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Lilly's Torment [Beyond the Veil 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Honor James

  Beyond the Veil 2

  Lilly’s Torment

  Losing her partner was tough for Lilly Webb, moving to a new job in a new city even tougher, and then she meets her partners. Two men who will push her to the very limits and demand even more as they get to know one another. But she has a huge problem, she’s being used by someone or something and she has no idea why.

  Artaxias never thought the day would come when he’d finally find his mate. That she’s his new partner makes it all the sweeter. Rounding out their threesome is Gavriel, once a kid he had to protect, he grew into a man that Ax fully respects and is proud to call family.

  When both men realize the extent of Lilly’s troubles, they will stop at nothing to protect her. But it’s looking like it may just not be enough. With no idea who they are fighting, their relationship will be pushed to new limits. But is love enough?

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 96,714 words


  Beyond the Veil 2

  Honor James


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Honor James

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-479-1

  First E-book Publication: May 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Honor James’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. James’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  I would like to dedicate this book to my fans. I love you all and you are the reason I write.

  I also would like to give a special shout-out to the guy who makes the coffee at the corner store. You have fueled many a long writing night, my friend!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  About the Author


  Beyond the Veil 2


  Copyright © 2014


  February 26, 2014

  “It’s been twelve days since the Veil has fallen,” Jonathan reported into the camera. “War has been declared against the races. Among these races as we’ve found out through sources, are the following.” He lifted a sheet of paper from the desk and began to read. “Luhpyne, which is wolf, Vhampire which is self-explanatory.” His smile was more a grimace. “There are also Ahnjels, which is angel, and Spirytes, which is witch or warlock, depending on the sex. Currently, these are the only races we know exist, but we’ve heard rumors that there are likely others.”

  Casey, the other reporter, looked pale as the camera focused on her. “We’ve had reports that the races, for the most part, have remained on their side of the line. The line is where the Veil had been before it fell. We’re still unclear as to why the Veil fell and likely may never know for sure.”

  “That is true, Casey, but scientists are working on the problem. Remarkably, scientists both of the races and ones who are human. So far, they are the only ones that are working well together.” Jonathan paused and took a piece of paper handed to him from off camera. “We’ve just been notified that the declaration of war has become an act of war. A nuclear device was apparently sent past the line where the Veil once was. It didn’t explode, and was in fact disarmed by the races, but they are taking this to heart and have notified Earth officials that they will end this war on their terms.”

  The camera cut to Casey, who was staring over toward Jonathan with horror on her face. “Oh my God,” she breathed out. She seemed to catch herself and faced the camera again. “We will keep you up to date on all the news as it becomes available.” The station went to a programmed show in progress at that point.

  Chapter One

  October 31, 2034

  Lifting her head up, she cast a gaze into the darkness. Try as she might, she couldn’t gain a bearing, couldn’t figure out just where the hell it was that she was. She shifted, moved slightly, and tried to refocus. Shaking her head, she lifted a hand and touched her forehead, wincing immediately when she did so. Once more, she closed her eyes and simply tried to focus, tried to regain her composure so that she could get out of there. So that she could escape.

  Pulling spit into her mouth, she spat the blood out and once more lifted herself up on shaky hands, got up to her knees, and braced a hand on the wall at her side. A whimper escaped her as she lifted herself up to her feet. Close, she was so very close. Just a little further, just a little more and she would be able to move. Pulling upon all of her
inner strength, she licked her lips and rose to her feet and then began to move.

  One foot in front of the other, her steps heavy, the boots feeling even heavier than they typically would on her feet as she moved. Closing her eyes against the wave of dizziness, Lilly took a breath in through her nose, pushed the breath out through her mouth, and moved. Somehow, some way, she had to get away, had to get out.

  Stopping just before a window, she stood off to the side, glancing out the broken and filth-covered window before ducking, moving to the other side and looking once more. Certain that the coast was clear, she moved on past that window and to the next with tattered lace curtains that billowed in the wind, whistling through the broken glass. The moon shining through the smudged glass was a mockery of calm and rightness.

  Snorting, she continued until she made it to a door. Pausing, she braced her blood-covered hand on the doorframe. Bending slightly at the middle so that she could breathe, she then wiped her hand over her forehead once more. “All right,” she whispered aloud and then looked once more. After ensuring that the coast was clear, she stumbled out of the home and toward the bright lights of the city through the park.

  When she arrived at the FBI building, Lilly pushed her way in, greeted by the bright lights and safety that the building made her feel. Suddenly there was a rush and flurry of activity around her, and she looked to her boss. Swallowing hard, she looked to him and lifted her hand to pass off the flash drive that she fished out of her pants pocket. “It’s all there.” She felt hands on her body, pulling her down, and continued, had to tell him. “It was Tommy Hemby.”

  “Your partner?” someone asked her, and realizing it was the director, she nodded.

  “Yeah. He was the one selling us out. He had been on the take for years. I was next on his list. It’s all there. If you will excuse me, I think I’m going to pass out now and let the medics take care of me,” she told the director when she saw the medics rushing toward them with their bags in tow.

  * * * *

  Two days later…

  “Tommy is in the wind,” Director Viator said after he took a seat across from her hospital bed.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” Lilly asked in frustration. “Son of a bitch.” She moved, grabbed the IV that was in the top of her hand, and pulled it out. Grabbing the leads on her chest, she pulled those free as well and listened to the machine at her left flatline. “Get my clothes,” she demanded.

  “This isn’t something you can handle right now, Lil.”

  “Yeah, well, you guys lost him. Sorry, I know you are my boss, but freaking really? I mean, come on,” she muttered and moved to the closet when her boss didn’t move, and pulled her clothes down from the hangers. “I will find him even if it kills me.”

  “How did I know you were going to be this damn stubborn?”

  “Probably because you have known me since I was, like, twelve? Are you going to get my weapon for me?”

  “Already have it.”

  “Thanks, boss,” Lilly said and pulled her pants on, and then turned to tug a shirt on. Bracing a hand on the wall, she let her head fall forward just a little and panted, gasped and then turned. “Damn, it freaking hurts to be shot,” she grumbled. “Anyway, me and that asshat have some words, or rather, I will be the one shooting him and then telling him to stay still he’s under arrest.”

  “I didn’t hear that,” her boss said as he looked the opposite way from her dressing. “You sure that you are going to be okay?”

  “Yep, I’m good. I’m doped with all kinds of lovely drugs, but I’m good.”

  “You pull your stitches and you are going to be on my bad side, Lilly.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She rolled her hand and shook her head. “Now, where was he last?” she asked and stepped into her boots. Sitting, she laced them as she listened to the director. “Gotcha. I will handle this,” she said and rose to her feet again. “Do you have a spare phone for me?”

  “No, but here, take mine. I will get another so that we can stay in contact. I will text you my number, and this way you have my phone index if you need it as well. Also, Ramirez and Honeywell will meet you downstairs. You see, I had this feeling deep in the pit of my ulcer-ridden stomach that you would want to go for him.”

  “Yeah, well I keep telling you that eating all that junk food will give you ulcers.”

  “And so will having a mouthy agent,” the director said and added, “Be safe out there, Lil, and use Ramirez and Honeywell. I mean it. I think that I could go my entire life without seeing you bloody again, thank you very damn much.”

  “Aw, you are just a big softie, aren’t you?” Lilly asked with a grin and then, “Where is my weapon?”

  “They have it down in the SUV waiting on you. Hospital policy and all that,” he added with a snort. “The kind that frown on you shooting the doc because he kept dosing you to keep your ass down.”

  “Yeah, worked well for him, huh?” she muttered and rubbed her hand over her stomach. “Do they have body armor for me? I seriously don’t want to be shot or stabbed again. That bloody well hurts.”

  “With your weapon. Now go. Find Tommy and make sure that he lives long enough to make it to trial?”

  “Will do, boss,” Lilly said and moved to him. Her hand touched his shoulder, “Thanks,” she whispered before heading out so that she could track down a man that had been the closest thing to a brother she had in this world.

  * * * *

  December 30, 2034

  Sprawled on her couch, Lilly held the long neck in loose fingers and looked at the man across from her. “So, you are telling me that because I happen to have a thing for creating weapons, and a track record for finding people, that I’m being reassigned? Seriously?”

  “That is exactly what I am telling you. I know that Director Viator was a close and personal friend of yours, he was of mine, as well, but he’s gone. I hate that he’s gone, but the fact remains that you are a weapons maker and it’s time that you put that to good use. The AEDA needs a weapons maker in New York and that’s where you are going.”


  “If you want them in writing, I can certainly do that.”

  Lilly toyed with the edge of the bottle’s label and thought for a moment. “I want a raise,” she told him without looking up. “And I want full expenses for moving on such short notice. The AEDA will also buy out my house and put me up in one of my choosing in New York. And don’t say that it’s not in the budget, we both know what a load of shit that is.”

  Thinking for a moment, the new director said, “Fine, deal. But you have to be there and ready to work by this time next week.”

  “No problem.”


  “Yep, because you are going to have movers move my shit, too.” She looked up and saw him gritting his teeth together and had to let her hair fall to hide her face and her grin when she caught him grinding his teeth. Nodding, she added, “Good, we have a deal. Good to be a part of the AEDA.” She stood and held her hand out to him.

  “And no going to try to track without backup. You are a weapons maker.”

  “Who started as an agent, who has several black belts in many different forms of combat.”

  “Who wouldn’t stand a chance against a Werewolf, Vampire, or Warlock.”

  “Awe, listen to you. You actually sound like you might give a good hot damn about me.”

  She watched the glint of his eye when he said, “I care about all of my agents. Don’t make me regret this.”

  “No problem. Looks like I’m all yours now.”

  “God help me,” he said and shook his head. “Don’t make me regret this,” he added.

  “Don’t worry. I might be an adrenaline junkie, but I’m not stupid. Believe it or not, I actually really freaking love breathing.”

  “Yeah, all of the stitches that you have had over the years really proves that point.”

  “All learning curves, I assure you.”

  Heaving a d
eep sigh, he slid his hands through his hair and shook his head. “Lord, they warned me about you, but I never thought it was true.” The grin on the curves of his lips spoke of his amusement. “Please try not to have everyone in New York ready to strangle you.”

  “Who, me? I’m a totally lovable and adorable person,” Lilly said with a smirk.

  “I better leave before I hear you saying something that might actually be true.” His smile was broad now, and he added, “You are something else, Agent Webb. I now see why Ramirez and Honeywell wanted to keep you on the team.”

  “Nah, they only wanted to keep me because I make some awesome damn toys. And not the kind that vibrate either, although that one year Honeywell had me—” She was cut off by a hand to her mouth and a shake of the new director’s head.

  “Please don’t finish that statement. I don’t think I want to know.”

  Lilly’s brown eyes danced in amusement. Nodding, she waited for his hand to be removed before she added, “His wife loved it. Okay, right, you got it, boss man. I will head toward New York, just make sure that whoever packs my house is really damn good or I might have to get cranky.”

  Snorting, he shook his head. “God help me.”

  “He did. He sent you me,” she teased and then headed for her door. “And look, he just opened a door for you. Good-bye, Director Atwell. Don’t worry, I won’t make waves, promise.”

  “Why is it that I’m having a hard time believing you?” he asked, and folded his coat over his arm. “After the way you carried on at Morgan, I thought you were seriously deranged.”


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