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The Courier's Conflict

Page 14

by T. S. Valmond

  “I saw you riding on that dragon and I hoped I’d find you here.”

  “Yes, he was determined to take me out.” She looked up at the sky again and wasn’t sure if speck in the distance was a bird or a dragon.

  “It’s a girl by the way.”

  “Really?” Rasha looked at his face to see if he was joking, but he only nodded and looked into the sky himself. His face turned sad all of a sudden. She imagined he must still be in mourning. Those moments used to happen to her frequently after Lu had been killed.

  “How are you? I imagine you miss your mother dearly.”

  “I do, but she’s still with me, here,” he said. He placed a fist against his heart as he’d done when he’d left Rasha to go to the Wilds.

  “Will you stay?” she asked.

  “For the Choosing?” Jak asked. He nodded with understanding. “Yes, I’ll be there because you’ll be there.”

  “I’m not—” she started to speak, but Jak raised a hand to stop her.

  “Don’t lie to yourself, even if you want to lie to me. The prince has required we all be there, but in particular he’s interested in you,” Jak said. He reached up and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. “But he doesn’t yet know you. Not the way I do.”

  “What does that mean?” She tilted her head back to look up at him.

  “It means I don’t give up that easy.” Jak took her by the arms and pulled her to him. His warmth enveloped her, as if he had a fire burning in his chest. She melted into him. His lips touched her forehead and each cheek before he tilted her mouth up to his. He held the back of her neck, winding his fingers into her hair as he captured her lips with his own. He didn’t let her up for air until he was ready. Gasping, her eyes blurred as they sought his. The longing echoed in his eyes. The truth that could be believed beyond all else.

  “I have to tell you something. It won’t be easy to hear.”

  Rasha lifted a finger to his lips and shook her head.

  “I already know about her.”

  Jak’s eyes widened. “You know?”

  Rasha nodded and smiled. “Ladi discovered the truth the night you left.”

  “That green vixen,” Jak said. “Well, it’s done. We parted as friends and I wish her well with her new life.” He reached down and fiddled with her amulet.

  “I know that we’re no longer incumbents, but I hope you’ll consider choosing a life with me as I’ve already chosen you.”

  It took a minute before she could speak a coherent sentence. She couldn’t believe what he was asking.

  “I’m not ready for anything like marriage, if that’s what you mean. But I can’t imagine my life without you.” She looked into his eyes. “I hope that can be enough.”

  “It is, for now,” he said as he tightened his arms around her.

  He leaned back, looking satisfied with himself. Then he smiled and cleared his throat to sing. This time he sang the familiar song in a quiet whisper, slow, and desperate.

  “There was an old bard from hither and to who traveled the lands meeting people like you.

  He sang and danced and pranced around gaily, but deep in his heart he longed for a lady.

  A beautiful lady with long white hair, to tell her his feelings he wouldn’t dare.

  She’d sneer, and she’d snap cause that’s what they do.

  Purple girls who love an old bard, deep down yes they do.”


  You don’t have to wait long to find out what happens to Princess Rasha Jenchat in the eleven kingdoms of Bolaji. It’s up for pre-order so get yours today. Each purchase comes with a special bonus inside.

  * * *

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  This series would never have seen the light of day if it wasn’t for the support of my amazing team. I couldn’t do this without the love and encouragement of my family, friends, and five-year-old pup.

  A huge thanks goes to my editors Ellen Campbell and Emily Gibbons that made this book readable and polished.

  Let me also thank my new readers, for taking a chance on this story that burned in me until it had to be told. Like most stories, it has no beginning or end. I hope you’ll enjoy this series and more from me.

  About the Author

  T.S. Valmond the science fiction and fantasy author out of Philadelphia is currently residing in Central America in an undisclosed location. One can never be too careful when exposing the secrets of powerful governments, worlds, and illegal aliens.

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