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Man Swappers

Page 32

by Cairo

  “I understand,” I say, cutting him off before he says something I don’t want to hear. Choosing between him and my sisters is a no-brainer for me. Blood is always thicker than water. I’d have to let him go if it was going to put a wedge in my relationship with my sisters. The thought makes me sad. “She’ll come around,” I offer, hoping there’s some truth to it.

  He sighs. “I don’t want you to get stressed about it. You already know if it were up to me, everyone would know. But, I realize how important it is for you to have your sisters’ blessings. So however you want to do this is cool with me. I’m with you one hundred percent. Aiight?”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “Of course I do. I want you, Porsha.”

  I smile, nodding as if he can see me. “Thank you.”

  “Umm, I was gonna wait to bring this up later on, but since we’re on the phone, I might as well ask.…”

  “What is it?”

  “Are you still getting it in with other cats?”


  “Hold on. Before you say anything, let me finish. I don’t want there to be secrets between us. If we’re gonna do this, we need to do it with us bein’ able to trust each other to always be honest with the other, no matter what. Cool?”

  “Yes. And I want that also, Em.”

  “Then we’re good. So wassup?”

  “To answer your question: yes.” It gets quiet on the other end. “Hello?”

  “I’m here,” he says, sounding disappointed by my answer. “How long ago?”


  “C’mon, Porsha, no explanations; keep shit real with me.”

  “Two nights ago.”

  “Oh, word?” I can tell I’ve hurt him. “And you’re good with that?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Em, please.”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Yes, but I felt horrible afterwards. I kept thinking about you, Em. I realized that I can’t keep doing that. That I don’t want to keep doing it.”

  “And you told your sisters this?”

  “No, not yet. But I’m definitely not going to do it again. The only man I want to sleep with is you, Em. I mean that.”

  “Cool ’cause I don’t wanna keep sharin’ you, Porsh.”

  “You won’t have to,” I assure him.

  “I hope not. You’re the only woman I need, want, baby. And I hope that’s gonna be the same for you. If we have to look outside of each other for satisfaction, then it’s not gonna last. I need to know you’re going to be as committed to this as I am.”

  I close my eyes. Try to remember the last time I felt like this, loved—by a man other than my father. Try to remember a time when I felt so emotionally full. This thing with Emerson doesn’t complete me. And it definitely doesn’t define me, nor does Emerson. No man has, or ever will. But, Emerson definitely adds value to my already enriched life. I can’t deny that.

  No matter how similar everything seemed, each one of them brought something remarkably different to the relationship. And I learned something about myself with each of them. With age and time and ongoing experiences, I’m so much different than I was five, ten years ago. Emotionally, I’ve grown. Sexually, I’ve blossomed and become secure in my sexuality. I know what I want, and need.

  “You will be,” I tell him, pulling my overnight bag out of my walk-in. I toss a negligee in, then a change of clothes for tomorrow along with some hygiene products.

  “Good. Now what time am I gonna see my baby?”

  “I’m leaving now.”

  “Cool. I wanna hold you in my arms.”

  “I can’t wait,” I say, grabbing my purse, then heading down the stairs. I don’t bother looking for Persia, or saying anything to Paris. Why should I? I’m a grown-ass woman going to see my man.



  Emerson kisses the back of my ankles, works his way over to my other foot, massages the soles of my feet, sucking my toes, then the back of my calves, pushing my legs back and burying his face between my thighs again. Slowly he pulls the crotch of my teddy to the side, snakes his tongue in between the fabric and licks my sweetness. I let out a moan. I grab him by the back of the head, pushing his face and tongue deeper into me. Against my will, my body shakes and I’m cumming and moaning. He cups the opening of my pussy with his mouth and swallows up my juices, then makes his way back over top of me. I grab him, stare into his brown eyes.

  He grins. “You ready for this dick?

  “Oh, yes,” I whisper, lifting my hips. “Feed my pussy.”

  He presses the tip of his dick up against my blit. “Is this what you want?”


  He kisses my clit. “Pull open ya pussy for me, baby. Let me see those pretty pink insides.” I take my hands, spread open my glistening lips. “Oh, damn! That’s a pretty pussy…” He dips his tongue in. “And tastes good, too.” He pushes more tongue in. “It’s nice ’n sweet…” I moan. He darts his tongue in and out. “Mmmm, shit…I wanna make love to this pussy. You want this hard dick, baby?”

  I grunt. He knows it’s what I want, need. Yet, he asks the obvious, torturing me. “Yes. I need to feel you inside of me, now.” He moves from between my legs, getting out of the bed. “Wait,” I say, watching as he walks over to the pile of clothes in the middle of the floor. My pussy is frantic. “Where are you going?”

  “To get a condom,” he tells me, pulling out a red wrapper from out of his pants pocket. I pat my clit, pinch it, watching him tear it open, then roll it down on his dick. His sheathed cock bounces as he walks back over to the bed. “I’ma ’bout to give you this dick like you’ve never had dick before, baby. You ready for it?”

  “Yes…oh, yes…”

  He reaches up underneath me, pulls my hips up, then pushes the head of his dick in. I gasp. Dig my nails into his arms. He flicks his tongue against the corners of my mouth, trails along my neck, then up to my ear. He lightly blows in my ear; nibbles on my lobe. “You feel so fuckin’ good, baby…”

  His warm breath, his wet lips, they taunt my skin. His dick, slowly and deliberately, stirs inside of my honey pot, blending my sticky-sweet juices as they marinate his cock. I want him raw and naked inside of me. I want to suck my pussy cream off. Lick both sides of his thick shaft, then bury him deep into my mouth. I resist the urge to blurt it out. Defy the urgent yearning that gathers in the tip of my clit. I reach down; press on it. Bring it to life. Heat surges through me as one orgasm after another erupts.

  “Damn, baby, you nuttin’ on my dick? You got that pussy wet for me?”

  I nod and moan. Grab him by the ass. Pull him into me.

  He quickens his thrusts; positions himself so that his shaft hits my clit with each stroke. “C’mon, baby, that’s right. Give me another nut…”

  I scream.

  “There you go…yeah, soak my dick, baby…” Emerson’s cock pounds into me, his hands tucked beneath me, squeezing my ass as he fills me. I clench the width of him, crying out. Oh this man is fucking my pussy so deliciously deep. I hoist my legs up, right leg up over his shoulder, left wrapped around his waist.

  “I love you, Porsh,” Emerson gasps as he explodes inside me, filling the condom. He says it again, kissing me on the lips as he pulls himself out of me. He flops over onto his back and I quickly place his pussy stained, covered cock into my mouth and suck off my juices, then pull off the condom and squeeze out his nut, coating his dick with it. I feverishly suck him off, savoring the taste of his creamy nut. I lick his cock clean, swallowing the sweet-saltiness of his seeds. He pulls me up to him, then kisses me. I slip my tongue into his mouth, sharing what’s left of his nut with him. “Damn, girl,” he says, wrapping his arms around me. “You’re something else.”

  I stare into his eyes. Kiss him, again, long and deep, then softly say, “You’re not so bad yourself.” He holds me tighter, closing his eyes. I close mine, too, smiling. I’m keenl
y aware that I’ve fallen for this man. And there’s absolutely no turning back now.

  Seven A.M., Emerson and I are in the shower together. I’m washing his back with a loofah scrub while he stands under the spigot, washing his front. His head’s tilted back. “I could really get used to this.”

  “Get used to what?” I ask, feigning ignorance.

  He turns to face me, kisses me on the tip of my nose. “This… waking up to you every morning and sharing the shower together.”

  “So you want a live-in backwasher?” I tease. He grins as I take his dick into my soapy hands and stroke it.

  “Mmm, nah…I want more than that.”

  “What, a cockwasher?” I say, pulling in my lip as I continue stroking his dick while sudsing up his balls. I feel the heat escaping from between my legs. “Ooooh, I love how this big, beautiful dick feels in my hand.”

  He moans. “Damn, girl, you gonna fuck around and have me late for work.”

  I grin, looking up at him. I use my hand to milk the head of his dick. He dips at the knees. “You want me to stop?”

  “Uhh, hell, no. Aaah, shit, that feels good…” I stroke him in slow motion. Reach between his legs; massage his balls. Jerk him until he nuts in my hand. “Now, it’s my turn,” he says, kissing me on the lips. He kneads my breasts, kisses my neck. “You feel so good, baby.” He slips his hand between my thighs, pinches my clit.

  I let out a moan as he brings me to the edge of an orgasm. He slips his fingers into my pussy. Hooks his arm up under my left leg and lifts it up. His two fingers are working my slit so good, they curve upward as his thumb presses on my clit.

  He brings his lips to mine; kisses me passionately. I’m feeling things for this man I haven’t felt for any other man. He pulls his fingers out of me, puts them into his mouth.

  “You taste so good, baby.” I’m pressed up against the tile. He drops to his knees, takes my pussy into his mouth and makes love to it with his tongue. I close my eyes. Get lost in the moment. He presses a finger on my asshole, then pushes it in.

  “Ohhhh, yes…oh, shit…ooooh, your tongue feels so good…”

  I give in to the sensations, give into my feelings, and come into the mouth of the man I’ve fallen for.








  N 30-40 MINS, I text back, glancing over at Paris lying across the sofa, surfing the Internet. She looks over at me, then shifts her attention back to her laptop screen. For a fleeting moment, there’s a wave of guilt that washes over me, but quickly ebbs as Mystery Man sends me another text telling me how much he can’t wait to feel this pussy wrapped around his hard dick. I’ve fucked him four more times since that night down at the boutique. Each time, late at night when Paris is here back at home, moping around looking like she’s lost her best friend. She couldn’t have possibly been that into him. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have let him slip through her fingers so easily. He would have her number, and be texting her instead of me for a night of hot, sweaty fucking. There’s another text from him, wanting to know if we’re meeting at our usual spot. I text back, tell him yes.

  “Girl,” I say, walking over and sitting on the arm of the sofa. “Why don’t you get out and get some fresh air? For a while there you were out almost every night; what happened?”

  She looks up at me. “Nothing happened. Just don’t feel like going anywhere. Plus, I really haven’t been feeling good.” I ask her what’s wrong. She tells me she feels drained, like she doesn’t have any energy. That she’s having trouble sleeping.

  Mmmph, my God, she can’t be depressed over some nigga she hardly knew. I touch her forehead. “Well, you don’t feel like you have a fever so that’s a good thing. Maybe you should try to get in to see the doctor so she can give you something to help you sleep.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Actually, I already made an appointment.”

  “Good,” I say, glancing at my watch. It’s almost ten-thirty. And I need to hurry up and jump in the shower, then head over to the boutique to meet Mystery Man. I stand up. “Well, I hope you feel better.”

  “Thanks. I hope so, too. Where are you off to?”

  How’d she know I was going somewhere? Is it obvious? Did she overhear me saying something? I feel myself getting paranoid. “Oh, what made you think I was going somewhere?”

  “Well, I saw you glancing at your watch, then quickly jump up, so I figured you had somewhere to be, or someone to do.”

  I push out a nervous chuckle. “Girl, I wish. I need to run out to the store real quick, but that’s about it.”

  “Oh, what store?” I quickly tell her Pathmark without giving it much thought. She wants to know which one, glancing at her watch. I tell her the one in South Orange. She eyes me. “Not tonight, you’re not.”

  I frown, giving her a confused look. “Why you say that?”

  She shifts her body, sitting up. “Sweetie, if you’re talking about the Pathmark over on Valley Street, it closes at eleven. So, unless you’re leaving now, you’re not going to make it.”

  “Oh, shit. That’s right. Then I guess I won’t be going there. I’ll head over to Shoprite, then.” She tells me they close at eleven as well. Then wants to know what it is I need from the store this time of night, anyway. Right now, I’m standing here feeling like a deer caught in headlights. “Oh, I have a taste for something chocolate.”

  “Well, hopefully you’ll find a store open to feed your craving.”

  “Oh, trust me. I don’t plan on going to sleep until I do,” I shoot over my shoulder as I walk out the room. Mystery Man texts back.




  I blink at the text. Oh, no. This nigga has got to be kidding me, I think, quickly texting him back. Awww. I WANTED SUM OF THAT CHOCOLATE


  Mmmph, whatever, nigga! U BETTER


  I don’t respond back, instead I text Royce. HEY, U, WANT SUM PUSSY?

  It doesn’t take him long to respond back, which is what I like about him. He’s young, but very consistent. Always responds back, always fucks great!





  NICE. C U IN 20

  Since my night with Paris’s mystery man feel through, I text Porsha to see if she wants to join me in fucking Royce down, then go down to the entertainment room to invite Paris to join in tonight’s fucktivities. It’s the least I can do. She turns her nose up, shaking her head. “No, thank you. I’m definitely not in the mood to have him and his horse cock anywhere near me.”

  “Oh, c’mon…Don’t be a party pooper. We haven’t bounced a man up and down on the bedsprings since Damon. And that’s been weeks ago.”

  “Honestly,” she says, getting up from her seat, stretching. Her bones crack. “I really haven’t been in the mood. Besides, I told you before. Royce has too much dick for me. And I’m not keen on my pussy being stretched open tonight. And I’m definitely not interested in having him spray me with all that cum he shoots out, either.”

  I laugh. “Girl, you know that first nut isn’t that bad. He can fuck you with just the head.”

  “No, thank you. The head on his dick is like a fat plum.”

  I lick my lips, feeling myself getting moist thinking about it. “Yes, it is—nice, fat and juicy.”

  “You can have at it. I’m going to bed. But I might stop in to watch, if I end up having trouble falling asleep.” She reaches for the remote for the TV. “Are you staying down here?”

  “No. You can turn it off.”

  Porsha texts back. No THANKS. HAVE F

  I roll my eyes, following Paris up the stairs. Oh well. More cock for me! As she’s walking into the kitchen, she asks what time Royce is coming over. I tell her he should be pulling up shortly. Tell her I need to hop in the shower. That if he should ring the doorbell before I finish to let him in.

  “Will do,” she says, opening up the refrigerator. I watch her pull out a cucumber, then frown. She tosses it back into the bin, pulling out an apple instead. I chuckle to myself. “You like him, don’t you?”


  “Royce,” she says, washing her apple then biting into it.

  I grin. “He’s okay. But, I love his dick.” The doorbell rings. He must have sped over here for some of this good, wet pussy. “Speaking of which, there he is now.”

  She waves me on, heading for the stairs. “Have fun.”

  “Oh, trust me. I plan on it. But, it’ll be even more fun if you join us.”

  “I’m sure it would be,” she says as I walk to the door. “But you’re on your own tonight with that young stud.” She disappears up the stairs as I open the door.

  “You ready for me?” I ask, smiling.

  He licks his lips. “I stay ready.”

  I pull him by the hand, slamming the door shut, then leading him downstairs to the Fuck ’em Down room where I plan on fucking him all night.



  I have locked myself in my room to think, to wonder, to cry. To have my own private pity party away from the probing eyes of my sisters. You’re pregnant. The words ring in my head. I’m still in shock.

  After Desmond’s disappearing act and my vomiting incident, I started panicking. My mind went back to the first night we fucked and I let him dick me raw. So stupid on my part, I know. I’ve been worrying myself sick, thinking he might’ve given me a disease, which would explain why I haven’t heard from his ass.


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