Hood Misfits 3

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Hood Misfits 3 Page 15

by Brick

  Cameras flashed and reporters tried to ask more but my aunt waved them all off. “Outside of that, please respect our privacy. My nephew is already dealing with a lot right now and losing our home has only complicated things. We are bystanders in a senseless maniac’s or maniacs’ tantrum. We should not tolerate it and we will not. Their due time is coming and the law will stand by us all. Thank you for your concern, Atlanta. We appreciate your love and support. We have set up a foundation for those families who may have been harmed in the senseless acts.”

  I chuckled as I turned the television off and threw my bloody bandages away. My aunt had come for Micah in a smooth way, and also fixed my reputation by giving me a way out of going to drills for a while until this was cleared up. I was deeply grateful for everything she had done.

  Light shuffling of feet made me turn and point my Glock toward the noise only to see Angel staring at me with tired eyes. Her thick hair was chaos over her head and her clothes were disheveled.

  “I like how your aunt speaks,” she said.

  Turning away from her, I washed my hands and turned my face from side to side, deciding whether I was going to shave. “I do too.”

  I could feel Angel’s eyes on me and I knew she had some words that I wasn’t even feeling like listening to, but I kept to myself and let her do whatever she wanted.

  “So, I know you’re pissed. I didn’t ask you to save me but . . .” She held her hands up the moment my head whipped around to glare at her. “Let me say what the fuck I’m trying to say, damn nigga. I’m saying . . . thank you though. I’m not trying to be under your skin but I’m also not trying to be made to feel like shit because of crap out of my control. I’m already cutting myself because of it.”

  My lips tightened into a scowl and I turned away to pull out the shaving kit. “Yeah, whatever. I need you to stop being pussy and running and shit. I can’t be in every place you are to have your back.”

  She chuckled and it made me grit my teeth but I ignored it as she spoke, “That same back you don’t have room to scratch on? And if you didn’t notice, I wasn’t being a pussy; I was fighting back.”

  “Oh. That’s what you call fighting? Looks like you were getting your ass handed to you. Looks like three whores, sisters after your own heart, were about to get the drop on you.”

  Her nostrils flared, eyes watered. “If those ‘whores’ were sisters after my own heart, then Micah has to know that the old Enzo isn’t dead and gone. No matter what your aunt says, you are and were involved in drug and human trafficking. You did torture motherfuckers in a basement for your boss. And, no matter how far you fucking run, you and Micah are cut from the same fucking cloth,” she spat out. “So fuck you.”

  Anger flared in my eyes. Her words tapped at something innate in me that I didn’t want to face. I turned then moved to stand in the middle of the bathroom doorframe with my hands resting in a splayed position. “You know what, mama, fuck you, ho. That’s all the fuck you are, a ho-ass bitch who don’t know how to handle her fucking shit so as not to be used like the whore bitch you are.”

  The minute her fist found my face, I knew I had hit a chord in her. I welcomed the pain that she added to the additional searing discomfort that was traveling through me. See, a long time ago, I developed a way to turn into pleasure any pain given to me on the field and when dealing with Dame. So as this chick spit and clawed at me, I did nothing, only smiled, and then snatched her up by her wrists damn near dangling her in the air.

  “When you stop acting like a kid then you can probably do better in defending yourself,” I explained.

  Her chest heaved up and down as I held her hands over her head. I’d never seen so much hate in her eyes as I saw in that moment.

  “How you calling me a kid when every chance you get, you think calling me a whore is your job?”

  “I calls it like I see it.”

  “Then, so do I. Maybe I’m a mirror that shows your reflection and you can’t handle it.”

  “You fucking wish. If you were my mirror, you wouldn’t have been about to dance with death. You would know how to hold your own, Angel.”

  Angel tilted her head to the side then tried to head butt me as she screamed, “Then you know what? Do me a fucking favor and please teach a whore to fight since you have a problem with the way I defend myself.”

  Her words made me scrunch my face up then drop her on her feet. She was causing a reaction in me that I didn’t want. I turned back to the sink and prepped my face to shave before turning back to look at her. “A’ight, mama.”

  “Good then.” She huffed then kicked me in my shin. “Fuck you, too, ho-ass nigga.” My eyes narrowed and she stepped back then quickly walked away. “Water, let me go get some.”

  “Yeah, you go do that. You hit me again, and I’ll show you how a ho gets done.” I growled low and went back to shaving.

  No lie, my dick was hard. The piercing on my tip giving me friction that had my jaw ticking. She really was affecting me and it was pissing me off. I needed a ho party to dip up into then all would be good in my world.

  The sound of gunshots was my version of breakfast.

  “You’re wobbling the gun. Is your point to shoot every nigga in the ass? Straighten up and hold the damn Glock right, mama,” I barked out.

  Angel stood with beads of sweat sprinkling her temple with an annoyed frown. “I am!”

  We had been practicing in the typical Atlanta heat that blazed down and cooked us both. She was in some short blue shorts and a lilac tank. I stood in red and black basketball shorts and a simple white wife beater. Behind the auto shop where no one could see us, we stood in the tall grass while Angel took aim at the makeshift dummies. Trees billowed in the wind, but the air was hot and muggy. I swatted at a mosquito that had taken an interest in the blood from my legs then frowned at her.

  “Nah, man, you’ve hit everything but the critical zones. You need to rest?” I asked then stood behind her with my arms over my chest.

  She sucked her teeth then squeezed the trigger again, hitting everything but the target before her. “It’s hot. Why can’t we use the shooting range inside?”

  “Because with how you shooting, you need to be in the open area. Shit, you need to learn how to focus your gun outdoors, too, and not just inside the building.”

  “Yeah, but it’s hot,” she whined.

  “And? The hell you gonna do if Micah rolled up on us now?” I asked.

  “She’d shoot that bitch right between his eyes. Wouldn’t you, honey?” sounded behind me.

  We both turned quickly to see the African Queen walking our way. We hadn’t even heard her walk up. Something about that annoyed me. To not know my surroundings or to not know when someone was walking up on me could be a fatal mistake. Anika’s arm was wrapped around a tall, dark-skinned dude, a dude who had me tilting my head in confusion. It was the guy I had seen when I was doing my drills. He was one of my sponsors. I undid the safety on the gun that was resting against my leg and kept my eyes on that cat as I stepped close to Angel. I figured anybody who had been doing business with Micah was a cause for suspicion.

  “Your coach is pissed that you aren’t there, Enzo. You may want to pop back up from your trip at the treatment centers and go handle your job. You know my money is firmly invested in you and the team,” the guy said. He flashed a smile toward Angel, giving her a nod before walking past us and into the garage.

  Angel and I stared at each other then followed them. I watched the African Queen close the doors then walk into the kitchen to bring out several glasses, and water.

  “You two should sit and rest. I got your call, love; I’m assuming that was you on the pay phone?” she asked Angel.

  “Yes. Did I do something wrong?” Angel asked sitting and staring at a woman who moved around the place as if it were a castle and not a simple garage.

  She set the glasses before us, poured us all some water, then offered the guy I knew as my sponsor a glass. She watched him take a
sip then offer her the glass before she sat on the arm of the chair.

  “No, you did not, but we have a code with it. I’ll explain it later. Enzo and Angel, we wanted to sit with you privately so that we could finish a conversation that was unfortunately interrupted previously.”

  Angel had a look on her face that said she wasn’t too thrilled with that explanation. “You do know I almost died out there, right? If there had been a code or something else that I should have done, why not give it to me first time around?”

  Anika sat forward. “That was my error. A bad judgment call. I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. That’s a part of being a leader.”

  Angel gazed around the room then back to Anika. She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but she let it go.

  My eyes darted back and forth as I tried to wrap my mind around the two sitting in front of me. “Yeah, Micah was on some bullshit, you know, retaliating.”

  The African Queen gave a soft laugh. The guy next to her, who sat with his finger pressed against his temple, dressed in all black from his leather shoes to his slacks and pinstriped button-down shirt, spoke up. “He’s a problem. One of many that I have made note of since before the Orlando twins were killed,” his ebbing British accented voice explained.

  I opened my mouth to respond, but he held a hand up stopping me. Something about him had me on edge, as if not to fuck with him. He casually dropped his hand to bring them together in a steeple as he watched us. “Allow me to introduce myself correctly. My name is Mr. Ekejindu. I am the jewelry supplier A.E. Jewelry. You’ve worked with me, Bianca. I am also the owner of Nasir Prep, and Gentleman Elite: Tailor and Suit Specialty International House. I am also the one and only true Phenom, whose alliance to the African Queens, specifically this African Queen Anika, is not well known, except for a few special individuals. I am a man of many faces because I have to be. What I am a part of requires me to be.”

  Angel and I were quiet for about two minutes before we both started asking questions. Anika and Phenom waved a hand to calm us down. I listened to the two before me, both legendary street royalty, out of respect and partially to figure what was really being said behind all the intel. I had to assess the situation. I had to figure out how best to secure my spot in all of this for my aunt’s and brother’s sakes. I wasn’t following no man but myself now that I was free and I needed to make sure all alliances were solid.

  “Here is the thing. I understand you do not trust easily and that is a smart thing. I also understand that you only trust Jake and Trigga in this game because you three have a history. I assure you that I never discuss cheese around a rat, or bread around a bird. To many crumb snatchers are after the jewels of your kingdom and it’s better to keep them at arm’s length as you poison them by their own hands,” he explained.

  Anika gave a knowing smile, standing up then kissing the top of Phenom’s head. “He learned that phrase from a dear friend of ours, my own spiritual sister.”

  “My love, I did, but that lesson was embedded in me, long before her,” he countered.

  Anika just smiled again and sat back down after putting our glasses away. “Of course. I know that as well. They need to understand the foundation before truly understanding the source of the lesson. Shawn and Bianca, everything we do has meaning. You are very safe in trusting your friends. We just wanted you to see that you have backing not only with your misfits, but also by us seasoned street royals. If you ever need true hiding, or find places that you need cleared out in your journey as an athlete, your journey as a dancer, Bianca, we will give you all you need. You have a catalogue at your service. Any friends of the Misfits are friends of ours.”

  I got what they were saying and felt they were genuine in their words, but there was something about the way they would look at each other then back at me that had me wondering if there were things not being said.

  Phenom shifted in his chair watching me. It was if we were speaking in codes and I gave him a nod of respect, setting my gun down.

  “Take that understanding. Both Jake and Trigga speak highly of you and from watching you this whole time, it didn’t take long to see that you are worth trusting. The Orlandos built an empire that even in death still affects much of Atlanta and beyond.”

  He rested both of his arms on his thighs and continued talking. “My network is set up to deal with those who still uplift that regime, which is why I’m a sponsor of your team. It’s a game within it just like the streets that can get you caught up and fucked up. Trafficking of all types, murder, and mayhem. The game has it all. Snuff out those lines associated with the Orlandos and any other threats that come your way, and be smart about how you play those cards, a’ight? I’m not sitting here recruiting. This is all your choices, but know we have you for protecting my blood even when you had choices you both didn’t want to make.”

  I sat taking in all he said. He knew about me trying to take out Jake. If he could accept that, then I knew I could accept what he was saying, even if I didn’t know what those glances between him and Anika meant. I held out my hand and he took it, shaking it.

  “I got E.N.G.A. tatted on me for a reason. It’s in me so I’m down,” I said.

  Phenom gave a smile and sat back with his leg crossed on his knee. “Good. You are your own man in this part. You and Bianca, how you both build it, is all on you because you have to shape who you have around to reflect your world in the game. Keep handling Micah, but have more finesse with it; after all, you’re dealing with a businessman whose hands are in many places. Isn’t that right, Bianca?”

  Angel blinked a moment then nodded. “Yes, he is.”

  “Good, then use all you have against him. You have more power over him than you even think. Use it. I’ll teach you, as my husband teaches Enzo and the rest of his future leaders,” Anika stated.

  She stood next to Phenom’s chair and he rose up to rest his hand on the small of her back. “This place is safe, but you two also need your own. On the table is a Realtor, one of my people. If you find a place that Micah tracks you to, don’t move out. We’ll clean the area and secure it down. For now, you have one guaranteed spot where your aunt and brother are at that he can’t find. Keep that secret, because everything is for show and, in this world, you gotta be a chameleon.”

  A slight New York accent bled through his British one and he glanced at us, as if studying us. “You both have a good day and we all will talk. Oh, the man who resembles me is my cousin Mirror. He’s my right. You can trust him to guard them.”

  “Thank you. I mean, I wasn’t sure exactly what to do,” I explained talking to their backs.

  “But you did something. Keep it up. Protect your family no matter what and look out for that jewel by you. She’s resourceful,” Phenom said.

  He stood to the side letting Anika pass him first. They walked with a swagger that said they knew the streets belonged to them.

  Angel and I glanced at each other, realizing we were standing close to each other and we quickly moved apart. I sat back down, and she sat opposite of me, watching me. “So, wow.”

  “Yeah,” was all I could say.

  “So, you going to finish teaching me how to shoot then?” she asked.

  I curled my lip then let out a sigh. “Are you going to stop shooting holes in ass cheeks and pussy lips?”

  Angel snatched a book off the table and hurled it at me before stepping off. I followed and we began our training that lasted us a couple of days while we hid from Micah. Eventually we headed back to our game in the sports, as she helped me get a new spot. I answered all media questions accordingly. Angel and I still pretended like we weren’t affiliated with each other, so I got her laced up in a condo a few floors below mine in midtown. I did that only because of my promise to my aunt; otherwise, she’d have to find her own shit.

  I also began to make plans on getting my own safe house close by where my enemies couldn’t find me, and one that could let me handle the underworld business now back in
my life. Never lay your head in the same place twice when on the run. I learned long ago and a nigga wasn’t trying to compromise the Misfits’ spot.

  “So you like your spot?” I asked Angel, while she stared at the midtown skyline.

  A smile spread across her face as she gave a nod of satisfaction.

  “A’ight, check it. We got to think of some shit to keep Micah off our backs since I plan to step back into the limelight,” I explained.

  She turned to me and crossed her arms around herself. “Okay, tell me what you want me to do.”

  I rubbed my jaw and watched her from under the hood of my lashes. There was still that one thing about her that made it hard for me not to flip stupid on her from time to time, but as Phenom had told me, she was resourceful, especially after telling me that Micah was FBI. I kept that little secret to myself for the time being. That complicated things, but the fact was that nigga was so dirty that if he even tried to wash his hands, there was no way the shit would wash off.

  So, I moved to walk around Angel, as I looked her over. “I want you to think about what you are going to do when he comes for you, because he is. I think you might want to try to move from being just an alternate. What you think, mama?”

  Her smile gave me her answer as we began to plan our next phase on taking down a nigga who was making our lives nothing but pain.

  “Hey, you need to be patched up. Now that you got your own digs where you can bleed over everything, and throw your wolf pelt everywhere, we can get to working on you,” I teased, flashing a smile.

  “Fuck your life,” Angel sneered, storming to the bathroom.

  I followed with more jokes just to see if I could get a reaction out of her.


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