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Catching the Cowboy

Page 26

by Kennedy Fox

“I’ll miss you guys too. As soon as I figure out how to cook, we’ll have you over for dinner.”

  They both laugh and nod. I’ll have Maize help me.

  “Well, we’re burning daylight. Let’s get your stuff loaded up and outta here,” my dad says and recruits Riley to help.

  It only takes one trip to bring my essential boxes over. Since Dawson needs room for his things too, I left some of my stuff at my parents. Most of it I need to go through and toss or donate anyway. I don’t want to crowd the house with all my useless crap.

  After everything is unloaded, I say goodbye to my parents and Riley, and then it’s just Diesel and me in a house surrounded by boxes.

  “Well, this is it. No turning back now,” I tease as he wraps me up in his arms, and we fall onto the couch.

  “You wouldn’t get very far. I’d chase you.”

  I sit on his lap. “Ahh, yes. The stalker is back.”

  “Always and forever, baby.” He cups my ass. “You’re mine.”

  Smiling, I bring our lips together. “And I couldn’t be happier about it.”




  I can’t believe Rowan and I have been together for almost a year. Knowing that she took a chance on me and loves my son as much as I do is everything I could’ve ever wished for. Today’s the big Fourth of July party at the Bishop Ranch, but it’s also going to be a day to remember for everyone, especially Rowan.

  John and Jackson are busy grilling burgers and hot dogs while the other men are setting up the firework display. Alex takes me off to the side, and Riley follows suit. “You ready for this?”

  Riley looks at me, smiling. He’s finally somewhat used to me being with his sister, which is a relief.

  I glance over my shoulder and see Chelsea sitting on a blanket next to Trace. Elle and Kenzie chat with Rowan as Dawson sits on her lap. I’m so goddamn lucky.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I tell him without hesitation. Riley calls one of his friends on the phone and makes sure all of my plans are in place. “You’ve got ten minutes.”

  Alex gives me a side hug and grins. “Mama B is gonna start asking about babies.”

  A chuckle escapes me. “She already has! What are you talkin’ about?”

  “Before marriage?” Alex asks with his eyebrows raised.

  I shake my head. “She said ring first, five babies second. In that order.”

  “Of course she did.” Alex snickers before we go our separate ways.

  Five minutes later, Alex turns on the stereo and blasts it while everyone sits on blankets and picnic tables, waiting for the sun to set so we can start popping fireworks.

  “Life of the Party” by Shawn Mendes blasts through the speakers, and I walk across the pasture and mouth the words to Rowan. Her eyes widen with recognition and shock.

  “What’re you doin’?” she mouths back.

  Chelsea takes Dawson as I grab Rowan’s hand and pull her to her feet. I start dancing with her in front of everyone, re-creating the night of her winter formal when we first danced to her favorite song. I spin her around and dip her a few times until the airplane flies overhead. It’s low in the sky, and the engine’s loud, grabbing the entire town’s attention. Behind it flies a sign that reads: “Will You Marry Me, Rowan Bishop?”

  Everyone in a fifty-mile radius can read it without a doubt. She looks up, then glances back at me, her lips parted.

  “What does that say?” she asks just as I drop down on one knee.

  I’m nervous as hell, knowing all eyes are watching us, but I try to focus on the beautiful woman in front of me who I’m going to make my wife. I fidget and pull the ring box from my pocket and flip it open. Rowan’s eyes are full of tears, but the smile hasn’t left her face.

  “I knew when we were kids that you were the only woman for me. So many people have told me that when you know, you know, and I knew you were meant to be mine when we danced and shared our first kiss that night. Somehow, I’ve always known.” She covers her mouth with her hands, tears sliding down her cheeks and fingers. “Rowan, you make me the happiest man alive. You’ve taught me so much in so little time, and I can’t imagine a life without you. You love me wholeheartedly. You love and welcome my son in your life. I love you more than words can express. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.” I reach up and grab her hand. “Sweetheart, will you marry me?”

  Rowan nearly knocks me down as she wraps her arms around my neck. The ring goes flying as she kisses me in front of her whole family.

  “Rowan Bishop,” her grandma says. “You better give that man an answer and not keep him and the rest of us waitin’.”

  * * *


  Everyone surrounding us laughs at Grandma Bishop’s outburst. She has her hand on her hips, impatiently waiting.

  “Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you.” I scream out for the whole town to hear.

  I’m nearly straddling him in front of God and country, but all I want to do is kiss his soft, perfect lips. Eventually, we break apart, and he helps me back to my feet.

  “Oh, the ring,” he says, seeing the box on the ground. Neither of us cared about it and were too caught up in the moment of being together for the rest of our lives. He pulls the sparkling diamond out and slips it on my finger. I can’t help but gasp at how stunning it looks on me.

  “This is too much,” I whisper, looking down at the rock.

  “You deserve it all, baby,” he says, just loud enough for me to hear. “So let’s get you knocked up.”

  I smack him across the chest, but the truth is, I have my own secret to tell. After everyone has given us a stupid amount of hugs and congratulations, Diesel takes me off to the side, away from everyone so we can have some privacy for the first time all day.

  “Are you happy, Row?”

  I look at him, feeling the tears creeping in my eyes. “You have no idea. I…I…didn’t expect any of this. Not today. I don’t know how you managed to buy a ring and plan all of this without me knowing.”

  A sneaky grin sweeps across his lips. “You think all we do all day is work on the ranch? You’re sadly mistaken.”

  I shake my head. “You’re so bad.”

  He leans over, and I press my lips against his and melt into him. By the time we pull apart, we’re both breathless, and I’m more than ready to get out of here and consummate this proposal, but not before I say what I need to.

  “Adam,” I say seriously, looking up into his eyes.

  He tilts his head, furrowing his brows. “Yes?”

  “I don’t know how to say this without just telling you….” I hesitate.

  He searches my face and looks alarmed, so I give him a reassuring smile.

  “I’m pregnant,” I say, swallowing hard, watching him process what I just said.

  He blinks hard. “Wait, what?”

  “I found out a few days ago. I was feeling weird at the bar and picked up a handful of tests from the store after work. They were all positive.” I shrug.

  His mouth falls open before cups my face and smashes his lips against mine. “Really? We’re having a baby?”

  The excitement in his voice is so damn contagious that I can barely contain my happiness. “Yes, really. It’s happening. I mean, I didn’t expect it so soon, but Dawson is gonna have a brother or sister next year.” Though we joked about having babies and making a big family, I was on the pill, and we weren’t trying. However, it looks like the universe had other plans for us.

  Tears well in his eyes, and seeing him overjoyed with emotion has me crying too. We kiss and laugh, and he holds me as though he’s never letting me go. I know he won’t. I’m his forever.

  “You’ve truly made me the happiest man in the world,” he says. “You have no idea. I didn’t get to experience all the baby things with Dawson. I love my son more than life itself, but I missed out on a lot. I’m so damn excited right now. I just can’t even explain myself. My words seem like pig mush.”

  I giggle at his analogy. “I can wait to grow our family, babe. This is everything I ever wanted.”

  “Me too, Row. A houseful of kids who get to grow up on the ranch while I grow old with you.” Diesel leans over and nuzzles against my neck.

  Butterflies stream through me as I lean into his touch. “Same, Cowboy. Also, can we wait a while before we tell everyone our news? Keep it our little secret for old times’ sake?” Truthfully, I just want confirmation from my doctor first before we tell our parents. The moment they know, the entire town will know.

  He chuckles. “I’m good with that. You know we’re gonna get bombarded with questions and loads of baby stuff.”

  “I know.” I sigh with an enthusiastic smile. “That’s why I kinda just wanna enjoy the news with you for a while before we share it with our families.”

  “Our relationship started out a secret, so we might as well have another.” He winks with a mischievous smirk.

  I kiss him deeply, and we both smile before walking back to the group. They’re happily eating and goofing off. The ring shines and sparkles, and I can’t stop staring at it as I interlock my fingers with Diesel’s. After we grab a burger and chips, we sit on a big blanket, and I lean against his chest, waiting for the firework show to begin. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, and each year the show gets bigger and better because my uncles act like they’re trying to set a Guinness Record or something.

  Looking around, I’m so grateful to be able to raise a child on the ranch with my family close by. I know it’s exactly what Diesel wants, and it’s been my dream for as long as I can remember.

  Before the first explosion goes off, I see Maize standing off to the side with her arms crossed, looking pissed as ever. I tell Diesel I’m gonna grab something to drink and go over to her. When I move closer, I notice how tense her jaw is and narrowed her eyes are. Holding her temper is not her strong suit.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from Uncle Evan, who’s too close for this conversation.

  She lets out a huff. “No, it’s not.”

  I search her face. “What’s going on?”

  “Did you see who Gavin brought with him to the party?” she asks, more irritated than when the ranch hands steal food off the buffet table.

  “So? You haven’t given him a lick of attention since he moved here,” I tell her.

  “That is Sarah Cooke, Rowan. She was such a bitch to me in high school. Made fun of me every single chance she got. Seeing her flirt with him makes me want to break her skull in,” she says between gritted teeth.

  “Whoa there, Maze. You gotta calm your tits, or you’ll stroke out or something. Let’s get something to drink. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were envious,” I tell her with a wink, going to the lemonade and punch table. Before I can grab a cup for Maize and me, Gavin walks up. I pretend to contemplate what I want to drink as he leads Maize to the side. They’re far enough away to have some privacy, but still close enough for me to eavesdrop.

  “I’ve put the pieces together, Maize,” he says in a hushed tone.

  “What’re you talkin’ about exactly?” Maize asks, playing dumb. Even I know what he’s referring to. They had a one-night stand, she spent the last year avoiding him like an STD, and now that he’s brought another girl around, she’s jealous as hell.

  For a moment, silence draws on between them, and I can imagine Maize’s staring him down like he’s grown a third eye. I slowly put ice cubes in some cups, taking my sweet time. It’s too easy to be nosy when they’re right there.

  He chuckles, unfazed by her antics. “I’ve tamed wild horses, Maize Bishop, and I’ll tame your attitude too. I like a good challenge.”

  She scoffs. “Is that a threat or somethin’?” Maybe she doesn’t notice, but I can hear the shakiness in her voice as I pour my punch.

  “Not a threat, sweetheart. That’s a damn promise,” Gavin keeps his voice low, but the confidence oozes off his words before he walks away. Maize comes up to me completely infuriated.

  My eyes are as wide as saucers as I glance at her, and she groans before pulling a flask from her back pocket and taking a long swig. “I hate him. I hate him so much! Egotistical, bigheaded, tight blue jean wearing bastard!”

  “You forgot to say brooding and sexy as sin in there somewhere,” I say, snorting at how annoyed she is.

  “He just needs to go away. I don’t shit where I eat for a damn reason, yet here I am,” she says as Gavin walks back to Sarah with a cocky grin. Maize watches them for a minute, and I swear laser beams are going to shoot from her eyes at any moment. It has me holding back laughter.

  “Come on, ignore them,” I say and grab our drinks and meet Diesel back on the blanket. Maize follows me, bitching under her breath as she plops down next to Kenzie with her arms crossed.

  “I thought you got lost or something. What took so long?” he asks, kissing me right behind the ear, causing me to squirm.

  I giggle and turn toward him, whispering. “Oh nothing other than Maize and Gavin exchanging words. He totally confronted her.”

  His stares at me, and his mouth falls open. “No way.”

  “Yep, and she’s ready to murder him and his date,” I explain.

  He laughs. “Welp, my money’s on her. She’s scary as hell.”

  “I guess we’ll see,” I say, chuckling, then lean over and plant kisses on his mouth. “That was us at one point.”

  Diesel grins. “It was, and now look whatcha’ve gone and done.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “You roped Big D,” he gloats. “You actually caught the uncatchable cowboy.”

  I shake my head and slide my lips across his as our kiss deepens. “No, Cowboy, you’re wrong. You caught me.”

  We hope you enjoyed Diesel & Rowan’s story! There is a lot more to come in the Circle B Ranch series, featuring the Bishop’s and finding their happily ever afters. Even though this can be read as a stand-alone, some of the characters will interconnect to the next one, so we hope you’ll join us for Maize Bishop & Gavin’s story next in Wrangling the Cowboy!

  Hey readers!

  Did you enjoy Diesel & Rowan’s story? We hope so! If you did, please consider recommending it to your family & friends! We also really appreciate reviews on any retailers! Thank you for reading!

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  Catching the Cowboy Playlist

  Here are some songs from our playlist, but if you’d like to listen to the whole thing on Spotify, you can find it here!

  Life of the Party | Shawn Mendes

  Coming Home | Keith Urban, Julia Michaels

  What A Man Gotta Do | Jonas Brothers

  Like I Loved You | Brett Young

  The Good Ones | Gabby Barrett

  Intentions | Justin Bieber, Quavo

  Singles You Up | Jordan Davis

  Back to Life | Rascal Flatts

  One Number Away | Luke Combs

  Next in the Circle B Ranch Series is Maize Bishop & Gavin’s story!

  An Age Gap, Small Town Romance

  Find it here!

  A brand new series coming from Kennedy Fox


  Find it here!

  What do you do when the entire nation is on lockdown?

  If you’re an heiress to a billion-dollar fashion company, then you quarantine in a glamorous cabin and finish your final semester of NYU online. The best way to focus on her upcoming valedictorian honor is away from her family, classmates, and the paparazzi. Cameron St. James is ready to get out of the big city and head Upstate for seclusion, despite her parents’ pleas to stay home.

  What do you do when a pandemic is sweeping the world?

  If you’re barely making ends meet, then you isolate yourself in your best friend’s mountain cabin with breathta
king views and no neighbors for miles. It’s the perfect safe place away from three roommates who don’t take the life-threatening epidemic seriously. Elijah Ross is ready to work remotely and focus on his next big promotion, assuming he’ll still have a job after this.

  What happens when things don’t go as planned, and you’re stuck with the one person you dislike the most?

  You improvise and do whatever it takes to avoid each other, though it proves to be impossible. The cold evenings alone turn into movie and popcorn nights together by the fireplace. Days turn into weeks, and eventually, more than just a friendship blossoms. As the unknown haunts them, they lean on one another for comfort—until someone pops their safety bubble and threatens everything.

  The Two of Us is an enemies to lovers, brother’s best friend standalone romance set in the current affairs of history in the making. Though the character’s storyline is fiction, the virus is very real, and we’ve made sure to be sensitive on this topic.

  Click here!

  A brand new series coming from Kennedy Fox


  Find it here!

  I never planned on returning to Alabama, but circumstances brought me here after years of being gone. Though Lawton Ridge is my hometown, I was hesitant to go back because of her —my sister’s best friend. The last time we were together, she was eighteen, and I was a broken soldier transitioning to civilian life.


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