Something Wonderful

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Something Wonderful Page 7

by M. Clarke

  “Is that a picture of your family?” he asked, pointing to a picture frame.

  I walked to where he stood. “Yes. That’s my mom, dad, and my sister.”

  His eyes flickered to my face, back to the picture, then to the bookshelf again. “You read all these books?” A sincere tone rang from his question.

  Feeling proud and slightly embarrassed, I nodded. “Some of these books are my clients.” I pulled one out. “This one is one of my favorites. It’s about a nephilim, half-angel and half-human, who falls in love with a human. They love each other so much, but it’s forbidden. They go through struggles and tribulations, especially from the evil angels; but his love for her conquers the darkness. It is undeniable, unbreakable, unconditional; a love that stands through time. Anyway, Michael is wonderful,” I gushed.

  “May I see it?”

  Before I could answer, he placed his hand over the book. Unable to register what he was asking fast enough, his hands were over mine. Peering up to his eyes from feeling the warmth of him, an electrical sensation ignited through me. As his eyes were set on mine, not even a breath released; we stood there in silence, just staring…searching…connecting.

  “Here,” I said, breaking away from this hypnotic moment. Dropping my hand, I headed toward my dresser.

  “Crossroads, huh?”

  “Excuse me?” I twisted to him, and leaned my back against the dresser.

  Holding up the book, he was reading the title aloud. “Crossroads.”

  “Yes,” I confirmed.

  Matthew’s eyes fell back to the cover. “I’m at a crossroads myself.” His tone was somber and low, hardly audible, but I heard the pain. I wondered why he had said those words. I wanted to ask him, but I knew he wouldn’t share. If he did, our friendship might deepen, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted go there, so I tried to lighten our conversation.

  “Yeah, everyone is at a crossroad at some time in their life, don’t you think? And when we have to decide, we just have to make sure we don’t regret the road we choose since the other road may not be available if we change our minds.”

  Placing the book back into its slot, Matthew moved toward me. His expression and mood changed drastically. Flexing his muscles, he planted his hands on the dresser on either side of me, creating a cage around me. There was no escape as his eyes pulled me into him and held me captive as he spoke. “True. I only wish there was no crossroads and our journey in life was a straight line.”

  “That would be very boring. No drama, no love triangle—”

  “No make up sex after a fight?” he said quickly, lifting one corner of his lip.

  I paused, registering what he’d said. From his unexpected words, I stuttered, “Uh…I guess…uh…” Boy, was that a lame reply. Producing that sexy grin again, he shifted his eyes to what I was doing. I didn’t realize it until now, but I was twisting my hair with my finger. I slowly released it.

  “I’ve always wanted to do that to mine. Obviously, I can’t. I’d like to try it on yours,” he chuckled lightly. Not waiting for my answer, he twirled a strand of my hair just like how I had done it. It made me sizzle in places I didn’t want to. Unexpectedly, with lustful eyes, he ran his fingers through my hair, melting me to the floor. My legs became weak and my breath hitched. Panic! Then, without a word, whatever connection he tried to produce died when he turned to head into the bathroom.

  Unable to move, I stood there as the heated feeling continued to linger. Why do I allow him to affect me that way? The sound of the toilet flushing got my feet moving and I headed toward the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  “Someone got roses,” Matthew said excitedly, sauntering into the dining area. “Did Max send those?”

  “They’re for me,” I replied quickly, then spit water out into the sink, coughing relentlessly. I didn’t know why I panicked, causing the water to go down the wrong way when he asked that question. It wasn’t as if he could read my mind.

  “You okay there?” With one hand wrapped around my waist, the other patted my back lightly.

  I was coughing so hard I thought I was going to throw up, but Matthew was sweet, helping me through it. Gripping the edge of the sink with both of my hands, I coughed even more.

  “Here, drink some water.” Matthew handed me the glass of water I had set down on the counter when I started coughing.

  Clearing my throat, I spoke, but the sound of my voice came out hoarse. “Thank you.”

  “You’ll live,” he said, twisting his lips in amusement, letting out a slight chuckle.

  “Yes.” I wiped the tears that fell from the corner of my eyes, and then I smiled. It was all I could do since I felt like an idiot.

  Matthew leaned against the cabinet and gazed at me with intensity. I’d wished I could read the meaning behind it. His eyes seemed filled with yearning and pain. They were two totally different emotions and that baffled me immensely.

  “It’s getting late and I should be leaving,” he mumbled, but he didn’t move a muscle. His eyes were set on me, making me feel like he was devouring me with his thoughts.

  “Thanks for driving me home.” I didn’t know what to do. Do I leave the kitchen first because he wasn’t moving?

  “He isn’t good enough for you,” Matthew muttered out of the blue.

  What was he talking about? I tilted my head, furrowing my brows, silently asking for further explanation.

  “You deserve bigger flowers, Becca. They’re too small,” he explained. Walking to the living room, he grabbed his suit jacket, and headed to the door while I followed behind. I was surprised and confused by his words. After he opened the door, he locked his eyes on mine looking somewhat sad. “I hope he brings your book boyfriend to shame and gives you everything you deserve. When I walk out this door, I want you to make sure you lock it, okay?”

  All I could do was nod. His words tugged my heart, leaving me speechless. He thought I was seeing someone when I wasn’t. Should I have said something? Then the door closed, creating a cool draft. I couldn’t tell if it was due to his absence or the air that passed through from the hallway. I didn’t know why, but I stood there, soaking in his sweet words, trying to calm my beating heart—it always pounded too fast when he was around—and pondering the thought that he believed I was taken. I wondered if that was a good thing.

  Just as I reached for the lock, the door swung opened, smacked my forehead, and I stumbled back several steps. Thinking it was Jenna, I looked up while rubbing my head. “Jenna…” but it wasn’t her. “Matthew? What are you doing back here?”

  He didn’t respond, but his hand pushed mine away from my forehead. “Shit, Becca. Did I do that to you?”

  Instead of responding, I asked him the same question again. “What are you doing here?”

  “I told you to lock the door. Why didn’t you lock the door?” he demanded to know, checking my forehead for possible bruises, I assumed. “Sorry,” he said sincerely. What he did next made me lose myself into him. He embraced me tenderly and gently kissed my forehead. It was brief, but it meant something and I could feel that it meant something to him too, when I heard a soft sigh. In that moment, I felt utterly safe. In that moment, we connected at another level. In that moment, I had fallen a little bit deeper.

  With another kiss on my forehead, he whispered, “Sweet dreams, Becca. And lock the door now.”

  As soon as he left, I locked the door right away. I wasn’t about to have him barge through again; and sure enough, I heard the doorknob rattle. He was extremely protective, but I liked that he was…maybe a bit too much.

  After picking up my parents from the airport, I dropped them off at their hotel to get settled in, and I went back to work for a couple of hours before we would meet up again for dinner. I had offered to pick them up, but dad insisted they take a taxi since it was so close. He also said they were planning to rent a car the next day, but Max had already asked his driver to take care of their needs daily so the company’s driver was at their beck and call.
  Max had made reservations at one of the finest restaurants in Los Angeles, and we had agreed that he would drive me there. Glancing over at Max while he focused on the road, I studied him. He looked so deliciously handsome in his dark gray suit; I was trying hard not to think of him naked.

  We had talked about him meeting my parents, but he never mentioned how he felt about it. Maybe it’s different for men. I could recall how nervous I felt meeting his family, so I wondered if Max felt the same. He sure didn’t look it. Though I didn’t let him know, I was nervous enough for us both. There wasn’t a doubt that my parents would adore him, it was the other way around. Hopefully, Max would like them just as much.

  My parents had never met anyone I was dating, since all my dates were after I was in college. I just hoped they wouldn’t ask too many unwanted questions, especially my mom. My dad was the quiet type, so at least I knew he wouldn’t be the one initiating the conversation.

  Sitting tall, looking straight ahead with both hands on the steering wheel, Max looked all business and ready to attack the world. How I loved this side of him. It gave me the shivers; like no one could touch him and he could make anything happen.

  “Don’t stare at me, Jenna,” Max said lightly. His lips curled playfully.

  “I’m not staring, and how do you know?” I giggled. I wasn’t good at fibbing.

  “Even though I’m looking straight ahead, I can feel your every move. That’s how in tune my body is with yours. I always know.”

  “Oh.” It was all I could say as I took in his words, liking what he’d said.

  “But I don’t mind,” he said while his thumb tenderly and seductively stroked mine. The touch was so innocent, loving, yet so sensual, it made me want him at that very moment, as I could already feel his hands on my body. When we reached our destination, Max pulled into valet parking. After getting out of the car, he held my hand and led me to the entrance.

  Since we were ten minutes early, we sat in the waiting area near the front. He didn’t want to seem rude and sit at our table first, especially since this was a first meeting.

  When I spotted my parents walking through the door, I stood up and Max did the same.

  “Mom…Dad,” I greeted. I hugged Mom first then Dad, then turned to Max. “This is Max.”

  “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Max,” Mom said, shaking his hand. She was smiling from ear to ear. “I’ve heard so much about you, I feel like I already know you.”

  Then it was Dad’s turn. “Hello, Max,” he said shaking his hand.

  “How was your trip?” Max asked.

  “Just fine,” Mom smiled. “Thank you for asking.”

  “Good,” Max said and raised his hand to get the hostess’s attention.

  My nerves had settled quickly when our dinner talk proved to be nothing but laughter and great conversation. I could tell Mom wanted to ask him more questions than needed, but Max was a good sport, trying to let her see that he was the right person for me in a very subtle way.

  “Max, do you like children?” Mom asked, clearing her throat, knowing I would get mad at her for asking such a question at their first meeting. Frowning, I gave her the evil eye. Too bad she wasn’t sitting across from me, or I would have nudged her with my foot. Trying to calm my nerves back down again, knowing Mom was rolling on with her questions, I took a sip of my water.

  “Children? What are those?” Max blurted.

  Oh my God! He did not say that. I almost spit out my drink. Thankfully, I was able to swallow before he said anything else, but my hand slipped just as I placed my cup down, and I spilled my water. My reflexes kicked in, but it was too late. It happened so fast, some spilled on Max’s pants. He didn’t realize it was even happening, until he heard the glass slam on the table, and by that time, he couldn’t have stopped the water flow unless he was Superman.

  “Jenna?” My mom squealed.

  “I’m so sorry.” I looked at Max as I held my napkin, ready to help and ignoring my mom. I was so embarrassed, I didn’t know whether to touch him or just let it be. He was already standing, wiping himself off. Luckily, the cloth napkin was across his lap, so the water just barely soaked through his pants. It would dry by the time we went home.

  When he saw Mom’s smile fade, he sat back down and spoke again. “I was just kidding, Mrs. Mefferd. I love children. They bring pride and joy to families. I want a minivan full of them.”

  Mom giggled and gave a sigh of relief. Looking at me with glassy eyes she said, “I wish I had more, but I had a hard time conceiving, so Jenna is my miracle.”

  “Mine, too,” Max agreed, looking at me with loving eyes.

  It wasn’t so much what Max said, but the fact that he said such sweet words in front of my parents that made me adore him even more.

  “Max, your driver is wonderful,” Dad muttered, breaking our conversation. Thank goodness he did. I didn’t know how long Mom would gush about me. “We appreciate your gesture, but we can rent a car. We’re staying for several more days.”

  “There are a lot of one-way streets in downtown LA and it can get confusing. Please enjoy your trip with one less thing to worry about.”

  “It’s very generous of you,” Mom added. “We don’t know how to thank you.”

  “You gave me Jenna,” Max smiled. “It’s more than I can ask for.”

  Mom’s eyes twinkled against the candlelight. Her facial expression showed how much she liked his response.

  Our conversation was minimal when our dinner came. Mom raved how moist her salmon was and Dad raved about how delicious and tender his steak was. We enjoyed our meal as we continued our small talk.

  Max raised his glass of wine, gesturing to toast. “To our first meeting and many more.”

  Mom and Dad looked surprised. I guess they hadn’t expected that either. It was a nice gesture. After the toast, Mom only took a sip of her wine. Max didn’t know she was allergic to alcohol like me. Enjoying the taste, I drank a little bit more than I should have. Before long, I had to excuse myself to go to the restroom. Not wanting to leave Max alone with my parents for too long, I hurried as fast as I could. I was afraid of them grilling him with a bunch of questions they wouldn’t ask in front of me.

  When I came back, their conversation stopped, like they were keeping a secret from me, but I didn’t think twice about it. After all, there was nothing to hide since I had already told Max not to talk about my time in the hospital. My parents were on a cruise at the time and I didn’t want them to know the hospital visit was due to Max and I having a misunderstanding. It would not leave a good impression of Max, especially when they hadn’t yet had a chance to get to know him.

  After dinner, Max ordered dessert—Crème Brûlée and chocolate mousse cake. Dad had tried to pay for dinner, but Max had already given the server his credit card before I had returned to the table. He was very thoughtful that way.

  After dessert, we exited the restaurant. Max had already called his driver to come to the front to pick up my parents, instead of them having to walk through the parking lot.

  Jeff, Max’s driver, stepped out of the limo and opened the rear door for my parents. Mom gave Max a hug first, then me. “He’s a keeper,” she whispered. “Don’t let this one get away.”

  Pulling away from her hug, I smiled, hoping Max hadn’t heard. Dad gave me a hug next after shaking Max’s hand. “He has great teeth, kiddo. That says a lot about a person,” he chuckled. Since Dad was a dentist, that was his way of letting me know he approved of Max. After the goodbyes were complete, my parents entered the car.

  “Drive safe, Jeff,” Max ordered.

  “Yes, sir,” Jeff confirmed with a nod.

  “Thanks, Jeff,” I said.

  Jeff rolled down the passenger’s window, since the heavily tinted window was difficult to see through. After we set the date for our next meeting, I waved as the car took off. I was happy that our first meeting went well and my parents had a great time with Max. It couldn’t have been any better

  “Sorry I’m late.” Kate heaved an exhausted sigh as she slid into the booth next to Nicole, and shoved a shopping bag under the table. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she had no makeup on. Her attire wasn’t what she would normally wear to our gathering. She wore jeans and a plain sweater. “Kristen had a fever last night. I’m so exhausted, but knowing we were exchanging Christmas gifts today, I wanted to be here. And besides, I really need this.”

  “Sorry to hear about Kristen,” Nicole said.

  “How is she now?” Becky asked.

  “Her fever went down after I gave her Tylenol and the doctor gave her antibiotics today, so she’s much better. Hopefully, she’ll feel better soon.”

  None of us knew what it felt like to take care of a sick child, but seeing Kate look so tired and worn, it clearly took a toll on her.

  “Sorry,” Kate continued. “I can’t stay long. She finally took a nap so Keith is okay to watch her for now, but if she wakes up cranky, he won’t be able to handle it.”

  “That’s okay,” I sympathized. “We understand.”

  Nicole raised her hand to catch the waitress’s attention. “Sorry, but could we order now? She needs to get home to a sick baby.”

  “Sure,” the waitress said. “I’ll tell them to do your order first.”

  “Thanks so much,” Nicole said sweetly.

  The waitress left after taking our orders. We all ordered the Thai chicken salad.

  “We should use this excuse whenever we’re in a hurry,” Becky laughed.

  “To save time, let’s exchange gifts now,” Kate suggested, grabbing her bag. Then she paused. “But before we do, I want to hear how it went with Max meeting your parents.”

  Everyone listened intently, laughing and smiling at the details of our conversations. I told them about how I spilled water on Max and what he said, and how sweet he was to my parents. “And you want to know what he did after we got home?” I asked, feeling heat rise to my face.

  As if I was reliving what Max had done, my body quivered and I swear I felt a burst of energy between my legs, and a jolt to my clit. Oh my God! It felt so real. Running my hand down my face, I got ready to tell them. I couldn’t believe I was going to share this intimate detail with my friends. In a way I felt like I was exposing him…exposing us.


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