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Witch's Promise : The Witching Hour Series Book 4

Page 11

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  I glanced at the dhampir girl, then at Gordon. It was time to make a decision. I cleared my throat and said, "Fine, I’ll cut off her finger if you let her go."

  I had to help this paranormal somehow. She could live without a finger. This was much better than being dead.

  "Little Chief of Police’s daughter likes to make deals with big bad guys. Well, well, well, I didn’t know you had it in you."

  I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but I chose to keep my mouth shut. Maybe big scary Gordon just wanted to see how far I would go to save my father. A new bright smile appeared on his scarred face, telling me I was doubled screwed.

  "Do it and I’ll let her go then give you what you want."

  I swallowed again, feeling sick to my stomach. Lillian was still alive; her chest was rising and falling rapidly. Magic paralysed her and I thought this would’ve been so much easier if I didn’t know her name.

  The tension in the basement rose again, everyone was waiting for me to obey. The dizziness hit me, but I squatted down and lifted the dhampir girl’s hand, whispering the formula under my breath. This was going to hurt her, so I had to be quick. I kept telling myself that this was better than death; the girl was going to be free. She didn’t even need her finger that much. The bile rose in my mouth and I closed my eyes. I whispered low enough to where only she could hear me, “I’m sorry, Lillian.”

  A few deep breaths later, I lifted the knife and opened my eyes. I went for the smallest finger and then sliced it like I was cutting through raw meat, the blood started pouring out of her and she screamed but didn’t move. It was my own spells that kept her in place. The finger fell off, but Lillian kept screaming in agony, her voice ringing in my head. Her eyes opened, she stared at me with hatred and pain.

  "Now bring it to me," the cold voice ordered, the one I knew so well.

  I was going to throw up, but I had to keep it together being around Gordon and his pack. With shaking hands, I picked the dirty bloody finger up off the floor and approached him.

  "Now, I want information," I said, looking straight into his eyes. "And you’ve agreed to let her go.”

  He took the finger, looked at it, then tossed it away like a piece of trash.

  "Malik, take the dhampir away and dump her somewhere. We don’t need her anymore. The rest of you morons can leave."

  "No, take her to the hospital," I said, wiping a surge of sweat from my brow.

  "Fine, whatever. Malik, just dump her outside the ER."

  Gordon didn't shout or raise his voice, but his tone was controlled and calm. Malik went to the girl and lifted her away then began walking up the stairs. I truly hoped she was going to be all right. His people were leaving, one by one. No one looked at me.

  "Julia deserves the information, Gordon. She’s done what you asked her to do," Jasper snarled, keeping his magic wand by his side.

  Gordon spat on the ground and licked his lips again, staring at my neck. I was waiting, expecting him to just tell me what I needed to know.

  "That was just a trial to see if she deserves to know. I need twenty thousand pounds in cash, then I’ll give you the address."

  "What? You want money?" I asked in fury, ready to scratch his eyes out with my nails. I pretended that he didn’t say this.

  "I found that you’re worth the information. It’s business, girl. If you want the address, then supply the cash. You got until the end of the week."

  "Jasper?" I asked, looking at my ex-boyfriend with tears in my eyes.

  "She’ll get you the money. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re leaving."

  I had no idea what was happening to me. Jasper took my hand. Gordon was saying something to me, but I wasn't listening. Jasper dragged me outside. A few teenagers were laughing somewhere nearby and I heard dogs barking in the background. As soon as the fresh air hit my lungs I ran and started throwing up until my stomach heaved. My breaths were shallow as Jasper helped me get on my feet.

  "He wants money? After what I’ve done? I'm going to kill that bastard!" I yelled, feeling dizzy and sick, knowing that I’d hurt an innocent paranormal. My stomach revolted. Gordon enjoyed torturing me. In the end he was going to ask for money anyway.

  Jasper pulled me closer to his body and hugged me. I breathed in and out clutching for some close affection. For a brief moment I wanted to feel normal again. I had no savings and all my parents’ money was tied into the house. I had no idea how I was going to get that kind of money together in less than a week.

  When Jasper released me, I couldn’t breathe properly. The air was thick and crispy.

  "I owe Gordon a small favour. He doesn't budge, and he wanted to punish me, so he used you. I should have seen it coming. I'm sorry, Julia."

  He sounded genuine, but I didn’t know what to believe anymore.

  "Even if I get that money from somewhere, what sort of guarantee do I have that he even knows where the white witch is?" I asked with a sharp hiss.

  "You don’t have any other choice. Gordon is more powerful and intelligent than you think. He has no soul, but he’s built up connections with scumbags like him from all over the world."

  "There has to be someone else who knows about the white witch."

  Jasper looked at me like I had no idea what I was talking about. He shook his head.

  "Probably, but you can’t waste any more time. Either find the money or accept that your dad is going to die."

  I covered my face in my hands knowing that the only person who could lend me that sort of cash was Nathaniel and a week ago I’d rejected his help.



  T hat night Jasper dropped me home an hour later. I couldn’t deal with him talking about everything that happened with Gordon, and I was glad that he didn’t pursue the conversation. I had to get some space, digest everything slowly, and then erase it from my memory.

  It was late when I finally went to bed just after two o’clock in the morning. Jasper had to stop a few times during the way back, because I had to throw up on the side of the road. He pretended in front of Gordon that I was his girlfriend, which freaked me out a bit. I didn’t blame him for what Gordon made me do. It was me that wanted to see him, knowing what he was capable of.

  I had no bloody idea how I fell asleep that night. The voices and images of the cut finger were flashing in my mind until I drifted off. In the morning I felt more anger than upset. Gordon obviously recognised me as the chief inspector’s daughter straight away. Somehow that psychopath liked Dad and when I showed up he wanted to play a little game with me.

  Around ten o’clock I went to work. As I drove through busy London, Nathaniel came to my mind. For him, twenty thousand pounds was probably worth an hour’s work. He made millions from the contract with Paranormal Personnel. I couldn’t borrow the money from anyone else. Ella was out of the question. Her mother worked as a nurse, and she didn't have that kind of cash available. My own mother spent what little savings she had on partying when she found out that my father was paranormal. None of my friends were able to come up with that sort of money. Nathaniel was the only one I could ask.

  I reached the office for my late morning shift. An hour later the phone rang; it was Lucinda. She was complaining yet again that the witches were disappearing. Last week ten of them hadn't shown up for work. After I got off the phone, I told Sara to track down a few and find out what was happening. That idea pretty much went out the window. The numbers of the witches who weren’t showing up were out of service. She couldn't get ahold of any of them.

  I kept thinking that this new phenomenon must have something to do with the new coven in London. There wasn't any other explanation. Either way, Lucinda was losing money, which meant that Rufus was probably going to be on my back soon. I believed that we had to stop hiring witches and concentrate on vampires. No one needed to know.

  Throughout the day I kept glancing at Kate’s old desk thinking about all my options. Kate wouldn’t just give up; she would
fight until the end.

  Work was slow, and I managed to get off early, just after six. I wanted to go straight to Nathaniel, but first, I needed to check if he was at home. He was probably going to confront me about my late-night trip with Kelsie and Michael. I was still convinced that he was the one who sent a tail to keep an eye on me.

  "Julia, how nice to hear from you," he said, sounding relaxed. "How are you?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, I need to see you. Are you at home or at work?"

  "I'm driving to a restaurant. I have a meeting. If this is urgent, can you meet me there?"

  "Okay, text me the address and I’ll see you there."

  I didn’t want to do this over the phone and the restaurant wasn't exactly the place for this kind of conversation, plus he was meeting someone. I couldn’t waste any more time. I had to get this money as soon as possible. Either way I needed to see him.

  There I was, going back to my rich ex-boyfriend to ask him for twenty thousand pounds. Pathetic wasn't the word that I was looking for; yeah, I wasn't proud of myself asking him for money.

  Nathaniel was somewhere in West London. It took me over an hour to get there, plunging through busy traffic. My palms were damp with sweat once I finally found a parking space near the restaurant. I was curious to find out who Nathaniel was meeting, but at the end of the day it was none my business. We weren’t together anymore.

  The restaurant was Tai, filled with bright violet and purple colours and Asian waitresses who greeted me at the entrance. My stomach growled automatically as the smell of delicious food wafted around me.

  Nathaniel was sitting at one of the last tables in the back; lucky for me he was alone with a menu in his hand. My heart kicked in my chest and my energy slapped me in between my bum cheeks. I still had feelings for him.

  "Hi," I said, sitting in the chair opposite him, not even asking if it was all right. Just in case he was ready to bring up the car chase with Michael and Kelsie; I needed to pretend I had no idea what he was talking about.

  "Julia, you look gorgeous."

  I smiled. "Thank you, how are you?"

  "Excellent, would you like a drink? I'm early anyway, so we have at least half an hour," he said, watching me closely, like always. I thought I might as well get something stronger, just to deal with my nerves.

  "Yes, a shot of vodka and water," I said, faking a smile.

  Nathaniel nodded to the waiter and when he came over, Nathaniel ordered exactly what I asked for. He could read me like an open book, and he probably sensed that I was a nervous wreck. In his hazel eyes I noticed worry and love. For this one moment, I had to forget that the love of my life was sitting in front of me.

  "I'm worried about you, Julia," he said, watching me as I emptied the vodka. "Something is going on with you."

  Questions, of course, he wanted to know every last detail. There was no way I could get away with lying to him. Gordon had me wrapped around his little finger. Nathaniel knew that I didn't listen to him and went ahead with my own plan. I took a deep breath and decided to get straight to the point.

  "I came here to ask you for twenty thousand pounds. Please don’t ask any questions. This money will save Dad’s life."

  His face went blank for a moment. Then he scratched his chin, moved his eyes from my breasts to my lips and said, "I think you should start from the beginning, firecracker. You can’t expect me to give you the money based on a few lousy facts." He chuckled, emphasising the word "firecracker." My face heated up.

  "Well," I began, knowing that this wasn't good. I bet he was itching to ask about the other night. "Gordon Lancaster can give me the exact location of the white witch, but he wants money."

  Nathaniel stared at me for at least ten seconds before he stood and grabbed my arm.

  “Let's go to my car. Now."

  He forcefully dragged me out of the restaurant, but we didn’t go to his car. We went around the corner to the back. His grip burned my skin. Nathaniel was furious. He didn’t stop until we were away from any onlookers.

  "Are you telling me you went to Lancaster by yourself?"

  "Eee … yes … well, Jasper—"

  "Right! Your fucking ex-boyfriend, the nut case!" he shouted, extending his fangs. All right, so I’ve seen Nathaniel angry before, but right then he looked like he was ready to strangle me or eat me alive. Either way I was screwed. "Jasper took you to the biggest gangster in London, and you went ahead with it? What the hell is wrong with you, Julia?"

  I pushed him away, feeling drained. He didn't even know what I had to do in order to get Gordon to help me. I swallowed back my tears. There was no point going all girly on him.

  "I'm trying to save the life of my father and I’ll do anything I can!" I shouted. I couldn’t believe he was treating me like I was stupid and unaware of the danger. "You either lend me the money or I’ll go to someone else. Gordon has information about the white witch. Once I pay him, he’ll give it to me."

  Nathaniel shook his head in anger, clenching his fists. With a sharp intake of breath, he pushed me against the wall. His jaw was tight, and his eyes were piercing right through me.

  "Julia, your father is the chief of the paranormal unit. Lancaster could have killed you. I can’t believe your ex allowed you to go anywhere near him."

  Sweat was dripping down my spine. I had no idea how to defend my actions. Nathaniel’s body was so close to mine that I couldn’t think straight. Despite his anger and fury, I really wanted him to hug me. I wanted him to tell me that everything was going to be all right.

  "Nathaniel, please … Dad and Kate…they don’t have a lot of time. I don’t care that he’s dangerous. He has information that I need!"

  “He's pulling you into his nest just as a trap, Julia. Why didn't you call me?" he asked, burning me with his intense stare but didn’t allow me say anything and continued. "Lancaster doesn’t need money; he’s going to use you to his own advantage. Forget about this whole idea and let me deal with it. I promise you that I’ll find a white witch or help your father another way."

  I shook my head.

  "I told you before, I can’t waste any more time. I don’t trust Jasper, but I don’t have any other option at the moment. He’s the only person who can get me in front of Lancaster," I pleaded and before I knew it I burst into tears. Nathaniel had money, but he didn’t get me in front of Lancaster, Jasper did.

  He pulled away and cursed under his breath loudly. I hated that it had to come to this, but I didn’t have an easy week, especially when it came to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  It got to the point where I was I howling, feeling lost and broken. Then Nathaniel did something that I didn’t expect. He simply hugged me, bringing me close to his body. As soon as I was in his arms everything seemed better, colours were brighter and problems smaller.

  "Shhhh, stop crying, Julia. Of course, I’ll give you the money, but there has to be another way. This is insanely dangerous. I can’t lose you." He kept whispering in my ear. I didn't want to let go of him, but at the same time I was fighting with my wrecked emotions. This was too much—he was too much. Every time he touched me, my knees nearly gave out.

  “I'll be fine as long as I keep Jasper on the short leash," I said.

  Nathaniel didn't seem convinced. He reluctantly let go of me, breathing harder than he should.

  "I don’t trust him, and you shouldn't either."

  I didn't say anything, thinking that this was my only chance. After a moment of composure, he took out his stylish wallet with a checkbook, then wrote a cheque for twenty thousand pounds. It was that simple.

  "I can’t believe I'm doing this," he said, shaking his head. I took the cheque and then put it my bag. My mouth was dry, and my heart was racing.

  "Thank you, thank you. I’ll give it back to you as soon as I can."

  “Don't be absurd, Julia. It’s a gift. In return I want you to keep me updated and stop lying to me."

  "I will, once you stop sending your peopl
e after me."

  "I have to; you’re irresponsible. I need to know what’s going on with you," he replied with a shrug. I didn’t say anything to that. Nathaniel knew it all and he was worse than my grandmother when it came to being stubborn as hell.

  We were on our way back inside when a car pulled up and a really tall, lean witch came out waving towards Nathaniel. She was blonde and dressed in black. For a moment he looked like he was going to ignore her, but then he cleared his throat and approached her, reluctantly. Now it was all clear: I’d just interrupted Nathaniel’s date.



  T he woman in front of me wasn't beautiful; the shape of her face was odd, like someone had wrongly stitched together some parts with others. She had really high cheekbones, a pale complexion, and wide blue eyes. Nathaniel kissed her on the cheek stiffly and then backed off. It was clearly a date or something close to it. Either way, I wasn't in any position to get angry about her. Nathaniel stated on a number of occasions that he was going to start dating again.

  "Nathaniel, sorry, I'm a bit early. My other meeting finished half an hour earlier than expected," she said. She sounded like she had been living in England for years. Nathaniel tightened his jaw, probably not expecting us to meet under these circumstances.

  "Julia, this is Elvira," he said. The energy that surrounded the witch almost swept me off my feet and I nearly lost my balance. It connected with mine almost instantly. She didn’t look too impressed seeing me with Nathaniel. She nodded with a tight smile, scanning me up and down quickly.

  "Nice to meet you," I said. “I've got to rush, Nathaniel. I’ll see you soon."


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