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Catching the Cowboy

Page 11

by Kennedy Fox

  Diesel: I’ll be waiting!

  His eagerness always makes me smile. It’ll be the first time visiting his house, and I’m not quite sure what to expect. I know he’s been fixing it up since he basically got kicked out of the cabin he and Riley shared. Once Zoey came to town, and they decided to try to make things work, Diesel moved into one of the ranch hand cabins that needed a lot of work. I know he’s been remodeling it in his spare time, which I’m learning isn’t very much. Probably even less now that he’s spending it with me instead.

  Ethan’s working till close tonight and knows how to do the reports and safe, so I don’t worry about it when I decide to dip out early. Claire will arrive at eight, and since we aren’t that busy, I decide to leave a half hour early.

  I take the extra time to freshen up and change before heading to Diesel’s. Before I can leave the house, my mother walks in the door and asks where I’m going so late. I hold back any comments on how it’s barely dark outside, and that I’m twenty-three years old.

  “Maize and I are meeting up for a girls’ night. Nothing special.” I smile, hoping she believes me. I hate lying to my mom. We’re close, and she trusts me, but I can’t tell her this secret. At least not yet.

  “Oh, alright. Tell her I said hi. You two have fun.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek and a hug, and my soul dies a little at how easily the lie spilled from my lips.

  By the time Diesel picks me up, I’m in a sour mood, and I hate that I can’t be more excited to see him tonight. My eyes water, and I wipe away the tears before they can fall.

  “Looks like someone needs cheering up,” he says, guiding me through the front door. “Wanna start with a tour?”

  “Sure.” He takes my hand and shows me around, telling me how he plans to fix it up. Some of the things include: knocking out walls to open up the living room, adding a kitchen island for more storage space, replacing a window with patio doors, and then building on a huge deck.

  “Wow…that all sounds amazing. I bet it’s going to be gorgeous once you’re done.” I look around and see empty spaces with tarps and paint cans. He’s done some stuff already but has quite a bit to finish.

  “I hope so. Riley was supposed to help me, but now that he’s on permanent Dad duty, I may have Grayson and Wyatt help too. Maybe Ethan.”

  I snort at the mention of my cousin. “Ethan barely wants to get his hands dirty as it is, so good luck.” His parents are both doctors so he was never forced to do chores until my other uncles got a hold of him and basically threw him in the dirt. So now he’s going to school for agricultural science and has one year left, but since he’s home for the summer, he helps at the bar or anywhere he’s needed on the ranch. Once he graduates, he’ll work on the ranch full-time and plans to help find ways to expand.

  “Maybe I’ll bribe him with a few beers to help.” He grins. “Maybe I can bribe you?”

  “That wouldn’t look suspicious at all,” I mock.

  “We’ll say you owed me.”

  My jaw drops. “Owe you for what?”

  “For kicking your ex’s ass,” he states proudly.

  “Mm-hmm, right. Not sure what I can do anyway, besides paint maybe.”

  “Perfect. Sounds like a date.”

  “You really are relentless, aren’t you?”

  “All part of my charm.”

  When I smile, he lifts my chin and softly presses his lips to mine. “There’s that gorgeous smile I love so much. My plan worked after all.”

  Nick is officially off my mind, and all I can think about is Diesel.

  “Guess it did.” I fist my hands in his shirt and bring his mouth back to mine, and soon we’re making out like a couple of teenagers who have a curfew.

  Diesel leads me to the couch and sets me on his lap without even breaking the kiss. His fingers thread in my hair, cupping the back of my head and pulling it back slightly so his tongue can slide in deeper. Hot electricity sparks between us, and it takes all the energy I have to pull away.

  “If you don’t stop doing that, we’re going to violate our ‘going slow’ rule,” I tell him.

  He squints one eye and tilts the corner of his lips. “Pretty sure that was just your rule.”

  I playfully smack him and get off his lap, then sit down next to him. “I had to lie to my mother tonight, and it sucked.”

  He reaches over and grabs my hand. “We don’t have to, you know? I can take care of whatever backlash Riley gives me. Or hell, your father. They’ll probably both want their turn to knock me on my ass individually, but it’d be one hundred percent worth it.”

  Groaning, I throw my head back on the couch. “Don’t say that. I’d just like to explore this without everyone’s comments. I recently got out of a relationship, and I’m sure my mom and cousins will have something to say about it.”

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “I’m worried they’ll put doubt in my head about dating someone so soon, being with you, or that we’re moving too fast.”

  “Okay…” He nods, then brings our hands up to his lips and sweetly kisses my knuckles. “Then we’ll keep it our secret for now. I’m sure it’s not the worst thing you’ve lied to your mother about.” He flashes a devilish grin, knowing damn well he’s right.

  “Well, no. But that’s besides the point. I don’t like violating the trust between us.”

  “I’m sure once it’s out there, she’ll understand why you did.”

  I inhale slowly and sigh. “I hope so.”

  “Until then, we’ll secretly make out in the back of my truck.”

  I laugh at how smooth he tries to be, but I don’t exactly hate the idea either.

  “So I know I wanted to take your mind off your ex, but can you tell me what happened between you two? How long did you date? How’d you meet?”

  “You really wanna know that stuff?”

  “Only if you feel comfortable telling me, but I want to know everything about you. The good, the bad, and even the ugly.”

  “And Nick is definitely the ugly part.”

  He chuckles, brushing his hand over his scruffy chin. I love that he leaves it just long enough for me to scratch my nails through it.

  “We met at a college party and were actually friends for a few months before he asked me out. We dated for a total of fourteen months. It was after I hung out with Trace a few times.”

  Diesel audibly groans, and I smirk at how jealous he gets.

  “Do you still talk to him?” he asks.

  “Just as friends,” I reassure him. “That’s all we ever were, so don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

  “He sure as fuck didn’t look at you like y’all were only friends.”

  “You met him one time,” I remind him, smirking. “Calm your tits.”

  “As long as when our secret is out, he knows it too.”

  “It’s a small town. Everyone will know within twenty minutes.”

  He grunts, squeezing my hand tighter. “Good.”

  “Anyway…” I grin. “When I found out Nick had cheated on me, he apologized and begged me to give him another chance. He promised over and over he’d never do it again and tried to win me back. I told him there was no chance in hell because he’d broken our trust, and I couldn’t forgive a man who did that to me. Being honest and having open communication are two of the most important things to me, and he violated them both.”

  “Well, I’m truly sorry he did that, but I’m also thankful as fuck because it brought you to me.”

  Diesel and I talk for hours. Even though we seem to know a lot about the other, we share more intimate and personal things. We laugh and tease each other, and before the night is over, I feel closer than ever to him.

  It’s just what I needed after the shitty way my day started.

  Chapter Nine


  Ever since that night a week ago when Rowan came over almost in tears, we’ve grown closer both physically and emotionally. We’re still taking things slow and sne
aking around, but after years of pining for her, it feels amazing to have my feelings for her reciprocated. Though I’m not getting much sleep, every second I spend with her is well worth the three hours I do get.

  “You wake up gettin’ your dick sucked or something?” Riley taunts as we walk out of the shop.

  “That or he’s gettin’ it regularly,” Grayson adds.

  “How about y’all mind ya damn business,” I say smugly, flashing my teeth.

  “Shoulda seen him in Vegas,” Riley tells Grayson. “Could barely handle himself around all the blondes.”

  “Look who’s talkin’? You married one of them.”

  He points at me, smirking. “True, but she wasn’t blond.”

  Riley’s back to working full-time, which means he’s returned to giving me shit as much as possible. Baby Zach was born over a month ago, and even though he was a little early, he’s doing great.

  “Probably some town skank,” Grayson adds.

  “Don’t worry, I was thinkin’ about your sister the whole time,” I spit out and immediately move out of Riley’s punching range. Rowan made a good point the other day that it’ll raise red flags if my normal teasing about her disappears. She insists that we need to keep arguing around people.

  “Dude, I swear to God,” Riley growls, running after me as I rush toward the B&B and fly up the steps. He knows once we’re inside, he can’t try to kick my ass around the guests. As soon as I whip open the door and go in, he pushes my back and has me nearly flying into John. And he doesn’t look happy.

  “Guys.” He steadies me, then steps back. “Behave or leave.”

  “Sorry.” I swallow hard and hold back my smile. “I tripped.”

  John snaps his eyes to Riley who’s giving him his best innocent look while Grayson covers his mouth with his hand, trying not to laugh.

  “Hurry and eat so you can get out,” John tells us before walking away.

  The three of us make our way to the breakfast buffet and fill our plates full before taking a seat at one of the tables. We’re chatting about what we need to do the rest of the day when Maize, Kenzie, Elle, and Rowan all walk out of the kitchen.


  “Oh, if it isn’t the morning freeloader crew,” Maize says smugly as she holds a plate of fresh muffins.

  “Got a blueberry one?” Grayson asks, ignoring her snide comment.

  “Not for you, asshole,” Kenzie replies before Maize can.

  Riley and I burst out laughing as Grayson narrows his eyes at her. “Pretty sure I didn’t ask you.”

  “Okay, children. There are guests around.” Maize grabs one of the muffins from the tray and hands it to Grayson. “Can I personally serve anyone else?” She flashes a condescending grin, unamused with us being here.

  “Well, if you’re offering—” I grin, knowing it’ll piss off Riley or Maize.

  “Not that kind of serving,” Rowan interrupts, flashing me a glare that could kill. I know she’s not really mad, but she’s damn good at putting on an act.

  “Shit.” Riley shakes his head, stabbing his fork into his eggs. “How you two manage to always piss off all the Bishop chicks is beyond me.”

  “I’m pretty sure Diesel’s been doing it since I was born.” Rowan rolls her eyes, then stalks away.

  “I think she likes you,” Grayson mocks, and I kick him under the table.

  “Don’t worry, Diesel. I don’t hate you,” Kenzie says with a cheeky grin, then adds, “as much as Rowan.”

  “No, you just act like a spoiled brat,” Grayson mutters.

  Before Grayson can react, Kenzie grabs the muffin from his hand and smashes it against the table, digging her palm into it. The thing is nothing but a pile of crumbs.

  Riley and I are nearly doubled over at Grayson’s shell-shocked expression.

  “What the hell?” He scowls at her.

  “Enjoy your breakfast, boys,” she says sweetly before walking away.

  “You better clean that up,” Maize tells him before leaving.

  Grayson grunts, wiping up the mushy mess.

  “You two need to just fuck it out, for Christ’s sake,” I tell him. Their rivalry started months ago, and no one really knows the reason. “Why does she hate you anyway?”

  “Good fuckin’ question.”

  “Probably calling her a brat doesn’t help your case,” Riley taunts.

  “Well, am I wrong? Look at what she just did!” He holds out his hands, motioning to the table.

  Laughing, I shake my head and continue eating. I’m almost certain there’s gonna come a time when they finally bang it out. It makes me think about Rowan and how far we’ve come in such a short amount of time. It gives me hope that someday we’ll be able to tell everyone, and they’ll support us being together.

  Once the three of us are done eating, Grayson and I go off to work in the cattle barn while Riley does other maintenance shit.

  “So, tell me honestly,” Grayson says when we’re knee-deep in cow shit. “You’ve been different the past week or so. What’s goin’ on?”

  Fuck my life. He chooses to ask me this now?

  “Nothing’s goin’ on,” I lie, shrugging so he doesn’t notice any of my tells. “Can’t a guy just be in a good mood?”

  He narrows his eyes as if he’s trying to read my mind. “I don’t know. Something is up with you, and I’m gonna figure it out.”

  Laughing, I keep my eyes down and continue shoveling to avoid his hard gaze. “Why don’t you worry about yourself instead of me? Actually, go figure out why Kenzie hates your guts so much.”

  “Dude, she’s hated me since the second I got here, I swear. I breathed, and she decided I was the devil.”

  I snort at his remark. Kenzie wouldn’t just hate someone for no reason, but honestly, there’s no telling. She’s three years younger than me, and I didn’t talk to her a lot in high school. It wasn’t until I started working here full-time that I did.

  “I’m sure there’s a reason you haven’t thought of yet. Did you run over her dog or something? Call her ugly? Fuck her best friend?”

  He pinches his lips, shifting them side to side. “Not that I can recall.” Then he shrugs and drops the conversation.

  Thank fuck.

  After three hours, we’re finally done in the cattle barn and stop at the shop for a quick water break. I check my phone and see a message from Rowan.

  Rowan: Sorry about earlier. My cousins are all getting suspicious and keep asking me why I’m so happy lately, so I was trying to keep up appearances. I wish I could tell them, but I keep denying anything’s going on. Well, now they’re certain it’s because of Trace, because they know he’s been texting me. But even though I tell them we’re only friends, they don’t believe it.

  I groan, hating that they’re thinking she’s with that tool bag. I don’t think keeping this from everyone will get any easier.

  Diesel: Don’t worry, baby. I figured as much. In fact, the guys have been on my ass about what’s going on with me all day. Guess it’s been a little obvious how happy you make me ;)

  Rowan: Did you just call me baby?

  Diesel: Yes?

  Rowan: That’s kinda…sexy. I like it.

  Diesel: Is that so? I’ll make sure to whisper it in your ear later.

  Rowan: Did we have plans for…later?

  Diesel: Damn right. I’ll come in tonight around 10. That okay?

  Rowan: That’s perfect. Ethan’s shift ends at 9:30, and Kenzie’s off. Claire works with me, and she won’t know any better.

  It’s a weekday, so it’ll be slow after ten anyway, which means I might actually get to sneak her into the office and kiss her for more than five seconds. Claire isn’t from around here and doesn’t know our history, so it’s a little easier to talk when we don’t have to worry about prying ears.

  Diesel: It’s a date, baby.

  “We’re supposed to get some heavy rain and wind tonight,” Riley says as he walks into the shop with Ethan. “I need all hands on
deck to bring in the horses.”

  “Don’t you work at the bar tonight?” I ask Ethan, curious as to why he’s here.

  “Yeah.” He tilts his head. “How do you know my work schedule?”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. That slipped out way too easily.

  I shrug, trying to act indifferent. “Just a guess. You work most weeknights, don’t you?”

  Ethan blinks, then nods. “Yeah, I gotta head in soon but thought I’d help before I go.”

  We pile into the back of Alex’s truck, and when I look up, I notice how dark one side of the sky is already. We can always use the rain, especially in the middle of summer, but it sucks when we have to rush around the ranch and do things around the weather’s schedule.

  An hour later, I’m drenched with sweat and cussing out Riley for making me tag along. They could’ve handled it, but he has learned I won’t say no and enjoys making me do extra shit.

  “Quit scowlin’,” he blurts out when we ride back to the shop. “Doesn’t look good on your ugly mug.”

  Ethan and Grayson laugh at my expense, and he’s damn lucky I hold back on pushing him out of the cab.

  “Pretty cocky there, Bishop,” I taunt. “You’ve gone soft since you became a dad, so I wouldn’t poke the bear that’s already bigger than you.”

  Riley laughs, kicking his foot out toward me. “I don’t know. Those dark bags under your eyes imply you ain’t gettin’ much sleep, so I think we’re pretty equal in that department.”

  “The difference is, my lack of sleep isn’t due to changing dirty diapers and spit up.” I flash a cocky grin.

  “So it is a chick keeping you up,” Grayson adds with satisfaction. “I fuckin’ knew it!”

  “Yeah right,” Riley drawls. “He’s drinking alone and jerking off to fetish porn.”

  Ethan chokes out a laugh. “Huh. What’s your fetish?”


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