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The Bear Shifter's Baby

Page 10

by Wylder, Jasmine

  “Don’t let them die. Please save them. No matter what it takes, please save them.”

  It was unfair of her to ask the impossible of him. But she couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t do this on her own. She needed him. He kissed her forehead and she collapsed into sobs, curled into his chest. Bauman might have lost–but in the end, he could still get what he wanted.

  Chapter Sixteen

  His bear snarled and roared, wanting to tear apart the enemy that was making his mate sob like she was. But the enemy was her own body. The stress of everything that had happened, not to mention how she had been slammed around, was making her body reject their children. There was nothing he could do to stop it. She buried her face in his chest and started to sob.

  It could not end like this. Clifford lunged and snatched the cellphone Natasha had in her hand. She yelped in protest but he ignored her. Instead, he quickly dialed Dr. Foster’s number, grateful that he had made himself memorize it.

  “Dr. Foster’s office—”

  “I need to talk to the doctor right now,” Clifford interrupted the secretary. “My mate is pregnant. Lori Rowlands. She’s six months along and she’s in labor.”

  There was a brief pause, and then Dr. Foster’s calm voice came over the line. “Mr. Boone, please tell me what is happening.”

  Clifford explained as quickly as he could, then told her how far from the hospital they were. “You have to be there, we need to stop the labor. She can’t lose the babies!”

  “Mr. Boone, six months is far enough along that there is a good chance that the twins will survive even if they are born now. I will meet you at the hospital. The important thing is not to panic, okay? You need to stay calm. Lori will be looking to you, and if you panic it will put more stress on her.”

  Clifford sucked in a deep breath. He closed his eyes and nodded, fighting to get himself back under control. Lori whimpered again and his heart clenched. Dr. Foster gave him a bit more information, and then they hung up. Looking down, he met Lori’s frightened green eyes. And without even thinking, he called another number.

  “Hello?” Jasmine’s voice was sleepy. Of course. She had no way of knowing that Lori had been kidnapped at all. It had all happened so fast…

  “It’s Clifford. You and Eneko need to get to the hospital. Lori is in labor.”

  Lori’s eyes brightened a bit. “Jasmine?”

  He nodded at her. There was a flurry of noise on the other end of the line. Hearing Jasmine’s obvious panic helped him stay calm; he explained, briefly, what had happened and then told Jasmine the important thing to focus on was Lori and making sure she was fine. Lori wanted to talk to Jasmine, then, and Clifford held the phone to her ear. She clutched at his sleeve but she seemed calmer now. Whether because he had stopped panicking or because she could see that things were being taken care of.

  Jasmine and Eneko beat them all to the hospital and were waiting for them in the lobby. The hospital staff was all very calm as they started to take Lori’s vitals. Jasmine had already filled out most of the necessary paperwork, and though her eyes were a bit red, she remained calm. Natasha and Hayley were told to wait downstairs, but Jasmine, Clifford, and Eneko were all brought up to the second floor, where Lori was wheeled into a small room to wait for Dr. Foster’s arrival.

  One of the nurses tapped Clifford on the shoulder. “Sir, I’m afraid you can’t be in here like… this.”

  Clifford slipped his hand into Lori’s and she squeezed tightly. “I don’t want him to go anywhere.”

  “I understand.” The nurse’s voice was very calm and she actually smiled at Lori. “It’s just that… well, he’s naked and covered in blood. Some of this looks pretty fresh, too. You might need to be patched up a bit. Your sister can stay with you while we’re getting your mate cleaned up.”

  Clifford inhaled deeply. The nurse smelled like a non-shifter, but she seemed to understand. And he understood, too, but still shook his head. He wasn’t going to be parted from Lori.

  “I’ll make sure he’s back in time,” Jasmine said. She took Lori’s other hand and squeezed gently. “Listen, Lor, the sooner he goes the sooner he can be back, right? I’m going to stay right here with you, okay?”

  Lori’s lip trembled. “I can’t do it. Not without both of you here.”

  “Yes, you can. For one thing, we’re both going to be here. For another,” Jasmine glanced at Clifford, “we’re both going to be here for you. So. Eneko, can you please take Clifford out so that he can be cleaned up? If you don’t leave now, it might be too late.”

  Jasmine’s firm gaze booked no room for arguing. Even though Clifford’s bear huffed and snarled at him, he forced himself to let go of Lori’s hand. Eneko and the nurse led him away. Eneko talked about premature birth statistics, but Clifford didn’t listen. His mind was too full of what had happened, what was happening, and what might yet happen.

  They weren’t even at the elevator before he stumbled. Eneko had to catch him as he fell. His stomach churned and he almost lost his supper. Fortunately, he was able to keep it down. He still leaned against Eneko for support, though.

  “It’s going to be okay, Clifford.” Eneko braced him against the wall and hit the button to summon the elevator. “Jasmine is right. Lori is a strong person. And I don’t mean just physically. She’s resilient. Everything is going to be fine. You have to stay strong, too.”

  Clifford nodded. “I will be. I just need… I need a moment.”

  Eneko nodded. The elevator arrived, and Clifford pushed himself upright again. His hands trembled but he strode forward without hesitation. Whatever happened, it would be okay. Lori would be okay. And she was what was most important. As long as she made it through this, he would be able to handle whatever else life threw at them.


  After an excruciatingly long day, Mina and Kyra were born. Both were tiny, smaller than Clifford thought was possible. Both screamed when the air filled their lungs. The sound was more beautiful than anything he had ever heard before. Lori cried, too, and when Dr. Foster put the twins on her chest, she touched their noses and hands as though making sure they were both in one piece.

  Clifford wasn’t ashamed that he had shed quite a few tears himself. Jasmine cooed over the babies, and he had known everything would be fine. The twins were put into an incubator since they were so small, but the incubator was left in Lori’s private room. She fell asleep shortly after night fell. Clifford let Hayley, Natasha, and Serena come into the room and see the twins, but then sent them home so they wouldn’t wake Lori up.

  Tristen arrived at the hospital shortly after midnight. Bauman hadn’t allowed himself to be taken in alive. Most of his men were arrested, and the few that managed to escape were being rounded up. It was over. Forever. Bauman was no longer a threat to him or his family.

  And as Clifford looked at his tiny twins in the morning light, he couldn’t help but shiver at how close he had been to losing them. He could have lost them and their mother, and then what would he have to live for?

  But he didn’t. They survived. They were strong, healthy little babies. Dr. Foster didn’t even think that the incubator was technically necessary, but better play it safe. The twins curled against each other, their tiny hands on the other’s faces. The blankets they were swaddled in seemed too big for their small bodies. But they were healthy. They were alive.

  Lori stirred behind him. He pressed a kiss to the incubator and turned to her as she opened her eyes. A sleepy smile crossed her face.

  “Are they sleeping?”

  “Like angels.”

  Lori propped herself up and let out a deep sigh. “I didn’t realize that it would be so scary. Maybe it wouldn’t have been if they had been full term. But maybe it would have. I can’t imagine how much it would have hurt if they were full-size, though. Maybe we don’t have to have more kids for another few years. Long enough for me to forget what it feels like, at least.”

  Clifford had to chuckle at that. Trust Lori to s
tart thinking about hypothetical future children at this point.

  She patted the bed next to her and he slipped in next to her. It was difficult to balance on the edge, but he made it work. She was so soft and warm in his arms that he was tempted to let himself fall asleep. There wasn’t enough room for that, though. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms, gazing in awe at her face. She had been through so much and still managed to smile like that at him, to make jokes. It was all so fresh he wasn’t certain how he was going to process it all, and yet here she was…

  “I don’t know what I would do if I had lost you,” he whispered. “I promised to protect you and in the end—”

  “You did.”

  Clifford shook his head. “I—”

  “Rescued me. I’m here and I’m alive. Maybe you didn’t do it all by yourself, but that’s not necessary. We don’t have to do things alone in order for our actions to be valid.” Lori brushed a kiss on his cheek. “You protected me. You saved me. I’m here.”

  “Will you stay with me?”

  Lori laughed. “Of course, silly.”

  “I mean forever.” Why were nerves swirling in his stomach now? After everything that had happened, this should be the easiest question in the world to ask. “Stay with me. Live with me, sleep in the same bed, put your name on my utility bills. We don’t have to marry. But I want you in my life. I want to be your mate.”

  Tears flooded Lori’s eyes. He had said something wrong. To his surprise, though, she laughed and rubbed them away.

  “Stupid hormones. All that sounds… it sounds wonderful. I want it. I want you to be my forever, Clifford Boone. I love you.”

  Clifford kissed her, elation rising in him. Tears started to roll down his own face, and he didn’t have hormones to blame them on. He didn’t care. Lori was here, she loved him. She wanted to be with him forever, and she would be. Their babies were living and healthy. It was all he could ask for. The kiss deepened and his eyes fluttered shut.

  This was all he had ever wanted. And now, all he would ever need.



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  Paranormal Romance Collection

  The Alien Dragon’s Desired Mate


  I am a Hunter-Warrior. If I want something, I take it, no matter what.

  Roth, a dragon shapeshifter from the planet Volos, has one mission: abduct a woman who has the unique qualities prized by his people to help preserve his alien race. But that mission takes an astonishing turn when he meets the voluptuous beauty and reveals his true motives.

  Curvy Melinda never believed she was anything special. After years of being ridiculed for her size, social awkwardness and insecurity have been her mainstays while she watched everyone around her meet, fall in love, and marry. Now on the brink of losing her home and her job, she can’t help but wonder if the taunts she endured have somehow become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

  Will Melinda’s perceived flaws turn out to be a sought after asset and change more than her life, but change the lives of countless others?

  Chapter One

  “We need to have a talk.”

  Exhausted from a long day at work, Melinda Cortes came home to find her roommate, Brandi, sitting on the second-hand sofa with Tyler, Brandi’s boyfriend of the past four months.

  Melinda stopped in the middle of setting down her keys and pulling her purse strap from her shoulder. “What, no ‘hi, how was your day?’” she joked. Her brown eyes darted, looking from Brandi to Tyler, seated close together and holding hands.

  Brandi wore a nervous smile while Tyler just stared at Melinda in his usual cold, unfeeling manner. The brother of one of Brandi’s coworkers, he had started living here after the relationship began. Melinda had tried to be friendly but soon found she could not win him over, and wound up just giving him a wide berth.

  Her attempt at humor fell flat. Uh-oh, she thought, and her smile faltered. Whatever this is about, it’s serious. Melinda finished closing the door to the apartment.

  She had moved in with Brandi a year ago after leaving her hometown of Tehachapi. They had been unlikely best friends in high school.Brandi was cute and petite. She was wicked smart and made straight A’s without even cracking the book, but she was far from a nerd and had actually been fairly popular. Melinda on the other hand didn’t care for school, preferred her own company for the most part, and had a driving passion and love for movies.–

  She could still remember the day that they met the first day of Freshman year. Melinda was looking for a class and stopped in the hall to ask Brandi, who happened to be looking for the same exact class. The two girls had gone to different elementary schools and so had never actually seen each other before. It was nice meeting someone else who felt as nervous and out of place walking around the halls that firs day as she did.

  They continued to look for this elusive classroom which had most likely been sucked into a parallel dimension just to frustrate them. They were both growing nervous since the warning bell had just ringed and they were both going to be late. This was not the impression they wanted to make on the first day.

  They eventually bumped into some older girls and asked for directions. These girls were the wrong ones to asked, apparently. They had made it their mission as brand new seniors to give freshman a tough time. The girls started picking on them and calling them little “runts” who had better learn real quick who was boss around the school. The girls expected them both to pay five dollars for the information. Brandi started to freak out, especially when the biggest girl pushed her.

  Melinda was already five eleven and fairly robust for her age even then. One thing she hated more than anything in the world was a damn bully. It totally shocked everyone standing there when Melinda knocked that girl to the ground and then made one of the other bitches scream uncle until they gave she and Brandi five dollars instead.

  Brandi could not stop laughing as the older girls ran down the hall after each coughing up five bucks. “And that is how we deal with that,” Melinda had joked.

  Melinda had never been one to bow down from a confrontation or to run the other way when someone tried to make her feel bad. As a bigger girl she knew she was going to face a lot of criticism and hatred, but that was their problem and not hers. She believed her independent spirit left her immune to such hurtful shaming.

  She and Brandi had never really had that much in common. Brandi loved pop music, cheerleading, and always had her nose in a book (as long as popular people were not around and she didn’t have to pretend to be an airhead) whereas Melinda spent her time listening to heavy rock music and watching movies. The two girls clicked somehow though and became great friends. They had stayed in touch after Brandi had left to attend the University of Southern California.

  Melinda had been trying to get into UCLA to study filmmaking but there had been no way she could have afforded the SoCal rents on her own. That’s when Brandi had offered her a room, and a better chance at a new life.

  Of course, her family had tried to get her to move back home every single day since she moved out here. It wasn’t that they did not want to support her dream of getting into film school and one day being a great filmmaker, but they just didn’t understand her passion and pursuit of that passion. They were simple people who led simple lives; they didn’t understa
nd anything else. Growing up in that small town you were taught that reaching for the stars was wrong and that it would never get you anywhere. You worked hard and you stayed poor; that was the town’s motto. If you had a dream to pursue you were considered odd and out of touch with reality.

  Melinda had held onto her dream since she was young, no matter who told her it was a waste of time or who didn’t believe in her. After the time she’d spent out here she had become used to her mother and father asking her when she was going to come home and get a nice waitressing job at the tavern like her cousin Ella, or settle down and get married to a stable young man who painted houses or worked on a farm.

  She placed her purse next to her keys on the small foyer table. “Can it wait long enough for me to get changed out of my work clothes?” she asked, trying to buy a little time to prepare herself mentally for whatever it was Brandi needed to talk about. Was the landlord raising their rent? Did Melinda drink the last of the milk and forget to buy more?

  “I still smell like churros and rediscovered childhoods.” She picked at the front of her white blouse with the little blue castles printed all over it, the iconic symbol of the amusement park where she ran a cash register in a souvenir shop.

  “I need a shower, too. It was over ninety-eight degrees out there, today. I’ve been sweating like a pig.” She ran her fingers through her wavy, thick hair, which Brandi had always envied, but right now felt greasy and in need of a good wash. “I’ve been a hot mess since I left here this morning.”

  “Actually,” Brandi said, shifting in her seat and glancing at Tyler, “it’s kind of important.”

  Alarms began to go off inside Melinda’s head. “Okay,” she said, even more apprehensive, and made her way over to the armchair.


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