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Always Be Mine: Sweetbriar Cove: Book Nine

Page 24

by Melody Grace

  A mud-splattered, inconvenient message.

  “OK, I hear you, loud and clear.”

  Alice ruefully surveyed her car, currently buried up to the hubcaps in mud. It was the Fourth of July, and the sun was going down. Her plans for the evening involved celebrating with her friends and eating her body weight in blueberry pie, but thanks to a kamikaze stray dog and a blind curve, she’d wound up swerving right into the ditch.

  Now she really was stuck. Alice had to appreciate the irony. Her mother always said if you ignore your problems for long enough, they’ll find a way to trip you up. Well, she wasn’t exactly tripping, more sinking deep into the mud, but either way, Alice couldn’t avoid the truth any longer.

  This wasn’t how she’d pictured her life turning out.

  Not just the mud, but everything. She’d left her high-flying law job in Chicago and moved to Cape Cod a couple of years ago when her mom first got sick. Neither of them thought she would be staying long, just a temporary visit to help out, but then the diagnosis came in, and Alice knew she wasn’t going anywhere. She was there by her mom’s bedside through the worst of it, but even now her mom was in remission, and she was free to leave and restart her life again, Alice found herself standing still. She was still living in the same house together, running her legal practice out of the front room and pretending to herself that she’d planned it this way, and wasn’t just drifting down the river of least resistance.

  Although, drifting seemed pretty good to her right now. Drifting, sliding, any kind of movement at all. And as for calling a tow truck . . . She was guessing that Bill from the auto shop was up at the party with everyone else.

  There was nothing else for it. She was going to have to get herself un-stuck, and fast.

  Alice braced her feet on a mound of solid ground and tried to push her car just a couple of inches out of the mud. “Gnnuuugh.” She huffed, and strained, and skidded, and—


  Alice’s feet slipped, and she tumbled to the ground with a muddy splat.


  She hauled herself up and wiped off her hands, catching a glimpse of herself in the side mirror. Clearly, fate had decided to throw in a free facial along with the life lesson. Alice wiped her cheek and tried to look on the bright side. They said mud was good for the complexion, right? After all, why spend a hundred bucks at the spa, when she could get a full-body mud-bath treatment right here on Huckleberry Road!

  She was just wondering how exactly she was going to haul her car out of the ditch—or hike it to the celebration with three boxes of pie—when the rumble of an engine came from around the bend.

  Alice brightened and quickly hurried back up onto the road, ready to flag them down. With any luck, it would be one of the locals, en route to the party, and she could be showered and changed before the fireworks began.

  But instead, a classic Harley Davidson came roaring into sight.

  Alice paused, curious. She’d never seen a motorcycle like that around town, and the identity of the rider was hidden behind a black helmet and a dark leather jacket. She lowered her arm, stepping back to let it pass, but the bike slowed and drove a lazy U-turn to arrive back beside her car.

  The rider removed his helmet and ran a hand through his tousled dark blonde hair. He had blue eyes, a strong jaw dusted with stubble, and as for that smile . . .

  Alice knew for sure she’d never seen him before, because there was no way on earth she would forget a smile like that.

  Hello, stranger . . .

  “You need some help?” he called.

  “That depends . . . Can you lift two tons of metal with your bare hands?” Alice called back.

  Her sexy good Samaritan climbed off the motorcycle and approached, smiling. “Who’s to say I can’t?”

  Alice raised an eyebrow. “In that case, let me get you a management contract, because people would pay to see it.”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she cringed. Way to take a potentially flirty comment and turn it into a contract negotiation!

  This is why you’re still single.

  But the man just chuckled. “OK, maybe not,” he admitted, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “But maybe we can get it out of the ditch. You try the engine again, and I’ll push.”

  He stripped off his leather jacket, and Alice tried not to stare. He was wearing a sky-blue T-shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes and looked soft enough to touch.

  And as for the taut, muscular torso beneath . . .

  “Ready?” he asked, and she flushed.

  What was she doing, drooling over a complete stranger? Alice scolded herself. She had more important things to do, like get out of this ditch with her dignity—and pies—intact.

  “Ready!” Alice went around and followed his instructions, turning the ignition as he got behind the car and braced his broad shoulder against the trunk.

  “OK, put some weight on the gas,” he called, getting ready to push.

  The wheels spun, and the handsome stranger huffed and strained, but it was no good. Well, the view was pretty great from where Alice was sitting, but despite the man’s ample biceps, they barely moved an inch.

  Alice finally cut the engine and sighed in defeat. “Thanks for trying, anyway. Do you want some water?” she asked, noticing him wipe his sweaty brow.

  And how his T-shirt was now clinging temptingly to his chest . . .

  Never mind him, she could use some cooling off herself. Alice popped the trunk to grab her duffel bag of emergency provisions. She passed him a bottle, and he took in the rest of her supplies with amusement. “What are you preparing for, the zombie apocalypse?” he asked.

  “Yup,” Alice replied, deadpan. “That’s what the axe is for.”

  He laughed. “Remind me not to get on your bad side,” he said, teasing. “I can see it in your eyes, you’ve got a dangerous streak.”

  She almost snorted with laughter. Dangerous? Clearly, this guy had no idea who he was dealing with. The last time she’d broken the rules, it was keeping her library books a week after the due date. And then she’d felt so guilty, she’d insisted on paying double the fines. Femme fatale, she was not.

  But she wasn’t about to admit that to this guy, so she just smiled. “That’s me,” she replied lightly. “Wild and mysterious. And muddy.”

  He chuckled. “You know, in Bali, they take mud baths to prepare for the new year, like a ritual cleansing ceremony.”

  “You’ve been there?” she asked, curious.

  He nodded. “Last year, on my way up through Indonesia. You should think of this as good luck,” he added, “the start of something new.”

  There was something in his voice that made Alice wonder if he needed a fresh start as much as she did.

  “I’m Alice,” she blurted.

  “Jackson,” he replied, reaching over to shake her hand in his warm, strong grip. Alice met his gaze for a moment, and she felt her pulse kick. His eyes were friendly, with a hint of mischief lurking in their blue depths.

  This wasn’t a man who got stuck, she could tell. He was the type to always be chasing new adventures. Fearless and bold.

  “Nice to meet you,” she snapped back, quickly releasing his hand. “And thank you for the help. For trying, at least.”

  “Anytime.” Jackson smiled at her, and Alice had to look away.

  This man’s smile should carry a warning: Danger, weak knees up ahead.

  “I shouldn’t keep you,” she found herself saying, even though she would happily have stayed there chatting on the side of the road all night. “The fireworks will be starting soon.”

  Jackson finished his water and pulled his leather jacket back on. “Do you want to take a ride?” he asked, and Alice’s cheeks got hot.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, blushing.

  “To wherever it is you were going,” Jackson continued, with a nod towards his motorcycle. “Hop on the back, and I’ll take you.”

  It was an offer she would
be crazy to refuse, but still, Alice hesitated. “Is it safe?” she asked.

  “I’ll go slow,” Jackson replied. Then he paused, looking at her with amusement. “Don’t tell me you’ve never ridden one?”

  “They’re dangerous,” she protested.

  “So is stepping out your front door in the morning,” he replied cheerfully. “But where would the fun be if you stayed home all the time?”

  “Not that it’s much safer there,” Alice couldn’t keep herself from replying. “Over six thousand people die every year from accidents in their home.”

  She caught his look and blushed. “Lawyer,” she explained, and he laughed.

  “Then I better drive real slow, or I’ll have a lawsuit on my hands.”

  He offered her the helmet, and Alice paused. Riding off on a motorcycle with a sexy stranger wasn’t the kind of thing she did every day. Or, ever. But what was that she’d been telling herself about getting un-stuck?

  The car might be a lost cause tonight, but she could do something different, at least.

  “OK,” she replied, her heartbeat racing with nerves. “I’ll try. Oh, wait, the pies!”

  She opened the passenger door, and retrieved her purse and the stack of bakery boxes she was bringing to the party.

  “Now why didn’t you mention those earlier?” Jackson asked with a grin.

  Alice smiled, relaxing. “Want one? You’ve definitely earned it.”

  “Say that again after I’ve delivered you in one piece.”

  Jackson helped store her things under the seat as Alice gave him directions to the party, then she cautiously climbed on behind him. “Hold on,” he instructed, revving the engine with a sudden roar.

  Alice gulped and slid her hands tentatively around his waist. Jackson revved the engine again, and then they were moving, snaking slowly back onto the road and along the shoreline. Alice held her breath, waiting for disaster, but none came. The wind whipped around her bare shoulders, and she found herself relaxing, feeling almost weightless as they drove on.

  She exhaled in relief. This wasn’t terrifying at all! In fact, it was kind of . . .

  Fun. Thrilling.


  Alice could feel the motorcycle throbbing between her thighs, and the solid muscles of Jackson’s back pressed against her, and she was shocked at how . . . intimate it felt. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this up close and personal with anyone.

  And no, her gynecologist definitely didn’t count.

  She slid her hands tighter around his waist, feeling the heat of his body and the definition of his torso beneath her fingertips. Something shivered, low in her stomach, and it took her a moment to realize what it was.


  Had it really been so long since she’d felt it last?

  She blushed and quickly loosened her grip, glad that Jackson couldn’t tell what she was thinking. The ride flew by, and too soon, they were turning up the long driveway that led to her friends’ house. There were a dozen cars parked out front, and as Jackson brought the motorcycle to a stop, she could hear the party underway around the back.

  She clumsily climbed down, and took off the helmet. She didn’t want to think about how she must look right now, complete with mud and flattened hair.

  “Well, what’s the verdict?” Jackson asked, hanging Alice her things with a smoldering grin. “Should I expect a lawsuit heading my way?”

  Alice smiled. “No,” she said, breathless from the ride. “That was . . . really fun.”

  He chuckled. “You sound surprised.”

  She gave an awkward shrug. “I guess I don’t do things like this often.”

  “Which part?” Jackson’s smile turned smoldering. “The motorcycle, or flirting with handsome strangers?”

  Alice couldn’t help but smile. “I don’t know, do you see any around here?”

  He clutched his chest with a groan. “Ouch.”

  She laughed, her pulse still racing. So, he was flirting, he’d said it himself. Alice took a deep breath and decided to be brave. “The fireworks will be starting soon. Do you want to stay for a drink?” she asked, trying to act casual.

  “You mean to play wingman for you and all those handsome strangers?” Jackson replied, still teasing.

  “Sure,” Alice agreed. “Or just have a slice of pie. You’ve earned it.”

  But before he could respond, there was a booming noise overhead, and the first of the fireworks burst to life, flashing brightly in the night’s sky.

  Alice looked up as the burst of red, blue, and bright white exploded, sending a trail of stardust overhead. She sighed happily. She’d always loved fireworks, ever since she was a kid. There was a magic to them she could never quite describe. She could remember racing out into the yard every holiday, impatient for the show. As she got older, she would travel to the biggest displays around, collecting memories of her favorites the way some people collected souvenirs. Now, they made Alice’s heart lift, a burst of magic in the dark.

  “I always wondered who was the first person to figure it out,” Jackson’s voice came, low beside her, bringing Alice back to solid ground.

  “I mean, can you imagine it?” he continued, watching another set of white-hot sparkles shimmer across the sky. “You light a fuse one day, expecting just a regular flame, and instead, you get . . . that.”

  Rockets exploded with a whine, soaring streaks of hot pink overhead.

  “Magic,” Alice said softly.

  “Magic,” he agreed. Their eyes caught, and she felt a rush as bright as the lights above them. Maybe it was the fireworks, or the intensity in his eyes, or the way her heart was still racing, fast in her chest, but for once in her life, Alice didn’t overthink it.

  Jackson reached for her, and she swayed against him as he captured her mouth in a slow, sizzling kiss.


  She melted against him, falling headlong into the glittering rush of sensation. The taste of him, the feel of his body against her, the slide of his hands . . . Jackson eased her lips apart, his tongue sliding deeper, and she gripped his shirt, already hungry for more.

  What was she doing? Alice didn’t know, but she didn’t care, either, not when it felt so good. The kiss turned fevered, his fingers tangled in her hair, and Alice arched closer, shameless now, her hands roaming over his broad shoulders as Jackson dragged his mouth along her jaw, dropping red-hot kisses down the sensitive column of her neck. They stumbled back against the wall, his body hard against her, and she gasped for air, her blood running hot.

  She wanted more.

  She wanted everything.

  Jackson captured her mouth again, kissing her hard enough to drown out the fireworks and make her see stars instead. Alice’s head was spinning, and she felt just about ready to ignite, when suddenly, Jackson pulled back.

  He took a ragged breath, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Alice murmured, reaching for him again. Her body was electric, blood humming with pure desire.

  But Jackson slowly shook his head. “I can’t,” he said, regret clear in his eyes. “Not tonight. I really wish I could,” he added, his low voice sending shivers down her spine. “But trust me, it’s better this way.”

  Before she could ask why, or try and tempt him to change him mind, Jackson was already climbing back onto his motorcycle. “Goodnight, Alice,” he said with a quiet smile. And then he drove away, leaving Alice standing there in the darkness, her mind as scattered as the fireworks still exploding overhead.

  She touched her lips in a daze, still feeling the heat of his kisses, branded on her skin.

  Who was that man?

  And would she ever see him again?


  Alice and Jackson’s love story is just getting started! TWO HEARTS is Available to order now! CLICK HERE to order from your retailer of choice.

  About the Author

  Melody Grace grew up in a small town in the Engli
sh countryside, and after spending her life reading, she decided it was time to write one for herself. She published her first book at twenty-two, and is now the New York Times bestselling author of the Beachwood Bay series, which has over three million downloads to date.

  She lives in Los Angeles, writing books and screenplays full-time with the help of her two cats.

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  Also By Melody Grace:

  The Sweetbriar Cove Series:

  1. Meant to Be

  2. All for You

  3. The Only One

  4. I’m Yours

  5. Holiday Kisses (A Christmas Story)

  6. No Ordinary Love

  7. Wildest Dreams

  8. This Kiss

  9. Always Be Mine

  10. Two Hearts

  11. The Story of Us

  * * *

  The Beachwood Bay Series:



  3.Untamed Hearts







  10.Unexpectedly Yours




  * * *

  The Oak Harbor Duet:


  2.Reckless Hearts

  * * *


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