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Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series

Page 14

by Tiffany Shand

  “What am I doing? What the hell were you doing?”

  “I – we – fuck!”

  That seemed like the operative word. What the hell had she been thinking? “I would think it was obvious.”

  “This is a bloody nightmare!” Jason cursed. “We can’t do this.”

  Cate glared at him. “You weren’t saying no a minute ago. Don’t blame this all on me — you’re the one that started it.”

  “You kissed me!”

  “You kissed me last night in the club.”

  “I – that shouldn’t have happened,” he shook his head, breathing hard.

  Cate felt just as confused. “You’re right. It must be the ascension,” she said. “Wait, you’re the one that started this. Why did you kiss me? You’re immune to my magic.”

  “I don’t know. It won’t happen again.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on with us, maybe the ascension is messing with my emotions, but there had to be some feeling there to begin with.”

  “It doesn’t matter if it’s the ascension or not. It can never work between us.”

  “I know this complicates things, but…”

  “I think it’s time for me to move out. I’ve stayed here long enough.”

  That hit her like a physical blow. “Why?” she asked and felt a sharp pang of sadness in her chest. “You don’t have to move out. I know things are awkward, but…”

  “I have to. I’m here to help you through the ascension, but after that I’m leaving the city,” he wouldn’t meet her gaze as he said it.

  “But what about the team? We work well together.” What she really wanted to ask was, “But what about us? What about me?”

  “You don’t have to leave because of me,” she added, tears pricked her eyes and her heart ached.

  “It’s for the best,” he said and turned away from her.


  “I don’t get it,” Cate said to Jade as they sat outside the Riverview cafe.

  Jade was going over the case files as data streamed over her tablet computer. “Don’t get what, sweetie?”

  Cate’s mind was far from the case. “Jason. One minute he’s all over me and now he wants to move out. He wanted me, I could feel it and then the next second he acts like I completely repulse him.”

  Jade gaped at her, dropping her tablet onto the table. “What? You slept with Jason?” She let out a squeal. “Goddess, it’s about bloody time!”

  “No, I didn’t sleep with him, stupid!” Cate explained what had happened and how confused she felt.

  “I don’t get it either,” Jade agreed. “That bloke is mad about you.”

  “I don’t know what to think. He’s my Mavis – my partner. What if I’m just attracted to him because I’m in transition?” She shook her head slightly and frowned.

  “Jason is perfect for you. He’s drop dead gorgeous and there isn’t a woman alive who wouldn’t like to have him tied to her bedpost. Including me.”

  “You like anything male that breathes.”

  “Probably, but I’m telling you, both the witch and the fey in you are tired of being repressed. It’s time you let them out and had some fun.”

  “Yeah well, Jason isn’t interested and it would completely ruin things between us — if they aren’t already.”

  “He wants you, we both know that.”

  “Then why is he trying to avoid me?”

  “Maybe he’s worried about ruining your friendship or he’s afraid of what the GM might do to him.”

  “No, it’s more than that. He’s hiding something from me, I just can’t figure out what.” Cate took a sip of her latte. “This is one time I wish my powers worked on him.”

  “You said you felt something from him earlier?”

  “Yeah, we connected on more than just a physical level, but short of jumping him again, which I doubt will work, he’s still a closed book to me.”

  “Aren’t all men in general? They don’t always know what they’re feeling. There must be something seriously wrong for him to turn down sex with you.”

  “Maybe it’s a good thing. I can’t trust myself around anyone right now.”

  “But you can’t hurt Jason and he’s like a never ending battery of energy.”

  “When I feed from him I’m usually in control. During sex you lose control, so I could take too much and kill him,” Cate shuddered. “Now you know why I’m picky about men.”

  “No, you sleep with men you know you could never fall in love with because you’re afraid of getting hurt.”

  “I can’t fall in and out of love as easily as you do.”

  “Why? It’s fun,” Jade grinned.

  “It’s just not who I am and I’m not interested in finding love.”

  “You don’t need to, sweetie. Jason loves you, we can all see it and behind your tough exterior I think you love him too. He’s the only guy you ever let get close to you, probably because it’s the first guy you ever took notice of.”

  “That’s not true, he made that clear. I just need to find a way to break down his barriers and find out what he’s hiding. Without any kind of magical help.”

  “What’s the point of having magic if you can’t use it?”

  “I can’t use magic for every little problem. I want him to tell me what his secret is. Sometimes I wonder if I really know him at all.”

  “But you love him, right?”

  “I love him, but I don’t know if I’m in love with him.”

  “You should let someone in. I know you’re scared because you think no one could ever love you for what you are but…”

  Cate’s senses suddenly went on alert, warning her of danger. She glanced around the different races of Magickind going about their daily lives: Elves; Dwarves; Centaurs; Fairies; Witches; Elementals; Werewolves; and various kinds of Fey. A few people sent glances their way; even though her amulet was concealed underneath her leather jacket most people knew who she was. But no one came running at her with a knife or had any kind of weapon pointed at her.

  Jade saw her tense and her narrowed eyes swept the room. I don’t sense anything. Do you?

  I don’t… Movement caught her eye as a fireball came flying out of nowhere. Cate raised her hand and it bounced off her palm. People started screaming and ducking under tables, others ran in all directions.

  Cate looked up at the demon. “Seriously? You’re attacking me in public now?”

  The one place she hadn’t expected to be attacked was out in broad daylight surrounded by people. Clearly Jason’s message hadn’t done much good.

  “Cate!” Jade hissed. “Just kill the bugger before someone gets hurt.”

  “Come here, Denai bitch!” The demon gave her a fanged smile.

  “The correct term is Denai witch,” she amended. “Now I’m not in a good mood, so why don’t you leave whilst you still have the chance?”

  “What’s the matter? Is the little witch afraid to fight me?”

  Cate rolled her eyes and smirked. “No, I’m just worried you’ll leave a mark after I vanquish you.” She flicked her wrist, unleashing her magic. A shop window exploded spraying shards of glass everywhere. This was the uncontrollable part of the transition.

  Bugger, she thought and ducked to avoid the next fireball.

  I can take him, Jade told her.

  No, I can vanquish one lousy demon, Cate gritted her teeth and raised her hand again. The whole front of the shop exploded, causing more people to run away screaming.

  Come on! she thought. People are going to think I’m a walking disaster and a danger to them. The last thing we need is mass hysteria on our hands.

  “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to use your kinesis!” said Jade, looking worried.

  Fine by her. Leaping to her feet, Cate spun into a round house kick, booting the demon squarely in the chest so he staggered back, and then she punched him in the face. Pain exploded over her knuckles, but the feeling invigorated her. Her magic burned beneath the surface a
s the demon raised his hand to strike her. Her eyes glowed bright silver and the demon screamed as his body was blown apart, burning away in a flash of flame.

  Two more males suddenly appeared, A demon and a fire Elemental; from their energy signatures Cate could tell they were much more powerful than the idiot she’d just vanquished. Good, this was the kind of workout she needed.

  “The Covenant must really want me badly,” Cate grinned. “Oh well, more fun for me.” She raised her hand, blasting the demon, making him stagger back.

  The Elemental shot a stream of fire straight at her. Using her kinesis, Cate deflected the flames which exploded in all directions. Heat burned against her skin, the smell of sulphur in the air as the demon fired an energy ball at her.

  Cate blasted again as she tried to summon the silver fire. Any other Enforcer would have cast a spell trap and tried to contain the situation, but instinct had taken over and she wasn’t about to give up this fight so easily.

  Jade was on her feet, kicking the demon out of the way. The Elemental sent another stream of fire shooting towards Cate. She let the energy wash over her as the flames struck. It only made her stronger. Narrowing her eyes, the flames were redirected at the demon, instantly incinerating him. The explosion rebounded, knocking Jade to the ground.

  Cate charged forward grabbing the Elemental by his throat, her touch rendering him powerless. “Tell Raven if she wants me, she should come and get me herself.” Her eyes turned black as she unleashed the dark side of her power. Energy pulsed through the air like soundless thunder as it took hold. The Elemental’s eyes turned black and he began to choke as smoke streamed from his eyes, nose and mouth.

  “No!” Strong arms suddenly grabbed Cate, pulling her back and away from her victim. The Elemental fell to his knees, struggling to breathe.

  “No!” Cate cried, trying to grab hold of him again. Energy pulsed through the air around them, time freezing in place as Jason held her. She sagged against him, strength seeping away. Gripping his wrist, Cate tried to draw his on energy. Warmth flooded through her, quickly replaced by hot anger.

  Pulling free of Jason’s grasp, she spun to face him. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “You’re joking, right?” Jason asked. “You just blew up two demons and almost killed an Elemental with half a dozen innocents around. You can’t just go around killing in an unprovoked attack.”

  “Unprovoked? They attacked me!”

  “You could have fought them off and cast a circle to contain them, whilst you assessed the situation. That’s what an Enforcer is supposed to do.”

  “The Covenant wants me dead! Do you just expect me to stand back and let them kill me?”

  “No, I expect you to act like an Enforcer and a Denai.”

  “Both a Denai and an Enforcer would defend themselves.”

  “There are rules, Cate. You can’t just go around vanquishing people.”

  “Oh, you mean the way you did last night?”

  “That was different, I didn’t do that when there were people around to get caught in the crossfire,” said Jason. “Maybe Seline is right. Perhaps you should go away for a while. You’re out of control.”

  “I’m in control, maybe you’re the one that should leave. I don’t want you to be my Mavis anymore.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “Fine! It’s a damn good thing I never gave into my insanity and had sex with you. It would have been the biggest mistake of my life.” Cate turned and stormed off.

  Dressed in dark blue robes, Cate joined the rest of her coven at the Goddess Temple. Having been on suspended duty all week since the incident at the cafe and spending most of that time studying and preparing for the ascension, it was nice to be out of the house for a while.

  The other thirty-eight members of the coven all stood around, dressed in their silver, green, and pale blue robes. Only the Grand Mistress and her Second wore dark blue to show the rank of the High Priestess.

  “Hi sweetie,” Jade hugged her as she walked in.

  Cate smiled and hugged her back. “Hi.”

  “Still going stir crazy?”

  Cate nodded and laughed. Being around other witches always made her feel better. She felt the familiar buzz of thoughts and emotions in the air, but it was much fainter than with other Magickind. She couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as the others stared at her. She was the Second now, although she thought Seline was probably regretting that decision.

  The temple was circular with large columns all around. Three beautiful stained glass windows bathed the walls in a riot of colour. One was circular-shaped, depicting the seven-pointed Denai star, the second was of a beautiful blonde-haired woman — Denai, their mother Goddess. The other was of three equally beautiful women, Denai’s daughters. The Triumvirate had created the three witch clans, which consisted of: the McCrays; telepaths and empaths, the O’Connors; seers and conduits, and the Donovans; mediums and necromancers. The McCrays were descended from the elder sister, Ellora, the first Grand Mistress.

  “Nice of you to attend,” Seline murmured and motioned for Cate to follow. “I want a word before the circle begins.”

  Cate followed her grandmother into the private antechamber. Now what?

  “You can’t go to a circle in your condition.” Seline closed the door behind them.

  Cate frowned. “What condition?”

  “You look pale. When was the last time you fed?”

  “A couple of days ago. Why?”

  “You need to maintain your energy levels. Marina said you could barely keep your eyes open when she visited you today.”

  “I’m tired. It’s just stress.” That and more bad dreams.

  “That useless Talbot is supposed to…”

  “He moved out.”


  “I thought you’d be thrilled. You said we were too close.”

  Seline’s eyes narrowed. “What happened?”

  Cate folded her arms across her chest. “Not everything is your business.”

  “You are my business!”

  “When my ascension is over I’m leaving. I’m going to Elaris to spend time with my dad.”

  “Your place is here, you have responsibilities.”

  “Mum lived in Elaris and still fulfilled her Denai duties. Why can’t I?”

  “Yes, and look where that got her. Why are we discussing Ceri? Has she contacted you?”

  “No. Why would she?”

  “Good, because she abandoned you. She has no place in your life anymore.”

  “Gran, she’s been gone for more than half my life. What makes you think she would bother coming back now?”

  “Never mind that. Just resolve your issues with Talbot. You don’t have to like your Mavis, just take what you need from him,” said Seline. “Now, I must prepare the circle. Be quick.” Seline turned and swept out of the room, robes billowing behind her.

  Cate groaned. She really didn’t want to see Jason, but she was starving. “Jason?” she called. She waited, knowing he was probably hovering somewhere nearby. “Talbot, get your arse over here!”

  There was a bright burst of blue static. “I’m happy to see you too,” Jason said sarcastically.

  “I need to feed, so let’s just get it over with and you can go.”

  “I wondered how long it would be before you called.”

  “Yeah well – we don’t have to like each other and I already have a new Mavis lined up.”

  Jason’s expression darkened. “Have you now? Guess there’s not much reason for me to stay then.”

  “I thought you’d be happy, you’ll be free to shag Angie without me interrupting.”

  “You really think I want Angie?”

  “I don’t know what the hell to think any more,” she snapped and held out her hand. “Just get this over with.”

  Jason grabbed her hand, pulled her to him and captured her mouth in a brief yet passionate kiss, warm energy flooding through her, igniting her senses. He
backed away just as quickly and turned leaving her standing there, dazed.

  “I miss you,” he said and teleported away.

  Goddess, could that man be any more confusing? They were going to talk whether he wanted to or not.

  Cate returned to the main room, as the Grand Mistress stood purifying the large spell circle. It was cut into the floor and made from pure Silveron. She joined Seline on her right side with Marina on the left. She could already feel the sense of excitement and anticipation in the air as the witches gathered around. Cate could feel the strength and power emanating from her grandmother as she took her hand.

  Seline gripped tighter. Do not lose control tonight.

  Right. As if she could stay in control now. As all of them joined hands, Cate could already feel the vibration of energy.

  Seline started to say the usual prayer of invocation.

  “We call upon you Goddess Divine,

  as we stand before your sacred shrine,

  We ask that you aid us in all that is right,

  Denai, bathe us in your eternal light.

  Help us steer from what is wrong,

  Keep us on the path to which we belong.

  Help us to live every day,

  according to your righteous way.

  Let your voice ring loud and clear,

  So that we, your daughters, all might hear.

  Your guidance we need in this time

  Help us, O Goddess Divine.”

  “Blessed be to Denai,” they all intoned.

  “Mother Denai, we ask you to join us here in our circle,” said Seline, “that we may go forth with your blessing.”

  “Blessed be to Denai.”

  They moved in deosil, a clockwise circle as Seline chanted the ancient words. Cate could feel the power of the coven building, the auras of the other witches becoming brighter until the energy around them whirled with gale force strength and then just as quickly settled. Wisps of light glowed around them, waiting.

  Seline released her hand and they all stood patiently waiting for her to continue. “Goddess Denai, we ask for your strength and guidance. Shield us from those who would wish us harm.”

  Now each of them asked Denai for something they needed from her. Some asked out loud, murmuring to themselves, or others closed their eyes and asked her silently.


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