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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

Page 8

by Andrew Wood

  Chapter 9.

  Sarena stood watching her husband and son climb up onto their respective horses. She knew she had been through this awful situation before, and although she had promised herself to be brave, she could not fight back the tears any longer. She clasped the hand of her youngest daughter tightly, as she also started crying, clearly not sure what was going on. Noticing Sarena and Leah getting upset, Darak turned his horse and trotted in their direction. "I promise you I will be back, and Luca and Hope will be with me," he said. Sarena nodded, but she knew her husband was making promises about things that were beyond his control.

  Luca moved his horse closer to that of Oliver's; who he had insisted came along. Four of the house guard and eight men from the small garrison in Forwich were also travelling with them. Four packhorses made up the numbers, and it was not long before it was time for final goodbyes. Luca took a deep breath and looked over to his mother and sister; he gave a wry smile and little wave, feeling a lump in his throat as he nudged his horse forward. Oliver fell in alongside him, and though Darak had eventually allowed the man to travel with them, he would not allow him a weapon.

  Barely a handful of town folk watched them out of the southern gates. Despite the fact there destination was north, they needed to travel south to New Easton to board the boat, which awaited them. Since the last war, many of the roads leading north to south had been greatly improved. This in due course allowed for a much quicker trip than it used to be. The group moved at a trot, knowing they had a full day's ride ahead they needed to pace their horses. Obviously, they would stop every few hours to give their rides a break and grab refreshment for themselves.

  They had barely travelled for more than fifteen minutes, before they pulled to a halt. A single rider sat atop his dark brown horse in the centre of the road awaiting them. "Taylor," Darak shouted over surprised. Luca looked up and smiled, it had been several weeks since he had since his older brother. "Hello," Taylor said trotting his horse up alongside the rest of the group. "Didn't think I would sit idly by did you?" he added grinning.

  Darak was going to tell Taylor to turn about and go back home. The man had a young wife and daughter to care for after all. Only he ended up gesturing for him to join, realising how hypocritical he would have sounded. The group continued onwards, now one rider more than before, and Darak updated Taylor as they rode. He told of how Hope had been whisked away through some magical portal. Lowering his voice a little, he added how Luca had frozen in panic. "I know he blames himself and I am sure he is attaching his hopes on this Oliver character." Taylor nodded enquiring more about the young man. "You do not trust him Darak?" he asked. "I do not. Luca tells me the man's mind is his to command...I just find it hard to believe."

  Taylor had studied the use of magic as he had grown up. Never one to be able to wield such power, as his adoptive father had, he did however find it a fascinating subject. In fact, it was the darker side of magic, which particularly interested him, probably because less was known about it. "The mind compulsion spell is supposed to allow such power. Fenlor used it to control hordes of North Besemians during the last war," he said in reply to Darak's doubting comment.

  The fact that Oliver's eyes had changed completely, made Taylor think that Luca was correct in his reckoning, and that Darak was the one mistaken. Taylor relayed his theory to Darak, but the man shook his head, still convinced he was right. Despite the last war ending over fifteen years ago, there was still a complete mistrust of Darekian's. Some people from Corlan had moved on and accepted the two nations were at peace. Others however, still bore the mental scars of a war that had completely ravaged half of their country.

  Taylor, who was dressed in smart black tunic and trousers, with leather riding boots, adjusted his sword at his waist. He had decided to converse with the young Darekian called Oliver himself. He told Darak of his intentions but he did not appear interested. He pulled his horse to a stop and waited for the group to pass him by. Luca and Oliver had decided to ride at the back, and he joined alongside them.

  Taylor was not Luca's actual blood relation, but the two had always thought of each other, as brothers that were. Luca smiled, "Good to see you Taylor." Taylor returned the welcome before turning his gaze to Oliver. "Oh Oliver," Luca said noticing the change of focus, "This is Taylor, my brother. He is a good man and our friend." Taylor was a little taken aback by the way Luca had spoken to Oliver, instructing him as it were who was to be trusted and who not. This backed up his theory that Oliver was indeed, under Luca's complete control.

  "Hello Oliver," he said leaning over and offering a hand of friendship. Oliver first looked at Luca, who nodded an approval, before accepting it. "Hello Sir," he replied. Taylor could detect a slight Darekian accent to his words, but nothing to strong. Although Taylor's eyes were directed at Oliver, the words he spoke were to Luca. He was told how Oliver's eyes had gone from black to brown, believed to be his natural colour, before turning green after Luca had used blood magic to heal him. "I do believe you are right Luca. Oliver is yours to command." Of course, this was not something Luca was proud of, "No Taylor...Oliver is a free man...I do not command him...What I did was to free him from this Dalia woman..." He could feel himself anger slightly, and he stopped. Luca did not want to fall out with his brother. Interestingly, Oliver picked up on his anger, and his demeanour changed into a defensive one. The young Darekian appeared ready to leap to Luca's aid should the need arise. Taylor smiled, "Calm down, both of you. Sorry Luca I meant no offence."

  Luca took a deep breath, "No I am sorry Taylor. I am just not proud of what I have done to Oliver's mind. I meant to heal him, but I just changed one compulsion with another type." Oliver appeared oblivious to what was being said, and Taylor reassured his younger brother he had done the right thing. "There is a significant difference Luca. You won't be forcing Oliver to commit heinous acts." With that, Taylor picked up the pace and moved once more to the front of the group, to relay his findings to Darak.

  The first rest break came midmorning. They all dismounted and Darak and Taylor handed the reins of their horses to one of the house guards. Luca and Oliver took their own horses down to the briskly running stream at the side of the road, for a deserved drink. Whilst his horse drank, Luca took chance to do likewise. After taking a few swigs from his water canteen, he offered it to Oliver. "Thank you Luca Sir," came the reply making Luca sigh. He did wish Oliver would stop calling him Sir. "Oliver, please just call me Luca," he finally said almost pleading.

  The young Darekian handed back the water canteen, and the two looked each other in the eye. "I'm not sure I can Sir...I...I..." Luca watched, as Oliver seemed to have an internal conflict. It was clear what was happening. The compulsion on his mind was telling him he must say the word. Luca placed a hand on the Darekians shoulder, "Don't worry about it Oliver. Call me whatever you like, but I promise you, I will free your mind."

  Hope stretched her arms up, only to feel one restricted by the chains binding her to the post. The huge reddish brown haired beast was still stood aside her. It had been a night to forget, though she was astounded to see some of the woman walking about as if nothing had happened. Her captor had not yet made an appearance, hence the reason for the Orlac still shadowing her. She was not sure why, but she turned to the creature, "You know you could have stopped the atrocities last night, or at least done something." She was not sure how much an Orlac could understand, but it did at least provoke a response. The beast looked down at her, showing its huge teeth. Hope was not sure whether that was a smile or some sort of snarl.

  As the previous morning, one of the village women brought her food. This time however, it was barely fit to be called a meal. Yesterday's food looked like gruel; Hope thought what she had now was probably the real thing. Her hunger was such that she did not really care, and so she ate the lot hurriedly. Looking up to the Orlac she wondered what his breakfast consisted of, before realising that it was probably best she never found out.

  Despite remov
ing the bracelet, Dalia had enjoyed the company of her young Commander. She awoke with the man still beside her, much later than she normally would have. She thought about perhaps taking advantage of him one more time before the day started, and moved her hand down his slim muscular body. Noticing her pet Dawid was stood watching her however, made her think again. The poor little dear had had a traumatic night, and she gestured him over. The boy scurried towards her and she stroked his head as he placed it beside her. Any lustful thoughts of her commander had gone, "Go and ready the men, we set sail this afternoon." The man stood, completely naked, bowing his head slightly, "As you wish my Lady." He dressed quickly and quietly, before disappearing out through the door. "Come Dawid, let us get you fed and washed ready for our trip," she said lavishing her attention on the young boy.

  Hope looked on wearily, she felt so tired. Her head swayed from side to side, and she could barely make out the image of her captor standing before her. She heard the words, "You are a puzzle to me..." Her eyes felt heavy and she realised she must have been drugged.

  Dalia looked down at her prisoner. This young woman was certainly causing her a quandary. Her blood had shown no magical power when infused with her own. Yet somehow, she had remained unharmed when Dalia had used the staff to send forth a blast of fire. "Silas please carry our guest and place her on a cart. I will have time to experiment with her further once aboard the ship." The huge Orlac broke the chain from the post as if it were made from nothing more than paper. Showing an unusual tenderness for one so huge, Silas picked up Hope with one massive clawed hand, and carried her over to a waiting cart.

  The village had only two horses, and both were put to use. Dalia had wanted to ride the one not pulling the cart, but realised it would mean her pet boy leaving her side. Instead, she gave the animal to her commander to make the short journey around the island to the docks. All her soldiers lined up in ranks for her to check. She had not thought it paranoid to think some of them might be showing signs of disloyalty to her, but common sense. Why take the risk she had thought when a simple check was it all it took.

  Her commander stood to one side, and she knew she need not look into his eyes to know his loyalties. Dalia sighed as the memory of his love making whilst wearing the bracelet, had made her feel so alive. Once it had been removed, he was like any other she had bedded, satisfying but not quite so intense.

  Her group of soldiers seemed none the worse for wear after a night of frolicking and drinking. They had been allowed a treat, to take advantage of the village women and girls, or with each other if that is what they preferred. She walked along the lines, young faces from her training camps, stood side by side with the few remaining tattooed warriors of her father's rule. Here and there, were her new intakes, villagers who were now compelled to do her bidding. These were the ones she knew would need checking more closely, although those from her father's era also had to be kept an eye on, as the compulsion on their minds was not of her making.

  If not for the fact she needed their experience in battle to train her younger soldiers, she would have them all killed. Their compulsion had been set by her father, and despite her trying to replace it with hers, was unable to do so. She had never discovered why, but assumed it was because once a man's mind had been taken, it could not be done so again. As things stood, they all appeared to follow her rule and not question her requests; well at least those still alive did not.

  Once satisfied each man was hers to command at a whim, she turned her attention to the women. These were not so useful to her. Aside from cooking and cleaning, she had little use for them. A man could be turned to a fighting machine, and used for her pleasure when she requested, this bedraggled bunch of females could do neither. Surprisingly, most of the women had survived the night relatively unscathed, one or two of the younger ones had not, but Dalia did not really care.

  She picked five from the twenty or so that remained to travel with them. These would come in handy for the voyage home. The five were all between fourteen and twenty, and could also be used for the men as a treat whilst they sailed. The rest were surplus to requirement, and not needed. "Silas, I will leave you to dispose of these," she said gesturing to the remaining women. "Take your fill and kill the rest," she added, giving a short tug on Dawid's leash.

  At her gesture, her commander gave the order, and the group moved out, leaving the Orlac behind. The women stood awaiting their fates. Their minds were not even able to comprehend the imminent death that awaited them. Silas snarled his teeth. It had been a while since his mistress had allowed him a feed, now he could take his fill. Not caring about selection, he lashed out a huge clawed hand and grabbed one of the more aged women. Without any particular haste, the Orlac opened it massive wide jaws, biting into the neck of its prey. Its huge teeth bit right through, and the head dropped to the ground. Blood gushed from the body, and the Orlac lapped it up, before taking another bite from the torso. The other women watched on motionlessly, as lifeless statues, each awaiting their turn for death.

  As Dalia and her group approached the dock area on which they had landed several days earlier, a second ship was pointed out to her. Her own craft was still anchored a short way from shore, and the smaller boats used to ferry them to the dock were already being rowed her direction. Her men aboard her ship had seen her coming and sent them out to collect her.

  Silas, her Orlac came running up behind her. The huge beast had finished his feeding frenzy, and seen to it no one in the village remained alive. Dalia looked up and smiled, "Enjoy your feed Silas?" she asked noticing the fresh human blood still around the beasts mouth. Dalia pointed out the ship in the far distance, and the Orlac stood as tall as it could. She knew the eyesight of such a creature was far better than any human.

  The beast lowered its huge muscular frame, and made several incomprehensible grunting and growling sounds. Only Dalia knew what it was trying to say, and she stamped her foot when the news was not good. A navy ship from Corlan was heading their direction. She had to think of a course of action. She had several options open to her, but which to follow she was not yet sure. If that was indeed a navy ship, then that would mean soldiers on board. Soldiers she could add to her own army, although catching them alive would be difficult. Engaging in battle with the Corlan soldiers would only result in losing some of her own.

  She made her decision. She had not the time or resources to try to capture extra men now. Although she could also not afford to have such an enemy vessel get in her way. She stepped up to the water's edge, and held her new staff aloft. She looked at the ship on the horizon, not actually knowing for sure whether her spell could reach that far. Taking a deep breath she concentrated as best she could, pushing the staff outwards. A ball of flame shot skywards, and she watched as it arced across the water. A burst of steam flew up in the far distance and Dalia cursed realising she had missed her target by some way.

  Feeling a rage, she thrust the staff forward again and again. Balls of fire followed one another into the sky, arcing in the direction of the ship. Bursts of steam filled the horizon as most landed in to the waters around the ship. Two however, hit the target and Dalia calmed as she realised the ship burning afar. "That should see them off," she said feeling drained. She had not realised using the staff so carelessly would do such a thing. "Silas," she called for the aid of her Orlac. The beast put out a claw and steadied her. "Can you see if I have sunk their ship?" she asked breathing heavily. The beast stood tall, moving its huge head from side to side. The beast grunted and growled once more, and Dalia nodded. The ship was hit and burning, but not sunk. That, she thought, would have to suffice, and at least it meant she would be able to sail away in the knowledge that her enemy was not following behind her.

  The reasons as to why she suddenly felt so weak after using the staff in the way she had, was something she would have to find out. One thing was for certain, and that was she needed to rest. Gathering what little strength she had left, Dalia managed to stand without the aid o
f another whilst the smaller boats neared the shore.

  Chapter 10.

  After a rather restless night's sleep, Luca helped Oliver break the small camp, which had been set. The group had ridden until the hours of darkness, and intended to make use of the first light of day. It was spring and there had been a heavy dew overnight, and everything felt damp. These were conditions Luca was not particularly keen on, and neither it seemed, was Oliver.

  The young Darekian was clearly not impressed at being damp. Luca smiled, "Let me help you," he said standing next to him. He concentrated, and using the small fire they had burning, he forced the air to move around Oliver. At first, the man appeared frightened, thinking something bad was happening. "It's okay," Luca told him, "I'll just stand close to you, and we can both dry out together."

  Darak looked over to the other side of the camp. Stretching the knots from his muscles, he let go a yawn, probably louder than he thought it was going to be. "Still tired Darak?" he heard from behind him. Taylor stood, "It's been a while since I camped out as well," he said, doing the same thing. Darak noticed how close his adopted son Luca was standing to the Darekian called Oliver. "What is that boy doing?" he mumbled. Taylor stepped up beside him, "Leave them be Darak. Oliver will not harm Luca, I am certain of that. In fact I am certain he would die trying to defend him if the need arose. Luca has power of compulsion over his mind, although he does not wish it." Darak did not reply, but made a grumbling sound, turned and started packing away his own things.


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