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Retribution [Federal Paranormal Agency 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Olivia Black

  “You can explore a bit, if you’d like,” Evan offered.

  Reyes glanced up at him and smiled before stepping away from his side. Evan slowly walked behind Reyes, wondering what the other man was thinking as he strode through the condo. Evan was proud of his home and looked forward to sharing it with Reyes.

  Would Reyes be happy here? Would he want to stay?

  Each of the FPA agents owned their condo inside the luxurious tower. The sixty-story condo building stood tall at eight hundred, twenty-one feet. The building was designed to be a collection of identical boxes—one stacked on top of the other—at odd angles, giving the illusion that each condo stood alone in the sky. The walls were made of steel and glass, giving the residents a full panoramic view of the entire city.

  Reyes studied every picture—most of them were older photos of Evan with members of the FPA and places he’d been over the years. He checked out Evan’s books inside the library—pulling a few titles off the shelf and reading the blurbs on the back cover before returning them to the shelf. He skimmed his fingers along the furniture. Reyes’s self-tour ended in the master bedroom. He stood in front of the large picturesque windows, looking out at the bright lights of the city below.

  “You have a beautiful home,” Reyes finally said, as he turned around, facing Evan.

  The relief Evan felt at hearing those words was unexpected. He hadn’t realized how important Reyes’s approval was until that moment.

  “I know you’re tired, but would you like to take a bath or a shower before bed?”

  Reyes smiled. He looked tired, but still happy at the prospect of bathing. “A shower would be great.”

  Evan held out his hand, and Reyes took it. He led his lover into the bathroom, stopping in front of the large glass shower stall. Evan turned to stand in front of Reyes. Reaching out, he grabbed the bottom of Reyes’s T-shirt, slowly lifting the material up, exposing Reyes’s flat stomach. Reyes lifted his arms, and Evan removed the shirt, dropping it to the floor. He unbuttoned Reyes’s jeans, one button at a time. Evan knelt down in front of Reyes, removing his shoes and socks before pulling the denim down his legs. Once naked, Evan ran his eyes up and down Reyes’s gorgeous body, memorizing every square inch of skin.

  Evan ran his palms up Reyes’s smooth calves and thighs, running his fingertips across the perfectly cut V-line before resting his hands on Reyes’s hips. Leaning forward, Evan pressed his nose in Reyes’s pelvis, running his nose down under the man’s balls, inhaling his masculine scent.

  Reyes groaned. He placed a shaky hand on the back of Evan’s skull and moved his hips, a silent invitation for more attention. Wrapping his fingers around the base of Reyes’s cock, Evan slowly jacked his shaft as he pulled one of Reyes’s balls into his mouth, gently sucking.

  “Oh, fuck,” Reyes breathed out.

  Evan grinned. Giving his lover pleasure brought Evan enjoyment. He liked knowing that he could please Reyes. Opening his mouth, Evan wrapped his lips around Reyes’s cock, sucking on the spongy mushroomed head. He looked up at Reyes, their eyes clashing, as he ran his tongue along the slit, taking the pre-cum into his mouth. Evan drew Reyes’s length in deeper, licking as he sucked.

  Reyes started rocking his hips, demanding more, and Evan picked up his pace. He took Reyes’s length all the way down his throat, bobbing his head.

  “Ah…ah…ah…” Sexy little sounds spilled out from Reyes’s lips. He tightened his grip on Evan’s hair and shoved his hips forward, fucking Evan’s mouth in deep strokes.

  Evan sucked harder, creating a tight suction around his lips. He worked Reyes’s engorged flesh with is mouth and hand.

  “I’m gonna…” Reyes warned.

  He shouted out Evan’s name as he came, shooting hard jets of spunk down the back of Evan’s throat.

  Evan stayed on his knees. He continued to lick and kiss Reyes’s shaft. When his cock started to soften, Evan rose to his feet. Reyes grabbed hold of Evan’s shirt and tugged him forward, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Reyes pushed his tongue into Evan’s mouth, as he rubbed his body against Evan’s, marking him with his scent.

  Reyes pulled back, a big smile on his face and drowsy eyes. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” Evan chuckled, as he turned away from Reyes.

  He opened the shower stall and turned a few knobs. The water poured down from a giant waterfall showerhead from above. Stepping back, Evan stood aside and Reyes stepped inside. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as the water streamed down over his nude form. Evan watched Reyes as he slowly removed his clothing, tossing the items into the laundry basket.

  Evan walked into the shower, closing the clear glass door behind him. He wrapped his arms around Reyes and his True Match leaned his head back against Evan’s shoulder.

  They stood unmoving under the water as it rained down over them both.

  Chapter Seven

  Reyes groaned. The hot water felt amazing as it rained down, peppering his skin. Evan wrapped his arms around Reyes’s waist, connecting their bodies, and he leaned his head back against the man’s shoulder, relaxing. Closing his eyes, Reyes yawned. Ever since the killings started, Reyes hadn’t been able to sleep. He dozed off and on, but never felt safe enough to truly sleep. With Evan’s strong arms around him, Reyes was at peace.

  Evan’s hands started moving, up and over Reyes’s abdominals and pecs. The scent of fresh citrus filled the stall, wafting up Reyes’s nose through the tendrils of steam inside the closed stall.

  “How are you doing?” Evan whispered against his ear.

  “Never better.” Reyes moaned, turning in Evan’s arms. He wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and nuzzled his neck. “I’m slowly falling asleep on you though.”

  “That’s okay.” Evan’s hands moved down Reyes’s back, to his ass. He massaged Reyes’s ass cheeks, kneading the muscle. “I’m going to finish washing you. Just lean on me, you don’t have to do a thing.”

  “Okay.” Reyes sighed and closed his eyes.

  He pressed his nose into the base of Evan’s neck, leaning into him. Evan carefully maneuvered Reyes’s body, washing and rinsing, without jostling him too much. Reyes wasn’t sure how he did it, but Evan managed to do as promised without Reyes having to move. When the water shut off, Reyes felt a gust of cool air before a towel was wrapped around his body. Evan lifted Reyes into his arms, holding him tight, as he carried him into the bedroom.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Evan laid him on the bed. Holding the towel, he ran the soft material over Reyes’s body, drying him off. When he was done, Evan pulled the sheets up along with the comforter, covering Reyes.

  “I’ll join you in a minute.”

  Evan kissed the tip of Reyes’s nose and he smiled. He could really get used to having Evan in his life. My True Match. He felt incredibly blessed to have had Evan walk through those conference room doors. Every paranormal wanted to meet the one meant for them and he was one of the lucky ones.

  The room went completely dark—the lights shutting off and the blinds lowering over the windows. Even behind his closed eyes, Reyes could sense Evan walking toward the bed. Rolling onto his side, he held out his arm and waited for Evan to join him. The bed dipped and Evan climbed in, covering himself with the blanket as he shimmied closer to Reyes. Evan wrapped his arms around Reyes, pulling their bodies together, naked skin against naked skin.

  “I know you’re tired, but I have a question.” Evan said.

  “Ask me anything.” Reyes lifted his right leg, resting it over Evan’s hip.

  “When you said, I can’t lose you, I’ve lost too much. What did you mean by that? What have you lost?”

  “I lived in Garden City with my parents and older brother until there was a fire. Our family house burned down and my parents were killed.” Reyes swallowed the lump of emotion in his throat.

  “I’m so sorry,” Evan whispered, tightening his hold.

  Reyes could almost feel the
man’s strength seep into his pores. He was relieved to have someone to talk to. Without Devin, Reyes kept all his thoughts and feelings buried deep inside.

  “My brother, his name is Devin. We were moved into the coven here in the city. I don’t remember much of that night except for the fire and Fabian Nicodemus.” Fabian was the coven master when Reyes was younger. He was also one of the first vampires in the coven to be killed. “It was hard for both of us, but I’m sure it was harder for Devin. He had to take care of me. But, having him there made the pain a little more bearable, you know?”

  “What happened to Devin? Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.” Reyes shrugged his shoulders. “One day he was just gone.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “I tried to find him. I’ve looked everywhere, but I don’t know where he went.” Thinking about Devin was bittersweet. He loved his brother, but he couldn’t figure out why he would leave. “Maybe he just needed to get away from me for a little while. I was really needy and depressed.”

  “That’s understandable. You were only a child and lost your parents in a tragic accident.”

  The pain from losing his parents had turned to a dull ache over time. Reyes didn’t think it would ever really go away, and honestly, he didn’t want it to disappear completely. He’d had a wonderful childhood, while it lasted, with two loving parents. The good memories helped him to deal with the pain.

  “When did you become an agent?” Reyes asked, changing the subject.

  “I’ve been an agent for a long time. I’m one of the founding members.”

  “I guess it’s safe to say that you’re pretty old.” Reyes grinned, trying to hold back a laugh.

  “I’ll show you old.”

  Evan playfully growled. He rolled Reyes onto his back and started tickling him. Reyes screamed, laughing harder than he had in all his life. He squirmed, trying to get away from Evan, but the vampire kept Reyes locked in a tight hold. He continued to torture him with his devilish fingers, finding all of Reyes’s ticklish spots.

  “Okay, okay, okay…” Reyes said breathlessly. “You’re not old.” He continued to laugh, wiggling and twisting, trying to get out from underneath Evan.

  Evan suddenly stopped. He wrapped his arms around Reyes, holding him, as he planted his lips against Reyes’s. Reyes went limp against the soft mattress. He groaned, wrapping his legs around Evan’s hips, locking the man into place. Evan’s full weight crashed down on top of him, their mouths moving together, tongues twirling. Reyes was left breathless and aroused. He groaned, moving his hips. Reyes’s hard cock rubbed against Evan’s, the friction building him up to a fever pitch.

  Reyes felt his release build, a tingle starting at the base of his spine, sending a shiver racing through his system. Reyes sucked Evan’s plump lower lip into his mouth and bit down as he came, shooting a jet of warm spunk between their bodies. Reyes sucked on Evan’s bloody lip, swallowing a mouthful of blood, before licking the wound closed.

  “Damn,” Evan murmured. “You’re so sexy.”

  Reyes’s lips twitched.

  His limbs fell onto the bed, drained of energy and weak. Reyes tried to keep his eyes open, but he was fighting a losing battle. Darkness pulled him under and Reyes fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Evan slept fitfully. He tried to force himself to go to sleep, but he couldn’t. Even with his arms wrapped around his True Match, Evan couldn’t shut his brain off. His mind kept wondering back to the case, keeping him wide awake. Evan carefully pulled his arms free from around Reyes, and slipped out of bed without making a sound. He strode into the walk-in closet and got dressed in the dark, pulling on a soft pair of worn jeans and a cotton T-shirt. Evan grabbed a pair of socks from one of the drawers and his favorite pair of black converse tennis shoes off the shelf, before looking for his cellphone.

  With his cellphone in hand, Evan shut the bedroom door behind him, leaving Reyes sleeping peacefully.

  When he reached the living room, Evan sat down and pulled on his sock and shoes. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep, not now. He needed to get back to headquarters and solve this damn case before it drove him insane. Pushing himself up from the couch, Evan went in search of a piece of paper and pen. He quickly scribbled out a note to Reyes and dropped it on the floor right outside the bedroom door. He didn’t want to leave his True Match, but something Reyes had said when discussing his past, gave Evan an idea.

  He left the condo, hoping to return before Reyes even woke up.

  Evan went directly to FPA headquarters, marching to the tech room. When he walked in, Axel had his back toward the door, his fingers moving across the keyboard like usual.

  “Do you ever sleep?” Axel asked as he spun around, facing Evan.

  “I could ask you the same question.”

  Evan pushed a hand through his hair. He was tired, but his mind and body wouldn’t shut down enough for him to fall asleep. He hoped that once this case was done, he’d be able to take a break. It would be a nice change of pace. He would like to be able to relax and unwind without worrying about chasing bad guys.

  “What’s up?”

  “Reyes Caliar is a member of the coven that I’m investigating. He’s also my True Match.”

  “Uh-huh.” Axel nodded.

  “Reyes mentioned that he has a brother named Devin. The young man used to be part of the coven, but left without a word. It got me thinking. Since these killings are personal and focused on this coven, how many other members left over the years? I think that the killer is a former member or resident of the coven.”

  “We’ve got a database.” Axel spun around, facing the wall of computers once more. “Long ago, the agency started tracking paranormals and which clan, coven, or pack they belong to. It’s similar to what the human census bureau does.”

  His fingers seemed to fly across the keyboard. Little black boxes popped up on various screens, white words moving rapidly, in long lines upward. Evan was extremely grateful that the agency had someone as talented as Axel on their side. The lion shifter knew everything technology related. He could hack any system and find any information they were searching for.

  “Paranormals live long lives,” Axel said. “We’re practically immortal, which means we move around a lot. This list is too long, Evan. Is there any way to break it down a bit?”

  Evan’s eyes jumped from screen to screen, trying to figure out how to make the list shorter. “Is there any way to create a second list with names of vampires from the coven that left, but that we don’t know where they ended up?”

  Axel glanced over his shoulder. “How would that help you find this guy?”

  “He’s in New York. He’s killing members of this coven, which means he’s a loner with no coven. He won’t be in our system. He’ll only be on the list of members that left.”

  “Good call.” Axel flashed Evan a grin before turning back toward his computer. He started typing and the list began to shrink down significantly.

  Evan breathed out a sigh of relief. He may not have caught the killer yet, but he had a list of names and a direction. It finally felt like he was making some real progress with this case. Up until this point, Evan felt like he’d been treading water, looking for clues and hoping there was evidence at each scene. Perhaps now someone in the coven would be able to help him. Maybe one of the names would stand out along with a story of a person looking for retribution.

  “Eighteen names,” Axel announced. He spun around, holding out a piece of paper and Evan took it.

  He looked the list over. The only name that looked familiar was Reyes’s brother, Devin Caliar. Could he be the killer? As soon as the thought entered his mind, he banished it.

  “What’s wrong?” Axel asked.

  Evan jerked his head up, smoothing out his facial features. “Nothing.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t look so great.”

  “I just want to close this case.” Evan fisted the piece of paper. “I’d like to spend some
quality time with my True Match.”

  “I hope his name is on that list.” Axel tilted his chin toward the piece of paper in Evan’s hand.

  “Yeah,” Evan nodded. “Me, too.”

  Chapter Eight

  Evan found himself at the coven’s mansion once again. He lifted his hand to knock, but the door opened before his knuckles hit the heavy oak.

  “Garrett.” He nodded in greeting.

  “Evan.” They stared at one another for a moment before the coven leader stepped aside. “Would you like to come in?”

  “Thanks.” Evan stepped over the threshold and into the foyer.

  “What can I do for you at this hour?”

  Evan didn’t know what the exact time was, but his body knew daybreak was approaching fast. He held out the piece of paper he’d received from Axel. “The names on this list are suspects, former members of this coven that disappeared. I know that you haven’t been coven leader for very long, but I’m hoping one of those names stands out.”

  Garrett took the list from Evan. He looked over the names. From the look on his face, Evan knew the other man couldn’t offer any assistance.

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head, handing the piece of paper back to Evan.

  “Garrett.” A voice called from the top of the stairs and Evan looked up. He recognized the wolf shifter as Jesse Sarasohn. The college student had been reported missing, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. “Are you coming to bed soon?”

  “I’m on my way.” Garrett said to Jesse, before turning his attention back toward Evan. “Is there anything else you need? My True Match is waiting for me and I would like to get to bed.”

  Evan didn’t want to leave without some answers. “What about Dennis? He was Fabian’s assistant for many years. He might recognize the names.”

  “Why don’t you wait in my office? I’ll send him down.”

  “Thank you.”


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