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Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood)

Page 8

by Reders, E. M

  A few of the girls had already come to say goodbye but Beth had seemed to wait until the last minute as if giving her friend time to change her mind. But there was no way on this earth that she would. She could never survive without Lochlann, not now, not ever. He was a part of her as much as she was him. They belonged together, of that she was sure.

  “I'm positive Beth.”

  “And you will really be safe with him? I mean, he is a vampire after all.”

  “I trust him completely. He would never hurt me Beth, of that I can guarantee. And anyway it’s not like I'm going alone, Marcy is coming with us.”

  “I still can’t believe it, what am I going to do without you? In one night I'm losing a friend and a surrogate mother.” Her eyes brimming with tears as the old lady came forward and embraced her.

  “You will be fine my dear. And remember if anything shall happen talk to Tristan, he will look after you.”

  What were they talking about?

  Amber was going to ask but she suddenly felt Lochlann's warm breath on the back of her neck as his hands came around her waist and held her against him.

  “You ready to go?”

  Nodding her head in answer, “I’ll be right there.”

  He left her there to say her final goodbyes as he helped Marcy into the large blacked out limousine that was sitting on the curb waiting for them. It would take them most of the day but by driving they should arrive at his home in the highlands just after night fall, making it safe for him to emerge from the vehicle.

  “I really am going to miss you,” she said wrapping Beth up in tight hug.

  “Promise me you will keep in touch; let me know that you’re ok?”

  “I promise.”

  “Then go,” she said turning Amber towards the car, forcing a smile. “And make sure he treats you right.”

  As she shut the door behind her and snugged up against Lochlann’s side she cast one last glance at her friend. The smile was gone and tears were streaming down her face. “Don’t worry Amber, she will be fine.” And with that they pulled off and left her past behind and headed for her new life. A life with her man, her mate. She had been thinking about it a lot since they had first spoken about it. Before she hadn’t been sure that it was what she really wanted. And in all honest truth she didn’t want it but she wanted him, she wanted Lochlann… forever. So with that in mind she began to think about the night ahead and what would happen when they made love tonight in their new home together and he made her his mate… his immortal mate.


  By E.M Reders

  The vampire world is a dangerous place at the best of times, but especially so during a war. Though there is one safe place left. ‘Dead Fang Hotel.’ But it’s not a sanctuary for all its residents.

  For Bree it is nothing but a prison. A prison in which to hide from her enemies and the horrors of her dark past. She hates the place and after being carted back there after yet another attempt at escape decides that she has had enough of her constant captivity. Things have to change. The biggest change comes in the form of a tall, dark, sexy as hell vampire assassin… Gabriel

  But as the two grow ever closer she begins to worry that her past may cost her even more pain than it already has.

  I mean who could love a Fangless vampire.

  *This book is Intended for Mature YA/Adult audiences due to sexual content*

  An extract from Fangless

  The night was setting in now, the sun finally going down making it safe to move out of the shad-ows. The pain radiating through my body was beginning to become unbearable, every movement hurt. It seemed to take more energy than needed just to blink, never mind putting one foot in front of the other. Why did I always do this?

  Always I ran away thinking that this time it would be different, that I would be able to do it. That if I just got far enough away from them i would be able to die before they found me. But who was I kidding, nothing ever changed. As soon as the pain kicked in I just turned back around and headed straight back, too scared and cowardly to keep going. But that was a problem. I would never be able to survive on my own. I would need them to take care of me forever, just the way they wanted it, completely dependent on them. Always I would be in need of their help, forever under their control.

  They had their reasons for it and those reasons were justifiable I admit, but still I hated them for it, them and all the others that had played their part in my disaster of an existence. I had made some bad choices in my time, very bad. But would I have made them if it wasn’t for certain other people pushing me towards them? I had been wronged in so many ways and now because of all of it, here I was practically crawling through a dark dank alley that stank of piss, as the sun finally set over the city, on the brink of death.

  It couldn’t be long before they found me surely? I had left plenty of evidence to my location for them to find. I felt bad about it, had tried not to kill the guys I had attacked and hoped the ambu-lance crews had arrived in plenty of time to make sure of that. But to be honest there was no re-grets, those guys were filthy scum bags anyway.

  Pain suddenly shot down through my head, spreading out through the rest of my body causing a scream to escape my lips. I had tried so hard not to vocalise the pain but the spasms were getting stronger every second. Everywhere was hurting now, every nerve felt like it was burning. They had to find me soon or it really would be the end. The thing was that deep down I didn’t want to die this way. If I could pick the way I would die it would to go out fighting seeking my revenge on those who had wronged me, not starving to death in the cold.

  “Well, well aren’t we in a state,” a dry voice whispered from the darkness up ahead.


  Simon stepped out into the dull light cast by a lone street lamp with a satisfied smile on his face, quickly followed by his cronies Nathan and Mark.

  Oh shit, not them, not now.

  They really were the stupidest looking bunch of vampires you’ve ever seen. Simon was the leader of their little group and the others copied everything he did which included making them self’s as ugly as possible, by copying his so called style. Little did they know that Simon hated this look; skin head with tattoos of skulls in every place they would fit and the gang tattoos on his neck. Thinking it would make them look meaner and powerful they had gone out and gotten all the same ones. It didn’t work but it did actually suit Simon, it was hard to imagine him any other way now. But really did the others have to copy everything about him, it just made them look stupid and dumb. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even had matching underwear. They were weak assholes that needed a good bashing in my opinion, which usually I would love to give them, but when in this state there was no chance of that.

  “Where’s Drake?” I prayed that he was round here somewhere, when these three were together they were unbearable.

  “Out looking for you of course, but we had hoped that we might find you first, and we did,” Na-than laughed.

  Typical I really don’t know why Simon keeps these idiots around; he always acts like such a bas-tard when they are. “So you going to take me home or just going to stand there and watch me suf-fer.”

  “Oh I think we will enjoy this why we can.” Wankers! He would never dare do this, never mind even talk to me this way if I was stronger, not to mention if Simon wasn’t here. ”Maybe you’ll re-member this for the next time you do a runner. Maybe if you’re a little nicer to us we might help you in future. But seems as you have been nothing but a stuck up bitch these past few years I think we’ll let you suffer some more first,” he sneered causing the others to laugh.

  I knew Simon was just going along with all this because of the others being here but it was true I hadn’t been very nice to them at all including Simon. Well not lately anyway. “Fuck you,” I spat stumbling and curling up on the ground as a new wave of pain ripped through me.

  There had been a time when we had been the best of friends, but that was long gone. In my anger
I had pushed Simon away. If only I was back to full strength I wouldn’t feel so helpless, wouldn’t get angry so much, well that was not entirely true I would always be angry, there was no helping that. But I couldn’t think about being full strength again, it was just too depressing, because it was never going to happen.

  “Come on, surely you’ve had enough of my suffering now,” gasping as another even more painful spasm hit.

  “Never,” Mark laughed from his perch on the bin.

  “Oh but I think that you have,” came Drakes voice from the alley entrance.

  “About bloody time,” I whispered smiling up at him, but Drake looked anything but happy to see me. Maybe I really had pushed him too far this time. “What? Not happy to see me Babes.” Probably shouldn’t have said anything and just co-operated but it was always so much fun making Drake angry. I just couldn’t help myself.

  “You stupid girl, why do you constantly have to run off like that, you cannot survive on your own. You need me and don’t deny it.”

  “I don’t need anyone,” my voice growing more faint and weak with every word but the anger and hatred I felt towards them all at that moment was still there burning away, but I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up, the pain was getting worse.

  “Well from the looks of you right now, I wouldn’t say that. Ok bag her up,” he ordered Simon and the others. Then leaned down to whisper in my ear, “when we get back we can talk about what the hell excuse we are going to give Sebastian this time.”

  Like I cared what we would say to him, he was just as much to blame for all this, even more so really. I hadn’t seen him in years. Not since he booted me off to Drake. “Bastard, why didn’t you just lie and say I was there.”

  “Because I’m not going to lie for you, you’re the one that keeps running off, so you’re the one that can deal with him.” Drake had always been scared of Sebastian, though there was a time when he had feared me even more, but those days where long gone.

  “And what do you mean, bag me up?” not really liking the sound of that, what were they plan-ning?

  Laughing Drake stood up, “haven’t you seen yourself Bree, you look like a fucking corpse. Can’t have you walking down there to the van now can we. The humans will all start screaming and shouting about bloody zombies and I think you have already caused enough trouble round here for one night,” obviously talking about the guys I had injured earlier.

  I hadn’t seen myself to be honest, not dared to look but from the look of my hands i could guess. They were stick thin, the skin as grey as ash clinging tightly to the bones. My nails had turned from their usual perfect manicured style to brittle and yellow like an old smoker’s. So going off these I really didn’t want to know about the rest of me. While I had been regarding my hands they had dragged a body bag over and laid it down on the ground.

  “Can you get in there yourself or do we need to stuff you in it,” Simon asked, a hint of pain in his eyes. He really did hate seeing me like this but there was no way on earth that I was going to allow him to touch me right now, not with those two around. No, no matter how painful any movement was, I would take it.

  “I’ll do it myself.”

  Other books by E.M Reders

  Flesh & Blood Series

  Amber & Lochlann (Book 1)

  Beth & Al (Coming soon)

  Fangless Series



  Fearless (Coming Soon)

  To keep up to date on future books check out E.M Reders Facebook and Twitter pages for up-dates.

  Or check out E.M Reders blogs




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