Something Wonderful

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Something Wonderful Page 8

by M. Clarke

  “So what happened?” Nicole blurted, leaning closer, as if she could get it out of me faster.

  “Okay…okay.” I swallowed. Then the waitress came with our food. Wow, that was fast. We looked at each other in surprise. Stabbing a chicken slice, Kate stared at me as the waitress left.

  “Don’t leave us hanging.”

  “Okay,” I giggled again, stalling to reveal the can of worms I opened up. I’d never been open about the topic of sex before. I was the one with open ears most of the time while they did the talking. “After we got home, we went upstairs. Max took off everything but his shirt. Before I could undress, he picked me up and took me into the shower.

  “I screamed, getting all wet with my clothes on. Then he said all seductively, ‘You spilled the cup of water on me. You want me wet, Jenna?’ We were both completely soaked and he looked hot under the running water while his white dress shirt clung to every curve of his muscles. Then we…well… you know what happened after that.”

  “Oh my God, you have a better sex life than I do. How did that happen?” Kate swallowed.

  “I need a cold drink just thinking about it, but I don’t want to think about you and Max,” Nicole laughed, placing her cold drink on her cheeks. “I need to cool down.”

  “I wonder if Matthew is like Max,” Becky snorted, but stopped when I looked at her with questioning eyes. “I didn’t mean anything by that…you know…cause they’re brothers,” she explained.

  When it looked like I didn’t buy her story, she nudged me and I understood that as “no need to explain further.”

  “Enough about my sex life. Let’s exchange gifts so Kate can get home,” I suggested, taking a bite of my salad, since I had barely eaten. Pulling out my shopping bag, I handed out their presents. “Let’s open mine first.”

  With the ripping sound, they peeled the thin layers of the wrapping that covered each small box.

  “Awww…Jenna. This is so beautiful,” Becky raved, putting on the bracelet I got for her.

  “This is beautiful,” Kate smiled. “Look. It even has our names on each heart charm.”

  “This is so sweet of you. I totally love it,” Nicole squealed.

  “I bought one for myself, too. Now we all have something sentimental that bonds the four of us.”

  “You’re so cute and sweet. That’s why we love you,” Becky said, giving me a sideways hug.

  I couldn’t have been happier. They loved the engraved bracelets I got for them. Then it was Becky’s turn. She got a scarf for everyone, but she said she left mine at home. No big deal, but I wondered what she was up to. It was a tradition to open our gifts together before Christmas. Kate bought each of us a cashmere sweater from Banana Republic. Mine was red, Nicole’s was purple, and Becky’s was black.

  Nicole bought us each a Swarovski clear heart, hand-made necklace. She explained one of her co-workers made jewelry during the holidays. Not only was it beautiful, it sparkled like a real diamond. When it caught the candlelight, it gave off the hues of the surrounding colors.

  After dinner, we hugged tightly, wishing each other the best Christmas. Secretly, I slipped an envelope attached to a small box in Kate’s purse. It was a baby’s first Christmas card and baby’s first Christmas ornament I bought at Things to Remember. Since Becky and I drove in separate cars, I told her that I would meet her at home.

  “You have a minute?” Becky asked, as we entered our apartment.

  “Sure, let me call Max to let him know I’m home.” After I took off my coat and placed it on the sofa, I took my phone out of my purse and leaned against the dining table.

  “What’s wrong?” Becky asked.

  I didn’t know she was watching me. “It’s Luke. He’s stopped texting me every day, but it’s still annoying.”

  “Does Max know?” Becky sauntered to the Christmas tree and lit it up, then picked up a box.

  The Christmas tree brightened up the room. I couldn’t help but smile from the sight. The meaning of Christmas filled my heart and peace flowed through me. It reminded me to be forgiving and to have more patience, especially with people like Luke.

  “No, I don’t want him to worry or do something crazy. I’d figured Luke would eventually get the message. Why is it when you’re not available, you’re wanted more? I don’t get it.” I let out a short laugh. “He had his chance.”

  “Maybe you should change your phone number,” Becky suggested, handing me a gift box she was holding. “This is for you. I didn’t want you to open it in front of Nicole and Kate because I knew how embarrassed you’d be. Plus, I don’t think it’s appropriate to display this in front of people at a restaurant.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “What did you get me?”

  “It’s not a big deal. Well…maybe for some of us,” she laughed and sat on the sofa.

  “Seriously, you were embarrassed for me to open this in public?” My tone rose. “What is it?” Curious, I placed the box on the dining table, ripped the wrapping off, and opened the box in record time. “Oh my God!” I lifted the black lingerie out of the box.

  “Max is going to love you in it.” She beamed a mischievous smile.

  Now I understood why I had to open this gift at home. As blood rushed to my face, I quickly placed it back in the box. “Thank you. It’s beautiful and sexy and I’ll wear it after Christmas.” Sitting on the sofa next to her, I gave her a tight squeeze.

  “You’re welcome,” she said as I let go. “You don’t have to wait until after Christmas, you know.”

  “Okay, I’ll wear it on Christmas Eve.”

  “Confession time. Have you ever worn one before?” Becky asked.

  My lips curled into an innocent smile. “Nope.”

  “Wait till you put it on. It will change you,” Becky laughed a good hardy laugh, finding humor in this situation.

  How will it change me? Seeing Becky’s expression, I knew she wasn’t going to tell, but somehow, I knew she was right.

  “Mr. Knight, welcome,” Shawn greeted in his strong French accent. The store manager extended his hand and offered a firm handshake. His jewelry was pricey, but knowing he sold only the best quality diamonds was worth it. Not only that, he accommodated his clients by making appointments while the store remained closed to the general public.

  His store wasn’t very big, but being in the heart of Rodeo Drive, he catered to many famous people and wealthy businessmen.

  “It’s been a while.”

  “Yes, it has.” Releasing his hand, I went to the first glass case. I knew exactly what I wanted.

  “What can I get for you?”

  “I’m not sure.” I said, so he wouldn’t know I was going to purchase a piece or two today.

  “This is a gift for your special lady, yes?”

  “Yes.” I couldn’t help but smile when my thoughts were of Jenna. Everything about her made me feel alive, though it was hard to put it into words. She brought joy, laughter, and dreams of the future into my life the way no other woman had ever done before. What could I say? She captured me, locked the door, and threw away the key.

  “Ah, I know that smile. It is the smile that says you are in love. Are we looking for a diamond ring, sir?”

  “No, not yet. She’d probably freak out,” I snorted and wondered why I thought that was funny. No, not funny at all. When the time came for me to propose, I would hate for her to react that way. It would break my heart. It was the reason I hadn’t done it yet. I’m usually the kick-back and relaxed type of guy, but when you know you’ve found the one, you don’t let go.

  “Oh.” Shawn looked surprised. “Then this must be a Christmas gift.” Shawn walked to the other side, opened a case, placed a few items on a black velvet tray, and headed back to me. “How about these, sir?”

  The diamonds sparkled magnificently, catching the colors nearby. “They’re beautiful, but they’re too small.”

  Shawn went back to the same case. Instead of waiting, I followed behind him. “How about these, Mr
. Knight?”

  “They’re too big.” Jenna was not the flashy type and I could picture her wearing it only for me and not for her. “But these…” I pointed. “These are perfect. I’ll take the matching set.”

  “Very nice. Simple and elegant. I’ll ring you up right over here.”

  Shawn took the words out of my mouth. That perfectly described Jenna…she was classy and elegant in every way. “Please have it sent to my office and make sure it’s handed to my secretary.

  “Of course, Mr. Knight. As always, it has been a pleasure doing business with you.”

  “Same here,” I nodded.

  On my way out, a lady walked through the door with keys in her hand. She had to have been one of the employees, since the door was locked from the outside. Giving me a warm, yet seductive smile, I finally recalled who she was. The last time I had seen her was at one of Crystal’s parties.

  “Maxwell Knight. It’s been a while. How have you been?” She stopped in front of me, blocking my exit. First thing I noticed was her makeup; she had too much on. I didn’t understand why an attractive woman felt the need to put on that much makeup.

  “I’ve been very well, thank you. And you?” I tried to sound businesslike. I didn’t want to give her the impression that I was flirting with her, as I had done at our last encounter. In fact, ever since Jenna, I’ve considered all women off limits. No matter how beautiful they looked, or what they tried to offer, I was not interested at all. I had become a new man.

  Darcy started to gently stroke my arm, giving me a heated look. “You know, Crystal and I aren’t friends anymore,” she announced in her most seductive tone.

  I had to laugh at her comment. A good friend would never flirt with their friend’s ex, although Darcy and Crystal were never really friends anyway. They were too busy competing with each other. I looked over my shoulder to see if Shawn was listening, but he had slipped into the back room without a word. That left me vulnerable to whatever Darcy had in mind, but I wasn’t worried. I was in control.

  Darcy continued, “We could have dinner if you’d like, then go to my place afterward.”

  “I wasn’t aware Crystal had any friends. In fact I didn’t think she was even capable of being a friend.” I ignored her comment and answered her other statement. I was trying to save her the embarrassment of rejection.

  “You’re so funny,” she giggled, while wrapping her arms around me. When she pressed her breasts to my chest, it was time to peel her off me. Not wanting to offend her, I thought she would get the message when I wasn’t responding back, but she didn’t.

  Lifting both of her hands off me, I placed them down to her side gently. “It was good to see you, Darcy.” That was all I said. I didn’t even give her time to respond as I scooted around her and bolted out the door.

  I had made up my mind not to visit my parents for Christmas, since I had been there not too long ago, but seeing Jenna’s parents in the living room really made me miss mine. Our conversations never centered on our parents, but I knew she was close to hers, yet this was the first time I would be meeting them in person.

  It was easy to see who Jenna got her looks from; she looked just like her mom. Jenna’s mother was beautiful. Even at her age, she could easily pass for her sister. She had dark brown hair to her shoulders, smooth skin, and only a thin line of a wrinkle on her forehead.

  Jenna’s Dad was good-looking as well. His salt and pepper hair suited his age. He didn’t say much, but I could tell he was all eyes and ears into our conversation.

  Max was a sweetheart. He had dinner catered with prime rib, shrimp, and lobster, plus side dishes—mashed potatoes, salad, and green beans. Jenna didn’t want him to go out of his way, but since Max told her he’d already ordered, she had no choice. I was happy he had. I was not in the mood to cook. Besides, I was too insecure about my cooking. Of course, Jenna would help, but our dinner wouldn’t have turned out nearly this nice.

  Sitting comfortably in the living room, we chatted about our jobs. I never asked Jenna about the details of her work, but it sounded not only challenging, but interesting as well. As I listened intently to Jenna’s dad, the sound of the doorbell startled me. Who could that be? All the guests had arrived. It was supposed to be Jenna’s parents, Max, Jenna and me.

  “Come in,” Max said. “Good, you got my text to bring dessert.”

  “Hello, Matthew. Welcome.”

  When I heard Jenna’s greeting, my pulse shot up. Jenna didn’t tell me Matthew was coming. But then again, she didn’t know I had a crush on him. I only hoped he would behave tonight and keep his distance from me.

  When Jenna’s parents stood up to greet Matthew, I did the same. Instead of reaching out his hand to shake as he did with Jenna’s parents, he pulled me into a quick hug, and then let go. With a mischievous grin, the kind of grin that screamed trouble, he greeted me. “Hello, Becca. It’s nice to see you again.”

  Surprised from the hug, I gave him a quick smile and turned my back to him without a word. I flashed my eyes to Jenna to see if she caught that he called me by that silly name again, and the playfulness behind his demeanor, but she was too busy taking out the desserts Matthew had brought—cheesecake and tiramisu.

  Since dinner was all set, presented on our finest dishes, we each took a plate, and helped ourselves to some food. While Max poured the wine, Jenna passed out the napkins. It was our place, but Max was helping, so I got to relax. I liked this arrangement.

  Jenna’s parents sat on the sofa and Max carried two dining chairs over to the coffee table. The only area open was the smaller sofa on the other side. Hoping Jenna would sit next to me, I gestured with my head, but stopped when Matthew headed toward me with a sway that made me drool.

  Breaking my gaze, I sat down and set my eyes on the food on my plate. My eyes shifted when the cushion sank, and his arm brushed against mine. There was plenty of room for the both of us. Knowing he sat close to me on purpose, I refused to look at him. Obviously, he was trying to get my attention.

  “Jenna tells me you’ve done some traveling and now you’re back to work,” Jenna’s mom asked Matthew. Thank goodness for her. She kept the conversation going.

  “Yes. Have you traveled much?” he asked, putting his plate on his lap to give her his absolute attention, but his damn feet were touching mine.

  “We plan to go next year.”

  “I can email you the places I’ve been to.”

  “I would love that,” Jenna’s mom said. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. It will be my pleasure,” he smiled.

  “Jenna tells me that you’re single,” she mentioned, placing her glass down on the table after taking a sip.

  “Mom.” Jenna scolded. Looking embarrassed, she gave her mom the look that pleaded for her to stop asking questions.

  “Leave the poor boy alone. He doesn’t want to have to answer countless questions,” Jenna’s dad commented.

  “That’s okay, Mr. Mefferd. Mrs. Mefferd, I don’t mind, but if you really want to know, I’m interested in someone, but I’m not sure if she realizes it. You know how dating goes.” Grinning after he answered, he shoved a piece of prime rib in his mouth.

  Jenna and Max shifted their eyes in unison to Matthew, then to me. Were they just as surprised as I was? For that matter, why were they looking at me as if I had the answer?

  “If things don’t go well, and if you’re interested, just let me know. I have a few friends I would love to set you up with. Such a handsome man as yourself would be a great catch.”

  “Mom!” Jenna looked like she wanted to hide. No, she looked like she wanted to die.

  Mr. Mefferd coughed. “The shrimp tastes delicious,” he said, purposely changing the subject, while nudging his wife.

  “Yes, it does, dear,” Mrs. Mefferd agreed, snickering lightly. “Thank you again for dinner, Max.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Max replied with a warm smile.

  “You’ll have to let us take you out on our last nigh
t. We insist,” Mr. Mefferd said.

  Max didn’t say a word; instead, he beamed a smile toward Jenna. Looking at the two of them, I could see how much love they had for each other. Jenna did the right thing by giving a guy like Max a chance. He was not the stereotypical, good-looking, rich man that wanted to take advantage of his status. He was genuinely a great guy who wanted to find the right woman. Jenna was perfect for him. They were lucky to have found each other.

  “You didn’t get any beans. You should try some,” Matthew suggested, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “No, thanks,” I said politely, looking at them on his plate.


  How could I refuse when his fork was heading toward my mouth? Matthew caught me off guard when his eyes set on mine. I was desperately trying not to look at him in the eye with every bit of willpower in me. FAIL! Heat emanated not only from his proximity, but also from his charming, sexy smile. After I took a bite, I thanked him and looked away.

  Friends…we are just friends…act casual. I said these words repeatedly in my head, but it became extremely difficult when he crossed his legs and placed his arm along the sofa behind me, making it look like we were a couple - smooth move. I was very much aware of his presence, his smell, and the heated electricity that tingled every part of me. My body stiffened even more when his fingers lightly touched my shoulders.

  Max and Jenna mirrored each other’s amusing expression when they finally diverted their attention from the conversation with Jenna’s parents and turned to look at us. Needing to stop them from getting any strange ideas, I stood up, grabbed their empty plates, and asked them if they wanted dessert.

  As I headed to the kitchen, I heard footsteps behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Matthew holding the rest of the plates I hadn’t picked up. A part of me wanted to smile because he was following me, but the other part of me was nervous.


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