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Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale

Page 17

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Why did Becky say I’m “Only here because Lynne insisted on it”? Pathetically I’d imagined Becky herself wanted me to come on this holiday as well. Even if it was only so she could abuse me. I twist myself inside the bath trying to get comfortable. Through the open window comes the sound of a cricket starting.

  How hot did Becky look in that little red t-shirt before? That ass, those legs! And leaving me here like this with my wife sucking thirstily on her husband’s cock. My discomfort, having no bed for the night, needing to sleep in a cold hard bath, becoming a cuckold - all of this is down to Becky. The thought is making my cock pulsate and I tug at the belt as the spikes start to sink their teeth into my shaft.

  What kind of woman could do this to a man? Especially when both she and her husband are using that same man’s wife for their sexual kicks?

  Then again, what kind of man could permit this to happen to him?

  Chapter Four

  Bright lights. I groan and try to shield my eyes. Where the hell am I?

  “Sleep well?” a voice asks. I know I recognize it, but it takes a moment or two for my thoughts to fall into place. My eyes adjust to the severe fluorescent lighting before I notice the daylight through the open window

  My shoulders ache as I lift my head from the bath and sit up looking across the room. Becky is wearing a tiny pair of white shorts and she pushes her ass up against the door closing it. She twists the key in the lock.

  Above her shorts her toned stomach is bare until it reaches tassels hanging from the shoulder-less, low-cut white top that showcases her voluptuous breasts. Her raven black hair is piled up high on her head. On her little feet are gilded Ipanema sandals.

  “You’ve got some making up to do today Stuart. That means you’re going to be busy for me. You can make the beds and then wash and tidy all the breakfast things away.” She says and turns to the toiletries mirror to adjust her gold stud earrings. The back of her shorts barely cover the top half of her behind, exposing the lower halves of each buttock like dual crescents of succulent olive flesh. After so little sleep in here last night I’m fighting to process what I see and hear.

  “First though, I need to make your role whilst you’re here crystal clear to you. “ She takes a couple of steps towards me and my nostrils pick up the familiar trace of her oriental fruit-scented perfume.

  “I’m not going to put up with any more incidents like last night. Get out of the bath.”

  “I’m sorry I disappointed you last night Becky. I never meant to let you down.” I tell her, still feeling so groggy that it takes me a couple of attempts to heave myself up.

  “Well ‘disappoint’ and let me down you most certainly did. You have no self-discipline at all.” She places her hands on the indents of her hips.

  “On your knees in front of me Stuart. You should be getting used to that as your default position by now I’d have thought.” She points an index finger towards her gold sandals.

  God, she’s so incredibly beautiful. My pulse feels like it’s in my throat as I sink down to my knees on the stony tiles.

  “Now I want you to bend over the bidet.”

  I look up at her face, trying to determine if she’s serious. Her face is a little flushed but glacier-blue eyes drill into me leaving me in little doubt that she means exactly what she says.

  “Get your head over the bidet Stuart”


  “Oh stop being such a wimp all the time Stuart!” She raises her voice then leans over and grabs a fistful of my hair. She drags me across to the bidet, pushing my head down towards it.

  “Hold onto the sides of it” She instructs and then leaning against the wall, slips off one of her sandals.

  “Stick out your rear Stuart” she orders, her voice thick.

  Now I know what’s coming.

  I move forwards, keeping my face up as high as possible away from the ceramic. Almost immediately I’m struck. The sandal cracks across my buttocks. Stinging pain. I’m hit again. Lynne might hear the noise! My back jerks, the padlock knocks against my chastity belt. I’m hit again. Becky groaning with effort. Scorching pain. Again then again the sandal rains smacks and slaps down on me.

  “Keep still for me!”

  The sounds of her assault on me settle into a kind of rhythm. Her heavy breath chased by the noise of her beautiful footwear as it slashes the air. The blistering whack as it connects with my helpless flesh. The clack of the chastity belt. The sounds echoing before they repeat. Each time I try to be brave for her and stifle a cry.

  “I’m sorry Becky, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry”

  My fingernails slide around the ceramic as I try to grip the sides of the bidet. I’m walloped without mercy probably 10 or 12 times before she stops. She’s breathing heavily. At first I think she’s only resting but I hear the sandal being dropped onto the floor behind me. She’s finished.

  “I really needed that" she says softly as I continue to kneel, my eyes watering but not daring to move. “You might want to avoid swimming for a day or two with a backside as red as that Stuart.” She adds, her voice still quiet. She tells me to brush my teeth, tidy myself up then make my way upstairs to the kitchen.

  “Yes Becky” my voice echoes around the bidet.

  I listen to her unlock the door and then I raise my head to the sound of her sandals on the tiles as she disappears down the hallway.

  My palms feel their way around my ass cheeks, looking for any tell-tale welts on my flesh. I can’t believe I let myself be put through that after what happened last night. What’s wrong with me? I hope to God Lynne’s not in our bedroom and has heard what happened in here.

  “Don’t keep me waiting!” Becky’s voice echoes from somewhere down the hallway.

  I poke my head around the door to our bedroom but Lynne’s not there. She may not know anything about the thrashing I’ve just been given. Hurriedly I pull a pair of shorts on over my chastity belt and splash some water over my face.

  Somehow, I feel more emotional than after other beatings I’ve had from Becky. Maybe it’s something to do with there being other people around too? Or is it the fact that we’re supposed to be on holiday? Maybe it’s even where she made me put my head and face or because I was beaten with something as personal as one of her sandals.

  Whatever it is, at least the physical pain isn’t as bad as the riding crop or ball-kicking I’ve taken from her in the past. Either that, I’m just getting used to what she does to me.

  I scurry down the hallway and up the tiled staircase to where I can hear their voices.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come into the village with us to pick up some groceries? Dom says he’ll show us the beach at the same time.” Lynne steps inside from the upstairs terrace and kisses the side of my face. I’m standing in the dining area of the villa on the open plan top floor with my ass stinging under my shorts.

  Lynne looks so beautiful and fresh-faced in a little flowery skirt, loose-fitting cream blouse and new sneakers. How I need to spend some time alone with my wife right now. We need to talk, but there’s no privacy. I sigh and it feels like a sob, as a wave of sadness washes over me.

  “I was just telling Lynne and Dominic that you told me you’re too tired to go anywhere because you hardly slept. Isn’t that right Stuart?” Becky interrupts my thoughts. She’s staring at me from the kitchen, nostrils flared.

  “Oh, yes, er, I do feel pretty tired really.” I stutter trying to read her face and hoping I’m saying what she wants me to.

  “Your wife didn’t get much sleep last night either did you Lynne?” Dominic looks up from his seat at the dining table and winks playfully at Lynne before slurping down the last of his coffee. A flush of pink spreads across my wife’s face.

  “Stop your teasing Dominic. In any case if Stuart’s too tired to go he can always keep me company until Julia comes round.”

  ‘Julia?’ Who the hell’s Julia? I ask myself.

  “I tho
ught Julia and her husband had flown back home?” Dominic looks up at his wife.

  “They’re going back tonight, she’s just popping round for a chat.” Becky replies then turns to Lynne.

  “Julia and her husband are a couple of friends of ours. They own one of those enormous villas on the front that we passed on the way here.”

  Lynne smiles, but my heart rate is till accelerating at what Becky might have in store for me if I’m left alone with her. Some other woman coming round here to occupy Becky might be a blessing in disguise. I honestly couldn’t handle another dose of what I’ve just gone through in the bathroom again any time soon.

  I know I should probably just ‘Man up’, tell them all I’m going with them to the village. I should order Becky to unlock my cock this instant and tell Dominic in no uncertain terms that from now on he keeps out of our room and that my wife sleeps with me and me alone.

  But then I look across at Becky in those shorts, and with those breasts and she’s standing in the kitchen smiling over at me down her nose.

  I fidget awkwardly with my hands, I don’t want to chance sitting down because my behind is still so sore.

  “Come on then Lynne, let’s make a move. The sooner we go, the sooner we can get back and relax as well.” Dominic grabs the shopping list and rises from the table. Beyond him through the open terrace doors in the distance I can see the foam tipped waves of the sea.

  “See you later Stuart, behave for Becky won’t you?” Lynne smiles at me and Becky and then kisses my cheek.

  If only Lynne knew the half of it.

  “I’ll show you the local nudist beach too while we’re out Lynne,” Dominic winks at my wife again, “Just bring a beach towel – no costume required!”

  Lynne and Becky roll their eyes at each other.

  “Don’t worry buddy, I’ll take good care of your wife while we’re out.” Dominic smiles broadly at me then pats Becky on the bare half of one of her ass cheeks. He pulls her into his huge arms.

  "Don't do anything I wouldn't do sweetie!" He leans down and kisses her forehead.

  "Hmmm, that leaves me plenty of room for manoeuvre" says Becky wriggling her curves free of his embrace and leaving him laughing.

  “Clear away the dishes and wash them.” Becky instructs me the instant we’re alone. She disappears into the toilet at the top of the stairs while I remove their plates, cereal bowls and mugs from the table and carry them to the sink.

  There are sweeping views of the coast through the kitchen window as I stand here with my hands in the warm water. I’m hungry and I’ll need something to eat when I’ve finished this. Under my shorts my ass is still throbbing from the pasting Becky gave me.

  Part of me can’t stop worrying about the amount of time Lynne seems to be spending with Dominic. Especially after what I saw of her on her knees with him last night. What do I do if she develops feelings for him as well? Insanely my cock is twitching even as the thought forms in my mind.

  Trying to center my feelings I focus on wiping the dishes but my mind starts replaying the whole bathroom scene from earlier. My cock is agitated, the spikes nipping into my flesh, warning me to redirect my thoughts.

  “Do you think I overdid it with you before Stuart?” Becky’s voice is teasing, mocking from behind my back. I turn to her. She’s standing there with her arms folded across the swell of her chest.

  “Let me see how red it is now” she nods to my behind. I towel-dry my hands and lower my shorts for her.

  “Oh my, that does look sore.” One of her hands goes up to her mouth.

  “Yes Becky”

  “So tell me Stuart, do you think I hit you too much or too hard earlier?” she’s tilting her head, looking at me quizzically.

  “No Becky.” I shake my head.

  “So you could’ve taken more? Her eyebrows rise.

  “No, I didn’t mean that Becky. I just meant…” my voice trails off and I’m scared shitless she wants a repeat performance already.

  “Well I’ll keep that in mind for next time Stuart.” With a satisfied expression she turns and pulls out a chair from under the dining table.

  ”I need to speak to you about something else. “ She sits then slowly crosses her shapely legs and lifts her chin. I yank my pants back up.

  “I was looking at you earlier and I’m not happy with the shape you’re in Stuart. You need to lose weight.“ She raises both arms to adjust the hairclip at the back of her head. Her breasts rise and fall tantalisingly.“I’ve spoken to Lynne about it and she agrees that this vacation is the ideal opportunity to work on your physique.”

  I’m speechless. What do you say to something like this?

  “Now come on Stuart don’t sulk. You’re not a child.” She sighs impatiently at me as I stand in front of her holding my own hands.

  “You must admit your wife looks great since I put her on her diet doesn’t she? But you’ll take a lot more work. The way you look isn’t fair on Lynne and it most certainly is not fair on me. Why should I have to put up with seeing you without your clothes on when you look like that?” She crinkles her nose and curls her top lip in exaggerated disgust.

  I know I’m coloring-up with embarrassment. But what did she mean when she said she’d put Lynne on a diet?

  “Obviously you’ll never have a body like Dominic’s, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make an effort does it?” She stares at me as if awaiting my response. I feel as if her eyes have nailed me to the spot.

  “You do want to look your best for me don’t you Stuart? You did tell me you’d do anything I wanted didn’t you?” She extends a long leg towards the front of my shorts. The slightest of smiles plays at one of the corners of her mouth as she nestles the top of her foot right under my balls. She laughs as I shudder and close my eyes.

  “While you’re here I don’t want you eating what we do.” She says flatly. “Look at me when I’m talking to you Stuart!” her voice turns stern and I open my eyes.

  “You can have some of what we have. Considerably smaller portions as it were.”

  I feel like I’m losing my mind as well as my self-respect. How can the idea of being put on food rations as well as sex rations by this beautifully smug female actually excite me? My head whirls and I feel faint.

  Her toes move ever so slightly against my groin. I grind my teeth to block out the searing pain of the spikes on my shaft.

  “If I’m completely honest, I quite like the idea of having you eat my leftovers - at least when we eat here in the villa, but I’m not sure how your lovely wife might feel about that.” She smiles and her fingers form a steeple in front of her. She surveys my frown.

  “Well?” she asks.

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say Becky?” my voice is quieter than I intend and her brow furrows.

  “How many times have I told you about mumbling Stuart?” she withdraws her foot from up against my groin and crosses her legs in front of me.

  “Sorry Becky” I clear my throat.

  “I’ll give your physical training a little more thought but you can make a start on your weight by skipping breakfast for me today.” She stands and faces me. “If I don’t begin to see some significant improvements to your waistline and those man-boobs over the coming weeks I might decide to start looking for a different slave altogether mightn’t I?” She smirks and two purple fingernails delicately pluck my left nipple. It swells hard with her touch and my whole body shivers.

  “Do you want me to have to replace you Stuart?” Her eyes narrow and she pouts at me.

  “No Becky" I feel a stab of genuine fear course through me at the prospect of being abandoned by her.

  “Then you’ll do as I say” she laughs suddenly and slaps my bare belly.

  "Although of course just cutting down what you eat isn’t going to help tone you up. You’ll need a rigorous exercise programme as well." She brushes past me towards the stairs and my eyes inevitably pursue her backside.

  "As soon as you’ve finished up he
re come down and make the beds and tidy the bedrooms. I'll be going out to the pool."

  I’m in a daze. Surely she doesn’t really mean it? Dieting and ‘rigorous exercise’ weren’t part of any plan I had in mind. I lower my head and move my hands around myself examining my body. It’s no wonder I’m not in good condition these days. I’ve had weeks of poor sleep because of this damn chastity belt and everything that’s been going on between the four of us. Most of the time I’m tired and I know I’ve been eating a lot of crap just for the sugar rush.

  “Hurry up with the bed” Becky snaps as soon as I reach her room.

  I start pulling her top sheet into position. This bed where my wife was made to do God knows what by this woman and her husband only hours ago.

  “When you’ve finished the bed; go and get your toothbrush.” Her eyes pierce me.

  “I’ve already brushed my teeth Becky.” Does my breath smell?

  “Why must you question every single thing I tell you Stuart? Just do as I say.”

  By the time I return with my toothbrush Becky is standing hands on hips at the door of her bedroom with an impatient look on her face and a canvas beach bag over her shoulder.

  “Right, while I’m out at the pool you’re going to start down there,” she extends an arm and a cluster of gold bracelets jangle around her sculpted wrist. A long finger points beyond the staircase to the far end of the hallway.

  “You’re going to get down on your hands and knees with your toothbrush and clean every single floor tile so that it’s spotless.” Her lips move sensuously and seductively as she speaks, totally at odds with the words coming out of her mouth.

  “I want you to get right into the filler between the tiles and scrub it hard. Not only will my hallway look better when you’ve completed this task but you’ll also have had some exercise too won’t you? Do you understand me Stuart?” She looks right into my eyes and my knees want to buckle.


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