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Final Magic

Page 3

by Julie Law

  Madeline was hanging low, and when Amelie tilted her head she could see sigils glowing upon her skin. She gritted her teeth, they were Elizabeth’s work, and it was obvious why they would be there: to stop her lover from using magic. The witch seemed so fragile, so defenseless, laying there like that, that Madeline started struggling once again, knowing she would only hurt herself in the attempt, but unable to stay still.

  Steps sounded once more outside their cell, and she stilled, certain it was her sister. She was proven correct when the door opened. Elizabeth strode into the room, smug as any one woman could be, and for the first time in her life Amelie wanted to hit her. She didn’t hate her sister, Elizabeth couldn’t help the curse that changed her, that made her morality something inexistent, but after seeing Madeline like that she surely wanted to hit her at least once.

  Elizabeth smirked at her, and if she noticed the anger in Amelie’s eyes she ignored it. “It’s been a long time, sister, since you’ve run away. So nice of you to come back.” She strutted, there was no other word for it, and stopped a couple of feet away from where Amelie would be able to reach if she strained against her shackles.

  The knight could only glare at her sister, and without quite meaning to let her eyes slide to the side to glance at her lover. Elizabeth noticed, her smirk widened and she turned and took a few steps towards the imprisoned witch. Amelie struggled against her bounds once more. “Don’t touch her.”

  Elizabeth didn’t pay her words any attention, reaching out and grasping Madeline’s chin, pulling it up and gazing at her face. “She’s pretty, I’ll give you that, but I never expected you to fall for a witch, not after what happened.” She turned and gazed at her sister, and only smiled at the anger in Amelie’s eyes. “Is she that good a lay?”

  Amelie struggled once more when she saw one of Elizabeth’s hands move down and brush against her lover’s breast, and she screamed in rage. She didn’t say anything, the sound was filled with anger and pain, it didn’t make sense, but it made Elizabeth pay attention to her, it made her sister release her lover and move closer, forgetting about the other witch completely.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not here for your witch, though I suppose I’ll have to think on what to do with her later.” Elizabeth’s words were cold, despite the edge of amusement under them. “Maybe I’ll have her for myself, who knows?”

  Right then, Amelie would have spitted on her sister’s face if that would have provided any kind of comfort, but while she might feel better for a few moments afterwards, she was sure Elizabeth would make her regret it sooner or later. With Madeline defenseless, she was betting on sooner. She couldn’t risk her lover like that, not when Elizabeth knew how much she cared. “What do you want?”

  After asking, she couldn’t stop from glancing at Madeline once more, hoping to reassure herself her lover was well. Her eyes stopped over Katherine as she started to gaze back at her sister, and the mix of emotions in the brunette’s face was startling in its intensity. Katherine gazed with fear at Elizabeth, pure dread, but also longing, perhaps even love.

  Elizabeth didn’t pay her childhood friend much attention, focusing entirely on her sister. “There are so many things I want, I couldn’t possibly list them all.” She looked down, focusing on Amelie’s groin, then almost reached out and touched the rod. “Right now, I want that.”

  Amelie blinked, certain she heard wrong, then opened her mouth and once more closed it without saying anything.

  Her sister saw her face and laughed, loudly, amused. “Not like that sister mine, though that does give me an idea.” Before Amelie could even process what her sister was saying, Elizabeth’s right hand shot out and pressed against the middle of her chest, just between her breasts. She opened her mouth, intending to ask what the hell Elizabeth was doing, but all that escaped her was a gasp as she felt something wash over her. She couldn’t explain what it was, but it bothered her, and it became painful when whatever it was started dragging something out of her.

  She only understood what was happening when she saw her cock starting to become smaller, as she watched it disappear inch by inch. Elizabeth’s magic was dragging the curse out of her, and she could do nothing to stop it, she didn’t even know if she should, though seeing as it was one of her sister’s plots maybe she should try in some way.

  Amelie only realized her sister was drawing the curse onto herself instead of destroying it when she saw Elizabeth’s skirts rise as what had been Amelie’s rod settled between her hips.

  The queen gasped and reached down, running one of her hands over her skirts, right on top of her groin, testing her new flesh. Amelie could only blink, not knowing what to think. Slowly, her eyes moved up and she faced her sister once more, and what she saw in Elizabeth’s eyes unsettled her. There was a hunger there, a desire to dominate, a lust, and it was directed Amelie’s way.

  For the first time in her life, the younger sister started fearing Elizabeth would do worse than just killing her.

  “You know,” Elizabeth started, moving closer, even as Amelie drew back until she hit the rocky walls of the cell. “Many of the sycophants around me have started to say I should marry, have children. There needs to be an heir to the throne they tell me, as if I didn’t know all they want is someone to mold into their puppet once they can get rid of me.” She pressed against Amelie, never taking her eyes off the other blonde’s. Amelie tried to look away, but Elizabeth’s hand against her chin stopped her. “But they are right that there needs to be an heir, and who better to carry my heir than my little sister? Our child would be pure.”

  Amelie had no words to give her. She was afraid, terrified, and for the first-time fear dominated her mind and stopped her from saying anything, stopped her from being able to act. The lust in Elizabeth’s eyes grew as Amelie’s vulnerability showed itself, and she drew closer and closer, until just an inch stood between their lips. It was Katherine’s voice that made her back off.

  “Stop it, release her.”

  Elizabeth blinked, and turned, surprised. She only raised an eyebrow when she gazed at Katherine. “Ah, the traitor.” She took a step towards the brunette, then another. “The one that was conspiring with my sister against me. And you said you were my friend.”

  “I am your friend, we were only hoping to cure you.” Whatever fear Katherine had felt vanished and she stared squarely at Elizabeth, putting her heart into her words, trying to reach her. Amelie doubted it was possible, now more than ever she feared there would be no salvation for her sister.

  The queen scoffed, then made to turn back to Amelie.

  “Stop,” Katherine ordered, pleaded really. “Don’t do this to her.”

  “Why shouldn’t I?” Elizabeth asked, turning back once more. “Wouldn’t it be a better fate than the death she deserves? I’m sure she’ll learn to love it in time, I won’t be the first witch she fucks.” She waved at Madeline’s figure.

  Katherine struggled to find some way to answer, anything she could use to reply. Absently, her eyes flitted over to Amelie, but the blonde was frozen in fear and indecision, and for the first time in her life Katherine saw herself forced to defend her friend. Amelie had always been there for her, had always cared, saved her when it was needed. It was her time to pay her back.

  “People won’t accept you fathering a bastard on your own sister, they’ll turn against you.”

  Elizabeth scoffed once more. “They won’t care, they’re too afraid of me to say anything about it.”

  “Do you want your heir to be a bastard?” Katherine knew she had to find some weakness in Elizabeth’s argument, change her mind in some way. Obviously, the thought of forcing herself on her sister didn’t bother her, she needed to find some other way to change Elizabeth’s thoughts.

  A pondering expression took hold of Elizabeth’s features, and Katherine hoped she had succeeded. The cruel smile in the other woman’s lips robbed her of hope. “You’re right, I suppose I’ll have to marry her. I can always do that later though,
but thank you for the idea.”

  “Stop.” Katherine begged once more, and it was the desperation in her voice that pulled Elizabeth’s attention back, nothing else. “Don’t do this.”

  Elizabeth sneered. “Didn’t we just have this conversation? I don’t care for your arguments, I just want to test my new toy.” She waved in the direction of her groin, as if Katherine needed any kind of clue of what the other woman meant.

  Just like that, she knew what to do, and barely hesitated. “Then use me.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head at her. Over the queen’s shoulder, Katherine could see the horror that slowly grew on Amelie’s face, but also the realization that either Katherine could convince Elizabeth, or Amelie would be the one that the queen used to satisfy her desires.

  For a few moments, the words failed her and she had to breathe harshly, then she gathered herself. “Use me, leave her alone for now, please.”

  “Why settle for you when I could have her?” Elizabeth’s words hurt, as the queen knew they would. It had always been one of Katherine’s fears after all; why would anyone pay attention to her when two beauties like Elizabeth and Amelie were around, when the princesses drew attention like fire drew a moth?

  Elizabeth knew her fears, that was why she used them. Katherine tried to seem unbothered. “Don’t you want the first time with her to be something special?” She started, appealing to the twisted thoughts that lurked in the queen’s head. “Perhaps on the night of your marriage?”

  The blonde tilted her head, contemplating it.

  Katherine had a chance, and didn’t waste it. “I’ll do everything you need me to, I’ll do my best to please you. I promise.”

  “Why would you do that?” Elizabeth’s eyes speared her, and the brunette knew her answer would determine what the queen would do.

  “I love you.” Elizabeth blinked, face carefully blank. “I think I have since we were children, teenagers really.” Now that the secret was out, she couldn’t stop herself and her tongue moved on its own. “Even when you became a raging bitch because of the curse, I kept loving you.”

  The queen stilled, just for a moment, but then slapped her, hard, with the back of her hand. It hurt, and Katherine realized her lower lip was bleeding once she ran her tongue over it and tasted blood. Elizabeth stepped closer, and Katherine drew back for a moment, intimidated, before realizing that was what the queen had intended and stilling.

  The blonde smirked as she reached out with a finger and brushed it against Katherine’s wounded lip, licking the finger afterwards, sending a shiver down Katherine’s spine at the same time. “Are you truly offering yourself for my sister?”

  Though dread inundated her mind at the words, Katherine could only nod, softly.

  The queen released an appreciative sound. “Perhaps you’ll do, for now.”

  With a gesture, she unlocked the shackles around Katherine’s wrists, and the woman almost fell at the sudden disappearance of the pressure that kept her upright. She rubbed her wrists, noticing how raw they were, only then realizing how much it hurt, but she didn’t have time to think about it for long. Elizabeth reached out and grabbed her hair, used it to pull her up and push her forward. “Walk then, to my bedroom. Let’s see what you have to show.” Without a glance at any of the other occupants of the room, Elizabeth strode forward, dragging a reluctant Katherine.

  Chapter 4

  Katherine couldn’t help but be conscious of her figure as she strode through the walls of the royal dungeon behind Elizabeth. Some of the cells had prisoners in them, though none seemed in a state to comment on her attire or lack of it. Without quite meaning to, she slowed down, cold and shame getting to her. The queen paused and glanced at her, then rolled her eyes.

  With a gesture, a web of magic fell over Katherine and the brunette blinked. She was still naked, that hadn’t changed, but the cold didn’t bother her anymore. They walked out of the dungeons and crossed some guards, and it seemed they couldn’t notice how bare she was.

  Some part of her was grateful for the small mercy, but mostly she was afraid. She didn’t know what came over her, how she had convinced Elizabeth to take her instead of Amelie, but though that might change later she didn’t regret it. If Elizabeth had forced Amelie, their relationship would be forever undone, even if they managed to undo the curse that had twisted Elizabeth so.

  It was better for her to be the one Elizabeth took, and she couldn’t lie to herself: part of her was thrilled. She hadn’t lied when she told the other woman she loved her, at the very least she had never felt for anyone what she felt for the cursed queen, and some dark corners of her mind wondered how it would be to be with Elizabeth.

  It didn’t stop her from being terrified.

  They didn’t take long to reach Elizabeth’s rooms, and every step they took only made Katherine more hesitant. When the queen waved her hand and opened the doors, Katherine froze, and her legs started trembling. She couldn’t move, not for some moments, and Elizabeth entered the room and turned, raising an eyebrow at her. “If you want, we can do this in the corridor, but I don’t think it will be to your liking.”

  Katherine swallowed and hurried in, certain the other woman would do it. The moment the door closed behind her, she felt whatever magic Elizabeth had weaved over her disappear. The queen gazed at her body, lust and satisfaction in her eyes, and she tried to look away, turn her face to anything but Elizabeth, but her body wasn’t responding.

  “Well,” Elizabeth started, taking a step towards her. “What does one do in the presence of a queen, little cat?”

  Katherine opened her mouth, but was unable to say anything. Her legs started shaking, and she lost her strength. Kneeling in front of Elizabeth was almost natural, she barely thought about it, but she was perfectly aware of how vulnerable she was in that position. The queen strode towards her, stopping a couple of feet away, and starting to disrobe.

  The kneeling woman looked up, the temptation was simply too great to resist. Elizabeth smirked when she noticed the interest in Katherine’s eyes, and kept dropping her clothes to the floor. She paused for a moment and straightened when her torso became bare, aware of what the motion did to her breasts, and liking the fire that grew in Katherine’s eyes.

  She made to push down her skirt but stilled, a glint appearing in her eyes. “Well then,” She started, waving in her skirt’s direction, smirking when the other woman just blinked at her. “You know what to do.”

  Katherine blinked again, but eventually started moving forward, dragged by both fear and want. She licked her lips almost unconsciously, and looked more than once at Elizabeth’s face, fearing it was some kind of trap. It was hard to hold back the shudder that ran down her body when her hands brushed against Elizabeth’s skin, and her fingers trembled before she could manage to hook her hands on the skirt and pull it down.

  The rod that Elizabeth now sported strained against her undergarments, and Katherine froze, looking at it, swallowing. A touch on her head made her gaze up.

  “Keep going.” Elizabeth ordered, and the brunette remembered her task, and finished pulling off the other woman’s skirt. Elizabeth stepped out of it, and her childhood friend could throw it away, but then Katherine froze once more.

  The queen scoffed, realizing they would take years if she didn’t take the initiative, the other woman was too hesitant. Without any ounce of shame, she pushed down her undergarments, letting her rod spring to attention. The two of them looked at it with curiosity. Elizabeth couldn’t help it, she knew what the spell would do, what taking her sister’s curse into herself would grant her, but now it was her cock, and the sensation was a little strange.

  She almost moaned when she put one hand around it and started to explore that hard length, and she didn’t resist the temptation to tighten one fist around it and start to pump. She wasn’t unused to such rods after all, plenty of her guards and stable boys had warmed her bed in the past. She was queen, those pleasures were hers to be had if she so desired the

  It was nice, better than she imagined it would be. She could also feel her female sex getting wetter as she pleasured her male one, and wondered how it would feel to have both of them being used at once.

  Now though, she just wanted to test her new cock.

  Her eyes moved over to Katherine, and she saw interest in the other woman’s features. A smile grew in her lips, even as she moved slightly forward, just a little bit, but enough that the rod’s head came to a stop just a few inches away from Katherine’s face. The brunette swallowed at the sight, and one of her hands made to reach for the hard member, before she remembered her situation and stilled, looking up at Elizabeth and blushing red as a tomato.

  The queen smirked, she couldn’t help it. The other woman had been telling the truth earlier, or at the very least was very much attracted to her, and she could use that in many ways. The first one in just a few moments. “Well?” She questioned, shifting slightly on her feet, waving her rod in front of the other woman’s face.

  Katherine swallowed once more, but raised one hand and reached for that rod, grabbing unto it. Unlike Elizabeth, she never had anyone before, she didn’t know what to do. She had seen what the other woman had done earlier however, and so she tightened her hand around it and started to pump, knowing she was doing the right thing when the other woman closed her eyes and released a small sigh.

  She kept at it for a long time, simply moving her hand back and forth, hearing the pleasured sighs Elizabeth let out. Eventually, though, that wasn’t enough for the queen. “Don’t you know how to do anything else?” The blonde asked, snapped really, and Katherine looked down, blushing.

  “No,” She admitted after a while. “I’ve never done anything like this.”

  “No?” Elizabeth parroted, and something in her voice became sharp. Katherine raised her chin and met the other woman’s eyes, then shook her head. The queen studied her for a few moments, then smirked, widely.

  It sent a shiver of fear racing down Katherine’s back, but also something else.


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