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Secret Baby (The House of Morgan, #2)

Page 18

by Victoria Pinder

  "Perfect," Mrs. Morgan answered. "If you need me to testify, I'd be more than happy."

  Vicki's mouth dropped. "Testify to what?"

  "Nurse Marie, who was assigned to your room, repeatedly told me and the Department of Children and Families officers that night that you signed away adoption rights and you did not wish to be bothered. I tried to go into your room, but they barred me at the door. Later I had Clara safe, and tried to get in your room again, but you were already gone."

  Vicki almost dropped the serving bowl. "So you believe me?"

  "I always guessed your father had done something."

  Colt reached out and held the bowl. Vicki's hands shook. She sucked in her breath to try to stay calm. "You did the right thing and kept Clara safe. I never signed anything."

  "Marie quit the hospital two weeks later after I stayed on her heels and demanded she tell me what happened. She bought a big house up in Orlando and hasn't been back to Miami, Broward, or West Palm since. Vicki, we're already family, so call me Ellie."

  "Ma'am," Vicki answered automatically, then corrected, "Ellie, I expected you to hate me."

  "Don't be overdramatic. If both of my children think you're telling the truth, then I have to believe them. I raised them."

  "I'm glad the news hasn't affected you, then."

  Ellie stared at Colt. "Now that I see everyone is fine and the news station is just spinning rubbish, let's eat dinner."

  Vicki's heart skipped and her hands stopped trembling. The weight on her spine lessened. Colt helped his mother sit and Clara took the seat beside her grandmother.

  Then Colt served the salad. All of this could be Vicki's, but she needed to get things straight. Colt did not love her. She'd have to change soon, but not tonight. She deserved one more night with everyone she loved.

  Tonight, she was with the family she'd always wanted.


  Vicki stood at the door and continued to wave until she lost track of the silver car in the driveway. Clara was already in bed, and Colt had rushed off to take a shower, for the second time this evening. Alone, Vicki stared at the moon that peeked into the night sky.

  If only was the worst possible way to start a thought. Vicki stepped inside. Her days were numbered here.

  She'd not be where she'd never be loved. She closed the front door and ensured all the locks were secured. The quietness of the ranch seeped into her mind and brought with it a sense of peace. Vicki proceeded to her bedroom, but halfway through the house, Colt called out, "Vicki, can I see you for a minute?"

  She turned around and then her mouth fell open. Colt Collins wore a gray suit and a blue tie. She took a step forward then asked, "What's going on?"

  "Come." He offered her his hand. "Let's first go out back. I want to show you something."

  He'd spent the day out there. She blinked a few times then nodded.

  He took her hand in his and squeezed. "This way."

  At the moment, she'd follow him anywhere. He led her to the small sitting room set off the living room. She'd never gone there as nothing much was there, except plants and a door that led out to a grassy area and the canal.

  With a huge smile on his face, he opened the door and pointed to an old-fashioned wooden swing. He told her, "I'm gonna build a proper porch here because you always wanted a winding porch that wrapped around a house."

  "I said that years ago." Vicki's mouth fell open again. "I was just a teenager."

  "So was I, Vicki." He nodded then pointed to the swing. "I rigged it up today. Mom used to have this out front, and you always liked it. A hurricane knocked it down a few years ago, and I had it in the shed."

  The smile on his face matched how hard he'd worked. She tilted her head. "Why would you do this for me, Colt?"

  "'Cause you matter." Colt stepped closer and stared at her. "I'd do anything for you, Vicki. Don't you know that?"

  She licked her lips, eager for a kiss. "I don't know what to say."

  "This is your home, Victoria Morgan."

  With Colt and Clara, they were complete. She circled her arms around his neck and leaned up. She closed her eyes, and the smell of citrus that was Colt wafted in the air. She closed her eyes as she whiffed his orange and oak scent.

  Then a flash of light shook her. Colt murmured something, and she widened her stance. "Who was that?"

  "It's probably the press." He huffed then said, "The tactic was more like an ambush."

  She ran her hand through her hair.

  He massaged his neck and shoulder as he stared at her. "Okay. My timing is awful. We knew about the reporters. And tomorrow I have to go see Belle, but after that, Vicki, you and I have to talk."

  Vicki went to say something, but he stormed into the house. She wished he'd finish that almost-kiss.

  The tingle of her lips made her sigh. She wasn't sure what to say, so she went through the house and to her room. Tomorrow, she'd straighten everything out with him, but the patio idea was sweet. He had remembered something she had said years ago.

  Perhaps if she showed him it was okay to say he loved her, then all would be well.


  The next morning dawned early, and Colt tugged on his blue jeans. He'd go see Belle and find out why she'd stayed in town after he left her at the airport. She should be in D.C., not here. He'd ensure she was fine at the hospital, and then return home for lunch. With luck, Peter Morgan had persuaded the press to go find a new story. Vicki deserved his whole attention.

  He tied on his sneakers and tiptoed out of the house. Usually Vicki woke up later than he did, so he'd text her the minute he parked at the hospital. The sooner there, the sooner he finished.

  From the driveway, the house remained quiet and undisturbed. He fired the ignition and then drove off.

  With his hands around the steering wheel, Colt's mind cleared. Perhaps if he asked Vicki to marry him with a ring. He had never given one to Belle, and a man was supposed to offer a ring. Belle wanted to buy a specific one, and ordered it herself the day they discussed marriage. It should have been a sign. Stores on weekdays opened around ten, so he'd stop on his way home.

  Without much traffic, Colt soon found himself in front of the hospital. He parked the car and walked to the front gate.

  Someone snapped a photo of him and adrenaline pumped in his veins. Then someone shouted, "Are you here to apologize to Belle Jordan for dumping her?"

  A woman screamed out, "He doesn't deserve her."

  "You're right, ma'am, I don't." Colt lowered his head. At the door to the hospital, Colt turned and stared at the woman. "Victoria Morgan has always been the woman in my heart, and the lies about her yesterday will be dealt with. She'd never hurt anyone, including Belle."

  The woman's huff sent a chill down his spine. He lifted his chin. He never cared what anyone thought of him. He turned and proceeded inside the hospital without another word.

  The greeter at the door took his name and gave him Belle's room number. He stepped toward the elevator and already smelled the sterile nothingness that every hospital reeked of.

  Colt ran his hands down the sides of his pants and then stepped into the elevator the moment it opened. The doors closed, and he wasn't sure what he expected to say to Belle, but his gut churned like he was in war. If they were in the desert still, he'd duck his head and wait for bullets to fly, but he was home now. He clenched and unclenched his fists until the elevators opened.

  In the hallway, nurses, doctors, orderlies, patients, and visitors walked around and seemed to have some order. He studied the numbers and figured out Belle was four doors down to the right. He walked over and knocked on the open door. "Belle, can I come in?"

  "Sure." Belle sounded peppy, and it wasn't natural on her. She usually had a commanding presence. "Collins, I didn't expect you."

  "I told you I was coming." He took a step into her room.

  Belle nodded. "You did. I didn't expect you this early."

  He crossed his arms. "Why did you s
tay in town? I dropped you off at the airport."

  She opened her mouth and stared into his eyes. Her cold blue eyes were nothing like Vicki's brightness, but he kept his mouth shut. Finally she said, "I was numb and hurt that we broke like that. I rented a hotel room and hoped if I stayed a few more days, you'd come back to me."

  He massaged his five o'clock shadow. Belle deserved better. "I shouldn't have agreed to your plan and how you needed a husband now." Colt uncrossed his arms and stood straight with his feet together. "You can't pretend to be hurt that I still love her."

  Belle stared straight ahead of her at the television. Slowly she nodded. "You're right. I can't be hurt, so don't worry about me."

  He waited for her to meet his gaze. The moment she did, he told her, "Belle, the sooner you go back to your life in D.C., the sooner whatever you're feeling goes."

  "I'll wait for the doctors to release me then I'll get a ticket. Do me one favor?"


  "Tell your Vicki I'm sorry for how I acted in her store and in her house. I don't like how I look when jealous, and I want you to live happily ever after with the woman you truly love."

  "You've always been strong, Belle."

  "Now go, Collins. You shouldn't be here. Go back to your Victoria. Don't think about me. I'll be fine."

  Belle deserved someone better than he ever could be. He stood still for a moment longer then left. Now that this conversation was over, nothing would stop him.

  Today he'd get Vicki to marry him, and he'd never hurt anyone ever again.


  Colt stared at every ring in the store and tried to figure out which one to buy Victoria Morgan. Round diamonds, pink diamonds, white gold or platinum. The saleswoman picked up another ring and his fingers trembled.

  Vicki could have anything she ever wanted. They both knew this was a symbol at best.

  He sucked in a breath and decided the best option he knew was to get Vicki a ring just like his own mother wore.

  He ignored the saleswoman's advice and peered at every ring in the cabinet. Vicki wore her mother's necklace, which was a simple heart with a golden lace trim to it. She never took it off. Her ring should match. He wanted a diamond ring in the shape of a heart with simple yellow gold. If he saw one with lacelike design, even better. In the fourth display case, he pointed to a ring. "Can I see this one?"

  The woman's eyes widened. He assumed it was expensive, but then, he'd never heard of a cheap engagement ring. He nodded as she squealed. "This one is called Enflamed Love. The diamond is extremely rare."

  He peered at every detail. It would match the necklace she adored. Buying this should be the easy part. Now he had to get home. "Do you have it in a six?"

  "Yes!" she practically screamed. Her fingers trembled as she asked, "Will that be all, sir?"

  He handed her his credit card. For the first time in his life, he'd not worry about budgeting for Clara's college education. "Absolutely."

  A few seconds later, he held the box and plastic bag in his hand. Colt opened the box, stared at the ring he'd bought, and then closed his eyes. He imagined a huge smile growing on her face as she said yes. She'd kiss him and he'd be surrounded with the taste of strawberries for the rest of his life.

  He repacked the ring as the saleslady handed him his receipt to sign. Once he paid, he fled into his car. He'd have to find a way to tell her that she was part of his life. Nothing made sense without her.

  His heartbeat was steady as he started his car and headed home. Vicki was his future and all that mattered, other than Clara.

  He hummed to a song on the radio for a few minutes as he drove. Then his phone vibrated on the seat beside him. Alice's name flashed on the screen. He picked it up and hit speakerphone as she said, "Where are you?"

  He turned off the radio so they could speak. "Hello to you too."

  In a fast, must-tell-everything-in-one-breath tone, Alice launched. "Vicki's thinking about leaving your home. What did you do?"

  His heart thumped in his chest. "What do you know?"

  Alice sighed, like she was speaking to him as if he was Clara and should know he was wrong. "She spoke to John and Peter this morning. She's sad."

  Vicki had no reason to be sad. His mind raced to their last conversation. He had told her he was going to see Belle. Earlier yesterday, she had said no to his spur-of-the-moment proposal, but this time he'd have an entire plan. "Alice, she can't leave me. Not now."

  Alice's voice was softer. "Why not, Colt?"

  He gripped the steering wheel and paid attention to the empty road. He'd do whatever it took to convince Vicki to stay with him. "I'll talk to her when I get home."

  "Do some fast talking there. I want you both to be very happy."

  He had no idea how to ask someone to marry him. He bit his bottom lip and then asked, "Alice, how did you know that you wanted to marry John?"

  "I've been in love with him all my life. Once we were actually together, it was easy to say yes. Are you going to ask Vicki?"

  His heartbeat thrashed in his ears. He'd not tell Alice. He should ask Vicki first. "Bye, sis."

  "That means you are."

  He shook his head as he turned off the highway and returned to the side road that took him home. "Bye."

  "Good luck. I'll be praying for you both."

  Luck had brought Vicki to him. It was up to him to ask, and he flashed to planning exactly how he'd do so. Adrenaline pumped in his veins as he made his way onto the ranch. Vicki made the sun shine in his life. The question of why she might leave raced in his head.

  If she married him, then she'd have his heart. He inhaled and crossed his fingers that it was enough. Then he parked the car. He was home. It was time to set the scene.


  Vicki waited in the living room, and their daughter listened to her music. Colt had taken a long time at the hospital this morning. Vicki read a book, and wondered if her daughter might like piano lessons, as she seemed to love music. If so, Vicki would find her one.

  Today had to be her last day here, if she intended to keep her heart strong. Her shoulders threatened to cave in, and her eyes would water if she thought that Colt might not love her. She'd have to be strong. Clara was a reason to stay, but that shouldn't be enough. She'd not push Colt if he wasn't ready for a relationship, and she had to protect her heart.

  A knock at the door sent her heartbeat into a race. Vicki stood and told Clara, "I'll be right back."

  Her daughter's head bopped, and Vicki hoped she’d heard her.

  A few seconds later, she returned to the living room. She'd not sign Colt up for a church that came to the front door.

  As Vicki stared at her daughter, Clara gazed at her with her big blue eyes. "Okay, and Mom, we're going to have to work on making you more sexy so you can marry Daddy."

  Marriage without love wasn't possible for her, not that Clara would understand that. Vicki stared at her green tee shirt and sweats. "You don't like this outfit?"

  "I'll pick out something for you to wear so Dad notices you." Clara scratched her head. "Then he can't resist you."

  Dress-up was a fun game. Clara jumped out of her chair. Vicki nodded. "Okay, pick out my outfit, Clara."

  If clothes kept Clara happy, Vicki had nothing to say. Her daughter walked past her and headed toward her room. Vicki smiled then and went to her room to pack her items.

  To keep Clara happy, she'd wear just about anything, including a circus clown outfit.

  Once she had everything ready, Vicki went into the kitchen and retrieved chicken pieces so she could make them lunch. No one must see that she'd break into a million tears and create a river from her sadness. Then she started the coffee pot. Colt hadn't come home from work to grab a morning cup and then head out again.

  She swallowed and refused to think she would miss simple routines.

  Clara came out of the bedroom. "Hurry, Mom. Change before Daddy sees you."

  Vicki turned on the o
ven, wiped her hands on her sweats, and marched back to her room. She danced into the room and sang, "Gonna get pretty."

  Clara wrinkled her nose. "Don't sing for Dad, Mom."

  In the room, Vicki blinked. Her daughter had picked out a black designer glitter dress she’d worn for New Year’s once, two years ago. "Where did you find this?"

  "At Aunt Alice's," Clara told her. "I took it from her to give it to you."

  "I'll be sure to thank her later." Vicki kept the smile on her face then took her tee shirt off. "Can I wear my bra?"

  "Mom, be serious. This is important."

  "I see. I'm sorry." Vicki shook her head and then picked up the dress to tug down over her head. With the dress half down, she tugged off her bra and tossed it on the bed. Finished, she shook her hips. "Isn't this overkill for lunch?"

  Clara giggled.

  Outside someone slammed a car door, and Vicki's skin jumped. Today she'd tell Colt goodbye. She glanced out the window and told her heart to stop racing.

  "It's one of Dad's workers on the farm." Vicki offered her hand and waited for Clara. Clara reached up and then they walked out together. "Okay, let's get to making lunch. Didn't Grandma ever tell you that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach?"

  "No. Is it?" Clara's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. "Mom, we have to cook an amazing lunch."

  "Don't worry about that. I was joking." Clara tugged her toward the kitchen. "No matter what, your dad and I will always be in your life."

  Once in the kitchen, Vicki directed Clara to the toast and to set the table. She stirred the last bit of eggs to bread the chicken and heated up a few leftover vegetables and mashed potatoes from last night's dinner. A few minutes later, she hunched over and used the spatula to finish scraping everything into serving bowls.

  Behind her she heard Colt voice call out, "Princess, I'm home."

  No, she wasn't ready for him. The scent of oranges and oak wafted in the air. Vicki straightened her dress that was too short. Her face heated and she glanced at him near the door. His gaze went up and down her body, which made her warmer, everywhere. "Let's eat, Colt."


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