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Sweet Surprise

Page 2

by C. M. Steele

  “Do you think it’ll be ventilated enough with the disinfectant?”

  “It should be. They are wiping down things and mopping. I’m sure they’ll be careful. Their resume says they do commercial kitchens.”

  She takes a sip of her water, then remarks, “Good, I’d hate to bake Pine-Sol flavored cookies.”

  I hold back a laugh and shake my head. “Me too. So what kind of cookies and other sweets are you going to dish up?”

  “I’ll do as much as I can, but we have sheets of brownies to make along with different cookies. Brownies are our biggest sellers. People love the perfect number of nuts to chocolate combo. Right now, there’s nothing ready to hit the shelves. Everything is baked fresh and never stays for more than forty-eight hours.”

  “I’ll help all I can.”

  They brought our food to the table quickly, but she and I manage to devise a game plan for today before they set it down.

  "So, I'm going to keep the shop open until seven as scheduled, but you'll be leaving to go to class by four, right?" It kind of messed with the plans I had in my mind for her, but it was nice to know she’s trying to get an education.

  "Yes, then tomorrow, I can be there at five to get an early start like your sister normally does."

  "She needs to hire more employees. Aren't there any other girls in town looking for a job?" I see her eyes narrow at my suggestion of more women.

  "Probably, but she likes to be hands on all the time."

  "Yes, but for instances like this and the next two weeks when it's insanely busy for Valentine's Day, who's going to handle all the chaos? That's why she got sick easily. Running herself ragged."

  "I agree on the latter, but this town isn't overwhelmingly large like Houston. It has a dozen streetlights."

  "Still, if she had a backup, I wouldn't have to be here,” I say. It’s a terrible argument and I realize it immediately.

  "No, you wouldn't,” she murmurs, taking a bite of her eggs.

  "Then again, I wouldn't have met you either,” I add. She’s the best reason to be here.

  Chapter 3


  He’s trying to help, but he’s completely in the way. “Why don’t you set up the register, so I can finish these,” I tell him as I slide another sheet of cookies into the oven and take out the brownies to cool. Then I start to use the heart cookie-cutter to make-heart shaped brownies. It’s something that I hope sells. As I set up this morning, it came to me. Hopefully, Carly doesn’t get mad at me for it.

  “I’m not any help, am I?” he asks, stealing one of the cookies I set out for display. I smack his hand, which shocks both of us. He’s staring at me with those sexy grey-blue eyes.

  “No, but I like having you around,” I admit, swallowing hard. I finish up the brownie shapes, pretending that a jolt of electricity didn’t course right through me from touching him.

  He reaches out, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. My heart purrs like the engine of a Hellcat. I know that if he kisses me, I won’t stop him. I want it more than he does. My body yearns for him more than ever. The shivers running through me feel never-ending. They travel all over, up and down my spine and going straight to my core. “Stop being sweet Amelia because I’m going to kiss you.”

  “You make it sound like that’s a bad thing,” I whisper, looking up at him with his hand cupping my jaw. I clench my thighs to hold the intense feeling inside. He’s focused on my mouth and I think the kiss is coming, but he shakes out of the mini-trance.

  “It is because I won’t be able to stop. And it’s almost time to open.” He straightens up and takes the tray to set in the display cases. I breathe a sigh of relief that I have a minute alone. Not because he bothers me, but I feel so antsy and want to be wrapped up in his arms.

  The bakery is in a small shop, but the entire perimeter of the room is full of standard food-display cases. The smell of disinfectant had faded a while ago. The smell of sweets and chocolate takes its place.

  Once I set the last tray in the case, I take a walk around the room to see if it looks pretty enough. And it does. We were supposed to put up the decorations up today, but with Carly sick, I’ll have to find some time to do it later. I move to the front door, unlock it and flip the sign to open.

  “Let the games begin,” Blake exclaims, rubbing his hands together.

  Three hours later and I’m back in the kitchen making the last batch of cookies and heart-shaped brownies. They are a big hit.

  I have to leave in a few minutes to make it to school on time. I’m so tired already and I still have a few hours ahead of me. It’s been chaotic today. It was so busy that Blake and I could barely get in a word edgewise. It’s never swamped like today. Maybe it’s because the bakery opened so late and everyone had questions about it being closed. They all gave their best wishes for Carly’s health and return.

  “Princess,” Blake says walking into the kitchen. “I know you’re busy right now and leaving soon, but I have to do this.” He pulls me away from the counter and closes his mouth over mine. I’m shocked and pleased, melting into his kiss. Our mouths are perfectly matched, and I moan out. It shakes him out of the moment, and he steps back. “Sorry, but damn, I’m going to need a minute.” He walks into the office, leaving me standing there in surprise. Shaking my body out of its daze, I return to work because we can’t leave the store alone for more than a second today. I step out and Tyler’s there, stealing that precious kiss from my mind. “Hello, Mr. Wills.” He’s looking at me the way he always does. Leering and ogling my body. I shudder from his gaze.

  “It’s Tyler, Amelia. Why are you always playing hard to get? I know you’re a sweet little virgin, but I can turn you into a woman,” he offers, and I want to vomit. He’s a good-looking guy, but I’m not interested and he refuses to listen.

  “Not if you want to live to see tomorrow,” Blake says, walking up to my side and sliding his arm around my waist. “Get out before I do it for you.”

  “This is interesting. We’re not through, Amelia. You’re mine.” He storms out, and I can feel the tension rolling off Blake beside me. His hand tightening around my waist.

  I move to get out of his arms so that we’re standing in front of each other. I already regret the loss of his arms, but I have to leave.

  “You have a crazy ex?” he gets out through clenched teeth with one hand leaning on the glass countertop. I can see he’s livid as he keeps darting his stare to the door, but he’s got it all wrong. I brush my hand over his which he takes and holds.

  “No, he’s never been my boyfriend, but he won’t take no for an answer.” It’s been a hassle, nothing more. Today, though, it felt different. I’m actually scared that he’ll do something about seeing Blake.

  “And your dad hasn’t threatened him yet,” he questions. I pull away because I know he’s not going to like the next part.

  “I haven’t told him,” I stammer, sliding the cookies in their place in a hurry before trying to make a mad dash to the kitchen. He stops me with his arm slinking around my waist. I fall back landing against his strong chest.

  He spins me around to face him. With a fierce expression, he says, “That’s not smart, Amelia. He’s not going to innocently go away. What he said after being confronted didn’t change his tone. That’s not good.”

  “So, you’re the expert on crazy when it comes to the opposite sex?” I argue.

  “No, but I watch a lot of crime shows when I get home from work and it’s not good when there are guys like that.” His expression softens, and I melt into his hold.

  Our tender embrace lasts a moment before I realize that I’m running behind. “I don’t have time for this. I have class in thirty minutes and need to get going.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I’ll walk you to your car and I expect you to call me when you get out. And when you get home. Understood?”

  “Yes, Blake. I promise.” I gather my things as he handles two customers who came in while I
was changing. Walking me to my car, he peers around, looking for Tyler. I hate that I know he’s right. He doesn’t kiss me again and I go to class feeling extremely lonely. Something I’ve never really felt before.

  Chapter 4


  I’m on my way to the shop before the sun’s up because I don’t want her to be there alone and fuck if I don’t miss her. I made a call last night and I’m sure if she found out she’d be pissed, but her dad had the right to know. He wasn’t pleased, but I did earn a sliver of brownie points.

  “Good morning, Amelia,” I say as I enter from the back entrance.

  She turns her head to me with a smile on her face. “Good morning, Blake. I didn’t expect to see you here this early.” God, she’s so damn pretty. I want to greet her with a kiss.

  “Why?” I told her that I wouldn’t be letting her open by herself.

  “I thought you said you had a meeting this morning to attend?” she reminds me.

  “It’s a conference call I can take from Carly’s office.” I take off my coat and head into the office. Just knowing she’s safe is all I need for the time being. After my long talk with her father, I decided to take a step back; it’s what’s needed. I don’t want to push her into anything and with that crazy fuck lurking, I didn’t want to give him a reason to come harder after her. The sheriff had plans to catch him and since he could make the call on her case he would.

  I help set up for opening, limiting our conversation to bakery business. After the conference call, I had to handle inventory and only asked her some basic questions. She had to go to school before I knew it. I walk her to her car and demand she calls me like she did yesterday. “Goodness, you sound like my dad.” I’ll let her make me a dad, but she has no idea that I’m doing all I can to hold back.

  “Don’t start. Have a good day at school. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wait until she drives away before heading back into the bakery. My heart hurts a little bit each day. It sucks that I’m waiting it out, but the fact that the changes for us will be permanent, I have to know she’s sure of herself and us.

  An hour later, Tracy comes into the shop. “Hi,” I greet her like any other customer, keeping up the friendly service even though I’m missing Amelia.

  “Wow, where’s Carly and Amelia?” she asks, looking around the place.

  “Amelia’s at school and my sister is out sick,” I inform her. I assumed everyone knew about Carly already.

  “Oh, so you know Amelia’s dad’s the sheriff, right?” she teasingly asks.

  “Yes, I’ve met him already,” I say, nodding and laughing.

  “Good, because he usually pushes all the guys away from her. She deserves a good man, but the only one is her dad.” I get the strange inkling she has a thing for the sheriff and speak of the devil, he’s entering the shop.

  “Hello, Ms. Hope,” he greets her, smiling and tipping his hat.

  “Sheriff, when are you going to call me Tracy?” He ignores the question and turns to me. I don’t miss the look of sadness she hid just as fast as she showed it.

  “Blake, if you mistreat my daughter, I’ll bury you. That includes flirting with Tracy.” I bite back a laugh because he so wants her.

  “Sir, I’m not the type to flirt with a woman when I have one. Now, is there something I can get you?” I ask, smirking at him.

  “No, I came to check on things.” He gives me a knowing look and I get the message. He saw Tracy come in. And it’s got nothing to do with Amelia. He wants her, but I can see it’s probably the massive age gap stopping him. Maybe if she’s with him, it would make the loss of Amelia to me in Houston a little easier.

  “Good deal, sir.” I look at Tracy and smile at her because it’s clear as hell that he needs a push. “You know, Tracy if you’re looking for another job, I could use some help here. Amelia’s at school in the afternoon.”

  “No, she can’t do it. She’s busy,” the sheriff spits out.

  Both of us look at him. She scowls, then turns to me and adds, “I’m not busy, Blake. The diner isn’t open after four anyway so I can certainly work here too.”

  “Great. Can you start now?” I add fuel to the fire.

  “You bet,” she cheers. I’m not sure if she’s doing it to get at him, or because she needs the job.

  The sheriff’s radio goes off, but he doesn’t answer it. It starts again, and he answers. “I’m watching you, Blake.” He leaves, waving us off. I’m sure he’s ready to lose his mind.

  “Tracy, let’s get you trained so that tomorrow you can come in and handle a lot by yourself.”

  “Thanks for giving me the job. I’m lucky places around here are cheap or I’d be homeless.”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “Well, I only work part-time at the moment. I’m ready to leave and go somewhere else. I have a side career, but it’s more like a hobby.”

  “What is it?” I ask, making conversation.

  “I’d rather not talk about it,” she murmurs, blushing and ducking her head.

  I shrug and add, “Well if you need any help, let me know.” I don’t press because it’s not a big deal to me.

  We make it through the day and I go to Carly’s place. I need sleep. Having met Amelia, I haven’t slept a lot. I don’t wake up until four in the morning, missing Amelia’s calls. I feel like a dick and rush to the bakery before she gets there.

  I beat her there and try to get things started. The doorbell rings and it’s the delivery truck. I take the ingredients inside and then Amelia arrives.

  “Good morning, Blake,” she mutters in obligation rather than with joy. I see she’s mad and I’m feeling shitty about it. Something could have happened to her last night and I wouldn’t have known.

  “Morning, princess,” I grunt as I pick up the three twenty-five-pound bags of flour and carry them into the kitchen.

  “So, my dad says Tracy’s working here now.” I hear the accusation in her voice, but I carry on because I know she’s not done.

  “Yes, we could use some help around here. And she came in at the right time,” I reply, brushing off her attitude.

  “Explains why you didn’t answer my calls last night.”

  I drop down the bags onto the back counter and rush to her. Grasping her around the waist, I set her ass on the other counter, standing between her legs. “I’m sorry, I didn’t answer and that’s why I’m here early. I haven’t slept since we met, and my body called the shots. I didn’t wake up until four, then I rushed to get to you. I’m sorry. You’re jealous and I get it, but you’ve got nothing to feel that way about.”

  “Then why did you eagerly hire her?”

  “I told you we need help. I have another job and this bakery is added stress. Besides, she’s perfect for the place. She’s nice, polite, and has great customer service skills. And…” I stop myself because I don’t know how she feels about her father falling in love again. It wouldn’t be my place to tell her about the connection I saw between them.

  “And what?” she asks, arms folded, trying to create some distance between us.

  “Nothing. It’s time to get to work. I have another meeting today and will have to leave for a few hours.”

  “Oh, no conference call?” I run the back of my hand down the side of her neck to the pulse at the edge of her V-neck top.

  “No, princess. I have to be there for it but don’t worry, you’re safe.”

  “Safe?” she asks like she doesn’t have a fucking stalker.

  “I have someone looking over the place. He won’t let him anywhere near you.”

  “You’ve hired someone to follow me?” I’m not going to fight about having security.

  “No, just to look after you when I’m not around. You won’t see him because I don’t want his ass anywhere near you, but he’s here to protect you. Don’t argue with me. Just nod your pretty head, or I’m not going to let you down.”

  “You’re infuriating,” she mutters, annoyed but with little to no conviction.
br />   I slam my hand to my chest dramatically. “You wound me, my princess. I’m supposed to be your knight. Let me be.” She nods in agreement, and I can’t stop myself. I close the distance and thrust my hands into her hair and crush her mouth to mine. She throws her arms around my neck and the kiss grows. I’m grinding against her core as she moans. I pick her up and hold her by her ass, rocking as we kiss.

  “Wow, this is not what I expected to walk into,” Tracy says. I slide Amelia down my body quickly. I’m hard as a rock, so I move to stand behind her.

  “Sorry, it’s not what you think,” Amelia explains, brushing her hair and clothes back into place, looking everywhere but at me.

  “Yes, it is,” I tell her, giving Tracy a look of incredulity while wrapping my arm around Amelia’s waist and slamming her against my body.

  “Well, I just wanted to see if you needed any help baking before I head across the street,” Tracy says, clapping her hands on her hips.

  "I'm sure she could use some. I'm going to handle setup. Ladies, holler if you need me." I kiss Amelia on the cheek and head to the door.

  "Blake, can you please put the flour in the large cupboard first?" Amelia calls out before I have the door halfway open.

  "Of course, princess. Anything for you." I whip a smile at her and move the bags. The morning goes by fast and I’m off to my meeting. I hope I’ll be back before Amelia goes to class, but I don’t know how long it’s going to last. The guy I’m going to see is a talker.

  Chapter 5


  Working with Tracy has been great. I’m somewhat over the jealousy thing after Blake did all he could to show me that I’m his. Tracy’s pretty and young, closer in age to Blake. She didn’t seem interested in him either. In fact, several guys in town took notice of her, but she brushed them off.

  “It’s almost time for me to go,” I tell her, taking off my apron. The store has been so busy that I’ve hardly had five minutes to miss Blake, but every one of those was filled with a painful sadness.


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