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Catching the Cowboy

Page 7

by Kennedy Fox

  “That was badass,” Kenzie eventually says, breaking the silence.

  “I’m in shock,” Elle tells me, chuckling. “I can’t believe you fucked up his car like that.”

  “Thousands in damage, without a doubt,” Kenzie says.

  “Yep!” Adrenaline rushes through my body as we head back to the bar. “Oh wait, can we just go back to the hotel? I think I’ve had enough fun for the night.”

  “Only if we can stop and get double cheeseburgers first. Do you know how badly I’m craving McDonald’s?” Kenzie says. “Sometimes it’s hard living so far away from greasy food.”

  “I’m convinced you’re really a raccoon,” Maize teases. “Mischievous, messy, and eats everything in sight.”

  I burst into laughter. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. Kenzie, the trash panda. I think we might’ve found a new nickname for you.”

  Kenzie rolls her eyes. “Oh my gosh, y’all. I’m not that bad!”

  “You are,” Elle speaks up as she pulls into the drive-through. “You totally are.”

  After she’s ordered nearly four of everything on the menu, she pays, and then we’re handed three bags filled with chicken nuggets, double cheeseburgers, and a ridiculous amount of salty french fries. Living in the country does have its disadvantages, but I’m grateful not to have any of this conveniently close to home. In Houston, there was a fast food place on every corner.

  Kenzie has a bag opened and is stuffing her mouth before we even make it out of the parking lot. I honestly didn’t realize how hungry I was until Maize hands me a box of chicken nuggets. I feel like I swallowed them whole and didn’t even chew them. Elle drives us to the hotel, and once we’re in our room, we finish eating. I continue to devour food until I’m stupidly full, then kick off my boots and lie back on the bed with a smile on my face.

  While I may not have gotten completely even because bashing in a car doesn’t fix a broken heart, damn, it felt good to get him back. If only I could see Nick’s face in the morning when he notices his expensive toy is now damaged goods. I’d pay good money for that. I hope he learns his lesson, but men like him never do.

  A part of me wonders if he’ll even suspect it’s me, but the other part doesn’t care. He never could handle me, not when we were dating and especially not now. One thing’s for certain, I might be a Southern woman, but I still have a temper at times. He’s underestimated what happens when you cheat on a Bishop.

  Chapter Five


  I’m soaking wet, covered in nasty water from head to toe. A calf walked into the pond and couldn’t get out because of the mud, which meant Grayson and I had to perform an impromptu rescue mission. There was no time to think about taking off our boots or anything before we were hopping into the water and walking through mush.

  It’s common for cows to stand in the bodies of water during the hot months since it helps them cool off, but the babies are sometimes the worst because they go out too far and can’t get back to the bank. The little bastard was screaming at the top of his lungs, and we just so happened to be doing our afternoon checks. Together, Grayson and I carried the little asshole to the grass and made sure he was okay before driving off. Doesn’t help our situation, though. We officially smell like cow slobber, pond mush, and sweat.

  By the time we make it back to the shop, we both stink, my feet are soaked, and I’m ready for a drink.

  “Wanna go to the bar tonight?”

  Grayson looks at me. “Like this?”

  “Hell no! I need a shower,” I tell him, taking off my hat and setting it on my lap.

  “I think I’m gonna take a rain check. It’s been a hectic fuckin’ day, and I’m exhausted. Gotta love Mondays.”

  I give him a smile and look down at my boots and pants. “Yeah, I totally understand. Never expected to be doing half that shit today. Every day’s an adventure on the ranch,” I remind him. The unpredictability is one of the things I love the most about my job. There’s no monotony. Honestly, I don’t know how people sit behind a computer at a desk all day. It sounds like eternal hell. I’d go crazy not being in the country.

  We give Alex the rundown of what happened, then I hop in my truck and drive home. At times like this, I wished I carried an extra set of clothes around. I’m forced to drive back with the windows down because I can’t stand the smell of myself. Once I’m home, I see Rowan’s gift on the counter and smile before going to the bathroom. She’s working tonight. I made sure to find out this morning from John. I’ve been waiting all weekend to see her to give her that present.

  I take off my clothes and turn on the hot water. Stepping inside, I allow the warmth to soothe my sore muscles from carrying a one hundred pound calf today.

  After I’m done washing every inch of my body, I brush my teeth and get dressed. I run my fingers through my hair and throw on a baseball cap, then spray on some cologne because I know it drives Rowan wild. It always has, ever since we were teenagers. She pretends to be immune, but I’ve noticed her reactions. The thought of seeing her tonight causes excitement to bubble inside me. No woman has ever made me feel like this, and as much as I try to shake it, I can’t. Rowan Bishop has been in my veins since I was fourteen years old and tasted her lips against mine. Even though we were so young, I’ve never been able to forget the electricity that streamed between us. It’s still there too.

  Before leaving, I grab the gift along with my keys and head into town. I couldn’t stop thinking about her the entire weekend. I saw a picture she posted on Facebook of her and her cousins at the Honky Tonk in San Angelo and thought about making the drive, but I knew better. The last thing I’d want to do is ruin her birthday by showing up unannounced. She looked beautiful as can be, though, and I know all eyes were on her at the bar. There’s no doubt she was the prettiest woman there.

  When I park in front of the Circle B Saloon, I see Rowan’s car on the side. I sit and stare inside the building, watching as she pours a beer for an older guy and then smiles sweetly as she sets it down on a napkin. She laughs at something he says and just looking at her nearly takes my breath away. Without even trying, she’s as pretty as can be with her hair pulled up into a tight ponytail on top of her head.

  Knowing I can’t watch her from my truck all night, I turn off the ignition, grab the present, and go inside. As soon as I walk in and sit at the bar, our gazes lock. I smile, and she narrows her eyes at me, then at the bright-colored wrapping paper. A moment later, she walks over, places a napkin in front of me, and treats me like every other customer.

  “Hi, would you like a drink menu?” she asks, properly batting her eyelashes.

  I snort at her sarcastic tone. “Give me a Bud.”

  She glances down at the box. “What’s that?”

  I push it toward her, grinning wide. “I got you something.”

  “Why?” She tilts her head. “Is it a gag gift?”

  “You’ll see,” I challenge, moving it closer to her.

  “I trust you as far as I can throw you, and we both know how much that is,” Rowan retorts as she walks away and grabs a frosty mug from the cooler. She sets down an ice-cold beer in front of me before snagging the box.

  I gently grab her hand before she can walk away and meet her deep brown gaze. “Don’t open it around anyone.”

  “Oh God. Now I’m really scared.”

  I shrug and take a sip of my beer, the smile meeting my eyes as she walks away.

  A second later, I watch a preppy ass guy enter and forcefully move the stool from in front of the bar next to me, making all sorts of noise. He stands tall like he owns the place, but everyone in here knows better. He’s a puny little runt wearing a polo tucked into well-pressed khaki pants with a belt. Rowan notices him and tenses fiercely. Alarm bells go off in my head as he barks her name. Something isn’t right with this guy, but he needs to watch his goddamn tone when speaking to her.

  Rowan rushes over to him and lowers her voice, and I try not to pry. I try to keep m
y eyes locked on the TV on the back wall, but I can’t tell what’s on right now, though.

  “What’re you doing here?” she asks in a hushed tone, trying not to draw more attention.

  “You know why I’m fucking here,” he hisses.

  I suck in a deep breath, trying to control my temper while staying out of her business. Truthfully, it’s damn hard.

  Rowan laughs. “Because you miss me?”

  It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes because I know exactly who this prick is now—her cheating ex-boyfriend, Nick. Granted, the way he’s looking at her, though, isn’t with love but hate.

  “Miss you? Miss you?” His voice grows louder. “Not quite. I’m here because you’re a stupid bitch.”

  I jump to my feet so fast, the barstool falls to the ground with a loud crash. “You need to watch your language when speaking to a lady.”

  “Lady?” He snarls. “She’s no fucking lady. She’s a jealous whore who destroyed my Corvette.”

  Rowan pipes in. “I did not touch your precious car. Why would I do that?” She crosses her arms over her chest, challenging him.

  “Because you’re a goddamn cunt,” he snaps.

  Taking a step forward, I’m mere inches from him and ready to punch his face in. “I’ve already warned ya once. Don’t call her names again. I don’t care what the fuck she did to your car. And trust me, it won’t be anything compared to what I do to your goddamn face if you keep disrespecting her like that.”

  “You need to leave, Nick,” Rowan demands, pointing at the door, but something in her expression tells me she really did fuck up his car.

  “Leave? How about you make me?”

  Seconds later, his stark white polo is in my fist, and I’m ready to beat his face in when Rowan quickly comes around the bar and breaks us up. She softly places her hands on my chest and begs me to calm down. “Please, Diesel,” she whispers. “He’s not worth it.”

  I take a step back and try to chill out. No one’s going to talk to her like that in front of me—not an ex, not even a family member, and especially not in her bar while she’s working. He’s trying to humiliate her, and I won’t tolerate it.

  “You’re gonna pay for this, Rowan,” Nick threatens.

  “For what, exactly?” she questions.

  He takes his cell phone from his pocket and plays a video, turning it around for her to watch. Considering I’m so much taller than she is, I can see it perfectly. She’s got a tire iron in her hand, and she’s destroying his car. With every swing she takes, I can feel the anger buried deep inside her. Damn. Remind me never to piss her off. She’s a goddamn savage. Without realizing it, I start laughing my ass off, which nearly makes her ex spontaneously combust. He’s not stupid enough to threaten me, though he gives me a dirty ass look.

  I hear Rowan suck in a deep breath and groan. “Cameras.”

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” he tells her.

  I move Rowan to the side and step closer to Nick. “I warned you about your language,” I tell him. Before he can move, my fist meets his nose, and he falls down hard on his ass as the other customers watch the commotion.

  “Motherfucker!” He covers his face with his hands.

  “I think it’s time for you to leave,” I demand, pulling him up by his shirt and pushing him toward the door.

  “You’re gonna pay for every fucking dent and scratch you made,” he shouts at Rowan, spitting out blood. “I’ll be back if you don’t.”

  “You’re done, asshole,” I tell him, basically throwing him outside. I stand in front of the entrance with my arms crossed over my chest and watch him storm off to his sparkly Mercedes. If he doesn’t watch out, she might destroy that one too.

  After he peels out, kicking up dirt and rock, I go back inside. Rowan is nowhere to be found. Kenzie is helping customers and refilling drinks. Honestly, I didn’t even notice she was here until now. She helps at the bar but assists her mom at the daycare during her college breaks. She has a couple of years left before she graduates. Though she plans to work with kids, she does a good job bartending too. That natural people-person personality comes in handy in a small town like this. I sit and finish my beer, hoping Rowan returns soon. I order another drink and bide my time, but I still don’t see her. Soon, it’s closing time, and Kenzie locks the front door, then proceeds to clean. Considering I’m kinda part of the family, she doesn’t force me to leave but rather lets me sit there even though I’m stalling.

  “Hey, is Rowan still here?” I ask as she grabs her purse from under the counter.

  “Yeah, she’s in the office. You can go back there if you want. I won’t tell anyone.” Kenzie shoots me a wink. I walk her to the door, let her out, then relock the entrance.

  When I go to the back, I see Rowan sitting in the office with her head down on the desk.

  “Rowan?” I ask softly.

  “Yeah?” She turns around, and I can tell she’s been crying by how puffy her eyes are. It hurts my heart to see her like this.

  “You okay?”

  She nods and forces a smile, wiping her cheeks. “I’ll be fine.”

  Shaking my head, I walk toward her, and she stands.

  “Thanks for sticking up for me. I appreciate it.”

  “I’d punch him for you any day of the week,” I tell her with a grin.

  A chuckle escapes her. “You’d protect any woman who was being called names like that. He’s such a dick.”

  I shrug. “Not sure what you saw in him, honestly.”

  “Me either.” Rowan glances at me before moving past me. “I need to close out the drawers.”

  I follow her, going behind the bar as she takes out the money. “So…” I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. “I didn’t realize you were the batshit crazy ex-girlfriend type who seeks revenge on luxury cars.”

  She eyes me. “It was a moment of weakness.”

  “Didn’t look too weak to me with the way you were swinging that tire iron. I guess all those years of playing softball in high school did you some good.”

  Rowan grins, then scoffs, trying to blow me off, but I’m standing way too close to her to be ignored. I can tell she doesn’t want to talk about this, but something in the way she looks at me says more than her words ever could. That familiar spark I saw when I kissed her the first time returns and dances behind her eyes.

  As she sucks in a ragged breath and her lips part, I have the urge to kiss her again. We’re too close, and I can smell the sweetness of her skin and the flowery scent of her shampoo. Loose strands of her dark hair fall from her ponytail, and I reach over and tuck them behind her ear. Her chest rises and falls when I place my thumb under her chin, hoping she gives me permission to move in.

  The world around us seems to fade away as I lean closer. My heart is galloping in my chest as Rowan’s eyes flutter closed. I lick my lips, and then as if someone turned on the lights, she moves away from me and denies our kiss. Shattered is the only way I can describe how I feel, but it also gives me hope. We were so close, but I understand her hesitancy.

  She just went through a major breakup, one that had her beating the shit out of his car, so it might seem too soon. Having her almost give in to me, though, is all the encouragement I need to know that not all hope is lost between us. That fire is still burning bright, and I’ll do whatever I need to help it blaze.

  “You should open your gift,” I say, swallowing hard around a large lump in my throat.

  “Okay.” She nods.

  I gain my courage after being rejected and follow her back to the office. She rips off the paper on the small box and looks at me with happiness as she holds a mood ring between her fingers.

  “Where did you find this?” she asks, grinning.

  I lean against the doorframe, soaking in her beautiful features. “You lost it when we were younger.”

  “Yeah, I remember. Me, you, Riley, and Elle were playing tag, and it fell off,” she reminds me.

  I nod. “I spent an entire we
ek looking for it out in the pasture.”

  “And you actually found it?” She seems shocked.

  “I refused to give up because I knew how much you loved it,” I admit.

  “Why didn’t you give it back to me then?” Rowan’s eyes meet mine as she adjusts the sizing and slips it on her finger.

  “Because you hated me, and I didn’t want you to think I was weird or something.”

  She lets out a holler of a laugh. “You’ll always be weird to me, Adam. But thank you. It really means a lot.”

  “So what color is it?” I step inside the office and look down at the ring.

  “Pink,” she says, and I watch her cheeks heat.

  “Which means what exactly?” I’m actually curious. She had all the meanings for the colors memorized when we were younger.

  Rowan shakes her head and playfully tucks her plump bottom lip inside her mouth.

  “Come on, tell me,” I urge. “I promise I won’t laugh.”

  She sighs, inhaling a deep breath. “Fine. It means feeling flirty or romantic,” she tells me with a chuckle, and my eyebrows rise.

  “I think it’s spot-on,” I tease, and I’m damn happy about that.

  Chapter Six


  It’s been two weeks since Nick showed his ugly face while I was working and threatened me. I know I acted irrationally, but considering he’s stupid rich and doesn’t need the money, it grates on my nerves. He could easily afford to pay for the damage or report an insurance claim, but to appease him and save my ass from him reporting me, I’ll pay to get him out of my life for good.

  The way Diesel stepped in and protected me hasn’t left my mind either. We shared a moment and almost kissed, but I got cold feet and turned away. He’s always been that annoying brother type who picks on me and drives me crazy for shits and giggles, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed how he’s changed over the years. He’s huge—muscular and tall—dark and handsome. It’d be impossible not to notice.


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