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Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series

Page 25

by Tiffany Shand

  He breathed, drinking in the smell, the feel, everything about her. An instant later their minds were open; he could feel her desire and it was as if there were no more boundaries between them. Someone might see us.

  Hell, the Devas were probably on their way, given the energy signal he was giving off. Yet the danger only seemed to excite him more. Cate, I’m about to lose control here.

  Cate grinned. Good, we’re safe in my circle.

  When her lips brushed against his, he groaned and yanked her head up, thrusting his tongue between her lips. He devoured her mouth and she returned the kiss with just as much hunger. Her hands tugged at his shirt and he pulled it over his head. His cock ached against the tightness of his jeans and erotic images flashed through his mind. Her hands roamed down his chest, as his hands moved over her breasts.

  “Don’t!” Jason said suddenly pulling away. “Let’s not go any further.”

  She frowned. “Why not? Don’t you want to?”

  Jason glanced around. “Not here. Not when a Deva could attack at any minute. Let’s just get to the house first.”


  “As much as I like being outdoors, how much further is your house?” Cate asked as they continued to walk through the dense woodland.

  Jason kept a firm grip on her hand. “Not much further,” he answered. “Sorry we can’t teleport there, but I can’t risk the Devas picking up our trail.”

  “A shame we couldn’t bring the car. Ruby is designed for off road driving.”

  “I always walk there.”

  “By the time we get there, I’ll be too worn out for dinner and whatever comes after.” She flushed with embarrassment. What was wrong with her? She never usually got flustered around men, yet with him she felt completely out of her depth.

  “I could carry you if you want.”

  Cate rolled her eyes. “No one carries me anywhere, Talbot.”

  He chuckled. “We’re almost there.”

  “I always wondered where you disappeared too. I used to think you met with some fancy woman and – forget I said that.”

  “There was no fancy woman — none worth remembering anyway.”

  They came to a clearing and a large two-storey cabin made completely from logs loomed in the distance. Cate gasped as she stared at it.

  Jason smiled. “Not what you were expecting?”

  “I was expecting a little shack or some kind of man cave. This is something else.”

  “Hope you like it. I built it myself.”

  She gaped at him. “You really built this? By yourself?”

  Jason shrugged. “With the help of my powers. I couldn’t risk anyone else getting involved because I wanted to keep it a secret.”

  “Have you ever brought anyone here?”

  He shook his head. “It was safer not to. This is my sanctuary.”

  “Then why are you bringing me here?”

  “I don’t want there to be any secrets between us anymore,” he said. “I know the risk, but I want a future with you.”

  She smiled warmly. “Come on, let’s look around.”

  There was a small living room, a kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, an office, and a library.

  “This place is incredible. I can’t believe you built it yourself,” Cate said.

  “It wasn’t all magic. I do know how to build houses. There were a lot of necessary repairs during the wars,” Jason said. “I’ll make a start on dinner. You can keep looking around if you want.”

  “I can help.”

  Jason just smiled. “Cate, I know what you’re like with cooking.”

  “It wasn’t my fault the oven blew up, I keep telling you that,” she said, exasperated.

  He gave her a quick kiss. “Let me worry about the food.”

  Whilst Cate waited for him, she looked around the cabin more. It was sparse, with only essential furniture. It didn’t have a lived in feel to it and she knew he probably spent little time there. It reminded her of his old apartment in the city, where he’d lived prior to moving in with her. Having been on the run for most of his life, she guessed material possessions hadn’t meant much to him.

  She wandered upstairs to the master bedroom and looked around, conjuring her shopping bag from where she hid it at home. She hoped he liked the dress and the present she brought him which was also in the bag. Just as she was contemplating whether to get changed yet, she noticed something on the bedside table. It was a framed photo of her. From the looks of it, it had been taken about a year ago. It was the only photo she’d seen in the entire house. She pulled out the dress, feeling nervous.

  Usually, she had no qualms about getting men into bed, but this wasn’t just any man. Was she making a huge mistake? Yes he loved her, she could see and feel it. They weren’t just words to seduce her with. Putting all doubts aside she started to get ready.

  Jason lit some candles. They were supposed to be romantic or at least Jade had said so when he had asked her for some advice. Was romance the right atmosphere? He wasn’t trying to get Cate into bed; he didn’t want to rush her. I shouldn’t have listened to Jade, he thought with a sigh.

  But electricity wasn’t always reliable here so he’d have to leave the candles burning. He then glanced down at his clothes, which were covered in dirt and bits of grass. Damn, he was a mess. He needed a shower, but doubted there was time. In the end, he used his powers and at once became completely clean and changed into a clean black shirt and jeans that he’d conjured. Using a mirror, he did his best to straighten out his hair. He couldn’t remember going to this much trouble for a woman before. Usually, women were just conveniently around whether he wanted one or not. But he wanted Cate more than anything.

  Jason heard the sound of water running and realised she was taking a shower. He tried not to think of her up there, naked in his bathroom. Get a grip, Talbot. You’re not having sex! he told himself. You’re having dinner with your best friend to celebrate the anniversary of your partnership.

  A best friend he happened to be dating now. Dating. It was such a modern term. Whatever had happened to courtship?

  Not that he’d ever really courted a woman, let alone dated one. He spent the night with strangers, women and whores he’d picked up in taverns, pubs and clubs. Those kinds of women had always been easy to find. He was usually gone straight afterwards. He never stayed the night, it was the rule he’d always lived by and rarely had he ever been with the same woman again, unless he had been passing through.

  “Have no emotional attachments. It will only make it harder for you.” That’s what Thyren had told him and he had stuck to it.

  But he couldn’t stop himself falling for Cate. The minute he’d laid eyes on her he had been completely hers. She wasn’t like any woman he’d known. Now he knew she was his, he’d never be able to walk away from her. He knew it was still dangerous, but would find a way to stay, even if it cost him his life.

  “Something smells good.”

  Jason turned and gasped. Cate looked like a goddess, beautiful and untouchable in blue silk that barely covered her breasts and thighs. “That’s a dress!”

  She smiled. “Yes it is.”

  “I mean – nice dress.”

  “Thank you.”

  He shook his head and tried to come to his senses. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “No, I’d much prefer you to be alive.”

  “How do you expect me to cook dinner when you’re dressed like that?”

  “Glad you like it. How about we have some wine?”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea after what happened at the club?”

  “I won’t get drunk that easily and you don’t have to get me tipsy.” She reached up and kissed him.

  “You’re making it really hard for me to concentrate.”

  “I’ll get some wine glasses from the kitchen. We could have some fun before dinner is ready.”

  “Not nearly enough time.”

  Cate turned to go but he caught hold of h
er, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?” he murmured in her ear, as his hands roamed over the soft silk that clung to her like a second skin.

  “I had a feeling.” She smiled and then turned, staring up at him with those sapphire eyes of hers. “Something is burning.”

  He cursed and hurried to the kitchen.

  “It’s going to be a little crisp,” Jason said as he came back in.

  Cate poured them both a glass of wine and handed one to him. “Here’s to us and new beginnings.” She clinked glasses with him.

  “May our partnership last and be better than ever.”

  Cate pulled out a small box. “I got you a present. It’s not much, but I wasn’t sure what else to get you.”

  Jason opened the box. Inside was a watch made from pure Silveron. On the back was written. ‘Forever, love Cate xx’.

  “I wanted it to be a symbol of us always being partners, no matter what happens.”

  “I love it.” He slipped it onto his wrist.

  “Steve added a little something, so it will change to the time zone of wherever you travel to.”

  “I got you something too. Close your eyes.” Cate did as he asked and felt him slip something around her wrist. “Okay, you can open them now.”

  Cate looked down and saw a Silveron bracelet with a large Silveron Denai star and a lightning bolt charm on it. “It’s beautiful.” She felt the crystal hum with power.

  “They’re protection charms too.”

  Cate kissed him, feeling the air suddenly spark with power. “Jason, I need you to promise me something.”


  “Promise me you’ll never leave without saying goodbye. I know that one day soon you might not have a choice whether you can –”

  “I’ve already told you I’m not leaving.”

  “Good. Let’s forget all the morbid stuff and get back to where we were.” She went to kiss him again.

  “Seline wants me to leave after your ascension and I doubt your dad would be very happy having me around either.”

  “Well, they’ll just have to put up with it. I’m not giving you up just because they disapprove.”

  “I just want to be sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “I know. Isn’t love worth fighting for?” Cate slipped her arms around his neck. “I want a real relationship with you.”

  “That’s good, because I don’t think I can let you go.”

  “After the ascension and we stop Raven, let’s leave Faliaster and travel. Maybe find our own home. Somewhere we can build together.”

  “You’re my home, Cate.”

  She smiled. “Given that dinner is already burnt, why don’t we go upstairs? I’m not really hungry anyway.” She took his hand and they headed for the bedroom.

  They were struggling to get out of their clothes as they headed upstairs, when Cate felt Jason tense. He suddenly pulled away from her.

  “What’s wrong?” Cate asked, knowing that there must be something the matter for him to have stopped so abruptly.

  “Someone’s here — I can feel a change in the elements,” Jason said. “I set wards to warn of any unexpected visitors.” He moved to the window. “Bugger, something is on fire. I’d better go and put it out.”

  Cate flung her senses out like a net, scanning the surrounding area. “I didn’t think the Covenant would be able to find us here.” She wriggled back into her dress.

  “Damn it, where is my shirt?” Jason asked. “Never mind. Stay inside the house, the wards will keep you safe.”

  “Are you ever going to learn?” she snapped. “We’re in this together, remember?”

  “Cate –”

  “They’re not immune to my silver fire.”

  “You can’t control it.”

  “I did before, with Raven. I gave myself over to my power.”

  “Yes and I brought you back from it. If something happens to me and the ascension…” Jason touched her face, feeling a sense of anguish. “I can’t fight and protect you at the same time.”

  “I have more control now.”

  “I know, love. But you’re not ready to face a Deva. Cate, please, I’m begging you. Just stay here.”

  Everything inside her protested; she was his partner, they were supposed to face things together. “You had better come back to me.”

  Jason stroked her cheek. “Of course I will. I’m not going to die without making love to you first.” He kissed her briefly yet passionately and hurried down the stairs, conjuring a new shirt as he went.

  “I love you,” she murmured as she watched him disappear into darkness.

  Staying behind, waiting, and doing nothing was not her thing. Cate was used to being part of the fight and she really hated feeling so useless, so powerless. How could he expect her to stand back? But he was right; her powers weren’t much use against a Deva. Cate grabbed her leather jacket off the banister and put it on. She zipped it, conjured her weapons harness and then fastened it on.

  Jason had told her that Devas were immune to all weapons, except ones made by the Ashrali. Cate pulled out the jewelled knife her father had given her. Made from pure Silveron, it was a beautiful Ashrali-made blade. But would it be enough to kill a creature as powerful as a Deva? Would she even be able to get close enough to use it? She should have given it to Jason.

  She could feel a disturbance in the air and see flashes of static as Jason used the elements to fight the Deva. Pacing up and down, she debated breaking her promise and joining in. Two was always better than one, or maybe she’d just distract Jason and get them both killed. But she couldn’t just stay here and do nothing. Damn him and his stubborn need to protect her. Maybe after she became immortal too, he would accept the fact that she was equal to him in power. If she made it to the ascension and one of them didn’t die first.

  Her Mark started to throb and she could feel her magic bubbling to the surface. She gritted her teeth and struggled to stay in control or knew she’d be like a beacon to those that hunted her. An eternity seemed to pass, but it was barely a few minutes. To hell with it, she thought and pulled her shoes back on.

  Cate had just made it to the front door when pain suddenly seemed to tear through her. It was both a physical and an emotional pain that ripped into her heart and the very depths of her soul. Doubling over, she grabbed onto the door frame to stop herself from falling to her knees, crying out as she did so.

  Looking up, she saw Jason fall to the ground and knew that he’d been hit. She felt something wet coming from her shoulder and looked down to see an open wound. How did that happen? And how had the Deva managed to get onto holy ground?

  The Deva advanced towards Jason, ready to strike again. Something inside her snapped and once more she felt power rise up inside her like a storm, brewing, burning, waiting to be unleashed.

  Her eyes bled black and then silver, to blue, then black again. Just as when she had faced Raven, the power took hold of her and she did nothing to stop it. She was no longer just Cate McCray. She was now the witch, fey, and the goddess merged into one. Raising her hand, kinetic energy bounded through the air, hitting the Deva.

  He barely staggered and laughed. “Stupid witch, you know you’re powerless against me.”

  We’ll see about that, she thought.

  The Deva retaliated with his own kinetic blast; she felt his magic wash over her.

  Cate, don’t! Jason said to her. Get out of here!

  Cate ignored him, slamming up a wall between their minds. The Deva was hers. She raised her hand, her Mark glowing brightly, illuminating the darkness as she marched towards her intended target.

  Jason struggled to get up. “Cate, he’ll kill you!” he shouted. “Listen to me, damn it!”

  Again, she ignored him. Kinetic blasts reverberated around her as she deflected his power, and she closed in on her prey.

  The Deva narrowed his eyes and let loose a tornado of kinetic energy, as he unleas
hed his full power.

  Her hair flew wildly about, as the force of the blast pounded against her like a tidal wave. Something prickled at her throat and she felt Jason’s protection charm flare to life. Gritting her teeth, she used her free hand to wave the energy away. There was a loud explosion as the house was torn apart.

  “Cate!” She could feel Jason reaching out to her, about to physically pull her away.

  Not this time, she thought and blasted him with her magic. Pain tore through her once again, making her gasp. She saw the ring on her left hand glowing with power. Somehow the ring’s magic was tying her to Jason. But she ignored it as she grabbed the Deva by the throat.

  Her eyes bled black as she unleashed the power of her Touch, not holding any part of her magic back. The power was instantaneous; nothing could escape its speed. It hammered from her body into his, violently impacting the air.

  The Deva laughed. “Your power is useless, witch,” he said and are eyes glowed.

  Suddenly, it wasn’t his face she saw anymore, it was Raven’s. The spirit of her nemesis was inside the Deva’s body, Cate realised as the presence of another witch tingled across her senses and knew Raven had done something to allow the Deva to step onto holy ground. He raised his hand and a fireball formed, striking her in the stomach. She staggered back and Jason grabbed hold of her, striking the Deva with a bolt of lightning.

  Cate felt the pain, but it only infuriated her, just as much as Jason did. “Stay out of this!” she snarled, pushing him away.

  “Stop it. This isn’t you.”

  “The hell it isn’t,” she said. “Avna!”

  Energy swirled through the air, creating a circle of power between her and Jason. He hurled himself at it, but the wall repelled him. “Cate!”

  “Just you and me now, Raven.” Cate smiled. “This time you’re going to die.”

  Raven laughed. “We’ll see.”

  A fireball fuelled by kinetic energy, hit Cate before she could blink. She cried out, hitting the ground hard. Blood poured from her eyes and nose and her skin stung from the burns that grazed her legs. Damn, this mortal body was going to be the death of her. She needed energy, her strength was rapidly fading. So she pulled it from the nearest source she could find: Jason.


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