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Page 26

by Joanna Blake

  "I have a surprise for you."

  She gave me a look.

  "I'm not sure I can handle any more surprises! Can you believe Clay???"

  I didn't laugh. He'd told me Nevada was driving him crazy all week. Closing the candy shop so to speak.

  I could one hundred percent believe what he'd done during the ceremony.

  If Frannie did that to me... I'd do the same damn thing.

  Fuck, I'd make the whole party wait!

  I handed her a glass of champagne. It was too classy for me, but it got the job done. I wanted her relaxed.


  She took the glass and sipped, giggling.

  "I've had quite a bit of this already today Jace."

  I smiled at her, leaning on the blanket.

  "That's okay. It's a special occassion."

  I pulled out the remote control Clay had given me.

  "What is that?"

  "Just watch."

  I pressed the button and waited.

  In an instant the area at the bottom of the slope lit up with the stationary fireworks display.

  It said four words. Each word lighting up one at a time.





  She jumped to her feet in shock. Her mouth was open. Her hands were on her cheeks. She was staring in awe at the magnificent display Clay and I had come up with.

  She almost fell backwards laughing her ass off.

  I was a little offended by that.

  "What, it's not romantic enough?"

  She was laughing too hard to answer me.


  She abruptly stopped laughing, clued in by the tone of my voice.

  Then she noticed that I was kneeling.

  And the ring in my hand.

  Now she really looked surprised.


  I had her attention.

  "I love you Frannie."

  Her eyes were wide as she stared at me.

  "Will you marry me?"

  Her eyes filled with tears and she nodded. Silly girl still couldn't seem to talk.

  Then she was in my arms kissing and squeezing me tighter than I'd ever been squeezed.

  "Christ woman! Is that a yes?"

  "Yes, Jace. I will marry you."

  Well, thank fucking God!


  I stared down at the ring on my hand. Jace had somehow spoken to my Gran before we left, and she had given him her ring. It meant more to me than he could know.

  She had given her approval.

  The ring was simple gold, with a pearl surrounded by tiny diamonds.

  Nothing overly ornate or expensive.

  But sweet. Pure. Honest.

  Like my Jace.

  He'd looked offended when I laughed at his fireworks display.

  He didn't look offended now.

  He was too busy trying to get my dress off of me.


  He grunted and continued fiddling with the little buttons that ran up the back and side of my dress.

  "Wait until we get upstairs please."

  He frowned at me.

  "Do I have to?"

  "Yes! There are still people everywhere!"

  He looked up and noticed the party planners were removing the set up from the wedding. He nodded, sighing heavily. That's when he got knocked on his ass.

  Clay and Nevada had arrived.

  "Be careful Clay!"

  "Sorry man. I had to do that."

  Nevada hugged me.

  "I'm so happy for you Frannie! Congratulations!"

  "Shouldn't you guys be having your wedding night?"

  Nevada blushed.

  "We were but I insisted we come down when I saw the fireworks. He didn't even warn me!"

  She glared at Clay. He was shirtless and she was wearing a silk robe.

  I glanced at her wrist. The belt of her robe was tied around it.

  "Clay up to his old tricks?"

  She blushed again.

  "If I'd known marriage would be like this-"

  She leaned forward and whispered to me.

  "I'd have done it sooner!"

  We laughed and linked arms, walking back to the house.

  "Where are you going woman?"

  I ignored Jace. Nevada took pity on them and waved.

  "See you inside!"

  I heard running footsteps behind me. Then both Nev and I were lifted off our feet. They carried us inside.

  The two of them were cave men! There was no other word for it.

  Nev was laughing as Clay carried her up the staircase.

  "See you in the morning!"

  I waved at her, both of us upside down.

  Jace didn't put me down until we were alone in our guest room. He tossed me on the bed and then locked the door. He started pulling his clothes off as he walked towards me.

  There was a glint in his eye I didn't quite trust.

  "Jace... what are you..."

  He held up his tie.

  "Give me your hands sweetheart."

  I shrieked and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I locked it.

  "You can't lock me out. I'm your fiancé!"

  I was trying not to laugh as I stared in horror at the door knob. It was jiggling.

  Abruptly it got very quiet.

  Then the door swung open.

  Jace stood there, holding a bobby pin.

  "You do know you are marrying a criminal right?"

  I gasped and he grabbed me, carrying me to the bed.


  I tried to catch my breath but the way he was looking at me made it impossible.

  "Tsk tsk Francine. You just made this so much worse on yourself."

  "I- I did?"

  He nodded, walking towards me.

  "So much worse..."

  Chapter Twenty Four


  She was reading. Again. Frannie put her forearm on the book and used her free hand to turn the page.

  I only let her have one hand.

  The other one was intertwined with mine.

  "Would you like a drink? Cheese and crackers?"

  I nodded to the stewardess.

  "Jack and coke."

  Frannie shook her head.

  "Nothing for me thanks."

  We were riding first class to Tokyo. The first time I'd been on a plane. Ever. And I was riding in style.

  Neither Frannie or I had paid for it though.

  No one had really.

  Apparently, Clay's family owned stock in an airline.

  Rich people were weird. Not all of them were bad though. This was a pretty nice engagement gift, I had to admit.

  I rubbed my thumb over the back of Frannie's hand. She looked at me, concern in her eyes.

  "You bored?"

  I shook my head slowly. My eyes were on her lips. I watched a blush steal over her pretty face.

  "Jace- what are you?"

  I leaned forward and kissed her.

  "As soon as everyone goes to sleep, we are joining the mile high club."


  "You heard me."

  The stewardess brought my drink over and I smiled at Frannie, taking a sip. She was staring at me nervously. Clearly I had her wheels turning.


  Mine had been turning since we boarded.

  What else was there to do on such a long ass flight?

  Soon enough the cabin was quiet, with all the first class people sound asleep. Even coach and business were quiet, with the lights dimmed throughout the plane. Frannie's head was on my shoulder, her book closed in her lap.

  I lifted it slowly, placing it on top of her carry on bag.

  She had two actually. One for her and one for me to carry on for her. Both of them were almost all books.

  I shook my head.

  My Frannie was a funny girl.

  I pushed her hair back and whispered in her ear.

t's time."

  She blinked at me, looking like a sexy little owl. Then she blushed and nodded.

  I could tell she was nervous.

  That was okay.

  She would get over it.

  I led her towards the bathrooms up front. No one was around so I slipped inside, pulling her behind me.

  Finally, we were alone.



  I rubbed my thumb over her lip before I kissed her. My hands were on her ass, wasting no time in bringing her against my throbbing cock. I was hard as a rock.

  After all, it had been almost twelve hours since I had her.

  I felt like I was going to explode all day. All the blood rushed to my dick every damn time she reached over for something. Dealing with luggage and tickets... taking off her shoes.

  She had been bending over a lot.


  "Take your pants off."

  She laughed nervously and did as I asked. I pulled her shirt and bra up to her armpits. Now I had full access.

  And I damn well used it.

  My hands and lips touched her sensitive spots, making sure to get her as amped up as I was.

  I pulled my cock out. It was already glistening with my precum.

  She ran her hands over it, leaning down to lick the tip.

  "Unffff... Fuck Frannie. No time."

  I hoisted her hips up so her thighs were on my hips. Pushing her so her ass rested on the edge of the sink, I held my cock at the sweet spot where her pussy lips met.

  I pushed forward slowly, my cock thanking me instantly.

  I wanted to stay there forever but I knew we didn't have a lot of time.

  So I got to work.


  Jace had one hand behind my head, protecting it. Otherwise it would have been banging against the bathroom mirror with each thrust.


  They must be able to hear us I thought as another orgasm tore through me. I heard a ding and then an announcement signaling turbulence ahead.


  The plane dipped slightly and he picked up his pace.


  I felt his cock swell inside me.


  "Unfff... Fuck. I fucking love you, you know that?"

  He groaned as he came, his seed filling me up. He didn't stop fucking me though. He was still slowly grinding me when I felt him getting hard again.

  "What are you doing Jace?"


  "We can't! We are going to get busted."

  He grunted as I pushed him away. His cock was in his hand as he stared at me, clearly not concerned.

  "I don't care."

  "Well, I do. Plus, didn't you hear? They said there might be turbulence!"

  He grinned at me cockily

  "I'll give you turbulence."

  I laughed, covering my mouth to stifle the sound.

  "When we land okay? We can do it all night in the hotel. We don't have to go out."

  "A whole day and night."

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  "Yes! Fine. We aren't supposed to be looking at apartments for a couple of days. I don't start work for two weeks."

  "Twenty four hours. No interruptions."

  I stared at him.

  What exactly had I just agreed to?

  "No phone. No friends. No books."

  I nodded slowly and he grinned.

  "Okay Frannie. You have a deal."

  I slid out of the bathroom and exhaled. No one had seen us go in apparently. Maybe the doors were thicker than I thought.

  By the time I slid back into my seat I was already wondering what I'd gotten myself into exactly.

  Jace sat down beside me. The look on his face was pure male satisfaction. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

  "You might regret that Frantastic."

  "What do you mean?"

  He leaned over to me, gripping my chin.

  "While you use your brain to read all your books, I'm using mine to think of creative ways to fuck you."

  I stared at him, realization dawning.

  I had just made a deal with the devil.

  It was a good thing I loved him.

  A very, very good thing.


  Joanna Blake

  Copyright © 2015 Joanna Blake

  All rights reserved.

  To the dreamers, readers and bakers of this world: you are all sweet enough to eat.




  Rebel Edit & Design

  Furious Fotog

  Chase Keeton

  One More Page Book Promotions

  Pincushion Press


  Chapter One - Distraction

  Chapter Two - Calibration

  Chapter Three - Introduction

  Chapter Four - Insinuation

  Chapter Five - Fixation

  Chapter Six - Pollination

  Chapter Seven - Inebriation

  Chapter Eight - Seduction

  Chapter Nine - Exploration

  Chapter Ten - Education

  Chapter Eleven - Captivation

  Chapter Twelve - Infatuation

  Chapter Thirteen - Titillation

  Chapter Fourteen - Altercation

  Chapter Fifteen - Realization

  Chapter Sixteen - Destruction

  Chapter Seventeen - Alienation

  Chapter Eighteen - Opposition

  Chapter Nineteen - Inhalation

  Chapter Twenty - Exhalation

  Chapter Twenty-One - Temptation

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Initiation

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Reflection

  Chapter Twenty-Four - Perfection

  Six Months Later

  Note from the author

  Player - excerpt

  Grind - excerpt

  Go Long - excerpt

  Bound To Me (Delancy Brothers Trilogy) - excerpt

  Chapter One


  I poured scented gel onto the loofah mitt and worked it into Krystal's already silky smooth skin. We were just finishing up our session. I always started and finished with a shower. It was a good icebreaker and, well, sex can get messy.

  Plus, I'm sort of a clean freak.

  A perfectionist.

  Especially when it comes to my job.

  She sighed as I rubbed the mitt over her abs. Then lower, softly stroking between her thighs. Her head fell back against my shoulder. She wanted it again, I could tell. I was more than happy to oblige.

  Krystal was one of my best clients. Her appetite for sex was almost as big as mine. She was very attractive too, in a well kept cougar sort of way. Hell, she was hot period.

  Not all my clients were traditionally attractive. But I could always find something I liked about them. There wasn't a woman alive who did have some sort of appeal. Be it her eyes, her hands, her voice, or her laugh.

  I loved a woman with a good laugh.

  Fuck, I loved women. End of story. I had to, to do what I did.

  I dropped the mitt and started using my hands on her. One found her nipple and the other her clit. I toyed with her, using a light touch as she started to writhe against me. She reached backwards for me and I pulled back, scolding her with a tsking sound.

  Krystal liked it when I was in control. And I always aimed to please.

  Her perfectly toned ass pressed into me as she tried to get closer to what she was after: my cock. I had a good one. I knew it. It was my claim to fame. Not ridiculously huge but long, thick and sturdy. It had a nice curve that seemed to hit the right spots.

  I'd never had any complaints. Not from the first time. I was a fast learner.

  After a while, she was really begging me so I bent her forward as I grabbed a condom from the counter. Her hands rested on the marble shower bench. It was a really, really nice shower.

  Of course it was. Krystal was one of the richest women in Holly
wood. It wasn't just from being discarded arm candy either, like so many of the middle aged women who requested my services. She'd been married to one of the studio heads out here, but she'd also made a killing herself. She ran one of the most cutting edge production houses in Los Angeles.

  Hell, Krystal was quickly outpacing the man who had been stupid enough to let her go.

  She was smart. She was in charge. I think that's why she liked being bossed around in the bedroom. She called me her 'stress relief.' I grinned, lining my cock up to her glistening, freshly waxed pussy.

  I grunted as I slid in. We'd fucked all night but I was still good to go. I always popped a Viagra before my sessions. It was standard for guys in the trade. The last thing you wanted was to go soft.

  She was making incoherent sounds as I slowly drove into her again and again. Slow and hard. That's what she needed today. I could feel it.

  She'd had a really hard day at work.

  I had stayed a few hours extra. She didn't usually ask for special favors. But I needed to get going soon. I lifted one leg up to the bench so I was straddling her. I used the new angle to go extra deep and went to town.

  Like most women, Krystal wanted me to finish too. It was all part of the experience. If anything, finishing was the hardest part for me. I loved sex, sure. But was I always excited enough to blow after fucking a wide variety of women, day after day?

  Not even close.

  I closed my eyes, letting my mind wander. I had figured out how to come on command years ago. It served me well. I basically imagined the perfect woman. In my fantasy she was always begging me to take her. She was sweet and submissive and doing whatever filthy, dirty things I wanted her to do.

  She didn't even have a face. It was just a feeling. And it always did the trick.

  I waited until I felt Krystal flutter against me and then I let loose, my cock pulsing deep inside her. My hands gripped her hips tightly as I stayed embedded in her until her tremors stopped. I always had to resist the urge to yank my cock out of a client when I was done. That was the one consistent in my job.


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