Hood Misfits 3

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Hood Misfits 3 Page 14

by Brick

  “Look, I ain’t selling no pussy,” I told them. “I’m just waiting on somebody to pick me up.”

  “You been out here for a while, ho, so we know you lying,” the masculine one said to me.

  “Mary, don’t be talking to this ho. Let’s just fuck her up,” the white one egged her on.

  “Yeah, like Bambi said. Just do this ho. She gon’ learn na’day.”

  I knew what was about to happen. Dame had forced us to kick many bitches’ asses when they had overstepped their boundaries and sold pussy without upping him his cut. I pulled the knife from my back pocket and took a defensive stance. I knew I stood no chance, but I’d be damned if I was going to let these wack bitches fuck me up without a fight. Since Bambi looked to be the weakest, I went for that fat, no-neck bitch first. I pulled a move I’d seen Gina use many times in fights. I kicked that bitch in her rancid pussy. She went down with a hard thud. The light-skinned chick ran up on me and caught me with a blade across my shoulders.

  “Grrrrr,” I yelled out.

  I moved her off of me, then swung out with the knife, catching her across the face. Mary ran up on me and caught me in the jaw with a left hook that damn near put me on my ass. My hand broke my fall. Broken pieces of gravel and whatever else was on the ground cut into my skin before I jumped back up. Mary was grinning. She knew there was no way I could go head up with her one on one. I tried anyway. Each time I tried to kick or punch, she dodged, bobbed and weaved, then caught me with a counter punch that bloodied me.

  This bitch bounced on the balls of her feet and slap boxed me like she was a trained fighter. By this time the light-skinned chick had joined the fight again and caught me with a slash across my back. The pain that was already there because of what Micah had done to me topped with the fresh blade cut made me scream out. I could hear the pay phone ringing. I knew that was someone from the Queen’s camp calling me back if not the Queen herself. Bambi had jumped up and when Mary kicked me backward, she added insult to injury by spitting on me then backhanding me to the ground.

  I hit the ground rolling. I did a tumble over my head and landed on my back. Blood ran from my neck and I knew that the stitches in the wound Speedy had given had opened back up. The light-skinned chick was over me in a flash. Murder, animalistic rage was in that bitch’s yellowish eyes as she brought the blade down, aiming for my face, but catching the arm I threw up.

  “Fucking bitch. We gon’ kill you tonight, ho,” Mary said as she reached in her bra and pulled out a sling blade.

  “If I were you, I’d leave her alone,” a voice sounded behind them.

  All three women turned around. When they did, I started crying, thanking God that Enzo was there.

  “Oh, here go a Captain Save a Ho kinda nigga,” Bambi quipped. “Nigga, you can get it too.”

  Enzo’s head tilted. “Bitch, did your big pasty ass just call me a nigga?” he asked her sarcastically.

  Bambi stepped forward with her blade in hand. Before she could muster another word, Enzo snatched her, spun her back around to him, grabbed the hand she had the blade in and made her slash her own throat. The rain made the blood pour down the front of Bambi’s short dress. Her doughy thighs trembled and quaked before she dropped like a sack of flour to the pavement. The light-skinned chick never stood a chance when she decided to try to trade punches with a man like Enzo. I’d known from the fight earlier that he gave no fucks about the enemy being a woman. If she came for him, she was as good as fucked and not in a good way. He took his fist to her face like she was a man. He held no punches. When he uppercut her, her head jerked back, giving him enough time to pick up the knife I’d dropped. He stuck the knife in her stomach over and over; it looked as if he was giving her gut punches.

  When she fell to the ground with blood pouring out of her mouth, he kneed her in the face. Her body fell backward beside mine. As soon as Enzo’s feet came down on her throat, I knew she was dead. Enzo gazed down at me with a frown on his face. My eyes widened when I saw Mary rush up behind him with an iron pipe. I tried to warn him. He could see the look in my eyes and ducked just in time. Gunshots rang out just as Mary tried to bring the pipe down. She jerked violently four times before her body slammed to the ground. The man who had given me the change to make the phone calls stepped forward.

  “Thanks,” Enzo told him as he lifted me from the ground.

  “I told shawty to be careful out here. These hoes got no regard for life ’round here,” he said. “Y’all gon’ need to break up outta here though. Five-O just ’round the bend. Somebody done already called ’bout the noise out here.”

  Enzo nodded. “’Preciate that,” he said, holding his hand out to shake the man’s hand. It was the first time I’d ever seen him be cordial to a stranger.

  The man shook Enzo’s hand and gave a quick nod. “Name’s Leon Jenkins. Was watching her ’til I had to take a shit. She reminds me of my niece in a sense, you know, young and pretty. Streets treat them kinda gals rough. I lost my niece. Ain’t wanna see the streets take another young gal on my watch, feel me. And I know you. They’s looking for you says on the news. Best you get on outta here,” he finally finished.

  I could tell that, like me, Enzo didn’t really care to hear about man’s niece, but we both appreciated his helping hand.

  “Thanks, man. We out,” Enzo told him.

  “Best thang to do is to hit 75 the back way down yonder by the BP,” the man said and pointed in the direction he was talking about. “Five-O gon’ come up this side road right here. They won’t see ya.”

  As Enzo carried me in his arms and jogged to the car, all I could think about was being grateful that the asshole who cradled me in his arms wasn’t asshole enough to let me be killed. I moaned out when he slid me into the back seat of the Rover. Lying on my back was going to kill me. I guessed he figured that out and turned me onto my stomach. We were both soaked as the rain drenched the area. Enzo tossed both of our bags in the front seat before cranking the truck and pulling off into the direction Leon had told us to go.

  Chapter 12


  “As of now, there is no indication that rising star, Shawn ‘Enzo’ Banks has been involved in the incident.”

  I lay watching the madness that reflected to me from the flat-screen television ahead of me. Every news station had Shawn’s face flashing on it next to the sports sponsor of his team. Worry had me sitting up, and moving to slide out of the bed. Whatever war that man who was gunning for my son wanted, he was about to get more than he chewed off. This was recklessness. Shawn’s career was in the balance. The Lord had already blessed him with a do-over and now some crap that none of us had foreseen, crap that was barreling back our way because of his past, was working to erode everything that had gone on. It was not acceptable. I was not about to let this happen. I had to safeguard his reputation before it was tainted. It was the least I could do for keeping secrets.

  Walking toward my new walk-in closet, there was nothing hanging up, just my small bag of luggage. Because of all of this change, I wasn’t comfortable yet with settling in to this new place. Regardless of all the paperwork that was shown to me, displaying my name, making me the owner, there was no way I was going to kick up my feet and start relaxing. That almost happened at the condo but now that was gone. Shawn’s face was on all the major Atlanta news channels, and my baby boy Drew was walking around the house still in a daze, not focusing on his schoolwork, not playing his video games, not being the kid he once was.

  My heart was broken in a million pieces because of it all. After changing into my white maxi dress, and wrapping my hair in a white gele-style headdress with my white large hooped earrings, I stepped into the main entertainment room. I noticed Drew sitting with his arms outstretched on the huge black curved couch, watching TV. His eyes seemed lost in a daze. His typically Mohawk shaved head was growing out with soft curls and his clothes weren’t the typical playful meme-designed shirts he always wore. No, my baby boy sat in sagging dark jeans, a
white oversized tee, and white socks.

  I quietly moved to where he was sitting and I lightly placed my hand against the top of his arm. “Sweetie, I’m leaving the house. Go on upstairs and put on a nice outfit. We’re going to be on TV.”

  Drew sat quietly as if not hearing me. I moved to tap the back of his neck and he glanced at me with dark eyes as if he had blacked out, reminding me all too well of his big brother’s episodes. He was changed. Their father’s blood was rising against mine and there wasn’t a thing I could do but keep raising Drew as best as I could.

  “What did you say, Tía Shy?” he asked with uncertainty. His voice had changed over the past days and the low tremble was only a reminder of that.

  “Baby, I said go upstairs to your room and grab something nice to wear please. We’re going to be on TV.” I reached out to gently rub his shoulders. “I know you saw your brother on TV. We need to come to his side and make sure his job doesn’t get hurt in the process like that nigga wants.”

  Drew’s eyes went back to their light shade as he leaned back, gawking. “Tía Shy, you need to rest. You can’t go and, dudeeee, did you just say ‘nigga’?”

  I laughed softly. In that moment, I saw the beautiful spark of my old son and I prayed it hadn’t died all the way. “Yes, I did. Don’t get it twisted, baby. I may be sick, but I’m still a lion. Why don’t you go upstairs and I’ll tell you a little something about my past, something you didn’t even expect.”

  Drew quickly stood to come around the couch and sit me down. “Yes, ma’am, but you sit, and rest.”

  I smiled and playfully brushed his hands off. “Don’t you grab another white tee and pants. I know you dress better than that okay?”

  “Tía!” Drew griped and I gave him a light laugh.

  “You know I love you and am only on this earth to guide you, and I’m here to tell you, that shit ain’t hot; go change.” Drew gawked at me some more, his hand came out to rest over my forehead, and I pushed it away, pointing. “Go so we can talk and get our family together.”

  I watched him rush upstairs to change. He came back later in dark jeans, a set of Jordans Enzo had gotten him, and a button-down designer embroidered top that had the word M!SFITZ on the back.

  A smile spread across my face and I patted my side. “Listen when I tell you this because I need you to be strong if I don’t make it through this sickness.”

  Drew’s gorgeous eyes widened. He had my lashes and twin dimples, marking him mine. My hand cupped his face and I began telling him a little of my background. How I was singled out when I was eighteen by one of the craziest killers in the A. I explained to him that I needed him to know that even in darkness, there is always some form of hope that can pull you out from a situation you never thought you’d survive.

  I watched his head bow as he listened. I patted the top of his hand and held it within mine. “Baby, I tell you. I used that pain for my poetry. Every loss I had, my pen became my Glock. My words, my bullets. Listen.”

  I licked my lips, started humming one of my spoken-word pieces and let my lyrics wrap him in a healing balm. Drew opened his mouth to speak but I held up a hand reaching up to cup the back of his neck. “I know you’re on the fence, sweetie. I’ve been there many times. You don’t know how to feel, even though a part of you is falling for a girl who just took you to manhood against both your wishes. Don’t let it change you. Don’t let the darkness that nigga intentionally tried to seed in you grow anymore. You take that and you focus on your studies.”

  I could tell that Drew wanted to fight me, but I pressed on as I glanced into his eyes. “You use it to get your game up. You grow up to protect girls like her, girls like me, kids like you and your brother. Don’t let that nigga’s agenda become yours. You have your own. You are a future king, and you will rule in dignity, righteousness, and intelligence.”

  Taking a moment to catch my breath, I licked my lips and sat back. “Just take my lessons, take Enzo’s lessons, and reach beyond the streets but don’t forget the streets, okay? Both of us will teach you what you need if you ever run into niggas like that pussy bitch again, or even if you purposely run into them. But you promise me, this new power you got, you use it for good.”

  I continued, hoping he’d understand, if only a little. “That doesn’t mean you are going to be perfect. I had to do a lot to survive. A lot of things I regret, but nowhere in my journey did I let another nigga’s dark deeds or agenda turn me foul.”

  Drew watched me closely. I could see some of the old him peeking through the muddled darkness in his eyes. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Tears fell down my face. “Be your own man, but be a good one. I love you, Drew baby.”

  “I love you too, Tía, and I always will. I got you and big bro. I ain’t thinking about that nigga ’cause I got you here always,” he passionately replied.

  I leaned to kiss his cheek and used him as a brace to stand up. “We need to tell them media hounds that Enzo was with me at a treatment center.”

  “If he show up hurt, Tía, we need to plan for that too,” Drew suggested, helping me to the door.

  As we opened the door, my eyes widened at an old familiar face from my past, one who looked slightly off. A smooth British and Caribbean accent washed over me, making me warm in places I hadn’t thought about in a long time. There were small differences that let me know he wasn’t who I thought he was, but nonetheless something about the man still had me feeling good and feeling confused at the doppelgänger in front of me. Mirror stood in front of me. Not many people paid attention to him because of his quiet demeanor. Most people only saw him as guard to one of the most elusive street legends in the game, Phenom. But if they had been paying close enough attention, they would have noticed the striking resemblance between the two. They’d be able to see the familial bloodline.

  “So you’re another dude who’s gonna help? A’ight, thanks, man,” I heard Drew say as I came back to reality.

  I nervously bit my bottom lip and stepped forward. “Yes, thank you. We need to get to a place where we know the press will be. Somewhere they will notice me and start asking questions.”

  He held out his arm for me. “I’ll set up whateva yuh need, love, as long as yuh be good and dun overexert yuh self. Cha?”

  My hand pressed into his large bicep. I could tell with how my body fit against his, he wasn’t the man who had caused drama in my college years, before I was hunted by a demon. A warm smile spread across my face. I watched Drew climb into the car to help me in, as our new bodyguard also helped me in the back of the car.

  “I promise,” I said as he winked at me then closed the door. I settled back against my seat and began my plans with Drew. We were going to place a knife into Micah’s back before he could ruin my son’s empire. You don’t mess with a king and not expect his mother to not cut back.

  Yes, I was the gatekeeper but I was also a killer. Play on, or get got.

  Chapter 13


  Darkness masked us as I quietly pulled up to a secret spot from my past. A large, unassuming building sat in front of my ride. The beams of my lights flashing on the chained door let me know everyone was gone for the night. Checking out a sleeping Angel in the back of my ride, I quietly got out and headed to the abandoned firehouse that had been converted to an auto shop. Unlocking the doors, I scanned the area seeing fresh new whips and cars on lifts ready to be worked on. I had only been there once back in the day. Last time I’d heard Trigga had said it was a private auto shop, but they had been working with someone to make it open to the public. I was always too busy to lay my head here but it was cool that I was one of the few to know about it, and use it as a safe spot to stash cars, money, or just rest up.

  Heading back to my ride, I pulled in, got back out, and then locked up. Angel still lay asleep, so I picked her up, grabbed our bags at the same time, and walked through to take the spiral staircase up to the secret apartments above. I walked past a mass
ive pool table, a big-screen TV with games, and I saw that set of color pencils lay on a table next to a drawing pad and an empty Happy Meal box. I paused on my way to the rooms.

  “That Ciara-looking bitch bet’ not have ever come here,” I grumbled to myself. I knew Trigga and Jake were too smart for that, so I moved on, and I laid out some fresh sheets from the motel for Angel to lay on so not to stain the sheets with our blood.

  I was standing in the bathroom, seeing how badly bruised up I was and if I could get away with returning to the game. My aunt’s face covered all the news outlets. She stood like a queen, hiding her sickness and letting the world know that I was busy speaking with treatment specialists on her behalf and that we all were at a center during the attack at the condo.

  “Ms. Banks, there are reports that drugs were involved. If that is the case, is star rookie Shawn ‘Enzo’ Banks involved in drug trafficking?” a reporter asked.

  A spark of annoyance flickered in my aunt’s eyes and her tongue was lethal in her response. “That is an assumption that we will not even play at entertaining. Like any young kid who has come from where we all have come from, he has had experiences that motivated him to be the star you all know him to be. He would not and is not tarnishing his dreams by partaking in your assumptions and stereotyping generalizations.”

  My aunt’s eyes cut the reporter down, who looked away red-faced while other questions were thrown at her. “No, we did not know that the condo Enzo sublet had once been owned by a notorious kingpin. Had we, ladies and gentlemen, we would not be in this situation of not having a home, now, would we?”

  I knew my aunt was lying and she knew she was lying, but she would say whatever she needed to protect me. I was basically squatting in Dame’s old crib.

  Tía Shy flashed a beautiful smile as she stared at the cameras. I could see my baby brother standing beside her, keeping her steady as she eloquently spoke. “Keep those people who were harmed in the nefarious acts that occurred late last night/early this morning in your hearts. This family is a praying one and we believe that karma will be a shield and dagger against people who conspire to do harm. Justice will come for those innocent people who were harmed today.”


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