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Ace Gone Wild

Page 7

by Cooper McKenzie

  Opening her eyes, Kinsey found Logan kneeling beside her, his hard cock jutting out from his body just inches from her nose. Like Drake’s, it was long, thick, and cut. There was also a drip of fluid visible at the slit. Lifting her head, she extended her tongue, and licked the tip, humming as she savored the familiar taste.

  Parting her lips, she took the head in and laved it with her tongue before slowly taking more and more into her mouth, licking and sucking and loving on whatever she could touch. Her attention split between moving up and down on Drake’s cock and sucking on Logan’s, she felt her own orgasm simmering close, but in a holding pattern.

  “Don’t you dare come, boy. I have plans for that cock,” Drake said as he bent his knees and planted his feet on the mattress. A moment later, he began to drive up into Kinsey, deep powerful thrusts.

  A moment later, Drake’s rough fingertip stroked over her clit. “Come for me, girl.”

  Kinsey screamed around Logan’s cock as her orgasm rolled through her. Logan pulled before she could take a second breath and scream again. Just as her muscles locked and she peaked, Drake called out as he pulled her hips down to meet his cock and sealed their bodies together. She could feel the added warmth as he filled the thin latex sheath that separated them.

  As she rolled down the back side of the orgasmic peak, Kinsey felt her muscles go liquid and she ended up lying fully on Drake’s body.

  “Get ready, boy,” Drake said as he ran his hands up and down her back and sides, soothing her.

  Long before she was ready, Drake lifted her hips, pulling his cock from her core. Before she could complain about his action, another cock took his place, filling her even more than Drake’s had. Or maybe it was because her tissues were puffy from her previous play.

  Drake tilted her head so he could kiss her as Logan fucked her. “Come again, girl,” he demanded.

  “I can’t,” she answered automatically. She was still stunned that she had come from just fucking Drake. That had never happened with any other man before. Normally she had only been able to get off by masturbating alone while thinking dark and dirty thoughts.

  One hand of his hands wrapped around her back as the other slipped between them. It moved down her body to once again claim her clit. This time he rubbed two fingers down the sides but not touching the nub of flesh directly.

  “Master,” Logan sounded in dire need as his thrusts growing harder and faster.

  “Come for me, pets,” Drake directed.

  At the same time, he pinched Kinsey’s clit. She was shocked when an orgasm rose up out of nowhere, and blew through her, causing her cries to harmonize with Logan’s.

  A moment later, both she and Logan melted onto the mattress beside their devious Master. As they lay trying to find balance and normalcy again, Drake rose from the bed and went to the bathroom. He returned without the condom, but with a warm, wet washcloth, which he used to clean up both Kinsey and Logan.

  Then he crawled back into bed and the two men cuddled Kinsey between them. “That was awesome,” Logan said, his words slurred with relaxation.

  “Uh-huh,” Kinsey managed to grunt.

  “Yes, I think this might just work out,” she heard Drake say just before she slipped back into sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Logan was only mildly surprised at how quickly and easily Kinsey settled in to life with them. Though not much of a morning person, she still rose with them before dawn. While they took care of the first round of chores outside, she fed the kittens and prepared a hearty breakfast for them.

  During the day while they were out taking care of business, whether it was dealing with the spring calves, culling cows for market, or in his case, with business clients and the greenhouses, she worked on hiring the crew to fix up her house and make it habitable again. She had also taken over the daytime feeding of the kittens to free the men up. They rotated nighttime feedings, though the babies were beginning to stretch their feedings out. Soon they would be introducing them to eating from a bowl, which would make everyone’s life a little easier.

  In the evenings, they shared cooking and cleanup duties before retiring to the bedroom to talk about everything and sex. Lots of sex. Their fun and games often lasted well into the night. Then they woke up for before-the-alarm-clock sex to start the next day with a smile.

  On the Saturday of the town rodeo, he woke to find a mouth wrapped around his cock and a cock poking at his lips. Looking up, he smiled at Drake. “Good morning, Master.”

  “Good morning, boy. Suck my cock,” Drake returned his greeting with a softly worded order.

  “Good morning, sweets,” he managed to say before Drake’s cock filled his mouth.

  Kinsey’s greeting was murmured around his already hard and drooling cock, sending tremors of need through him. The next few minutes were spent giving and receiving pleasure in a manner that made Logan smile broadly, even as he fought to hold onto his control. When Drake’s balls drew up and bumped his chin, he sucked harder and bobbed faster up and down the man’s turgid length.

  “Oh, shit,” Drake groaned as his hips canted forward in short jabs. “Come with me, boy.”

  That was all it took for Logan to relax his control and allow the orgasm that had been building at the base of his spine to muscle its way through his balls and up his cock. His moaning around Drake’s length had the man spurting once more across his tongue. Logan quickly licked the cock clean then collapsed onto the bed as Kinsey did the same for him. Once she finished, she crawled up and cuddled to one side while Drake settled on the other.

  “Good morning,” he whispered, turning to kiss first Drake and then Kinsey.

  “Good morning,” Drake said. “Don’t fall back to sleep. We have chores to do and a rodeo to get ready for.”

  By the time they crawled out of bed and dressed, Logan’s muscles had reformed from the mush they had felt like moments before. He patted Kinsey’s ass as he passed her on the way to the bathroom. “You okay, baby?”

  She nodded with a shy smile. “Just achy and feeling blech,” she said as she grabbed her clothes and went to the guestroom down the hall.

  Her cycle had arrived the day before, and taught both men that they needed to track it. She had become quite the angry, mouthy, over reactive bitch who found herself ass up on Drake’s lap for her first punishment spanking just before supper. Twenty minutes after being sent to her room, she returned wearing panties and a T-shirt. She apologized and explained and after hugs and kisses all around, forgiveness from both men was granted.

  Logan waited until she entered the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a Woman Veteran T-shirt, before pulling her in for a cuddle. It hurt him to see her feeling so yucky. “Anything I can do to make you feel better?”

  She returned his hug, snuggling in close before shaking her head. “Buy me a ginormous soda and some comfort food this afternoon?”

  He laughed and squeezed her a little tighter. “You got it. Now, I’ve got to get out to the barn before Drake breaks out his bullwhip and uses it on me.”

  He brushed a kiss on her forehead then headed out.

  * * * *

  They arrived at the fairgrounds hours before the rodeo was scheduled to begin. Kinsey looked around, amazed at the activity. The gates would hope at noon and the first events were not to take place until three o’clock. Climbing from the truck, she marveled at all that was going on so early in the morning.

  With her men took care of their horses and talked to friends and neighbors who passed by, Kinsey found herself bored. She only knew a handful of people, two of whom were busy. Then she spotted Sasha across the field.

  Feeling the need for a little woman talk, Kinsey walked away, hoping to catch up with the woman before she disappeared. She only took a half dozen steps before a strong arms spun her around and tossed her over a shoulder. From the red T-shirt, she knew it was Logan.

  “What are you doing?” she screamed as she tried to wiggle her way out of his hold. That only earned her
two sharp smacks, one on each already sore ass cheek.

  Logan ignored her. He didn’t stop until they were beside their trailer. Then he put her down, and wrapped his hands around both wrists and twisted them up to meet behind her waist. “Found her, Drake,” he called.

  Drake came around the end of the trailer, looking angry, scared, and worried all at once. When he saw her, he blinked and his expression went blank. He slowed his approach as if giving himself time to calm down and her time to start worrying. Kinsey had seen Nelson do the same thing.

  As with her past Master, by the time Drake stopped with less than a foot of space between their bodies, she was trembling with fear.

  “Going somewhere, sugar britches?” he asked as he rested his hands on her shoulders.

  “I thought since you two were busy gossiping with the boys, I would check out what else is going on around here.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Not without one of us with you to keep you out of trouble,” Drake said.

  Kinsey huffed a sigh, wanting to argue that she was a fully grown woman, a veteran even, and was perfectly capable of looking after herself. But before she could open her mouth, Logan released her wrists, and Drake pulled her in for a long, deep, overwhelming kiss. By the time she lifted her head, he had once again fried her brain and all she could do was lean against him and breathe.

  “Ten more minutes and then we’ll all go find some lunch and see what’s going on. But I do not ever want you to wander off alone like that again, Kinsey. Do you understand?”

  “You don’t trust me,” she stated flatly as tears filled her eyes. Apparently, her emotional rollercoaster ride of the day before was not quite over.

  Drake leaned back and looked down at her with a solemn expression. “It’s not that we don’t trust you, sweetheart. There are quite a few out-of-towners who may not understand that you’re spoken for. Besides, some people will be here soon that you need to meet and if you’re not here, they’ll think we made you up.”

  “Oh,” Kinsey said, feeling somewhat mollified.

  Her mood did not bounce back as she hoped. She really wanted to find some good old-fashioned comfort food, soda and chocolate, and macaroni and cheese, and after stuffing herself, to climb into the backseat of the truck and take a long nap.

  “Drake? Logan? You guys here?” a male voice called just before a crowd of people appeared between their horse trailer and the one parked beside them but about ten feet away.

  “Yeah, we’re still here,” Drake called over her head before giving Kinsey one last long, deep kiss. When he finally released her, she wobbled so badly, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side.

  Kinsey’s cheeks burned when she finally opened her eyes and found herself facing a woman and four men who looked much like Logan and Drake. The woman was tiny, though had an air of contentment around her.

  “Carter, Kyra, Finn, Brody, and Drew, I’d like to introduce you to our woman, Kinsey Smith. Sugar britches, these are our friends,” Drake made the introductions.

  “Don’t you mean yours, Master?” Drake asked softly as he stepped up on her other side.

  Kinsey looked from one man to the other, watching as Drake met his slave boy’s gaze squarely. A second later, the dominant power in his expression was plain to see. Then he smirked as he glanced down at her before returning his gaze to Logan. “Did I stutter?”

  “No, Master,” Kinsey and Logan answered together.

  “Well then, there you have it,” Drake stepped so they were able to have a three-way hug. Then Drake gave them each a quick kiss on the lips before releasing them again.

  Kinsey wanted to hide, fearful of what his friends might think of their most unusual relationship. Then she saw that Brody and Drew were holding hands and Carter had his arm around Kyra’s shoulders while Finn held her other hand. Maybe they wouldn’t be so shocked after all.

  “Come on, y’all, I’m hungry,” Brody complained as he turned and began to drag Drew toward the area where the fair portion of the weekend had been set up. Food, rides, booths offering business information and handmade crafts filled the field on one side of the large fair buildings. Two other sides were spectator parking and the third was roped off for the competitors’ rigs.

  The six men kept the two women protected from the growing crowd as they walked up and down every lane, joking about games and checking out the wide variety of food selections. Along the way, they stopped at nearly every food booth and bought something. They then found a large empty picnic table and settled in, passing food back and forth so that everyone had the opportunity to sample everything.

  “Would it be all right if Kinsey and I went and looked at the crafts?” Kyra asked softly once they had finished and the men were sitting and talking.

  Carter and Finn exchanged a glance and Finn nodded. “We’ll meet you at the entrance to the arena in an hour,” Carter said.

  Kinsey looked at Drake. “Sir?”

  Drake looked at Carter and then at Logan before nodding. “Stay with Kyra until we come and get you. Stay out of trouble. I do not want to have to bail you out of jail.”

  Kinsey smiled as she leaned up to kiss him. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” she said, her tone filled with snark. Then she turned to kiss Logan before standing and walking away.

  Kinsey walked away from the table, putting a little extra sway in her walk as she could feel Logan and Drake watching her. Thankfully she had her credit card with the insanely high limit with her because as they walked the section with handmade quilts and beautiful artwork, she decided it was time to make a few changes around the old homestead.

  The two women talked and got to know one another as Kinsey shopped. Kinsey found that Kyra was shy and soft-spoken, but by the time they took all their purchases to the trailer and packed them away in the unlocked truck cab, she was opening up. Kinsey felt they would become friends.

  They arrived to meet the men three minutes late. Carter looked at his watch before giving Kyra a look that said she was in trouble.

  “It’s my fault,” she said, stepping in front of the smaller woman. She was so frail a slap could do real damage. “I didn’t want to drag everything I bought into the arena so we had to go back to the truck.”

  Brody and Carter gave her what she recognized as a blank Dom look. Instead of chastising her, they turned and headed into the arena. Kinsey had a feeling she had not heard the last of it.

  They found their seats about halfway up the grandstand and settled in. Having been warned earlier by Kyra, Kinsey was not surprised that they sat together with Carter and Finn beside Kyra and Brody and Drew beside her. Protect-the-women mentality still existed in the twenty-first century.

  She watched each event with growing appreciation for the skill, physical power, and timing each event took. Logan and Drake were disqualified from their event, the team calf roping, because Logan threw his rope too early and missed the calf’s back feet.

  “Drake is not going to be happy about that,” Drew said. “Last year they went all the way to the state finals.”

  Her men joined them during the intermission, each carrying a tray with four beer bottles and a stack of hot dogs. A vendor followed them up the stairs with several trays of nachos and bags of popcorn. The food was passed around before resettling into their seats. She was not surprised when Brody and Drew moved down two seats. Carter and Brody had a conversation with Drake that lasted quite a few minutes. Once they were finished, he sat down next to Kinsey with Logan on his other side.

  Before she could say a word, the big cowboy Dom took off his cowboy hat and rested it on his muscular thigh. Then he pulled her close and gave her a long, deep kiss, not stopping until she was breathless. He ignored the catcalls and jeers from those around them. Her heart, soul, and mind wobbled as she melted into her chair once he finished. Drake placed his hat back on his head, and took a long drink from his beer. After flipping the arm up between their seats, he maneuvered her so she was leaning into his
side. She was surprised at how well they fit together in that position.

  The first event after the intermission was the bareback bronc riding. When the first horse exploded out of the gate, Kinsey gasped an “Oh my,” and held her breath until the buzzer sounded, telling the crowd the eight-second ride was over.

  Drake looked at her once she started breathing again. “Still think you want to try that, sugar britches?”

  Kinsey blinked and watched the second ride of the evening with horrified fascination. That rider only lasted five seconds before being tossed like a ragdoll only to the hard ground.

  Only then did she turn and looked at the man who was quickly coming to own half her heart, the other half going to Logan. “I think I need to learn to ride a horse first.”

  He stared at her for a long second before he began to laugh. “Sounds like a plan, baby, but don’t ever think I will ever willingly allow it.”

  Kinsey chuckled and leaned deeper into his side, feeling content for the first time in her life, like she was exactly where she belonged. As the rodeo continued, down in the arena, she tried to figure out how to show her men that she wanted to be their girl forever.

  At the end of the evening, as they were leaving the arena and getting ready to part ways, Kyra looked at Kinsey. “Make them bring you to the next Tuesday night poker game.”

  “Tuesday night?”

  “To the poker game. We can sit in the corner and talk if you don’t know how to play.”

  Kinsey nodded and waved as Kyra ran back to her men. Then she turned to her men. “Tuesday night poker game?”

  Chapter Ten

  “Actually it’s the biweekly Tuesday night BDSM poker game,” Drake corrected. He tightened his arm around her shoulder as they made their way through the crowd. He then gave her one of his evil Dom smirks. “And you will definitely be going with us to the next game.”


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