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Sweet Surprise

Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  We pull into the ER entrance. Felix helps me out before he and his partner get Blake. They rush him in and the doctors take over.

  “You can’t go in. Please wait here and make the calls. He’s going to be fine.”

  “See you soon, princess.” He gives me a wink as they wheel him away.

  “Is that fuck dead?” Blake asks Felix as they wheel him away. “We can only hope so,” I hear Felix say.

  Now it’s time to call his sister. This won’t go over well.

  “Carly, hi. This is Amelia.”

  “Of course it is. What’s up, girl? I should be back in the shop before the holiday.”

  “It’s not about that. The EMTs said he’s going to be fine, but Blake was shot today.”

  “What! Shot! Blake! No, that can’t be.” Oh goodness. That didn’t come out right.

  “Shot!” Another woman screams in the background. I have a feeling it’s his mother, but I can’t be sure.

  “It’s in the arm. Tyler came after me and…” I broke down again. Shit. This is all my fault.

  “And Blake, of course, saved his woman. We’ll be on our way.”

  “Okay,” I say, sitting on the nearest chair while hoping they’ll let me see him.

  My dad rushes through the door seconds later and I run into his arms. “Baby, don’t cry. I’m sure he’s going to be fine.”

  “I hope so.”

  After about five minutes, he sits me down. “I know this is a hard time for you, but I need to ask some questions.” I forgot he’s the sheriff for a minute. Of course, he needs to know about the shooting. “What happened?”

  “I invited Blake over for dinner. And well, Blake was in the bathroom and I was checking on the food when Tyler came in with a gun aimed at me. He wanted me to die. He said that if he couldn’t have me that no one could. And that he was going to kill Blake too. Then Blake came up on his side and they fought. Blake was shot and then told me to hide and call the police.”

  “Tyler was as well. Did you or Blake shoot him?”

  “Blake did while I was calling the police.”

  “Thank God. I could have lost you tonight.” He wraps me in his arms, tears pouring down his face. “Damn it, Amelia. I thought losing you to him was going to be bad, but I’d take that any day to the reality that I almost lost you forever.”

  “I’m sorry, dad. I should have told you sooner.”

  “No, I think the timing was right. He would have come after you anyway sooner or later.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to wash my face.” I enter the bathroom, trying to contain my sadness. Thinking about Blake’s mini-tirade in the ambulance made me feel a little comfort.

  “Amelia,” Carly calls out. I turn to her and give the best fake smile I can muster.

  “How did you get here so fast?”

  “Doing a hundred in a seventy zone. But it’s been a long time. Your dad is worried about you. He says you’ve been in here for about fifteen minutes. He was about to come looking for you.”

  “Really, I thought it was just a few. I’m sorry.”

  “Girl, you are losing it. When Blake called about you, I knew that it was a done deal. My brother’s strong. He’s going to make it.”

  “Thanks. Where are your parents?”

  “I think they went to talk to the doctors. My mom has been tripping, but that’s what it’s like to be a mom,” she says. Her eyes have a faraway look in them. I wonder…

  Chapter 8


  I wake up to the sound of Carly snapping at someone. I open my eyes and judging from the coat it’s one of the doctors here. “You idiot. That’s my brother. Fix him or I’ll…”

  “You’ll what, sweetheart. He’s going to be fine, but you, on the other hand, should be fucking laying down and resting.” My ears perk up, but the meds they gave me are making me sleepy.

  “I don’t need to lay down,” she argues; sounds like typical Carly.

  “You’re carrying my kid. You’ll do as I fucking say.” I open my eyes, but Carly’s walking out with the doctor. In comes Amelia. God, she’s beautiful even with the puffy eyes and tear-stained face.

  “Amelia,” I call out; though my voice is a little raspy. I hate that she’s crying for me. That’s something I hope never happens again. Well except when it’s my time as an old, decrepit man.

  “You’re awake,” she says, coming to my side.

  I look up at her, aching to pull her into the bed with me, but I’m sure her dad would finish the job Tyler started. “I need a kiss.”

  “Well, if I must kiss my brave knight,” she sighs, lowering her head. I lift my good arm and wrap it around her neck and into her hair.

  “I love you, Blake.”

  “Good, that means our date is still on.”

  “Yes, it is.” I give her another kiss before a cough interrupts us. Amelia takes a step back and I spot my parents.

  “Blake, sweetie,” my mom sobs, coming up for a hug. “Oh my goodness. When we got the call. Don’t ever scare us like that again.”

  “I won’t.” She kisses my forehead before my dad takes her place.

  “You took years off our lives. That means we’re going to need some grandbabies pretty soon to max out on that time.”

  “I plan on it, Dad.” Amelia blushes. I take her hand and make the introductions. “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet my future wife. Amelia doesn’t know it yet, but I’m a stubborn man.”

  “Carly’s already told us so much about you! I can’t wait to start planning for the wedding. You need to tell me all your favorite colors and flowers. And a list of all the people you want to invite.”

  “Mother, let the girl breathe,” Carly says, entering the room with a mask on her face. She gives me a quick hug, then turns her attention to my woman. “Hi, bro. I’m ecstatic that I picked the perfect time to get sick. Although I wish I told the sheriff about jackass Tyler. I’m so glad he’s going to rot in jail or by the time we’re done with him at least.”

  “Same here. Now, who was in here earlier, little sister? I’d like to have a talk with the doctor.” She blanches and we both come to a silent understanding that I’m aware of some things she hadn’t told anyone.

  “Well, I’ll let him know. Excuse me.” I know she’s finding a way to hide until later, but it’s cool. I’ll have to beat his ass later. If what he said was true, he knocked up my little sister.

  “So, you met the hot doctor?” my mother asks.

  “You know about him?” Amelia questions, giving her a smirk.

  “What do you know about him, princess?” I accuse. She never mentioned him before. “Nothing more than you do, Blake. He’s stopped in the bakery several times since it opened. She likes him.”

  “It didn’t sound that way to me,” I growl.

  “Well, that’s not my business.” She shrugs it off, but fuck if I’m not envious of the guys that got to meet Amelia before I did.

  “Damn right it’s not. I don’t appreciate you talking to the hot doctor,” I tell her. Pure jealousy is eating at me. I didn’t get a look at the guy, but the fact that she knows him, and my mom called him hot just doesn’t add up.

  “Don’t go getting all crazy with me yet. Save that for later down the line when I can gut punch your ass. Now get some rest. I’m going to talk to my dad.” She kisses me before leaving with attitude in her step.

  “Son, you know that sex and love aren’t the same thing, don’t push the girl away before we have a wedding and some grandbabies.”

  “Mother, first, this isn’t a conversation I want to have with you. So on to the next topic…I need to rest. I have a headache.”

  “We’ll have the nurse give you some meds,” my dad tells me, smirking as he escorts my mom out. I can see visions of baby clothes in her eyes. She’s been about that since Carly and I graduated college.

  Chapter 9


  It’s Valentine’s Day and the bakery closed an hour early. I’m standing in the mirror
, feeling beautiful. Carly’s here to assist me. I’m girly, but not to the point I want to be. Carly did my makeup and helped me pick out this dress. It has a V-neck dip between my breasts that is excessively low, but I want to do all I can to drive him nuts.

  Since he got out of the hospital, he’s been at the bakery, sitting in the office trying to help. Carly came back yesterday feeling a hundred percent. Her flu wasn’t a very dangerous one, but she’s still supposed to take it easy.

  Every day, he grunts and snarls at all the men that come in and flirt with me. I don’t return any of it, but once they see Blake they walk back out. He hired his guard again to follow me around, so he can work without worrying while I’m at school. Afterwards, we go back to my house to hang out. Then he stays at his sister's. It’s easier to keep both of us from being tempted. His arm needs to heal.

  We haven’t had sex since that night, but we’re more than ready for it. It seems that Blake likes to tease me all day. He passes by me, grabbing my hip and accidentally bumping me with his cock against my ass. Every night, he grinds on it. I know he’s hurting too, so tonight I plan to work out that pain for him.

  The doorbell rings and I’m eager to get to him. “You look great. Go make me a niece or nephew. Mom’s already planning the wedding.”

  “Thanks, Carly. For everything. Even getting sick.”

  “Anytime. Except for the sick part,” she grumbles. I open the door to see Blake standing there rocking on his heels. His eyes widen, and his mouth falls open.

  “How am I supposed to take you out looking like that?”

  “What? Is there something wrong with it?”

  “Yes, and no…I mean…damn it, I can’t think. All the blood’s gone to my dick. Come on, princess. I’m almost getting the strength back in my arm and you’re going to have me knocking men out tonight,” he states, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. His lips feel so good on mine that I can’t wait.

  “Let’s go, Ms. Wright.” I finally notice that he’s not in his truck. He has a limo, with a driver standing there holding the door open. We walk to the car and he tells the guy, “Tuck those eyes in buddy. She’s mine.”

  “A limo?” It’s my second time being in one and the last there was like four couples for prom.

  “Yes, princess. I want you all to myself and well, since we have a long drive, I don’t want to go without touching you.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “You’ll see.”

  We’re driving down the main highway when the limo pulls off and that’s when I see the sign. It’s a massive billboard. “Will you marry me, Princess? – Your Knight.” I turn back to look at him and he’s kneeling with a ring in his hand.

  “I wasn’t going to ask because I already told you it was a done deal, but I want something to seal it. What do you say, Amelia? Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, of course.” I cry as he slides a stunning diamond ring on my finger. I can’t believe this is happening. Wow, I’m trying to hold it together, but I want to celebrate with my fiancé.

  “I’m going to fucking spank you if you keep crying, princess. I don’t like when you do that.” I turn my ass towards him, looking for any bit of his hands on me. He looks towards the front of the limo and the divider is in use. He grabs the hem of my dress and slides it up. I’m wearing barely-there panties and he growls. Blake swats my ass once. Then lowers his head, kissing my stinging bottom. I’m soaked, and Blake knows it since he pushes two fingers inside me. I clench around them, nearly ready to come. He puts his hand to my mouth, stopping me from screaming. With his whole body leaning over mine, he whispers, “You’re mine. Your moans and orgasms are for me only.” I can feel him use his uninjured arm to undo his pants. “Now, if you can keep it down, I’m going to fill you up. Do you want that, princess?”

  “Yes,” I stutter. He easily pushes into me from behind and I feel stretched. I turn my head toward my shoulder and use it to muffle my moan. Within a few thrusts, we’re both coming. His hand goes to my mouth and I bite down as I come. It’s not hard, but it sets him off and I feel him pulse inside me.

  We straighten up, him handing me some tissues that are conveniently in the limo. I rest my head on his chest, sleepy and satisfied. We arrive in Houston and he takes me to a large building. As we get out, I feel a bit sexy knowing I have his come between my thighs. We enter and there’s a makeshift dining area set up. It’s decorated completely for Valentine’s Day. The thing is, it’s just us two. “You arranged this?”

  “Yes, the very next day after meeting you. I’ve been waiting for almost two weeks for your undivided attention. Now, my future Mrs. Reynolds, let’s enjoy our dinner.” He helps me to my seat, and as I look around the room I don’t see anyone else.

  “Where are the servers?”

  “As I said, my sweet princess—undivided.”

  I arch my brow at him after he lifts the lids off our dinner. It's the same meal I had planned the day I almost lost him. "I don't know if it'll be as good as yours smelled, but I felt like a last-minute change on the menu."

  "Thank you, Blake." With every bite, I find his eyes on me. He licks his lips and groans as I let a moan slip as the meat melts in my mouth.

  "Fuck, dinner is over, princess." He tosses his napkin on the table, then stands. I giggle for a moment. His cock stretches his pants to the brink of shredding. The outline displays his size and he's right dinner is over. "I want dessert."

  "I've got dessert for you," he mutters, his voice gruff with need.

  "Really?" I ask, looking at him and feeling my face flush.

  "Yes," he says, nodding and taking my hand. I stand and follow him. In the middle of a long, white table-clothed banquet table seats a large bowl of fat strawberries and a small chocolate fountain.

  Smirking to myself, I poke my finger into the fountain, coating my finger. I lift it to bring to my mouth, but Blake’s faster. He bends his head and wraps his lips around my finger, sucking off the chocolate. It hits me straight to my core, and I clench my thighs together.

  “Amelia, the chocolate tastes better than I imagined.” He pulls me to him hard; my chest slamming against his. “I want more.”

  I look up into his eyes and wink. “There’s plenty of strawberries and skewers right there.”

  “Oh no, I think those strawberries will do.” He lifts me off my feet and sits me on the table next to the fountain. Stepping between my legs, he cups my face and crushes his mouth on mine. Thrusting my hands into his hair, I deepen our kiss. His hands move to my hips, tugging up my dress. I pout as he pulls away from me. Shaking his head, he dips his fingers into the chocolate, then falls to his knees. He started to paint my pussy lips with chocolate. The warm liquid was met by his cool breath before I felt the flick of his tongue. I toss my head back and grasp the edge of the table. I’m panting out my need. “Don’t stop.”

  Every inch of me is so turned on that I’m going to come. He stands up, undoes his pants, and pulls out his thick, hard cock. I want to taste him, but I want him in me right now. “We’re coming together,” he growled. “And I’m coming inside of you.” He decides for me, pushing inside me in one long motion. I’m feeling stretched, but I want more. I rock my hips forward. He grabs the back of my head and pulls my face to his, kissing me like it’s the last time. He slashes his tongue across mine, letting me taste a chocolatey version of me. I want more. I reach over and dip my fingers into the chocolate, slipping my hands between my breasts. Giving him access, he bends his head and runs his tongue over my breasts, licking every drop of chocolate off.

  I shiver and clench up, my orgasm on the cusp. Then he drives hard into me and I’m done, my body loses all control, I thought I had. For a split second, I believed I had him worked up more than me, but I was wrong. I come on his cock, squeezing him. He places his hands on the table, pinning me in, then he pumps forward, fucking me until I’m about to come again. I can’t take anymore before I cry out, “I’m coming.”

��s what I want to hear—over and over again.” He grunts and fills me up, coming hard, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath on my skin and wanted this moment to last forever.

  “I’ll give you forever.” Oops, I said that aloud.

  “I’m going to hold you to it.”

  “That’s fine. As long as I get to hold you. And maybe we should invest in chocolate. I’ve got a new favorite sweet treat.”



  We got married three months after we met, and I haven’t looked back. My wife is so perfect. She finished her degree in web design and now works for the family company as our site manager. She’s amazing and carrying our second baby. It’s time to celebrate. Just yesterday, Tyler Wills was sentenced to twenty-five years.

  “Morning, Blake,” Carly says, waddling her large belly around the kitchen.

  “Morning, sis. Should you be in the kitchen still? You’re a walking hazard,” I tease, but at the same time, I’m serious. She’s likely to hurt herself.

  “Shut it. I’m just fine. Your wife is out helping Tracy with the customers.” She knew that would get rid of me.

  “Thanks. You look beautiful by the way.” I kiss her cheek, then hunt down my wife. She’s smiling at some man who’s clearly returning it. I’m about to do something dumb.

  “Thank you, ma’am. Are you sure there’s nothing in these cookies?” he smirks at her.

  “I’m sure.” They both began to laugh and I’m ready to clock him in the face. I’ve seen him around. He’s a local cowboy with a big ranch in the next town over.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” I ask, letting him know that flirting with my wife is about to get his ass dropped. I walk up to Amelia and slide my arm around her waist.

  “Now I know what the secret ingredient is,” he mutters.

  “Oh yeah?” Tracy asks.

  “Yes, possessive husbands that love their wives.”


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