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Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance

Page 4

by Katerina Cole

“Going to check on my bike.”

  “I hope Glen is able to get you back on the road soon.”

  He noticed how she shifted in her seat when he approached. “We’ll see.”

  Her eyes were focused on the screen. He hesitated by the desk, feeling the need to draw something from her. Some kind of recognition, but she seemed distracted.

  He felt surges of regret hammering through him. He had played this all wrong. Last night was a chance to connect with her, but it had been so long since he engaged with a woman and definitely the first time he had ever felt anything close to what he was feeling for Aly, he didn’t know the right things to say. Everything happened quickly, and he didn’t exactly try to soften his rough exterior. Bhazni had fucked up more than just his dreams. He didn’t even know how to act around a beautiful woman. He had to change that.

  He groaned, pushing through the doors and walked toward Glen’s garage.

  He nodded as a woman walked past him toward the post office. He overheard her talking to someone on the steps. He turned to see a couple outside of the Skillet talking to the waitress who had served him lunch yesterday.

  He crossed the street, rounding the gas station and marching into Glen’s headquarters.

  “Hello?” He didn’t know why the man was always missing.

  “That you, Army?”

  Wyatt chuckled. It was an annoying nickname, but he knew Glen meant it as a compliment. “Yep.”

  Glen wiped his oily hands on a rag and tossed it in a bucket. “Bad news.”

  “What is it? What happened to my bike?”

  “It’s not the bike. It’s the part. The order won’t be shipped for two more days.”

  Wyatt relaxed, feeling the alarm evaporate. Two more days in St. Claire was exactly what he wanted.

  “You look mighty happy for a guy who is stuck,” Glen mentioned.

  Wyatt slapped the mechanic on the back. “You just made my day.” He walked toward the garage door. “I’ll be back in a few days.”

  “It’s not a guarantee. Might be longer.”

  “Sounds good.” Wyatt shoved his hands in his pockets. He still needed coffee and his stomach was starting to make noises.

  He made his way across the street to The Skillet. This time he smiled at the waitress and made sure to say Hello and Thank You as she sat him at the same table as before. He ordered a large coffee and the breakfast platter. After finishing every bite, he ordered two more coffees to go and quickly paid the check. He suddenly couldn't wait to see her again.

  Chapter Ten


  It had happened again. She felt the tiny prickles under her skin when Wyatt Lincoln walked down the stairs this morning. She tried to ignore those damn sparkly eyes and the way his chiseled jaw made him look like the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on.

  He would leave today. Glen would have the bike repaired and he’d ride out of town just as quickly as he had ridden in. She sighed. He had to. She couldn’t handle the way her body tingles when he was near. How she felt the need to listen to his every word with complete focus. How she wanted to reach out and touch him.

  Wyatt Lincoln needed to get on his motorcycle and get out of St. Claire. Today.

  She looked up as the Hatleys walked toward her.

  “Checking out already?”

  Mr. Hatley’s hand reached forward with the room key.

  “Yes, we’ve decided to cut our stay short a night. We’re going to try a B&B near Spokane.”

  “Oh.” Aly took the key, but felt the disappointment hit her. She had hoped to turn their trip around. Ever since the Hatleys had arrived they had seemed unimpressed with every aspect of the Long Pine.

  Mrs. Hatley tugged on her husband’s elbow. “John, let’s go.”

  Aly tried to smile, but she knew she wouldn’t see the couple again. They wouldn’t be return guests.

  “Thank you for staying with us,” she called as they pulled their suitcases behind them.

  Aly slumped into her chair. It was getting harder to have guests stay for long visits. And it was harder to find guests. She had advertised on every travel site she could find. Her father was convinced they could rely on customer loyalty, but Aly saw the books. That wasn’t working anymore. This wasn’t like the hospitality business her grandfather started in the forties.

  People didn’t plan vacations like they used to. It was all about steals and deals. Going to places where they could do twenty things at once. St. Claire didn’t have that. It never had.

  She heard the door jingle and looked up. Wyatt strolled through the lobby with a grin on his face. He held out a styrofoam cup with The Skillet’s logo.

  “Coffee?” He asked.

  She smiled back at him in spite of herself. Taking the coffee, she took a long sip to play for time. Mitchell had never brought coffee without her asking. In fact, the few times she did ask it was met with an eye roll. It was such a small gesture but it spoke volumes.

  “Hitting the road soon?” She realized she might have asked the question too eagerly, especially given the circumstances the inn was facing.

  He shook his head. “No. The bike’s not ready.”

  “Not ready?” She gulped. Shit.

  “Glen said it will be a few more days before the parts are in.”

  “W-why is that?”

  Wyatt shrugged and she noticed just how big his shoulders were. They were like massive boulders, sculpted and round.

  “Shipping delay.”

  “Oh.” She tried to focus on the computer screen and not his eyes. Anything but his eyes.

  “I was thinking.”

  “Mmmhmm.” She pretended to type something. He wouldn’t know the page was blank.

  “Last night you said St. Claire has its own attractions.”

  “Right.” She didn’t know how much longer she could keep this up. He was standing in front of the desk and her pulse had started to race.

  “I thought you might show me a couple.”

  Her eyes flashed to his. “What?”

  “I thought you could show me around. I’m sort of stuck. No wheels. Nowhere to go. What do you say?”

  She knew what the right answer was. She knew exactly what she was supposed to say to the man standing before her. The man who could send shockwaves through her with just one look. The man that made her forget the ring on her finger.

  “Sure. I’d love to show you around.”

  Chapter Eleven


  He thought about the missions. He thought about the targets he had taken out. The lives he had taken. The men who relied on him to lead. He had been given three years of his life to the effort in Bhazni, but standing next to Aly he felt there might be something for him outside of the darkness. Whenever he was around her, he felt a calm wash over him that he didn't think he had ever experienced before. He had never trusted another woman like he trusted her. He knew she was worthy of his whole heart. He just hoped he was worthy of hers.

  “Where are you taking me?” he asked.

  “You sound worried.” She walked past him, brushing her shoulder against his arm.

  “Not worried. I just like to know what the plan is.”

  She stepped over a log, and Wyatt fought the urge to plant his hands on her hips and ease her feet to the ground on the other side.

  “Part of your Army training?” She slowed as they entered a clearing.

  “You could say that.” His eyes followed the lines of her generous bottom. He couldn’t stop staring at each of her curves as she moved over the path. Every time she took a step it was if she was trying to drive him crazy.

  “You don’t like to talk much about your job do you?” She turned abruptly and Wyatt had to jerk back to avoid slamming into her.

  “There’s not much to tell.” His eyes landed on her chest. Holy hell, her breasts heaved with heavy breaths from their walk. He clamped his hands next to his side.

  She twisted her lips together. “Why? Were you a trained assassi
n or something?” She laughed, but the lightness in her voice quickly faded.

  Wyatt looked at her sharply.

  “No,” he lied.

  The last thing he wanted was for her to be afraid of him. “I was trained to do a lot of things. For the Army,” he added. “But I’m not doing that anymore.”

  He wasn’t sure he had completely erased the look of suspicion from her face. “You’re not?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m done. Not going back.”

  “Oh.” Her breathing returned to normal. “Why not?”

  “It was time to leave. Three years in that country had started to do things to me I wasn’t sure I could undo.”

  Aly’s eyes softened. There were depths in her chestnut eyes that were so warm he wanted to get lost in her. In every part of her. He felt his insides stir.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “For what?” His voice was just as low. He could hear every sound in the forest around them.

  “For whatever you went through. For whatever keeps you from telling people you were in the military. For whatever or whoever hurt you.”

  Her eyes spoke to him with soft waves of warmth, she was mesmerizing. Their eyes searched each other but the moment was lost when he felt his stomach growl.

  “What was that?” The warmth and light in her eyes was replaced with slight concern.

  Wyatt took a step back. Damn it. “I’m hungry. Sorry.”

  “Oh. Well, I do have some lunch. Come on.”

  After he had asked her to give him a tour of St. Claire, Aly had packed a bag for them and driven them a few miles from the inn.

  He followed her into the clearing, blaming his need to eat for ruining the moment. They settled on a patch of grass under a statuesque pine tree. She started to unpack their lunch.

  “Turkey sandwiches, ok?” She asked. She pulled out a bag of chips and two bottles of water.

  “Perfect. He took one of the sandwiches and started eating. It felt so natural to be sitting here with her. He felt at peace.

  They sat and took in the scenery around them.

  “This is one of the town hot spots?”

  “Very hot.” She smiled. “Hot springs, actually.”

  “Really?” He stood and walked closer to the creek running next to the low brush. He crouched to the ground then dipped his hand in the water. “It’s warm.”

  “See?” She stooped next to him. “Natural hot springs. By the time the creek runs into town the water isn’t hot anymore, but it is here.”

  He watched the warm water rush over his palm. Aly pushed her hand below the surface next to him. “When I was a little girl my mom told me it was magic.”

  “Magic?” He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  “She said it was the magic that made St. Claire special and it started out here in the woods.”

  “And do you still believe in the magic?” His hand floated toward hers, grazing her skin under the warmth of the creek.

  He heard the sharp intake of air as their skin touched. He looked at her, his eyes boring into hers.

  She nodded. “I do,” she whispered.

  Chapter Twelve


  His hand lingered next to hers. The creek bubbled around their wrists, soaking their fingers in the warmth from the springs. She wanted to move back from his touch, but she couldn’t. His blue eyes held her in place. If she breathed too deeply she was afraid the moment would snap in half, so she held her breath as Wyatt’s hand closed in around hers.

  His skin was rough and firm. His palm wide and strong as it circled her hand. It felt as if there were flames in the water under their hands. Each time the water bubbled, she felt him tighten his grip on her, threading his fingers until their hands were woven together.

  Wyatt brushed her hair from her face with his free hand as he shifted toward her face. He leaned forward, his lips brushing over hers.

  The kiss should have surprised her, but it didn’t. There was no more natural feeling in the world than kissing him. They had been easing toward this moment since they stepped foot in the woods. Hell since he walked in the door of the inn for the first time.

  He sucked gently on her lower lip before moving his mouth over hers. He pressed the back of her head, urging her toward him. Aly’s fingers wrapped around his neck as his tongue slipped between her teeth.

  Little purring sounds started from her throat as his tongue twined against hers. He pulled their hands from the water as he cupped the side of her cheek. The water dripped against her cheek, but Aly was so lost in the kiss she didn’t feel the warmth turn to chill on her skin. She wrapped her other arm around him as he devoured her mouth with hungry kisses.

  As his lips moved to her throat she felt her rational side start to claw at her. She wasn’t supposed to kiss another man. She was fucking engaged. No one else should have his hands in her hair. No one else’s mouth should be blazing heat against her neck.

  “Wait, wait.” Her eyes flew open and she pushed off of Wyatt’s solid chest.

  “What’s wrong?” He pulled her tighter, his hands clutching at her back.

  “I-I can’t.” She wiggled out of his hold. “Mitchell. I wasn’t thinking.” She turned from him. Her fingers immediately started twisting her engagement ring as if using it as a shield from doing any more wrong. She wasn’t sure it wasn’t cutting into her like a razor. Each twist felt like a slice shredding her skin.

  Wyatt stood next to her. “I thought…” He hung his head. “I don’t know what I thought. I’m sorry.”

  “Maybe we should get back to town.” She reached for the bag she had packed with a picnic. It was empty now.

  “If that’s what you want. I’ll take you.”

  She nodded. “I think that would be best.” She walked away from the springs and entered the trail that would lead to the car.

  She wanted to tell him it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted him to push her up against the next tree and steal as many kisses as he wanted. She wanted to tell him Mitchell had never kissed her like that. Mitchell never looked at her like that.

  She marched over the trail, trying to erase the kiss with each step. The problem was Wyatt was behind her and as long as he was that close, she couldn’t think of anything else.

  She stopped abruptly, spinning on her heels. “Why did you kiss me?” she fumed.

  His eyes widened. “I wanted to.”

  “You know I’m engaged. You know I have a fiancé.” Her hands planted on her hips.

  He nodded. “I do.”

  “Who does something like that?” She was angry. Why did he have her emotions twisted into knots? Why did he have her lips aching for more?

  “I don’t regret it.” He stepped closer, and she inched backward until she felt a tree press into her back.

  “Well, I do.”

  “Do you want me to say I didn’t like kissing you?” He leaned forward. She could feel his hot breath rake across her skin. “Do you want me to tell you I won’t touch you again?”

  She nodded slowly, but she couldn’t make words come from her mouth. This was her chance to tell him off. Tell him she wasn’t available and he needed to get his bags out of the inn.

  “I can’t do that, Aly.” His palm slid to the bark over her shoulder.

  “Why not?” she whispered.

  His lips were within inches of her mouth. If she tipped her head just right she would feel them move over hers. She didn’t know which was coursing through her, the rush of adrenaline from wanting him so badly, or the fear of what it meant that she did.

  “Because I know you aren’t going to marry Mitchell.” He traced her lower lip with his thumb and her body quivered under his touch.

  He stood back, straightening his shoulders, watching her as she tried to remember how to breathe.

  She peeled herself off the tree trunk and marched in front of him. She didn’t have anything else to say. She licked her lip where his thumb had been, craving just the slight
est taste of him.

  She told herself what he said wasn’t true. He didn’t know what he was talking about. He didn’t know Mitchell. Hell, he didn’t know her. But as they drove toward the Long Pine Inn in silence, Aly couldn’t shake the feeling that even though Wyatt didn’t say much, every word he spoke was always the truth.

  Chapter Thirteen


  They pulled into the gravel drive behind the Inn. The car ride back had been complete silence. Aly had not uttered a word and avoided his eye even when she mumbled her goodbye to him before shutting the door to her office.

  As he entered the elevator, his thoughts went back to their time in the woods together. He could still taste her. Her lips were like sweet cinnamon. He hadn’t meant to kiss her, but there was no way to pull himself in when she was so close. All he could think about was that she was with the wrong man. He didn’t survive three years of hell just to let the woman of his dreams make the biggest mistake of her life. He seized the moment. He regretted nothing.

  His hotel room seemed emptier than before. He laid down on the freshly made bed and began plotting his next move.

  He needed to be alone with her again. He could see it. He could feel it. She was responding to him the same way he was responding to her. She was confused only because of Mitchell. With him in the way, she wouldn’t give in to the natural pull that was so obvious between them.

  Wyatt jumped up off the bed and suddenly began pacing the perimeter of his small room. There had to be way to show her where she belonged. Ultimately, it was her decision. It was always the woman’s decision. But she had to at least know he wanted her. How badly he wanted her.

  He shuddered. He didn’t know he could want someone or something so badly. He thought Bhazni had altered him, twisted him, wrung the hope from his soul, but Aly had opened it again. He could be more than a soldier.

  The kiss was only the beginning.


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