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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

Page 10

by Andrew Wood

  Dalia was stood out on deck, finding the noise of the waves breaking against the ship soothing. It had not taken long for her to recover from the excessive use of the staff, though the reasons for her tiring so suddenly were still somewhat of a quandary. She had firstly assumed that it was the staff that generated the power to produce the flames. She was now thinking to the contrary, and in fact, it was probably her own power. Although for her to achieve this must mean she had some sort of elemental power, something that she was sure she did not have. Perhaps the amalgamation of her prisoner's blood to her own, had given her the effect she had desired after all. The study of the girl would have to be her next step. Her blood would tell her what she needed to know.

  The subject of her thoughts was ushered towards her. "Will you stop shoving me," the prisoner muttered as Dalia's Orlac used gentle persuasion, to get it where she wanted. "Sit and be quiet," Dalia told her. Hope slumped down on to the deck of the ship, and looked up at the Orlac, sticking her tongue out at it. Dalia stepped slowly around the girl. Just what was it about her? Was she magic? Of course, she must be, she thought. How else could somebody be totally unscathed from a fire blast?

  Dalia held her head up, and she could feel the warmth of the late afternoon sun on her face. The ship was barely moving, as the wind had died down to virtually nothing. The sails hung limp, and Dalia cursed. Unfortunately, even she could not control the winds. She diverted her attention back to the young woman sat at her feet. "What to do with you my dear?" she asked in deep thought. An idea came to her, but she was uncertain she wanted to do it. The bracelet from her commander could be placed on this girl's wrist and her thoughts would be Dalia's to read. Although after what had happened with him, did she really want to try?

  After spending several minutes contemplating the idea, and asking questions to her prisoner, most of which were answered by rude comments, Dalia made up her mind. "Silas, take her to my cabin. I shall be there shortly." The huge creature leant down and grabbed Hope's left arm, dragging her to her feet. Hope grumbled, "Will you stop it. I am quite capable of getting up by myself you know," she scolded the huge beast. Surprisingly the Orlac released her, and held an arm out in the direction he wished her to travel. "Thank you," she said rubbing her arm.

  Hope was ushered into another cabin. This one was just a little larger than the one she had been in earlier, though just as plain. She had barely been there a few minutes when the door opened once more and her captor stepped inside. The door was closed and the two were alone. Hope suddenly had the thought of killing this woman who had held her prisoner. Using the fire power stored in the ring...then realised she would only be sealing her own fate if she did. Escape would have to wait for now.

  Dalia looked down at her prisoner seated on the bed. She hesitated; still unsure she wanted to use the bracelet on this young woman. What if it sent through lustful urges and thoughts as before? She snapped out of her indecision and grabbed her prisoner's wrist. "What is it with you people always grabbing," Hope snapped. "If you want me to hold my wrist out, just ask," she added, much to Dalia's amusement.

  Dalia had to admit the woman before her was certainly a feisty character. Perhaps one she could make use of once she had finished her experiments. "This, my dear will tell me all I need to know," Dalia said snapping the bracelet over Hope's lower arm. Before Hope could react, her mind went into a spin and swirled with images not of her making.

  Dalia felt the link immediately. The girl had no power...but she is so...she struggled to keep composed, realising the power of the bracelet was filling her mind with other thoughts. Hope looked up at the woman before her. She could see faces and places she did not know, and the urge to lean forward and touch the beautiful pale skin on her face. Dalia could sense other things, a ring...a boy...yes with magic...the son of the Prince...but oh that touch. Dalia could not resist the tender touch of the woman before her and leaned forward for a kiss.

  Hope felt the soft lips make contact with hers, and the woman's tongue enter her mouth. She felt her skin tingle and every inch of her body come alive. Dalia used all her will and forced the thoughts aside, just long enough for her to grab the bracelet and pull it from her prisoner's arm. She tossed it to the floor, and pulled her head back.

  The two looked at each other, and after an awkward silence, Hope wiped her hand across her mouth. "Yuk! What did you just do to me...and why did you just kiss me?" Dalia was just as shocked; she had never kissed another girl before, and was not sure she wanted to again. She tried to recall what she had learned via the brief connection. "You have no power...Give me the ring," she added grabbing Hope by the wrist again. After a brief but futile struggle all Hope's thoughts of escape drifted away as her captor took the item off her thumb.

  Dalia stood grinning, she may not have captured the person she had hoped, but she now had another trinket to add to her collection. "Thank you for the ring dear," she said inspecting it more closely. She knew she would have to track down this young man with the real power. Only now she knew exactly what he looked like and who he was. Once back on land she would have to arrange the boy's demise as a matter of urgency. She was not going to make the same mistake her father did, and leave it too late. Feeling quite smug with her lot, she looked down at the young woman she held prisoner. "What shall I do with you now I know you have no purpose? Perhaps I could make you one of my more personal helpers...or perhaps I could let Silas have you for lunch?"

  Hope shuffled as far back as she could, clasping her arms around her knees. The mere thought of being chewed to pieces by an Orlac made her shiver. Although the idea of being a mindless slave to her captor appeared to be little better. The thought of never seeing her family again was becoming a reality, and she could feel her eyes welling up. Dalia scoffed and turned away and left Hope alone to weep. Hope realised she had been a fool, she should have use the power of the ring when she had been given the opportunity, rather than always thinking a better chance would come along.

  She was not sure how long had passed since Dalia had taken the ring from her. She had cried and sobbed for a while and must have fallen asleep. She had been woken by the movement of the boat becoming far more severe. She attempted to stand and take a peek through the door, to see what was going on, only to be thrown to the floor by a sudden movement. She could hear shouting from outside, and managed to crawl to the door. The boat continued rocking violently from side to side as she managed to peer through the gap in the door. It was dark, and she could tell it was raining heavily. There were voices shouting, and she realised the once calm weather had taken a turn for the worse.

  Her hand hit something sliding around on the floor, and she knew straight away, what it was. There was a brief second or two of images flashing in her mind, before disappearing again. Grabbing her handkerchief from her pocket, she clasped the object again as it once more slid past. This time she grabbed it, wrapping it inside the hankie and placing it back in her pocket. She heard more voices, and the words "...We can't take the boat any closer to shore Sir, we're as close as I dare without running aground..."

  Hope suddenly felt a new surge of optimism take over her. If the boat was as close to shore as she hoped, maybe escape was still an option. Without any further contemplation, she shoved the door ajar and was instantly hit by the gale force wind. The rain hammered down, making the deck of the ship slippery. After losing her footing twice she realised nobody had noticed her exit the cabin. In the darkness, she could make out several figures struggling as much as she was to remain standing. If she were ever going to escape, it would have to be now.

  Realising as she jumped over the side of the ships rails, she could be jumping from the wrong side and swimming further out to sea, strangely did not bother her. She considered herself a strong swimmer, but knew this could be the last thing she ever did. Hitting the water, she struggled against the large waves, but kept her head above the waterline. Taking deep breaths when the opportunity arose, before being submersed when a wave struck, sh
e struggled on. With the muscles in her arms and legs burning, she was starting to think that perhaps this was her end. Not sure that she could take another stroke, she took one more gasping breathe.

  Hope was not quite sure when it had happened, but she found herself crawling. In the pitch black of night, she knew it must be some sort of beach, as she could feel the sand squelching through her fingers. With her last ounce of effort, Hope gave one pull up the sand before letting herself slump face down into it. Exhausted, cold and wet she was at least alive and free. Quite where she was, she guessed she would have to find out later.

  In New Easton, Darak, Taylor, Luca and Oliver were sat around the dining room table eating their evening meal. The morning would see them continuing their onward journey. The plan was to board a boat, and make their way downriver to the coast. Here they would switch to a larger sea faring ship that was awaiting them. For now however, they were to enjoy the comforts of being related to the king.

  As the first course was finished, and the main course was placed upon the elegantly laid table, they chatted with their hosts. King Caldar, Queen Vanessa and their eldest son Sethin, named for his grandfather, sat with them. Sethin, now fourteen years old would be the future king, and was constantly being groomed accordingly. When he was younger, Luca had always been a little jealous of his cousin, for that very reason. However, as the more recent years had passed, and he had noticed how little of a life Sethin actually got, he was glad he was not next in line to the throne.

  Sethin spent most of his time, either being educated in government, trained in military tactics or some other skill that may or may not be of benefit to him later in life. Luca, to the contrary, had been left to live his young life, largely unhindered by such matters. Sure, he had to be schooled as was expected of a young man of his class, but he had also been allowed to grow up doing what he wanted to do.

  Sethin spoke well and clearly, more proof of his lessons, and although he sounded like he had a plum in his mouth, Luca quite liked his cousin. He was certain when the time came, Sethin would make a fine king, and one he would gladly serve under. The young prince appeared to take quite an interest in Oliver, and Luca realised his cousin had probably never dined with someone so formally with such a low standing.

  Oliver at first had appeared agitated by the prince's constant questions, but after a little coercing from Luca, soon found his feet. An array of vegetables and platters of roasted meats were placed upon the table, and Luca scanned them all trying to decide what to take. Beef, pork, chicken, fish, he was spoiled for choice, and like Oliver was not sure which to pick.

  "Try the beef Oliver," Darak said, "It is a fine cut." Luca almost dropped his knife in amazement. Why the sudden pleasantness from Darak, he thought. He scanned the faces of the others to see their reactions, and caught the eye of Vanessa. Noticing he was looking at her, she gave him a small wink and a smile. Luca knew she must have said something to Darak, and returned the smile and mouthed the words 'Thanks'.

  Sethin quizzed the Darekian of his life as a child, and appeared genuinely interested when told he had been bought up on a farm. The young prince was horrified by the fact he had been kidnapped and held under a spell of compulsion. It was at this point that his mother interrupted. She knew what was coming next, and understood the need to keep the fact Luca had been the one who had healed him a secret. When the time was right, she would tell the prince of his older cousin and the power he wielded. For now only a handful of people knew, and she was smart enough to know that was for the best.

  "Perhaps Sethin, you could tell Oliver about yourself. I feel he has been the one answering all the questions," she said trying to divert the topic of conversation. Sethin smiled at his mother, "Of course, that would only be fair." Luca could sense that Oliver was not comfortable with the situation he had found himself in, and so gave him a look of reassurance, something not missed by Sethin.

  The young prince was not what could be called an attractive youth, but due to his standing would inevitably marry a woman who was. He had rounded features, and dark hair, with a nose that turned upwards just a little more than normal. Sethin decided to tell Oliver of a girl he had danced with at the last ball his father had hosted. "Of course she was only interested in me because of who I am," he said with a touch of sadness. "I hope one day to find a girl who likes me as Sethin the boy, rather than Sethin the prince," he added. Luca thought how grown up he sounded, "I am sure you will find the right girl one day Sethin." Vanessa spoke next, "Sethin dear, you are still very young, you need not worry of such things for some time yet."

  The meal progressed, and the plates were cleared away. Glasses were placed on the table and decanters of brandy and wine put beside them. "Mother allows me a little brandy," Sethin said, tipping the decanter and pouring just a small amount into one of the glasses. "Would you like a small brandy Oliver?" the prince said, playing the attentive host. Once more, Sethin picked up, on how Oliver first checked with Luca before answering. "So tell me," he said passing the glass over to his guest, "It appears I am the only one not privy to something. What is it? Are you and Luca a couple...Yes that must be it...I see the way you..." Luca almost choked on his own drink, and it was clear Darak and Caldar did not quite know where to look.

  It was Vanessa that remained calm, "Do not be so silly Sethin. Oliver and Luca are just friends, they have only known each other a short while." Sethin however, was not going to be palmed off so easily. He sat back in his chair and looked at his mother and father, before returning his gaze to Oliver and Luca. He swilled the liquid around his glass, deep in thought. "I still believe there is something more to it than that," he said. Luca had to admire his cousin's tenacity; he certainly did not miss a thing.

  After a short silence, Luca decided it was time Sethin knew about him. It was clear the young prince was at an age that he understood the importance of certain situations. "I am happy for you to tell him," he said to Caldar and Vanessa. Caldar looked to Darak for confirmation, who just shrugged. "If Luca is okay with that, then that is fine by me." Vanessa suggested they take their drinks and retire to the lounge. This she said was so the staff could clear away the tables, but it was because the doors could be closed, meaning anything said could be kept from prying ears.

  Once inside the lounge, Vanessa sat beside Sethin, whilst Luca and Oliver positioned themselves unsurprisingly, next to each other on another seat. Caldar remained by the door, ensuring they had no interruptions, whilst Darak stood by the drinks table helping himself to another brandy. Vanessa explained to Sethin the seriousness of what he was to be told, and made him swear he would not discuss it to anyone outside this room. Naturally, this had the young prince clearly excited, and he sat on the edge of his seat in anticipation.

  Once Vanessa was satisfied her eldest son understood, she took a deep breath and placed her hands on her lap. "Well my dear, you may think your father being king, is the most powerful man in Corlan. Well actually it is Luca." Sethin looked puzzled, "I do not follow Mother. Luca is not a king, and with so many heirs probably never will be." Noticing his aunty was struggling to find a simple way of explaining, Luca thought he might help. "Perhaps if I show him, that may make it easier to understand," he said getting to his feet.

  Luca looked at his cousin. With a wave of his hand, he soon had a small ball of flame in his palm. Sethin sat there, his jaw gaping in amazement. Never one to show off Luca decided to let it dissipate away just as quick. Happy he had done enough to show Sethin, Luca returned to his seat beside Oliver. Vanessa smiled, and lifted her hand to her son's mouth, lifting his bottom jaw up just slightly. "You understand now Sethin," she said. The young prince nodded, "I think so mother. Luca has powers like his father. Am I right?" he asked. She nodded, "Yes dear, you are correct. Only a handful of people know for a reason. If this information should get out, Luca's life could be in danger."

  Sethin remained silent whilst his mother explained why Luca and Oliver appeared close. The prince listened intently, an
d Luca was glad he did not appear to have the same reservations as Darak had, about Oliver. There did not appear to be any hatred just because Oliver was a Darekian, in fact if anything Sethin appeared even more interested in him.

  With the truth out, the group moved on to move idle chatter once more, though it was clear Sethin was bothered by something. Luca felt it his duty to ask what it was that had bothered him. "Are you planning to take the throne off Father? Is this why you are showing us your power now?" Luca laughed at idea, "No Sethin, trust me, I have no intention of ever wanting to be a king." Sethin nodded, "So does that mean if I ever become king you would serve under me also?" Luca smiled, stood up and walked across to his cousin. "Sethin I would serve you just the same as your father. You have my word."

  Luca was just thinking of excusing himself to retire for the evening, when a knock came at the door. Vanessa quickly reminded her son that what he had been told must remain a secret, before shouting whoever it was to enter. One of the Kings Guards opened the door, "Excuse me your majesty, but I thought you would like to have this." Caldar walked over to the door, and took the letter the guard was holding out. "Who delivered this at such an hour?" he enquired. The guard shook his head, saying a cloaked rider had delivered it to the main gate, insisting it be delivered immediately.

  Caldar was about to open the letter, when he realised it was not even addressed to him. "Luca, it is for you," he said passing it over. The others all stood as Luca slowly unfolded the paper. He mumbled as he read, and looked up to see all the others staring impatiently at him. "Here," Luca said passing it over to Caldar.


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