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Catching the Cowboy

Page 23

by Kennedy Fox

  “I bet you have some insane stories about traveling to rodeos and competing, huh?” Riley asks.

  “Or how much ass you got?” I taunt.

  The corner of Gavin’s lips tilts up as if he could tell us crazy shit for days. “You could say that.” He strokes his fingers over his scruffy jawline, smirking. “On both accounts.”

  “Maybe over a round of beers,” I suggest. “My girlfriend works at the Circle B Saloon in town and will hook us up. We could meet up after work.”

  Riley groans at the mention of me calling his sister my girlfriend, but I hid it for too long to keep on for his sake. I’m gonna tell everyone and anyone I want now.

  “Uh, sure. I’ve been there a couple of times.” He pinches the back of his neck. “How about nine?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Alright, now that our team meeting is over…” Alex snickers. “I’m gonna give Gavin a tour of the property and get him settled in with Jackson and Kiera.”

  “Your cousins are gonna lose their shit over him…” I say once Alex and Gavin leave.

  “Great, another guy I have to threaten to stay away from my family.”

  I pat him on his shoulder. “Good luck, bro. You’ll be fighting them off him.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Diesel: I’m meeting your brother and a new worker at the bar at 9 tonight.

  Rowan: Does this mean Riley doesn’t want to kill you anymore?

  Diesel: Told you he’d get over it…I’m very convincing ;)

  Rowan: Yeah, I’m sure…

  Diesel: Can’t wait to see you. Wear those cowboy boots I like. And pigtails.

  Rowan: With the jean skirt?

  Diesel: HELL YES!

  Rowan: You know every guy will see me wearing it in the bar, not just you…

  Diesel: I’ve been scaring men away from you since we were in middle school. I’m a pro at this.

  Rowan: Oh my God, you’re so possessive.

  Diesel: Damn right. And it worked :)

  Rowan: …ten years later.

  Diesel: Love’s a marathon, not a sprint.

  Rowan: Ha! Says the guy who was talking about marriage and babies last night.

  Diesel: Shh…don’t say that in front of your brother. He really will kill me.

  Rowan: It’ll be our little secret.

  My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Ever since leaving his house this morning, I just can’t stop. I’m so happy I don’t have to hide my feelings anymore. Especially when my cousins are making faces at me.

  “Bite me,” I say at their expressions.

  Kenzie and I met at the B&B to hang out with Maize while she cooks. I don’t work till later, so hanging out with them means we can officially catch up since Kenzie decided to come home from the weekend, considering her university is only a few hours away.

  “So how’s the sex?” Kenzie blurts out.

  “Kenzie!” Maize scolds.

  “What?” She takes a bite of her omelet. “You were thinking it too. I just care enough to ask.”

  “When it’s with the right person…” I let out a dreamy sigh. “It’s perfect.”

  Maize makes a gagging noise, and we all laugh.

  “Don’t be a love hater. Someday, Maze…you’re gonna find the one.”

  She rolls her eyes as she beats her fist into a ball of bread dough.

  “Speaking of which, Diesel and Riley are coming to the bar tonight with the new guy who just got hired. You should come. Kenzie and I are working.”

  “Hells yes, you should!” Kenzie’s face lights up. “Stay until after my shift so I can use my newfound drinking freedom to do it legally.” She turned twenty-one a month ago and has been using any opportunity to remind us all.

  “I’m busy tonight,” Maize says.

  “Doing what?” I ask doubtfully. “Bingeing Love is Blind and shoving dark chocolate into your mouth doesn’t qualify as busy.”

  Maize glares at me, knowing I’m right.

  “But you gotta admit, it’s a train wreck you can’t look away from…” Kenzie says about Netflix’s new reality show. “Cameron’s my favorite. I’d marry him in a heartbeat.”

  “See?” Maize holds a hand out toward Kenzie. “I need to catch up.” I’ve always admired Maize and Mackenzie’s sisterly relationship. Though I’m close with both of them, I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have a sister.

  “You can do it tomorrow. Tonight, you’re coming to the bar! No arguing!”

  “Damn, I thought getting laid would make you nicer,” Maize mutters with a smirk.

  “Maybe you’re the one who needs to get laid, meanie,” I retort.

  “I definitely need to get laid,” Kenzie adds, and the three of us burst out laughing.

  “What’s all the noise I’m hearing in here?” Uncle John enters the kitchen, and I hope he didn’t just hear his daughters talking about needing to get some.

  “None of your business,” Maize smarts off. “Girl talk. No boys allowed.”

  “Pretty sassy for someone who still lives under my roof,” he teases.

  “Kenzie and I are gonna get an apartment in the city,” she says casually, knowing damn well her father will blow a gasket at the idea.

  “Not a chance in hell,” he states firmly. “Nice try, though.” Uncle John reaches over and steals one of the apple turnovers that Kat delivered this morning.

  “Dad…” Maize begins. “I’m almost twenty-five and live at home. Do you know how pathetic I sound? I need my own place.”

  “You can move out when you get married.”

  Maize snorts loudly. “And did you and Mom wait till marriage to move in with each other?”

  We all know the answer to that one. No.

  “Do as I say…”

  “Not as I do,” Kenzie finishes for him.

  “That’s right.” He kisses Kenzie on the head. “Your mom isn’t ready to be an empty nester yet, and frankly, I think she’ll go crazy without you two there, so until you’re in a serious relationship, no talk of moving out.”

  “My parents are halfway there. I wonder if they’ll get all sappy on me when I move out?” I question.

  “Knowing your mom and dad, they’re ready to relive their youth days and have their privacy back.” Uncle John chuckles. “They didn’t exactly take the slow and steady route.”

  “Thanks for that visual…” I groan. “Now I need to throw up my breakfast.”

  After another couple of hours of hanging out at the B&B, I head home and do some house chores with Mom. She talks my ear off about Diesel and how she just knew we’d eventually get together.

  “Adam’s so sweet,” she gushes. “Reminds me a lot of your father.”

  “Ugh, Mom. Don’t say that.” I shiver, trying to push the comparison out of my head. “That’s really the last thing you wanna hear about your boyfriend.”


  It’s still weird to call Diesel that. But also amazing.

  “I just meant how attentive and loyal he is. Your dad was ready to fight anyone who came near me or threatened our relationship. As soon as I moved here, he jumped in with two feet, eager to make us work no matter what. I was expecting the worst when I told him I was pregnant, but he fell to his knees and almost cried. He was so happy.”

  “Do you ever think back and wish you’d gone a little slower? Like enjoyed the honeymoon phase a bit longer? Or are you glad you guys had a baby and got married right away?” I ask as we fold a basket of towels.

  “I’ve thought a lot about that over the years, and I can honestly say it all worked out the way it was supposed to. It’s never ideal to get pregnant that soon, especially when we weren’t technically even dating, but it brought two people from different parts of the country together, and we formed an undeniable connection. I fell in love with him within a matter of weeks. He’s always been my rock.”

  I nearly swoon at the way my mom talks about my dad. Though they’re my parents and thinkin
g about them romantically is still gross no matter how old I am, I can’t deny how sweet it is when she talks about how far they’ve come.

  “Why do you ask, sweetie?” she asks.

  I shrug, not making eye contact. “You said Diesel reminds you of Dad, and it just had me thinking about these early dating years and how we should enjoy them before all the marriage and baby stuff happens.”

  “Are you pregnant?” she rushes out.

  “Ma! No!” I burst out laughing when she tilts her head, doubtfully. “I swear!”

  “Well, I can’t say I’d be mad about the idea. Even though you two have known each other for most of your lives, not rushing is smart. Get to know each other on a more personal and deeper level before you bring in more responsibility. I love your brother, but he was a helluva lotta work.”

  I chuckle. “He still is.”

  I’m ecstatic when Diesel shows up at the bar earlier than he said. He’s not with Riley or the new guy, so I get to steal a few private moments with him.

  “Hey, Cowboy,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. He’s wearing his black hat, which I love.

  “Howdy, cowgirl.” He pulls on one of my french braids. “You fulfilled my requests.” He eyes my outfit with an arrogant smirk.

  “Of course…” I squeeze him tighter. “Only because I’m hoping you’ll take it all off later.”

  “Goddammit, woman.” He brings a hand down to his groin. “Don’t talk like that here or I’m gonna have to excuse myself.”

  “You asked for it,” I remind him of his earlier text messages.

  “Listen, lovebirds…” Maize groans from one of the stools. “I agreed to come hang out, not watch you two make out.”

  “Stop being a grump.” Kenzie sets a shot glass in front of her. “Blow jobs on me!”

  “What?” Riley enters the bar at that precise moment with another guy behind him. “That’s the very last thing I ever wanna hear from my cousin.”

  “Shots, perv!” Kenzie pours the liquor and then tops it with whipped cream. “Now, Maze. Take it without using your hands.”

  “Seriously? This is dumb.”

  I stand behind the bar next to Kenzie and laugh at her sour mood. “Be glad she didn’t top it with a cherry. I nearly choked on the stem the last time she made me do one!”

  Maize furrows her brows, then sighs. “Fine.” With a groan, she leans down, wraps her mouth around the shot, then tilts her head all the way back. Once the liquid slides down her throat, she drops the glass down.

  There’s whipped cream all over her face, which has us laughing.

  “You. All. Suck.” She points at us as I hand her a napkin.

  “But it’s good, right?” Kenzie teases.

  “Uh…anyway.” Riley clears his throat, directing our attention to him. “This is Gavin. He’ll be working with Jackson training horses.”

  Kenzie’s eyes widen as her face lights up. Gavin looks like sex on a stick, so it’s no surprise she’s seconds away from jumping his bones.

  “You already met Diesel,” Riley says, waving his hand toward him. “That one behind the bar is my pain in the ass little sister, Rowan…”

  “Just call me Rowan. Hold the ‘pain in the ass’ part,” I mock.

  Gavin flashes the smallest of smiles. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Then my cousin, Kenzie, who works here sometimes. Also a pain in the ass.”

  “Excuse you?” Kenzie places her hands on her hips. “If anyone’s a ginormous ass, it’s Riley.”

  “Noted,” Gavin says.

  Riley chuckles, moving on. “This is my other cousin, Maize. She’s the cook at the B&B.”

  “Ooh, the one who makes amazing pancakes,” Gavin states. They must’ve gone there this morning when we were busy talking in the kitchen.

  Maize turns slightly to shake his hand and then quickly retreats. She blinks hard as if she’s trying to clear the fog from her eyes because she just noticed how good-looking he is. Her not knowing how to act is almost comical, but I don’t want to embarrass her so I don’t say anything.

  “So Gavin…” I say, bringing the attention to me instead of Maize’s sudden inability to speak. “Where’re you from?”

  “Houston,” he says in a thick drawl. “But I’ve traveled a lot in the past twelve years or so. I’ve been all over the state.”

  “Gavin’s a retired bull rider,” Riley explains. “Trains riders now on the side.”

  “Oh my God,” Kenzie gushes. “That is so cool. I would love to see you ride.”

  I’m five seconds away from pouring a glass of cold water over her because she’s about to internally combust.

  “Told ya…” Diesel says to Riley. I’m not sure what he’s referring to, but they both start cracking up.

  “Told him what?” I ask, stepping closer.

  Diesel leans into my ear, and whispers, “That your cousins would act like cats in heat around him.”

  I snort, shaking my head.

  Maize looks pale as hell. “You okay, Maze?”

  She blinks, then licks her lips. “Um, yeah. I’m just gonna run to the bathroom real quick.” Then she shifts her eyes and moves them to the side, motioning for me to follow her.

  After she hops off the stool and walks toward the back, I wait a few seconds before excusing myself from the conversation and then meet Maize in the single-stall bathroom.

  “Hey, what’s goin’ on?” I ask, shutting the door behind me. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “That guy…”

  “Gavin? What about him?”

  “That’s Gavin.”

  I blink. “Right, I just said that.”

  “No, I mean, yes. That’s the Gavin I slept with a few weeks ago.”

  “Wait…” I rack my brain. “The guy you bailed on the next morning?”


  I quickly cover my mouth with my hands, trying to hold back my laughter. “Oh my God, Maze!”

  “Shut up!” She smacks my arm. “This is humiliating!”

  “This is freaking awesome.” I chuckle. “Did he recognize you?”

  “I don’t know. I recognized him right away. That’s why I quickly turned away.”

  “Well, go out there and say hi!” I push her toward the door, and she digs her heels in, not budging.

  “Hell. No!” She frantically shakes her head.

  “Weren’t you just tellin’ your daddy you were almost twenty-five years old and old enough to move out?” I cock my hip and place my hand on it. “This isn’t very mature.” I snicker, knowing she’s growing more agitated by me.

  “I didn’t realize how much older than me he was. He looks older, right?”

  I nod, agreeing. “He definitely does. Probably ten years older?”

  “Oh my God.” She drops her face into her hands. “I’m leaving through the back.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Fine, then I’m staying in here.”

  “The bathroom?”

  She drops her arms. “Rowan, please! Help me.”

  I sigh. “Alright, fine. I’ll make sure the coast is clear.”

  Slowly, I open the door and peek around. I step out and see the guys laughing and chatting with Kenzie, who’s the star of the show right now.

  “Okay, you’re good,” I say. Turning to face her, I wave her on, and she rushes for the employees’ only exit.

  “Thank you!” she whispers.

  As soon as she’s gone, I quickly wash my hands, then return to the bar.

  Kenzie furrows her brows as she looks at me. “Where’s Maze?”

  “She left. Wasn’t feeling well.” I shrug.

  “What a lightweight.” Kenzie laughs. “She had one beer and a shot.”

  “She throwing up after only that?” Riley cackles.

  “Right?” Kenzie adds as I turn around and wipe down the counters. “Maybe she’s pregnant.”

  My eyes widen at the thought. She did look awfully pale tonight. Could she be?

  She said they hooked up a few weeks ago.

  I grab my phone from my pocket and text her.

  Rowan: Totally random question for no reason, but when was your last period?

  She doesn’t respond until she’s back home twenty minutes later.

  Maize: Uh…I don’t know? Why?

  Rowan: Well, any chance you could be pregnant?

  Maize: WHAT? No!

  Rowan: Are you sure? Like 100%?

  Maize: I’m on the pill, and we used a condom.

  Rowan: Did you remember to take your pill?

  Maize: I think so…I mean, sometimes I forget, but typically I do!

  Rowan: Oh my God…

  Maize: Shut up. I swear. I’m not pregnant.

  Rowan: Then take a test.

  Maize: We hooked up like three weeks ago. It’d be too soon to know anyway.

  Rowan: Maybe. I’m buying you a test, though, just to be sure.

  Maize: And when I prove to you I’m NOT, you owe me $100!

  Rowan: Ha! You better cross your fingers and toes you aren’t. Unless you want Mr. Brooding Cowboy as your baby daddy ;)

  Maize: I hate you so much.

  “What are you laughin’ about?” Diesel grabs my attention and asks. I slide my phone back into my pocket so he doesn’t see the conversation.


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