Phone Calls from a Rock Star

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Phone Calls from a Rock Star Page 15

by JL Paul

  I talked to Jake every night and sometimes to the other guys, too. I never let on what was happening, though. I didn’t want to worry Jake. Besides, I would figure it out myself and stop it somehow. There wasn’t anything he could do anyway.

  Seth, who was the only person I’d told about me and Jake, called one evening to find out if I was coming to the concert. I told him that I was, and that Jake would get me in so I wouldn’t need any of his tickets. I also, awkwardly I might add, told him that I wasn’t staying with him, that I was staying in Jake’s hotel. I had agreed to let Jake get me an adjoining room, though it was really a waste. I would end up sleeping with him, anyway. Just sleep. I knew I wasn’t ready for anything more than that but I needed to be close to him.

  My first Friday night after the break, I left play practice late and slowly walked back to my dorm. Practice wasn’t mandatory on Fridays, and we mostly just built sets anyway, but being the social outcast that I was, I went.

  I figured since it was Friday night most of the older students had already left campus, and I was free to do whatever I wanted. The underclassmen hadn’t started in on me yet so I had that going for me. Scrunching deeper into my jacket, I slung my bag over my shoulder. All of a sudden, I was face first in a snow bank. I sat up, spitting out mouthfuls of snow, and turned to see who had pushed me. Sandra and Sarah Petersen loomed over me, superior smirks on their twin faces.

  “Leave me alone,” I groaned as I got to my feet and shook the snow off my bag.

  “What’s the matter, you little tramp?” Sandra, or was it Sarah, asked. “Are you sad because Lance dumped you?”

  “I could care less,” I said, teeth chattering. I was cold, wet and very tired. “Lance is pretty pathetic. I guess that makes Kimberly pretty pathetic, too, huh? She’s the one dating him now.”

  I really needed to learn to control my mouth sometimes but I kind of liked my comeback.

  Sarah, or was it Sandra, didn’t however, and took a swing at me. She hit me in the shoulder, rather weakly, but I wasn’t expecting it and I fell into the snow again.

  “Leave her alone!”

  I closed my eyes in relief at the sound of my savior—I’m not much of a fighter. I jumped to my feet as Annie and Cammy stormed toward the twins, eyes blazing. Cammy grabbed my bag and handed it to me while Annie chased the twins away.

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  “We’re still very mad at you,” Annie stated, her eyes angry. “But we weren’t about to let those girls hurt you.”

  She turned on her heel and stomped off in the darkness. Cammy offered me a feeble smile before following in Annie’s wake. My heart fell, though not as far, and reached out for the little bit of hope the girls had just offered.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The weekend flew by faster than I wanted and before I knew it, I was enduring more whispered insults as I walked to my classes. I was getting better at ignoring it, but it was starting to get to me—burrowing into the thick skin I was trying to develop. And class was no safe harbor either—especially the two I shared with Lance. He didn’t join in with the others but he definitely didn’t try to stop it. He just sat back at his desk, smug smile on his lips while he trained his eyes on the teacher.

  Several times I considered calling my brother, just to vent. He’d attended this school and knew how nasty people would be. But, when the few times that I’d managed to pluck the courage to call him, I’d get his voicemail. I just left a generic message, telling him I’d call him back later.

  Wednesday afternoon, as I made my way to play practice, Alicia Phelps and Cindy Kinsey followed close behind, whispering loudly and laughing at my stupidity. I wondered, and not for the first time, when everyone would grow bored with me and move on to the next scandal.

  “I bet she’s doing drugs now,” Alicia laughed. “She brought that rock star to the dance, you know. I heard he and his friends are all strung-out drug addicts.”

  Peals of laughter followed her comment, and I could stand it no more. The last week of humiliation mixed with the hurt at my friends’ absence came to a head. The snip at Jake and the guys was the last straw. I clenched my hand into a fist, whirled around and took a swing at Alicia, nailing her in the chin. Stunned, she took a couple steps back, but it didn’t take her long to recover. She charged, ramming me into a snow bank. Her elbow caught me in the nose and I saw stars. Really bright stars. She took advantage of my star gazing and grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking it hard. About that time, Ms. Norbert came around the corner with two guys from the play, carrying a bunch of boxes. She dropped hers and pulled Alicia off of me. The boys rushed forward and one of them helped me out of the snow. Ms. Norbert grabbed my left arm and Alicia’s right and frog-marched us into the Arts building. She took us to her office and made us both sit. She handed me a box of tissue and I dabbed at my nose, sopping up the blood flowing over my lips.

  She glared at us while she formed her words. “I will not report this incident, but I am telling you both that I want this stupid, immature behavior to stop right now!” She turned her hard glare on Alicia. “I’ve heard the names and the insults and I don’t like it. It stops immediately.”

  Alicia lifted a nonchalant shoulder and Ms. Norbert excused her. Once the door closed behind Alicia, Ms. Norbert eyes softened as she looked at me. “Bella, you don’t look so good. Are you eating? Sleeping?”

  “I’m fine,” I said, holding a tissue to my nose. “Really.”

  “If you’re having problems with your fellow classmates, you need to speak to the Dean. You don’t have to put up with this.”

  I smiled gratefully and dumped my bloody tissues into her wastebasket. I snatched another and dabbed at my nose, happy to see the blood flow had decreased.

  “It’s nothing,” I told her. She and I both knew that no teacher or Dean would be able to stop this. It would either have to wind down on its own or I’d have to endure until the school year ended.

  “Would you like me to take you to the nurse?”

  “No,” I said. “It stopped bleeding. It’s okay.”

  She nodded, lips pursed. “I’ll excuse you from practice tonight. Why don’t you go to your room and get started on your homework?”

  I nodded my thanks and escaped her office as quickly as possible. Once I reached my dorm and changed out of my wet clothes, I went into the bathroom to check my nose in the mirror. The bleeding had stopped, and it didn’t look particularly swollen. That cheered me some. I could imagine Jake’s reaction if my nose was blown up bigger than a clown’s. I’d have an awful time explaining that.

  Homework completed, I decided to go ahead and pack. Sure, I was jumping the gun, but I had nothing else to do and it reminded me I’d be seeing Jake soon. After classes ended Friday afternoon, I intended on leaving right away. I’d even considered skipping my last two classes but I knew Jake would not be impressed.

  I rifled through my closet and spotted the box of concert stuff. I took it down and sat on my bed, sorting through all the loot. I smiled, remembering the promise I had made Ronnie. Matt said to pass the stuff out to my friends. I had none. Maybe. I scrambled for a notebook and pen and began writing.

  Annie and Cammy,

  I know how horrible I was to you both and how I neglected you because of Lance. I am so terribly sorry I let a boy come between us. I am very, very sorry. I’ve learned these past few weeks how precious friendship is, especially with people like you two. I realize I took advantage of you both, even when we were on better terms. I guess it’s true that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

  Jake keeps telling me to give it time—that you’re both good girls and you’ll forgive me. I know he’s right but I miss you both so much, and I’m tired of waiting. I want my friends back now.

  I’ll try to be patient. After all, you have a lot to forgive me for.

  I’m leaving this stuff for you, and I hope you get it this weekend. Enclosed are your Christmas gifts along with some stuff Jake and the ot
her guys gave me to give to you.

  I hope and pray when I come back Sunday night, maybe we can talk.

  I love you both,


  I put the letter in an envelope, scrawled their names across the top and taped it to the box. I finished packing, left Jake a voice mail and crawled into bed.


  I raced from class Friday afternoon to my room. The long, horrible day was finally over. In every single one of my classes, some idiot would constantly pelt me with random items, be it wadded up paper, pencils, erasers, whatever—they weren’t too particular. I couldn’t wait to get away from this school for two glorious nights.

  I threw my books on my bed, changed my clothes and grabbed my overnight bag. I made sure to leave the box for Annie and Cammy on Annie’s bed as I headed out the door. I turned around and nearly ran into them both.

  “Oh, sorry,” I mumbled, staring at my feet. “Um, I left a box of stuff for you two on Annie’s bed. I’ll be gone all weekend if you want the room or anything.”

  “Where are you going?” Cammy asked in her soft voice.

  I looked at her, smile toying on my lips. “Seth’s school. Jake and the guys are playing there this weekend.”

  “So, you’re still talking to Jake?” Annie asked, her tone hard.

  A blush spread across my cheeks as my smile widened.

  “Yeah,” I said in a whisper. Annie and Cammy exchanged a look. “Um, I have to go. I told Jake I’d leave right after class.”

  “Okay,” Cammy said. She gave me a hesitant smile. Annie nodded so I nodded back. I waved and tore off down the hall.


  I called Jake as I neared the University. I wasn’t sure where the hotel was so he told me to meet him in the Hall. He said they were still rehearsing but it sounded to me that they were goofing off.

  I parked and followed the confusing signs that directed me to the Hall. Once I got there, a beefy man twice the size of Frankie, Jake’s bodyguard, stopped me. I was in near tears as I tried to convince him Jake was expecting me. Finally, the blonde with the tablet from the New Year’s show strolled up to us.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked.

  “Amanda, right?” I prayed that was her name. I couldn’t recall. “Do you remember me from the New Year’s show at West Village University?”

  She furrowed her brow. “Aren’t you Jake Johnson’s girl? He said you’d be here.”

  “Yes,” I said, jumping up and down like an idiot. She ignored my reaction and shoved a laminated pass on a long, nylon lanyard at me.

  “Here. Wear this and you won’t have any more problems.” She disappeared before I could thank her. I smiled sarcastically at the big man, and he allowed me passage. I skipped through the doors and down the long aisle. I spotted Jake’s bandana-clad head on stage horsing around with Nick and a couple of members of Society Lost. I stopped as my breath caught in my chest. It’d only been two weeks, but it seemed a lifetime.

  “There’s Iz!” Ronnie yelled behind me, startling me. He laughed when I jumped, and picked me up, swinging me around. He carried me up to the stage and deposited me on top of it. “You don’t weigh much,” he frowned.

  I shrugged and threw my arms around Jake, inhaling his scent and savoring the moment. He kissed my temple and eased me back.

  “You’re not looking so hot,” he said, brows dipping in concern. “Have you been sick?”

  “No,” I said with an uneasy smile. “Just busy with schoolwork and play practice.”

  He studied me for a couple more minutes and kissed my cheek. “We’ve just finished up – your timing is impeccable. You ready to get out of here?”

  “Definitely,” I smiled, anxious to have a second alone with him. My cell rang and I frowned at the number. “I forgot to call my brother.”

  “Have him meet us at the hotel,” Nick suggested.

  I spoke quickly to Seth and told him where I was staying. He was so excited to meet Jake and the guys that his voice pitch nearly sent all dogs in a two mile radius into howling fits. I ended my call and handed Jake my keys. He took me by the hand and led me to the car. Once we were both safely inside, he pulled me close and kissed me softly. I melded into him, forgetting how horrible the past two weeks had been.

  He broke the kiss with a smile, making my heart flutter erratically. “I couldn’t wait to do that.”

  I blushed and laced my fingers through his as he started the car and drove us to the hotel.

  Everyone had congregated in Jake’s room when Seth arrived. When he knocked on the door, I raced to answer it, anxious to see my big brother. I threw my arms around him as he entered. He returned my embrace briefly then pulled away, holding me at arm’s length with a frown.

  I took a step back, a little startled. He pointed a finger at me. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Isabella Ames.”

  I took another step back, eyes growing. “What?”

  He noticed four pairs of curious eyes watching us and his cheeks pinked. “Oh, hi. I’m Seth.”

  They went through the usual male greeting ritual; hand shake, head nod, grunts of ‘how you doing, man’, that sort of thing. I tried desperately to blend in with my surroundings, praying I’d suddenly turn into a chameleon. But it didn’t work. Seth whirled around to point at me again.

  “Sit,” he ordered.

  Nick scrambled for a chair tucked under a table and set it down behind me. I sank in it, eyes on my brother.

  Seth stood over me, arms folded, glaring at me as though I were under interrogation for some sort of heinous crime.

  “What’s going on at school?” he asked, tone even but highly dangerous.

  “Nothing,” I mumbled, dropping my eyes to the floor. It was about time the hotel shampooed the carpet.

  “Don’t lie to me, Isabella,” he said through clenched teeth.

  I took a deep breath, panic and fear lifting my face to his. “Drop it, Seth. It’s nothing. Everything is under control.” I wasn’t liking where this conversation was headed or the look in his eyes.

  “Something wrong at school, Iz?” Jake asked. He leaned against the dresser and tilted his head.

  I jumped to my feet, eyes darting all over the room. I couldn’t find a spot to stare at—there were too many eyes in the room watching me. “Nothing is going on, okay? Can we please drop the whole matter?”

  Seth barked out a sarcastic laugh. “Mark Pembrock’s little brother is in Drama Club with you, right? What’s his name…Jeff?” I nodded in defeat. There was no way out of this now. Jeff was the boy who’d helped me out of the snow. “Mark Pembrock is in my Philosophy class. Bet you can’t guess what he told me today.”

  I narrowed my eyes at my brother.

  “Okay, I got you. Drop the innocent act. I know what he told you,” I snarled. I temporarily forgot that Jake and the others were in the room. “He told you Alicia bloodied my nose after I punched her, right?”

  “No way, Iz,” Ronnie exclaimed. He jumped off the dresser he’d been sitting on seconds ago. I held up my hand and stopped him, my eyes still on my brother.

  “I’m fine. It’s over,” I told Seth. His smile wasn’t the soft, happy-go-lucky smile he usually wore. Instead, it held a hint of anger.

  “Jeff told Mark people have been hassling you since school started up again.”

  Jake took a step toward me but I couldn’t face him. I was too embarrassed. “What’s going on, Iz?”

  I rubbed my forehead in an attempt to hide. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “How can you say that, Bella?” Seth exploded. Did I ever mention that we were close? And that he is very protective? “Look at you! You look like you haven’t slept or eaten a thing since Christmas break.”

  Ya think?

  “I can take care of it,” I whispered, still hiding.

  “You’re not doing a very good job,” he shouted. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I tried calling you,” I said, glaring at him. “You’re al
ways busy.”

  He paled and took a step back. “I kept putting you off, huh?”

  “I wasn’t going to tell you anyway,” I admitted.

  Nick stepped between us and took me by the shoulders. He gently eased me back in the chair and squatted in front of me. He held my hands. “What’s happening at your school, Iz?”

  His voice was so soft and sweet that it broke me. A sob caught in my throat, and I had to swallow before I could speak. I stared at our connected hands, watching Nick’s thumbs run softly over the top of my hands. I had a strange, sudden urge for my mother as the first tears fell from my eyes and landed on Nick’s hand. I swiped angrily at them, horrified that I’d once again been reduced to a crying, sobbing mess.

  “It’s horrible,” I whispered when I finally found my voice.

  Nick lifted my chin and his green eyes met mine. “Tell me, sweetie, what do they do?”

  “They call me bad names, spread rumors about me, try to trip me in the halls. They throw stuff.” I spoke so quickly and quietly that I didn’t think the others heard me. But I could feel every pair of eyes boring into me and I knew they heard every word.

  “Bella,” Seth said hoarsely. “You didn’t do anything with Lance, did you?”

  I shook my head, finally looking at his face. “No. He tried. He made a bet with Dean Gold. But I swear he lost!”

  Seth cursed and I was certain my mother would not have approved of the words coming out of his mouth.

  “So you quit going to the cafeteria,” Nick continued, dragging my gaze back to him. He was so handsome I was surprised he didn’t have a girlfriend. “And you’re not sleeping.”

  I could only nod. He continued to rub his thumbs over my hands in sympathy and it suffocated me. I jumped away from him and out of the chair, knocking it down in the process. I wiped my face again. “Look, I can handle this. It’s nothing but a bunch of immature, childish stuff. It will stop soon enough.”

  “It won’t stop, Iz,” Nick said, standing in front of me. “I know. I dropped out of school when I was fifteen because of the same thing.”


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