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Witch's Promise : The Witching Hour Series Book 4

Page 19

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "Julia, wow, your scent is incredible tonight. Have you been hanging out with many elves?" Rachel asked as she walked into the kitchen. I smelled my skin and shook my head.

  "No, I haven't done anything unusual, just hung out with a bunch of witches yesterday."

  She eyed me up and down, licking her lips.

  "That can’t be it. You smell irresistible in a good way." She chuckled.

  I went back to my desk as soon as possible, wondering what the hell was wrong with me tonight. Maybe it was all the spells from yesterday. Just in case, I made sure that I stayed away from the vampires and got on with my work. In the bathroom I used a cover charm to keep my scent away. I was on my own with a bunch of vampires. I didn’t want to cause any problems at work.

  The evening was busy, but I didn't mind. I needed to keep away from toxic thoughts. It was a good night. I even had a chance to talk to a few witches about the new coven. They were pleasant enough but not very forthcoming.

  The hours rolled on until midnight. Ella was also on my mind; her new unexpected powers were worrying. She was so inexperienced. Once my dad came out of the coma I needed to help her find Alex. Her mother was a human, and her brother hadn’t shown any new abilities so far. It was better to keep them out of this until we knew what was going on. Maybe Alex had been captured by his own kind. Either way I couldn’t just sit around, I had to do something.

  Around four o’clock in the morning, I told the vampires to go home and decided to lock up. At that time the streets were completely deserted. I put all the files away and updated the system. After checking that everything was sorted for tomorrow I was ready to leave when I heard the sound of doors closing. I was so absorbed with work that I’d forgotten to lock the main door.

  I should’ve seen this coming. I nearly killed him back in Wales, but the time when he intimidated me was over. I was ready to kick his arse again.

  His mysterious expression didn't reveal if he was in a good or bad mood. I was disappointed with myself, because Jasper recovered well. Obviously, I didn't give him enough hell.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?" I snapped, hiding my hands behind my back. An intensive wave of my power rippled through me. I was ready to take on any kind of spells. The images from that night were fresh in my memory.

  "Julia, I'm hurt. After that passionate night we spent together you tried to kill me," he said, calmly moving his finger over his wand.

  I bared my teeth, breathing calmly. He wanted to provoke me, playing his usual game.

  "I didn’t agree to sleep with you. I was high; someone poisoned me. You used me, pretending that you were there for me," I said, moving to my desk. My stomach churned loudly when Jasper tightened his jaw. He didn’t like my tone and I didn't care. I was ready for him.

  "Without me and my connections to Gordon, you wouldn't even know where to start. Gordon was right. The bitch was there. He couldn’t have known that she moved away," Jasper insisted. "We had an agreement, Julia."

  My breathing changed, growing heavy. I was ready to use the most lethal spell on him, just to prove to him that he couldn’t control me.

  "True, but then you sold my blood without my permission. Whatever agreement we had is void. I didn’t find the white witch, and my father’s still dying."

  "You enjoyed our lovemaking session," he added with the smile.

  "I don’t love you, Jasper. How many times do I have to tell you that? I'm not interested in any romantic relationship with you."

  He was beside me before I even blinked, invading my personal space. My hands were behind me, tingling as I was gathering up my magic.

  "I promised you I’d find the white witch, so I’ll keep that promise," he whispered, inhaling my scent. I was going to be sick and I no longer believed his lies.

  The fire that brewed in his eyes pushed me further away. Jasper was delusional. I made a mistake by trusting him and now I was paying for it. I really thought that Jasper had changed, but now his obsession transformed him into someone else. There was no place for him in my life.

  "Get the hell away from me. I don’t need your help," I said, pushing him.

  He caught my hand and brought me close to his body. I started jerking away, trying to use my fire spell to hurt him, but somehow, he blocked me. Then out of nowhere images of me and him in bed started flashing through my mind. My heart jumped as I tried to pull away. When the bad dream ended I slapped him. That didn’t faze him. He’d used whatever power he had to get me into the mood. His hand ran over the edge of my thighs and deep soaring heat began growing between my legs.

  "See, I knew you liked it," he whispered, making me feel like I’d lost my free will.

  I didn’t know if it was his voice or the memories, but energy rolled down my arm. The wind came out of nowhere, and a bolt of fire began spreading its source around Jasper.

  "Get the fuck out or I'm going to kill you," I whispered back, bringing the spell closer and closer.

  "You would't dare."

  "Try me!"

  A wave of dark, mounting power made me want to crawl on my knees and scream. This wasn't me, but I didn’t want to remember what he made me do.

  My magic was back, spreading throughout every cell. The need and desire for death was in me. He just had to give me a sign and I was ready to destroy him.

  “I'll find the white witch, whether you want me to or not."

  "Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled and threw a ball of energy at the wall, causing bits of drywall to crash to the floor. His eyes sent an icy whirl of power over me, but another fiery ball was in my hands. This time I wouldn't miss.

  He started backing away towards the door.

  “I'll be back."

  When he was gone, I ran to the door and locked it, breathing hard. My heart was pounding in my chest. The magic left me, and the darkness vanished. I felt weak. The lights were flashing, and I wiped the drops of sweat pouring down my face from the corner of my mouth. It took me a few moments to get my balance.

  Dizziness hit me, and I had to sit down. The office was trashed. There was no way I would be able to fix anything now. My arms felt like they weighed a ton. I had to get home. The girls were going to have to deal with everything in the morning. I didn’t have enough strength left in me to clean up.

  I reached for my bag and took out a small bottle of a potion that my grandmother gave me for emergencies. This was going to make me feel better. The pressure in my head should go away. The potion would calm me down.

  I opened my mouth and poured the contents down my throat.

  Within a second, I was back on my feet. I switched off the lights, locked the door and went home. I couldn't remember how long I was driving.

  My body felt so light; I had no energy and my skin was tingling. Then as soon as my head touched the pillow, I closed my eyes and drifted.

  Sleep was blissful. The hours passed, many hours, and when I awoke the temperature in my body was blazing. I placed my hand on my forehead and yanked it away; it was boiling hot. There was another problem. I was turned on and the throbbing between my legs alarmed me. My mouth was dry, and my pulse was racing. Something was really wrong with me.

  Not wanting to open my eyes I started tapping my hand over the table, searching for my phone. Light was streaming into the room, so it was clear to me that I’d slept through the few remaining hours of the night.

  I opened my left eye and, after switching on my phone, I discovered that it was only eleven o’clock in the morning. The ache between my legs grew. That potion that my grandmother gave me should have sorted me out a few hours ago.

  Then I heard the banging at my door, not just one sharp knock as normal people would do, but loud and very annoying banging.

  I covered my face with the pillow hoping that whoever was on the other side of the door would go away.

  The banging only became worse, so did my arousal. I removed my covers and sat up feeling hot and very uncomfortable. Seconds later, I was on my feet walking to the
living room.


  I got to the door and opened it abruptly, yawning and rubbing my eyes.

  "Hello, firecracker."



  I was dreaming. Nathaniel wasn't really standing on my doorstep. I just had to lift my hand and touch him. His smile, his hazel eyes, and the pull of our energy was overriding my thought process. My body needed him, pulsing with fresh, hot desire that was spreading deep in my veins. I bit my lip, forcing everything I had in me not to throw myself into his arms and just stay where I was.

  "Nathaniel," I said, and after clearing my throat I added, "What are you doing here?"

  "Well," he began, stepping inside and then closing the door behind him. The blissful moment of having him close obscured my ability to think straight. The tension blazed through the air. "I didn’t hear from you after I gave you that cheque. I was worried, but I stayed away, like you asked me to."

  "As you can see I'm fine and now isn’t really a good time for a visit," I said, moving away and closing my eyes. I needed to forget that his perfect body was so close to mine. The energy ostracised my self-control. The scent of lime leaves, mint and lemon wrecked my tiny bit of resistance. I tried to breathe through my mouth, but this strategy wasn't getting me anywhere. My body craved his touch; the thirst, strong and unnerving awakened my other needs. Heat between us weakened my knees. "How about I pop into the factory in a couple of hours and then we’ll talk."

  Nathaniel frowned and passed me, entering my messy living room. I walked to the sofa and sat down, crossing my legs. Images of us together in bed began shifting the temperature of my body. His eyes darted to mine and I forced myself to stay on the sofa.

  "I just want to talk, that’s all, and I'm afraid that I'm busy later," he said. I imagined him ripping my clothes to pieces, imagined his heavy panting and deep groans. My heartbeat increased, reviving the moisture between my legs. I could control it, whatever the hell was happening to me.

  "No, you’ve got to go. I'm expecting someone," I said quickly, but my voice sounded weak, broken, and judging from the way Nathaniel was looking at me right then I was flustered.

  His eyes flickered with curiosity. He shoved his hands into his pockets appearing amused. Was it possible that he was sensing my arousal?

  I wanted to believe that he wasn't aware of what was happening to me, but Nathaniel was a dhampir and their senses were much sharper than those of humans. It was safer to act like everything was all right.

  "Tell me, Julia, who are you expecting?" he asked. His husky voice sent a shiver down my spine. I felt tension in my neck; trembling powers were pulsing alive. My energy was in need of release.

  "I don’t need to tell you anything," I said, shrugging my shoulder and involuntarily getting up. "Do you want a drink or something?"

  My mind questioned me: why the hell did I just move? I walked to the fridge and felt him following behind me. I gripped the handle, breathing in and out. He couldn’t possibly violate my rules. He was dating other people and we were just friends. I pushed away thoughts of us together.

  Yet again, my subconscious gave me excellent advice and I just had to stick to it. His scent filled the small cramped kitchen, suffocating parts of my brain with lust.

  "Water is fine, Julia," Nathaniel said, once I was holding the kettle. I put it back, aware that he was watching me the whole time. Another breath and I turned around to face him.

  "Are you sure? I can make you some tea?"

  "Tea with a dash of your blood sounds great, but I don’t want to push my luck." He chuckled, and his eyes darted down to my bare legs and thighs. No wonder he was looking at me like that. I was half naked.

  "Ha, ha, very funny, so what do you want?" I asked like I was talking to myself. I turned around, trying to pick up a glass from the tallest cupboard, at the same time distracting myself from him. He was way too close. I stood on the tip of my toes, counting in my head. The fire blazing between my legs knocked the air out of my lungs. I grabbed the glass and then felt him closer. Nathaniel was standing right behind me.

  Time stopped. My heart practically exploded in my chest. I kept telling myself that I was in control. The potion that flew in my veins wasn't the cause of this irrational arousal.

  "You, that’s all I want is you, firecracker, and right now you’re making it very difficult for me to think rationally," he whispered in my ear. I stood still on my toes, frozen solid as lust shot down between my breasts, making my nipples erect. I was so wet for him and I knew he could smell it. I swallowed hard.

  "You can’t have me," I said, my voice hoarse.

  "Oh yes, I can, and I will," he whispered, moving his body an inch closer. His erection brushed over my arse. A gasp slid out of my mouth.

  I didn't know if it was me or the potion that I drank in the early morning hours, but something broke me, shattering my resolve to pieces. Sparks began crackling through my fingertips, desire demanding to be dealt with.

  A drop of sweat rolled down my face, falling to my cleavage. Nathaniel didn’t move; he didn’t touch me again.

  It was me that turned around and lunged myself at him. I grabbed his face and plunged my mouth to his, kissing him furiously. The scent of his cologne fizzed away the doubt, the desire of having him close won. I forgot about counting and our rules. Nathaniel hesitated for a split second, trying to back away, but I brought my hands around his waist and pressed myself to him harder.

  I moaned into his mouth and then he was back. The need of controlling what was happening to both of us gone. He kissed me back, holding my chin in place.

  Every breath, every thought and every heartbeat felt right. Our tongues moved with the rhythm of our lips. The heat of his skin on mine multiplied, the tingling moving down to my toes.

  Nathaniel kept kissing me at the same time trying to take off his jacket. Once he succeeded, he grabbed my arse cheeks and lifted me on top of my kitchen counter, throwing pots and pans all around us and slamming his body closer.

  My heart stuttered nearly to a halt, but I needed and wanted more. The thirst for him kept growing, the craving deep in my core was unnerving. Nathaniel’s hands moved down to my breast and he made a growling sound in the back of his throat. Magic crackled around us electrifying every small hair on my body.

  "Bedroom," I moaned when he pressed his hardness between my legs.

  He understood. "Lift your legs up."

  The heat of a long strong body pressed against mine, throbbing through me. Nathaniel carried me to the bedroom. I began fighting with his belt, moaning and panting at the same time.

  "I want you so much; you’re so hot," I murmured.

  He laughed and before I knew it he was out of his clothes, standing as nature created him in front of me. Normally I would have drunk him in, enjoying the view, but then my arousal took over my trembling body. Our bodies crashed together as we kissed. His lips moved down to my neck, collarbone and my breasts. Nathaniel’s tongue licked each nipple.

  His hands travelled over those sensitive spots, making me wild and so ready. I couldn’t think any more about what I was doing; the need for him inside began shutting down parts of my brain. I cried out with pleasure and the agony of wanting more, panting for this sweet release of energising power.

  When his tongue caressed me, my skin tingled, embraced with heat. An inferno of energy burnt me when his lips traced the skin on my stomach. Then his hand joined in and I grabbed it then barked with frustration.

  "I want you inside me, now! Stop teasing me."

  Nathaniel laughed loudly, turned me around and then thrust into me without warning. I cried out and demanded more, arching my hips. Our bodies fit perfectly with each other. Our hips collided in the rhythm of my pulsing energy.

  I moaned as he pounded into me. The pressure kept building: wind blew everything in my room, the lights flashing. Then he was on top of me, moving inside me fast. I was moaning as he picked up the pace, li
fting me up and kissing me until I climaxed.

  Nathaniel was the only man for me, the only creature who connected with my magic and able to release it.

  It was the most blissful feeling in the world. The orgasm shattered me, filled me up, and with every subsequent breath I wanted more of him.


  I heard a voice, a familiar voice of a person who wasn't supposed to be anywhere near me. I opened one of my eyes and found myself face-to-face with my ex-boyfriend number two. It took me a moment to gather that I was lying naked next to him and felt light and very relaxed.

  I blinked a few times, feeling his hand on my buttocks.

  "Nathaniel?" I asked just to be sure. "What are you doing here?"

  He frowned and then he kissed me slowly, sensually. I let him. I was so weak, and I wasn't fully awakened yet.

  Too many memories slammed into me. I pushed him away sitting up on the bed, massaging my skull. I opened my mouth to ask questions, but no sound came out. I gasped in horror, putting everything together slowly. In a matter of seconds everything was clear to me. Yesterday or the day before I drank a lust potion. A few months ago, Kelsie bought it in one of the paranormal stores. She didn’t have her bag, so I said to throw it into mine. Then we completely forgot about it.

  Nathaniel was leaning on his elbow staring at me with perfect loving eyes. I swallowed hard, remembering our very intimate, passionate lovemaking session from the previous night.

  Now he was here, in my bed, obviously expecting me to throw myself into his arms. Shit, I loved him, even after what I knew and heard. Sex with him was the most amazing thing that happened to me since I went to Kate’s house all those weeks ago to apologise, but I couldn’t allow myself to get distracted.

  "I'm sleeping. What does it look like?" he asked, staring at me intensely.

  I quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed my robe, feeling angry and stupid. Yeah, maybe this time it was all my fault, but he didn’t even try to stop me. He went ahead with it, looking particularly eager and happy with that fact that I was giving us another shot.


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