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Witch's Promise : The Witching Hour Series Book 4

Page 26

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "Nathaniel hasn’t called or texted. I don’t know, maybe he just wants to leave me alone for a while, you know, after what happened with the coven and Jasper," I explained, feeling disappointed. It had been a week since Emily healed Dad and Kate. I went back to my normal life and he went back to his. We didn't really finish our conversation in the hospital, because Grandma showed up. After that Nathaniel left and we didn’t have a chance to talk again.

  My friend, Kelsie looked elegant sitting on our Ikea sofa by the door. Ella was checking her makeup in a small mirror. My parents were throwing a big party tonight and everyone was invited. Even my grandmother promised to pop in.

  "He’s a twat then," Kelsie muttered, smiling at me.

  "Kelsie, shut up! Nathaniel will talk to Julia when he’s ready," Kate snapped, finishing with the filing. "He’s not that bad."

  "Men are so odd sometimes," Ella observed. I rolled my eyes. They were right, but I missed Nathaniel badly.

  "Enough talking about my ex. Let’s go; otherwise we’re going to be late."

  I locked up the agency, and a few minutes later we were all sitting in my car. Dad didn’t forget to invite Nicky and her husband. I was so glad to have everyone around, and after so much drama I was looking forward to this evening.

  I glanced around the street searching for the one person who wasn't happy with the outcome of recent events. My ex-boyfriend, Jasper, held a grudge against me. He was still emotionally broken after I told him that we couldn't be together. I waited for him to show up, but he never did. I was afraid that he was planning some sort of revenge, but I refused to explain to my dad what happened between me and Jasper, just in case he wanted to intervene. It was better this way for now. Jasper was a psycho. I shouldn’t have ever asked him for help. I was delusional.

  "Is Rufus invited?" Kate asked.

  "Yes, I think he should be there with his wife."

  "I'm so glad your parents are back together," Ella sang happily.

  "I know. Mum loves the new house, but they keep making out in front of me, which is kind of gross."

  The girls laughed. The traffic was terrible this evening. It was a week before Christmas, so Dad wanted to get everyone in the mood. An hour later, I parked the car in front of my parents’ new home, feeling excited. For a moment I searched for Nathaniel’s car and felt growing disappointment when I didn’t see it. I didn’t expect Dad to invite him, but we were still close. Even after everything that he’d done to me.

  I had to stop thinking about him. Maybe Kate was right. He was giving me the space that I needed. My life was constantly on edge, so I wasn't surprised that he wanted to stay away.

  Inside, the house was decorated with bulbs and Christmas lights. Family and friends were chatting by the large fireplace. I waved to Rufus, who stood by my Aunt Elena, wearing his Christmas jumper. Mum was carrying drinks, looking radiant.

  "Drinks!" Kelsie shouted.

  "Hon, good, you’re here. Grandma wants to have a word," Dad mumbled, handing me a glass of mulled wine. I spotted all my cousins, Aunt Dorothy, and Nicky with her kids. Even Dannika was there, chatting with Stewart.

  "I hope she doesn’t want to talk about that evening," I said, taking a small sip.

  "Not sure, hon, but try to be nice. You know your grandmother," Dad said with a smile. He was so happy these days.

  It wasn't long before Grandma found me. She was wearing her Chanel suit, not some Christmas jumper. She obviously didn’t believe dressing up was necessary.

  "Julia, come here, child. We need to talk," she said, grabbing me by the elbow. I took another sip of wine, trying not to roll my eyes.

  "About what, Grandma?" I asked innocently.

  "I heard about everything from Jerry, you know, about your magic and the way you handled yourself in that kitchen."

  "Well, I practise like you told me and I think I'm much better now."

  "But how did you know about pulsing? I didn’t teach you—"

  I heard the noise of shutting doors and turned to see who it was. My grandmother was talking, but I stopped listening when Nathaniel walked in. There was a moment of silence, and even my grandmother’s voice broke as she looked back at the door.

  Nathaniel stopped and began staring at me like he was seeing through the sudden rush of my emotions, inhaling deeply. Blistering heat crept along my face, moving down to the swell of my breast. A hot, wet warmth filled with tension sprayed in the air, ceasing all movement in the room. Liquid heat travelled down my body when his eyes dropped to my chest, then back to my eyes. Even after what happened between us that magnetic force kept pulling us together.

  All my friends and family turned their heads as he closed the gap between us. He stopped, invading my personal space. His scent circled over my skin and my heart leapt in my chest. Magic flowed back to me.

  The conversation slowly got back to normal, but I was aware that everyone was waiting for him to speak.

  "Hi," I managed to gasp out. He looked gorgeous, even wearing the most absurd Christmas jumper that I’d ever seen and black pants. I heard Kelsie’s giggles somewhere in the background.

  He smiled and then his eyes moved to my grandmother.

  "Hello, Mrs. Taylor, how do you do?"

  Grandma didn't reply and I think she was in shock that he dared to ask how she was. I just wanted to get him upstairs, so we could talk and sort out everything that went wrong between us in the past.

  "Nathaniel, I think we should talk."

  "All right, but let me do something first," he said in a serious tone and bent down on one knee.

  I frowned, wondering what the hell he was playing at. Then, he took something from his pocket, a small black box. His eyes darted back to me, but this time the room faded away. People close to me were staring, but I felt like there was only the two of us. My breath came in short raspy gasps.

  I heard whispers all around me and felt like my head was in a bubble. This wasn't really happening. Then he opened the box and his eyes filled with penetrating sensual passion. Inside, there was the most amazing ring that I’d ever seen. Small, filled with diamonds.

  I was completely frozen, staring at the man I loved so much that it hurt.

  "My dear, Julia. I can’t understand why I didn’t do this earlier… but will you do me an honour and be my wife?"

  Yes, yes… yes!

  My heart was pounding faster than ever before. I stared at him and for the first time in my life I knew what I was going to say.

  "Yes, Nathaniel. I’ll marry you."

  The end of volume 4


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  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36<
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  Chapter 37





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