room.

  He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. It had been a long while since he had received such a lecture from Gabriella. How irritating that she could still make him feel like a scolded child. And how curious that she insisted he become involved with Grace’s life beyond assigning Anthony to work with her.

  Gabriella wasn’t telling him everything underlying her desire for him to mentor Grace. But if his suspicions about the girl’s situation were correct, her problems had become his.

  Chapter 19

  Billy’s car pulled up just as Grace finished bringing in an extra chair from the kitchen into the living room. She wanted them to be comfortable while working but also to have enough space to spread out on the large table. Danny would remain incognito and wouldn’t need a chair.

  Grace went back into the kitchen to finish putting out the drinks and snacks. She figured Billy would let himself in as usual, so she focused on the job at hand. She wasn’t sure how long they would work, but if they worked long, they would need a few carbs to keep their attention focused.

  Grace was wondering what happened to Billy when the doorbell rang.

  As she hurried out of the kitchen to answer it, Danny came running down the stairs. “It’s Billy. And a new guy is with him.”

  “Must be Anthony. Prepare yourself for major attitude,” she warned as she opened the door.

  “Hey, Gracie.” Billy turned to the side to give her a hug with one arm, his heavy frame dwarfing hers. In the other arm, he carried the materials he and Stan had put together.

  After returning his hug, Grace turned to Anthony and acknowledged him with a nod. “Anthony,” she said with minimal enthusiasm.

  “Good evening, Grace,” Anthony responded. “It is nice to finally get a chance to see the inside of your home.”

  Grace looked at him with narrowed eyes. That sure sounded like a back-handed compliment.

  Billy nudged her with his elbow. “Are you going to leave us standing out here on the landing all night?”

  “Oh, sorry.” She moved out of the doorway to give them room.

  Grace turned from closing the door to find Billy already setting up his materials. They included a map of the city, which he was unrolling to take over most of the table. She turned her attention back to Anthony, who stood in front of her, proffering a bottle of wine.

  “It is customary in my family to bring a gift for the hostess when gathering at someone’s home.” He raised the bottle. “Do you have a corkscrew I may use?”

  Grace raised an eyebrow at him but played along, given he was here to help them with the case.

  “I don’t think I have wine glasses.” She told herself not to be embarrassed by the fact as she led him toward the kitchen.

  “Oh.” His posture stiffened. “Well, we will just have to make do with whatever I can find.”

  Grace motioned him to proceed, still trying to figure out what his game was when the doorbell rang again.

  “It’s DL.”

  “All right, Mr. Know-It-All. Get settled somewhere so you can see everyone. I want your eyes and ears for this discussion, to make sure we aren’t missing anything.”

  “Right-e-o.” Danny moved to the table to look over the map.

  Grace opened the door and offered DL a wide smile, waving him into the apartment. “Glad you could make it,” she said.

  “I hope we can make more progress this time,” DL said as he entered the room, carrying a plain brown shopping bag with the top rolled down.

  “Billy’s setting up on the table again. Why don’t you join him while I check on Anthony?”

  DL walked over to join Billy, exchanging stiff nods while she moved to go check on Anthony’s progress with the wine.

  Grace popped her head through the doorway to catch Anthony grabbing a handful of pretzels from a bowl on the counter. She quelled the desire to reprimand him, stopping the “Those are for later,” she wanted to blurt out.

  Instead, she said, “We’re ready to start if you want to come join us in the other room.”

  Anthony raised the handful of pretzels in acknowledgment and followed her, finishing the mouthful of food as they joined the others.

  “Anthony, this is Billy, an officer with the thirty-second precinct. He’s found information to help with the case.”

  Anthony reached out to shake hands. “Yes, Billy and I met at your front door.”

  Grace looked from Anthony to Billy as the hand shake seemed to go on a bit too long, Anthony appraising Billy intently. Maybe that was why it took Billy a while to get to the door. And why he rang the doorbell instead of coming straight inside as usual.

  “This is DL,” she continued, breaking into their silent exchange. “DL’s girls are the ones going missing.”

  Anthony turned and shook hands with DL, a shorter appraisal resulting in pursed lips as he took in the tattoos and DL’s stern demeanor. “DL.” he said.

  DL responded with a polite “nice to meet you,” and sat at the table.

  “Definitely a bit of an ass.” Danny rolled his eyes.

  “Let’s hope he can contain his attitude so we can get so
mewhere tonight.” Grace moved to stand next to the table.

  “Billy, why don’t you catch Anthony up on what we’ve found so far?” Grace suggested as the rest of the group sat down at the table.

  Billy walked through the information he had gleaned from the police records, pointing out on the map the circles representing the prostitutes that had gone missing. Then DL shared what he had on the missing girls, following Billy’s example to point out the circles representing the girls.

  “But that’s as far as we got.” DL slumped back into his chair.

  “We know we have an overlap of where the victims were last seen, but we can’t make out any pattern for when and where they’re being taken. Which means we can’t predict when or where the next woman might be at risk,” Billy said.

  “So that is all you have to go on?” Anthony asked. “No wonder Grace came to me for help with this ‘mystery.’”

  “We’re not sure, yet, what it all means.” Grace jumped in as DL’s face reddened and Billy scowled. “But let’s take a look at what DL brought from one of the missing girls. I’m hoping it will get us further along.”

  DL appeared a bit confused by the change of direction. But he reached down to roll open the bag next to his chair and pulled out a sweater.

  “This was Sabra’s.” He held the sweater for a moment. Then he asked, “Are you going to give it to a tracking dog or something?”

  Anthony sighed dramatically. “It is unnecessary to use dogs for this. Dogs are effective for a few hours when you know where the person of interest was last seen. It has been—what?—weeks, since the girl went missing?” He looked at Grace for confirmation.

  When she nodded, Anthony continued. “Grace will try to read the sweater to find out what happened to the girl.”

  “What do you mean, ‘read’?” DL asked, still not sounding sure of the conversation.

  Grace ground her teeth. She had wanted to be the one to tell DL. She hoped he wouldn’t be skeptical of the information coming from a stranger, rather than her.

  “DL, they’re serious,” Billy said matter-of-factly. “I’ve seen Grace do this sort of thing several times before. She can get a sense of things from touching objects. She’s used her ability to solve missing person’s cases in the past by reading things.”


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