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Brother-In-Law to Love

Page 3

by MK Moore

  “When we get married? Are you even going to ask me if I want to get married?”

  “No. Besides is “no” even a remote possibility of an answer? He rumbles out a low laugh.

  “No Derek, I want to be your wife.”

  “Well, I need you to be my wife. I need you to be the mother of my children. I need you to be with me all the time. The best way to ensure that is to get my ring on your finger tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” I say as I try to sit up. He won’t let me.

  “Sleep, Sweet B, we will talk about this in the morning. I love you.”

  “Goodnight My King.” Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with me. I can’t believe I just said that out loud. He barks out laughing.

  “I like that Brooke. A lot. Now sleep.” He pulls me closer to him and reaches to turn the bedside lamp off, plunging us into darkness. I sigh contentedly and snuggle closer to him.

  Chapter Ten


  I am so hot. As my eyes open I take in my surroundings I immediately notice several things. Brooke is wrapped around me. She feels like a furnace. My cock is poking her thigh and it is still dark out. I have no idea what time it is, but it is still early. I was planning on heading home today, but I will have to see if that is in line with her plans. I need to talk to my mom and get my grandmother’s ring. I am also starving. I try to extricate myself from Brooke but she snuggles closer. I guess I will lay here a little while longer. I fumble around behind me for my phone, but I remember that I took my clothes off at the foot of the bed. Damn!

  “How are you even awake?” Brooke groans.

  “Not a morning person, huh?” I ask chuckling. This will be a learning process. I already know almost everything about her. Now, I get to learn all the intimate quirks she doesn’t allow anyone else to see.

  “Not without copious amounts of coffee. What time is it?” She rolls away from me and stands up, heading to the bathroom.

  “I am not sure. I need to find my phone.” I flip the light on and get a good look at her. Her hair is so curly and poofy. I realize this is the first time I am seeing the real Brooke. Every other time I’ve seen her has either been a family party or when she was already up. Even when she lived with us as a teenager, she was always perfectly put together. She screeches as she gets a look at herself in the mirror. I go and lean on the door jam.

  “Oh my god! Derek why didn’t you say anything. I look like I stuck a fork in an electrical socket.” She looks to be almost in tears. She is also trying to tame her hair. It isn’t working and I have to try really hard not to laugh.

  “Why B? You look perfect to me. Always. This is just another side of you. I don’t think anyone else has seen this side of you. Am I right?”

  “No, they haven’t Derek. For good reason, I look like shit.”

  “You couldn’t even if you tried. Now I’m starving. I wonder why that could be?”

  “You are a jerk. I could eat though.” She says with a smile.

  “When are you going home?”

  “I was going to go today, but I’ll stay if you are.”

  “I was going to go home today. Let’s go home, Brooke. To my home. Our home. Let’s sleep in our bed tonight.” I might be pushing my luck here, but I want her in all the ways. When she smiles up at me, I know she sees it my way. I stalk toward her and turn around so she can hop up on the counter. I stand between her legs. I am stroking my cock. She has a wicked smile on her face.

  “When do I get to suck that cock?” She takes me in her hand and strokes slowly.

  “Not this time B, I need to be inside that sweet pussy.”

  “Yes, take it. Fuck me.”

  I slide right in and make her pussy mine once more. Perfect ending to a vacation that started out so wrong.

  I know I need to discuss my stalker situation with her because moving didn’t solve anything, but honestly, I just want to get her home. I will have to hire someone to protect her when I can’t be there because now that I have her I can’t imagine my life without her.

  Chapter Eleven


  The trip was uneventful unless you count joining the mile-high club, in your sort of in-laws private jet. Besides my clothes and Tonto, I decided to let Blake keep everything else. I don’t need anything from him. While we were packing I shot him a text that told him I was taking Tonto with me to Derek’s house. He replied and said that he wanted visitation, but he had no problem with me taking primary custody. I laughed out loud at that. Derek shot me an arched eyebrow look.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “Blake.” I said simply.

  “Why are you talking to him?”

  “Really?” I huff out. I am super irritable after traveling. Another thing he didn’t know about me. “I was telling him I was taking the dog. He said something about visitation and I thought it was funny.”

  “We are taking the dog?”

  “Of course. I love him.”

  “Ok B, I guess your evil tiny dog can come.”

  “You say that like I was negotiating with you. That’s adorable.” I say as I pat his cheek. He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

  “Are you being sassy? It seems like you are being sassy. Sassy girls get spanked.” He deadpans. I can’t tell if he is serious or not, so I go the joke route and start laughing.

  “Do they? I think you have been watching too much Fifty Shades big boy. I don’t think that’s for me.”

  “This has nothing to do with Fifty Shades of anything. Unless it is the pink your ass is going to be if you keep sassing me. Besides you have no idea what you like yet and I am going to love showing you.”

  “Sassing you? Are you 90?” He lunges at me and I squeal and start running around the room. Of course, he catches me pretty quickly. He tickles me until I can’t breathe and the next thing I know he is kissing me and pushing my dress up. I am not wearing any panties. He groans into my mouth and swats my thighs.

  “No one else should see what’s mine, Brooke. And you know that this pussy is mine.”

  I just shrug my shoulders, because I do know that it is his and only his. That shouldn’t be so hot, but it is. It is so motherfucking hot. I am getting wetter by the second and he knows it. He has pulled his cock out of his jeans and kneed my legs apart. I automatically put them around his waist and then he is in me. Fucking me. Making me scream his name. It’s hard to believe that yesterday I was a virgin.

  Chapter Twelve


  Five weeks of domestic bliss and still the sight of Brooke in our home is having an effect on me I did not anticipate. She is lounging on the sectional in the living room. She is reading on her Kindle and watching Netflix. My girl is a multi-tasker. I made the mistake of reading over her shoulder. She is into some smutty shit and that thought is almost too much to bear right now, but I will be revisiting that in the future. I have this insatiable need to make Brooke mine forever. Right fucking now, but it is Sunday. The only thing I can think of is Vegas. It’s an eight-hour drive, but flying is faster. I approached the subject with Brooke.

  “I think we should go to Vegas and get married today.”

  “Today! What is the rush? Your mother would be so mad.”

  She has a point, but I can’t wait anymore.

  “I know.” I say as walk over to the couch and bend down in front of her. “I need you to be my wife.” I start rubbing her little feet. She loves that and moans in appreciation. The sound goes straight to my cock. I cannot get enough of this woman. I continue up her legs. Her pretty pussy is calling my name. She doesn’t wear anything but one of my t-shirt when she is at home. It makes for easy access. I bury my face in her pussy. She is always wet for me. She moans and I must have her. I quickly stand and shuck off my jeans. I lean over her as she wraps her legs around my waist. I slam into her and she cries out.

  “Derek, oh my God. I love you so fucking much. I need to be your wife, today, now.”

  “Thank God B, I need you s
o fucking much” I just keep pounding into her and I feel my release building up. I pour jet after jet into her body. I collapse on her in order to gather my strength. I am not above using orgasms to get what I need.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I barely managed to convince him to wait until the weekend so the family could join us in Vegas. Just barely. I had to perform all kinds of sexual favors. Not really a hardship for me though. On Tuesday, I had a salon day with Lucy and Ronnie. They wanted to hear all about Derek and me. While my halo of highlights was setting, I was getting a desperately needed manicure. Ronnie was wanting to know all the details that Lucy shouldn’t hear. I have given her a cliff notes version. All in all, it was a fun day, but just as every work day, I missed Derek. Shouldn’t I be able to function for any length of time without him? I really think I should, but I can’t bring myself to care. I rushed through a pedicure and headed home. We flew in separately from the rest of the family on Wednesday. We are getting married on Saturday. The paparazzi haven’t left us alone since we’ve been here. How we managed to avoid them at home I’ll never know. I am about to get married. I can’t deal with them right now. I have never been here before but Derek has. We are staying at the Bellagio. Being with Blake, I am used to first class accommodations, but this is something else entirely. We take in shows I’ve always wanted to see (Hello Celine!) and we eat in fancy restaurants. We have had sex on every surface of the hotel room. I am so exhausted and I laid down after our last bout of lovemaking, Derek went out to get a few last-minute things. Just as I was about to go under, I suddenly realized I hadn’t had a period since before we went to San Tropez. I rush around the room looking for my clothes. Finding everything but my panties, I throw them on, grabbing my purse, I rush down to the concierge.

  “Hi!” I say with more enthusiasm than I feel. I am assuming Derek will have no problems with me being pregnant. That is literally all his dirty talk is about! “Can you tell me where the nearest drug store is?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. There is a drugstore just across the street.”

  “Thanks!” I rush out the front of the hotel and cross the street. There is a pretty popular 24-hour store. I head into the store and directly to the pregnancy tests. I buy the first one I see and go back to the hotel. Entering our room, I see Derek pacing the room. He rushes over to me and pulls me close.

  “Where were you, baby? I was worried about you.” He seems distressed, but I am not sure why and it slips my mind almost immediately.

  “I was almost asleep and I realized that I hadn’t had a period and I went to the drug store and got a pregnancy test and I think I might be pregnant and I love you so everything is going to be okay. OK.” I kept rambling like everything depended on getting that all out in one breath. It didn’t, of course.

  “Ok baby. Everything is going to be just fine.” He says with the biggest grin, “Do you want to take it now?”

  “Yes.” I said nodding my head. I turn to head into the bathroom. Derek is right on my heels. I stop, turn, and place my hand on his chest. “You are not coming with me, babe.”

  “B, I want to be with you every step of the way. Please let me.” He pleads with me. The look in eyes makes me melt.

  How the fuck am I supposed to say no to that? “Looks like we are going to pee in front of each other now.” I said with a smile. I rush to finish my business. I set it on the counter and wash my hands. Three minutes later, Derek picks it up and sets it back down. Looking at me, with so much love in eyes, he says “You are going to be a mommy.” I jump up into his arms and hug him with everything I am. He spins me around a few times and sets me back down. He sinks to his knees and wraps his arms around my waist.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I am going to be a father. Realistically, I knew this would happen. I mean I filled her every single time we’ve had sex at least once. I am beyond thrilled. Getting everything I’ve ever wanted with this woman so quickly makes my ego swell ten times the size it should be. When I saw that plus sign, I knew that our whole world has changed for the better. I still haven’t said anything to Brooke about the stalker. She has upped her game and started sending me pictures, which I promptly forwarded to the cops. I knew who she was once I saw the pictures. I need to rectify this situation now.

  “Sweet B, I’m gonna be a daddy. We are going to be the best parents any kid has ever had.” I am still on my knees looking up at her. Her hands are in my hair. She has tears in her eyes. I stand up and lead her to the couch.

  “B, we really need to talk. I have kept some things from you and now that you are pregnant, I really need to come clean.”

  She looks up at me with her lips quivering a little. “Are you going to tell me you already have a wife and three kids in another city? Because you can tell me anything but that and I will be able to deal with it.”

  I take a deep breath and sitting on the coffee table in front of her holding her hands, I blurt out, “I have a stalker. I met her about three years ago. We had a fling, maybe a month long. I know this is going to be crass, but it was just sex for me. I haven’t been with anyone since her. You have had discreet protection for weeks now.” I walk over to the door and throw it open. Our bodyguards stand there. “B, this is Grant.” I say pointing to the taller of the two. They are wearing identical black suits and earpieces. “He follows me. This is Jarrett.” I say pointing to the other one. “He has been shadowing you.”

  “Hi, guys. Thanks for having our backs.” She says waving at them. I am surprised by her calmness. They leave the room and we are alone again. “Why didn’t you just tell me, Derek? I probably should have known about them.” She speaks quietly, but her hands are shaking. I know she’s pissed but I don’t want her to be.

  “You are right, I just didn’t want to burst our love bubble.” I say with a grin. She bursts out with a huge laugh.

  “Wow. You are so freaking cheesy.” She can’t stop laughing. I love it. “So what do we do now? Is this bitch going to be a problem? I mean realistically what are we dealing with?”

  “At first she sent weird cards and letters. I moved. It then escalated to pictures of her and me together and finally of just her outside our house. I forwarded them to the cops and they are looking into it. Grant and Jarrett will stay on until we know she can’t do any more harm. I am not going to let Regina run my life anymore. Get dressed baby. We are getting married right now.”

  “Thank God! I love you, baby. Just give me a few minutes to make myself beautiful.”

  “Then you are done.” I say with a smile. She just scoffs at me and turns toward the bathroom.

  While she rushes off to get dressed and I call my mother and tell her there is no need to come to Vegas. We will be home tomorrow. I don’t say anything about the baby on the phone. I think you are supposed to wait. I don’t know that for sure, but I am almost sure I’ve heard that somewhere. I put a black suit and wait patiently for Brooke. About twenty minutes later she comes out of the bathroom. I will never forget how she looked in this moment. Her brown hair is so curly and soft looking. She has on a white lacy dress that goes to her knees. She has a heeled white strappy sandal torture device where the heels are pencil thin and the strap wraps halfway up her calf. She looks so fucking sexy and all fucking mine. I walk over to her and kiss her lightly.

  “I’m ready to be your wife, Derek. Let’s do this.” She says smiling.

  “Yes, let’s do this.” I lead her out of the room. I have my grandmother’s engagement ring in my pocket and the engraved band I just got as well. She said she wanted to take care of my ring. I can’t wait to see it. A ceremony and a few selfies later, we are back in the room and I can finally slide into my wife. All is right with my world.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I know I should be mad at him, but it is really hard. He should have told me, I get that it was in the past, but she has been near our home. I should have been able to make an informed decision. We w
ill deal with it as it happens though. I am so happy right now though. As he slid my wedding rings on my finger, I felt so complete. The inscription on my ring read “My Sweet B, Forever.” I loved it as well as the antique engagement ring I learned had been his grandmothers. I had “Forever Always, B” inscribed on his ring. I just know that he really is mine forever. He is exactly what I had been reading about all these years in my romance novels. Now I am a real wife and I am going to be a mother.

  “Husband, take me to bed. I need you.” I say looking up at him. He growls as he kisses me. He quickly spins me around and unzips my dress sliding it slowly down my arms so that it pools at my feet. He unhooks my bra and it flutters to the floor. He bends down to untie my shoes and those come off as well and I am left in just my panties, that are quickly becoming useless. I turn and slip his jacket off his shoulders. I quickly loosen his tie and toss it too. His shirt comes off next, but I get a little impatient and buttons scatter. He laughs and starts unbuttoning his pants and pulls them down with his boxers. He took his shoes off and I bend to slide his socks off. Finally, we are just how we like it. Since I am already on my knees, I take him into my mouth and suck for all I am worth.

  “Baby, I won’t last like that.” He says pulling me up. He takes me to the bed and I lay down and spread myself for him while he strokes his impossibly hard cock. He moves toward me on his knees and sinks into me in one stroke. I moan so loud. He pounds into me without mercy. He leans down toward my ear, kissing that sweet spot behind it. “You are everything to me Wife. Cum for me and give what I need.” With that I can’t hold back anymore and come just as he does, screaming his name.


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