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Catching the Cowboy

Page 21

by Kennedy Fox

  Her face drops. “Oh no. I’m so sorry,” she says to me, then looks at everyone. “Whatever you think happened between Diesel and me this morning didn’t and was one hundred percent my fault,” she explains. “I made a move, but he stopped me, then admitted he was dating someone. It’s all a really big misunderstanding, honestly. There’s nothing between us,” she says, and I’m so damn thankful she’s here because they wouldn’t have believed me, thanks to my past. Riley’s still tense and so is John. Maize’s eyes soften, though.

  Silence cuts through the room as my heart erratically beats. I never thought Rowan’s and my relationship would be announced like this, especially since she’s not even here, but I’m glad the news is out there finally. Assuming she’ll give us another chance, I’ll fight to prove how much she means to me.

  “Is that the truth?” Riley asks me.

  “I swear. I would never do anything to hurt Rowan, man. I’m in love with her and have been for years. She’s the only woman I’ve ever felt that way for. I love her,” I confess, then wait for Riley to say something. But the only sound heard is a loud gasp behind us.

  We turn around, and that’s when I see Rowan standing at the top of the staircase, looking as beautiful as ever with her hair down and pushed to the side. Her eyes are bloodshot, like she’s been crying. I fucking hate knowing I upset her. She stares at us, and I know she heard what I said by the shocked expression on her face. I’m not sure if it’s because of what I just said or the fact Riley knows about us now. Either way, I’m in love with her, and I want the whole goddamn world to know.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Maize refused to let me go home to an empty house for the rest of the morning, though I had every intention of doing so. She threatened to come over, but she had work to do. So instead, she suggested I hang out at the B&B and even bribed me with my own personal breakfast full of strawberry pancakes, bacon, eggs, and homemade hashbrowns.

  One thing’s for certain—if Maize Bishop ever volunteers to cook something special for you, you do not deny her. It’ll be one of the best meals of your life. She should open her own restaurant but enjoys working for the family too much. Maize acts modest, but she one hundred percent knows she could win contests with her food, and people drive over an hour away to eat it.

  When I arrive, she’s wearing an apron with her name embroidered across the chest. Her dark hair’s in a high bun, and though she’s smiling, there’s also a sad look in her eyes. She pulls a tall barstool up to the prep table and pats it for me to sit as she prepares my breakfast. She listens to me spill my truths as she shreds a potato, mushes fresh strawberries into the batter, and warms the skillet. It doesn’t take long before I have a beautiful picture-worthy plate of yummy food to eat. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until she put it in front of me. I’m happy we’re alone, and I can speak so candidly about what’s happened over the past few months. It feels good to tell someone because I’ve kept this tucked deep inside for way too long.

  “I’m so upset, Maze. Diesel hurt me more than Nick ever could, and I think it’s because I didn’t actually love Nick. I was just infatuated with the thought of us being together, though he never treated me right. I was always too much for him to handle, and he tried to mold me into something I wasn’t—a housewife. I’ve never felt so defeated in my life. Diesel likes me for who I authentically am. I didn’t have to pretend to be anyone other than myself around him. Do you have any idea how that feels? To be yourself in front of a man because that’s what he loves about you? I actually feel sick talking about it,” I explain. She pushes my plate closer and hands me some syrup she hand mixed.

  I force a smile and take a bite. It’s comfort food at its finest.

  “I’m gonna chop off his balls and make a gumbo out of them, then I’m gonna make him eat the whole damn pot.”

  I snort. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would, and I am. He better not show his stupid face in the B&B for the rest of his life, or we’re gonna have words,” she threatens, snagging a piece of my bacon, but I can’t even be mad about it. She made way too much anyway, but that’s just how it is here. Full plates are an everyday occurrence.

  “First, he strings you along and gets you to have sex with him. Then his baby mama just shows up with his kid in tow, and he screws her too? This is such bullshit. I’m livid right now.” She grabs a butter knife and holds it in her fist. I take it from her hand and set it down on the table.

  “Has anyone ever told you how scary you are?” I giggle-snort, and I’m so happy to be spending time with her. She’s right, going home would’ve done me no good. I would’ve just sulked and felt like total shit the rest of the day. Maize makes me feel a little better about the whole situation.

  She shrugs. “A few times. Just don’t mess with my feelings, food, or my family, and everything will be just fine.”

  “Noted, but you not wanting us to eat the food at the B&B really isn’t fair. You know it’s addicting, but then you don’t want us to eat it. Pretty mean if you ask me,” I say, stuffing my mouth full.

  “Says the person who got their own personal breakfast buffet this morning.” She snickers.

  “Also, you make it sound like Diesel made me sleep with him. It takes two to tango, and trust me when I say I’ll be thinking about the times I had with him for the rest of my life—even if I hate him. No man has ever…” I whisper, keeping my voice low. “Pleasured me the way he did.”

  She blushes. “It was that good?”

  “Better than good. Mind-blowing. So I can see why Chelsea came back.” I frown, swallowing down my food. “I really thought what we had was more than that. I believed we had something special. Maybe I was nothing more than a forbidden fuck,” I tell her.

  “You’re much more than that, Rowan. I honestly can’t believe any of this because of the way he’s always acted when it comes to you. Something isn’t right, but if you saw them together, I will believe you any day of the week.”

  “I know. It doesn’t add up, especially when he was dead set on announcing to everyone we’re together just a few days ago. Maybe it’s my fault? Maybe I pushed him away?”

  Maize shakes her head. “No, he’s just a man slut. That’s all.”

  I yawn and realize I’m still tired from last night, plus I’m emotionally drained from what I witnessed today. I need a nap.

  “Why don’t you go upstairs and rest? Our favorite room has no guests in it right now,” she suggests.

  “The purple room?” I laugh.

  “Mm-hmm. Bed’s made and waitin’ for ya. I’m gonna have to start preparing lunch soon.”

  “Whatcha making?” I ask as I finish picking at my plate until it’s nearly empty, but I literally can’t take another bite, or she’ll have to roll me up the stairs.

  “Grandma’s Southern chicken salad sandwiches.”

  My eyes go wide. “With homemade sourdough bread?”

  “Yep.” She nods and laughs. “I’ll make extra for you.”

  “You love me so much,” I tell her, standing.

  We exchange a hug. “I do, and it’s not just because we’re gonna become nuns together.”

  I roll my eyes, thank her for listening to me, then head upstairs. When we were kids, we’d get lost playing in the B&B. It holds so much history and happy memories. We’d use to take our Barbies in here and pretend it was our house. It’s almost fitting that it’s the only room available at the moment.

  I walk inside and lie on the tall four-poster bed. My heart hurts, and I’m not sure anything could heal it at this point. After rolling over onto my side and staring out at the blue sky for nearly an hour, tears well and then fall in streams. I really thought we had a future together, but I was so wrong. My eyes feel heavy from crying, and somehow, I eventually fall asleep. When I wake up, I smell the bread Maize’s baking, and though I’m still full from earlier, I could eat her cooking again.

  I step into the hallway and immediately hear commot
ion at the bottom of the stairs. My pulse races when I see Riley reach back and sock Diesel right in the jaw. Surprisingly, Diesel doesn’t try to retaliate against him. Though if I were willing to bet, I think he could take Riley. He’s nearly double his size, but then again, Riley does have some strength behind him.

  Before I can break it up, Chelsea walks in and admits what happened this morning. She made a move on him, and he denied her. I must’ve walked away before that happened, too upset to continue spying.

  “Is that the truth?” Riley asks.

  “I swear. I would never do anything to hurt Rowan, man. I’m in love with her and have been for years. She’s the only woman I’ve ever felt that way for. I love her,” Diesel admits.

  All I can do is gasp, then cover my mouth. They turn and look at me before I can disappear. My timing is terrible today. My words and thoughts, everything has completely escaped me.

  “Rowan?” Diesel says, walking toward me and searching my face. He feels the same way I feel about him, and I’m so fucking happy that I could cry again.

  He stalks toward me, climbing the stairs two at a time until he’s a step below me. “Hey.” He grabs my hand. “I’m so sorry you saw that. It’s not what—”

  “Did you mean it?” I whisper, interrupting.

  That boyish grin that I love so much sweeps across his perfect lips. “I’ve been in love with you for quite some time now, baby.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, and our lips crash together. At this moment, I want to devour him as we lose ourselves in each other’s touch, taste, and kiss. The only thing that stops us from a full-blown make-out session is a deep clearing of a throat. I pull away to see my uncle John standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, but he’s smiling.

  “Do you mind? Some of us are about to lose our stomachs here,” he says from across the room, and I see everyone staring at us.

  I laugh as happy tears spill from my eyes. Diesel wipes them away with his thumbs and holds my cheeks with his warm hands. “I love you so much, Rowan Bishop.”

  “I love you too,” I confess, and I feel those words in every fiber of my being. Finally, our relationship is out in the open. It’s not how I expected any of this to happen, but it feels like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. No more hiding and no more sneaking. Now we can just be together and openly love each other. It doesn’t mean I won’t get shit from my family—nothing would allow me to escape that—but it’s okay. I just hope Grandma doesn’t start talking about me giving her a handful of great-grandkids anytime soon. I don’t want to rush this and want to savor every second with him.

  Diesel laughs, grabs my hand, then leads me down the stairs. Riley scowls, and I lift my eyebrows at him, daring him to say a word. The boys in school weren’t scared of me for no reason. I pack a punch hard enough to knock a man down.

  Chelsea walks up to me with Dawson in her arms, and I can see the embarrassment written all over her face. Diesel takes Dawson from her arms for just a moment so the two of us can have some alone time.

  “Rowan…I owe you an apology,” she says.

  I give her a smile. “Really, don’t worry about it. You didn’t know.”

  “I know, but I just don’t want you to think I was trying to steal him. I would’ve never crossed that line if I’d known. Neither of us talked about our relationship status, but I also didn’t ask. If I could take it all back, I would.”

  I try to imagine being a single mom for the past two and a half years without a partner. She went through the delivery and raised a newborn all on her own. This woman is strong as hell, and I have so much respect for her, and even more now because she can admit her mistakes. “Listen. I’m not upset with you, Chelsea. Not at all. I should’ve asked Diesel what was going on. I shouldn’t have just assumed.”

  “I know what it looked like and what you saw, and that’s not your fault,” she insists.

  I search her face and notice how sincere her words are. “Diesel really loves his son, and I really love him, so that means we’re gonna be in each other’s lives for a long time. Maybe it started off on the wrong foot, but that’s okay. We understand each other more and the whole situation. It seems just like a big misunderstanding.” I laugh. “And I have really bad timing.”

  She grins. “I’d like that…being friends, at least. I know this probably hasn’t been easy for you. Diesel told me your relationship was new, and no one really knew about it, and then I roll up here with a kid. Trust me when I say it wasn’t my idea, but it’s for the best for Dawson.”

  “I agree one hundred percent. They both deserve the opportunity to form a relationship, and I have so much respect for you for allowing that.”

  I can see she’s getting emotional, and we both laugh as I pull her in for a hug. “Hormones are such a bitch,” I say.

  Diesel walks up, breaking up the moment because Dawson starts getting fussy. She turns and takes him from Diesel. “Told you he needed a nap or he’d be cranky.”

  “Mama knows best,” Diesel says. “If you wanna wait in the truck, I can bring you home in just a few minutes.”

  Chelsea nods. “Actually, would you mind if I grabbed some lunch? It smells delicious.”

  Diesel chuckles. “Help yourself. Might have a wheelbarrow in the back after you’re done because Maize’s cookin’ is the best in the area.”

  Chelsea laughs and walks to the dining area as Riley moves toward us.

  “This is really gonna be a thing? You two all lovey-dovey, smoochin’ in front of everyone, and causin’ a show?”

  “Riley,” I warn. “Mind your own damn business. You don’t get to tell me what to do, who to date, or any of those things. And if you do have a problem with it…” I take a step forward, ready to knock him down, but he takes a step back.

  “Hey…” He lifts his hands. “I know I can’t control you. I just don’t want you gettin’ hurt, Rowan. I’ve only wanted the best for you, my only little sister, even if it means you choosing this dickhead.”

  “I’m your best friend in the entire world!” Diesel argues. “Don’t you trust me?” He places a hand to his chest, pretending to be insulted.

  Riley gives him a pointed look and tilts his head.

  “If anyone’s gonna treat your sister right…” Diesel thrusts his hips, and Riley groans, grinding his teeth. I can’t help but laugh because through all of this, the man still has jokes.

  “If you hurt her, I won’t think twice about punching you again,” Riley warns.

  “And when he’s done with you, I’ll chop off your dick,” Maize adds, walking up to us.

  I glance at Diesel, and he winks at me, and I know this is what true happiness feels like. Maize tells Riley to stop causing a scene and pulls him away. I wrap my arms around Diesel’s neck, finally getting a tad bit of privacy.

  “It’s gonna take him some time to get used to this, Cowboy,” I say. His strong hands rest on my hips, and he pulls me even closer to him. “I’m sorry for assuming the worst. I should’ve known better, but my emotions had me thinking back on my past when I caught Nick cheating.”

  “No, I get it. This is new for all of us, and I probably would’ve thought the same thing had I seen another man’s hands on you. Except I would’ve barged in and flattened him out.”

  I chuckle, knowing he definitely would have. I nearly get lost in his eyes before mine flutter closed, and I’m ready to taste him. Before our lips can touch, the door slams, and I pull away. My eyes go wide, and I can’t believe who’s standing in the living room of the B&B.

  Trace, and my ex, Nick.

  My mouth falls open, and the only thought that runs through my mind is what the actual fuck?

  Chapter Nineteen


  I see red the minute my eyes land on the two guys standing in front of me.

  Rowan’s tool bag ex-boyfriend and Trace.

  Why the fuck are they here?

  Better yet, why are they here together?

Rowan pulls away and steps toward them before they can come any farther into the B&B. “What’s going on?”

  “You know why I’m here—” Nick stands taller. The cocky son of a bitch is about to meet my fist, more personally this time.

  “I just came to check on you,” Trace interrupts. “You seemed upset this morning and stopped responding to my messages.”

  My jaw clenches. I glance at Rowan who’s fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

  “You texted him?” I ask.

  “I was upset…it was after I saw you and Chelsea and wanted someone to talk to.”

  “I thought you talked with Maize?”

  She turns toward me, her eyes wandering before they land on mine. “I did, but I needed a guy’s perspective too. I was only reaching out for a friend…” she reassures, but it doesn’t make me any less annoyed.

  Rowan faces Trace, who looks confused as hell. “I’m so sorry, Trace. I didn’t mean to leave you hanging or have you worry about me. I really appreciate that you care, but it was all a misunderstanding and things are fine now.”

  “That’s good to hear,” he says. “Sorry I just showed up unannounced.”

  “Nah, man, it’s fine,” I chime in, wrapping my arm around her waist so both of them know she’s mine. “I appreciate you coming to check on her.”

  “Of course.”

  “Lovely…” Nick interjects. “If this cheesy Hallmark moment is over, can we get back to the money you owe me?”

  I swallow hard, trying like hell to contain myself in a room filled with Bishops and guests.

  Snapping my eyes to Trace, I smile. “Why don’t you go into the dining area and help yourself? My son’s mother is in there and a few of Rowan’s family members.”

  “Alright, sure. Thanks.” Trace walks around me, and then I turn to Rowan. “I’m going to take Nick outside for a little chat.”

  Her eyes widen in fear, but I flash her a wink. Then I stalk toward Nick and nod toward the back door. He follows, and once we’re off the porch, I turn around and cross my arms. Nick matches my stance, and his smug frat boy look has me wanting to punch him in the face.


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