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Blackmailing Dom [Club Esoteria 17] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 6

by Cooper McKenzie

  Then maybe he would talk her into sharing a dinner delivered from his restaurant followed by a nice hot bath. Then he would prove to her that vanilla sex outside the club could be just as satisfying and fulfilling as kinky sex in the club could be.

  He could do vanilla, he assured himself.

  Having learned from Friday evening, he did not say anything to Gia, did not console her with words. It finally dawned on him that something he had said as they cuddled on the couch had touched a nerve, setting off a need to run. But since he didn’t know what the word, or phrase, was, he remained silent. He only hoped he was able to have that conversation before he left, which wouldn’t be until morning when he had a meeting scheduled.

  As he stood there, he breathed her in, the scent of woman enhanced by a touch of vanilla and hint of spice. Not a perfume, but maybe a body wash or light spray. Whatever it was, he would die happy if he could just spend the rest of his life breathing it in. He had been hard as a stone for hours, but refused to do anything about it. The discomfort of an erection was a small price to pay to build something bigger, something lasting with this woman. But, maybe, if he was a very, very good man, she would take pity on him before the night was out.

  Finally, the tears slowed and then stopped. Gia rested heavily against him, her arms around his middle, her thumbs tucked into the back of his slacks in a most enticing way. If he moved now, she would end up on her knees. And while that was an image he could not wait to see, especially when it led to her taking his cock between her full ruby lips, for now, he needed to see to her care and comfort, not that of his cock.

  Taking a deep breath, she pulled her arms from around him and stepped back. He released her reluctantly, staying silent as she looked around the room at everything but her. Her suitcases and boxes from the bedroom were lined up on the bed, which someone had recently made, if the scent of fresh laundry was anything to go by.

  He watched as she used her hands to dry her face, then wiped her palms on her pants legs. “Well, that wasn’t very Domme-like,” she said with a sniff. “Sorry.”

  Needing the assurance of a touch, he cupped a hand to her cheek and forced her to look at him. “Don’t ever apologize for being human, Gia. It’s been a stressful few months, and now that you’re through them, you needed to release.”

  Gia stepped back and he could see an invisible wall coming up between them.

  “Thank you for lunch. And for helping me move. I know you have places to be and I need to get unpacked.”

  Locking his jaw, he nodded at the abrupt dismissal. He would allow her the distance for now, but very, very soon, he planned to dynamite that damn emotional wall she used to keep everyone out once and for all.

  “You’re welcome, sweet Gia,” he answered as he pulled a business card from his back pocket. He worked hard to keep his tone light. “Please call me if you need anything, even if it is just to talk. I’m told I can be a very good friend, as well as an outstanding Master.”

  That comment earned him a grin that sent a shiver from his chest, past his belly and straight to his balls. “I’d rather see how you do as a subbie,” she said with a wink.

  Taking his arm, she guided him to the living room, and after accepting a set of keys from Taurus to the parking lot door as well as the apartment door, she thanked everyone for their assistance before shooing them out the door.

  “Well, that was…something,” Taurus commented after pushing the call button for the elevator.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll keep an eye on her,” Antony assured the two Masters as the bell boinged and the door slid open.

  “Thanks, Antony,” Dominic said as he reluctantly followed Taurus onto the elevator.

  “No problem. I’m sure we’ll see you later this week.” Antony waved as the doors slid shut.

  “She’s a strong one,” Taurus said as the elevator descended.

  “That she is.”

  “She’s not as submissive as you might think,” Taurus continued.

  “I know. I’m not as dominant as you might think either.”



  “So, what are you going to do now?” Taurus asked as the doors opened and they stepped out on the main floor.

  “I’m going to let her top me Friday night. After that, I’m going to blow that wall she hides behind to smithereens.”

  Taurus laughed as they crossed to their vehicles. “Good luck with that. I think you two will make an excellent pair, both playing in the club, and running it.”

  “Thanks. Let’s just hope she thinks so as well,” Dom said before climbing in his SUV.

  He waited until Taurus drove away before reaching down and releasing his cock. Pulling a wad of napkins and a small tube of lube from the center console, he dribbled some down his hot length before wrapping one hand around the painfully hard length. Closing his eyes, he pulled out the memories from Friday night as he began to slide his hand up and down, from root to tip.

  Gia over his lap her naked ass growing pink with each smack. Gia naked and cuffed to the cross, her entire body flushing from his floggers. Then, bent over the spanking bench, five bright red kisses of his whip scattered across her ass.

  That vision was what send him flying. He wrapped a tissue around the head of his cock as his hips bucked up from the seat. His semen shot out in strong waves as his mind fast forwarded to that morning and flashed through the time they had spent together.

  By the time he relaxed fully into the soft leather of the bucket seat, he was grinning like a fool. Gia was the woman he had been looking for since he had learned the difference between boys and girls. Now all he had to do was convince her that they would indeed make a perfect couple.

  Chapter Seven

  It was closing in on midnight by the time Gia had everything the way she wanted. Jenna and her men had come over earlier and stopped her long enough to eat a pizza they brought with them. Two bottles of wine and she was fighting the urge to share secrets. Instead, she semi-politely told them she needed to finish her unpacking.

  Before they left, the two men carried her big cedar chest from the bedroom closet where they had tucked it to the corner of the living room where it would provide additional seating if she ever had guests. Not that the couch and two chairs wasn’t enough for her and Silk to share, but one never knew when her bosses and their partners would decide to invade.

  Jenna sent the men away before getting into Gia’s face. “Dominic is a good man, a good dominant from what I could see Friday night. I’ve done the usual background check, and found absolutely nothing to discourage me from saying what I’m about to say.”

  Gia swallowed hard and nodded. An in your face degree from Mistress Jenna was something special. She didn’t waste her time guiding most club submissives and the ones she had taken the time to point in a direction, were much happier because of her interfering in their lives.

  “Dominic Zaccaro is a good man, a successful businessman, and a well-liked dominant. He’s interested in you. Don’t screw up and you could have a relationship most single women dream about.”

  Gia tried not to smirk, but it was difficult. “Thank you, Mistress Jenna, for your words of wisdom. I’ll give them the consideration they warrant.”

  “Fuck considering. Talk to the man about your past, your fears, and let him help you get past them. That’s what an alpha-male dominant like him lives for. To be there for his submissive, to help his slave through their blocks and hang-ups, to love their woman. I know you’ve been screwed in the past, but it’s time to build a damn bridge and get over it. Now, get some sleep. I’ll see you at ten in the office downstairs.”

  “Yes, boss,” Gia said. “And thank you.”

  Jenna waved away her words of appreciation as she turned and walked out. “Just don’t fuck this up or I’ll be the one on the other end of the whip, and I won’t stop at five.”

  “Yes, Mistress. Good night, boss.”

  With that, Gia closed and locked the
apartment door, then returned to unpacking. By midnight she had unpacked and put to rights her kitchen, bedroom, and bath, and made an extensive shopping list of all the things she needed, wanted, and dreamed about one day owning. She was exhausted and instead of the bath she promised herself, she jumped in the shower for a quick soap and rinse. After drying off her body, she pulled on an oversized T-shirt. As she wrapped her hair so it wouldn’t be a head full of frizz in the morning, she debated on whether or not to use the phone number Dom had given her. A look at her phone and she decided it was too late for a calling anyone.

  Gia jumped when, as she was settling under the covers, the phone rang out. Checking the caller ID, she could not help but smile. Swiping one finger across the screen, she lifted it to her ear. “How did you know I was just crawling into bed?”

  Dom groaned. “Don’t tell me that or I’ll forget my good intentions and come right over to keep you warm and safe from anything that might go bump in the night.”

  Gia could not help but smile at the offer. “Thanks, but I’m fine. What can I do for you?”

  “Just wanted to make sure you were settling in all right.”

  “Everything is out of boxes and put away. I even took the boxes downstairs to be taken out to the dumpster in the morning. And how are you?” she asked as she reached up and turned turning out the light. Curling around one of the spare pillows on the bed, she held the phone to her ear with another pillow and relaxed into the mattress.

  “I’m fine. Laying in my lonely bed, wishing you were here to cuddle with.”

  Unwilling to touch that comment when she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open, she changed the subject. “What’s your favorite movie?”

  For the next few minutes they traded information about their favorite books, movies, television shows, all of which were surprisingly similar. When she yawned for the third time in as many minutes, Dom said, “Go to sleep, princessa. We’ll talk again tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” she sighed. “Good night.”

  “Good night, bella Gia,” he responded with a soft chuckle.

  After hanging up, Gia put the phone on her nightstand and then snuggled deeper into the covers. One deep breath, released on a happy sigh, and she slipped easily into sleep.

  * * * *

  Tuesday night, Dom picked up the phone, but hesitated a moment before calling. It was nearly midnight, but he had not heard Gia’s voice in two days and was feeling like a chocoholic who’s eaten the last candy bar and was jonesing for more. If he couldn’t be with her until Friday, at least he could talk to her, hear her laughter, delve a bit deeper into her brain. Maybe he could even work a little phone sex in the conversation.

  “Hello, Dominic.” Gia sounded odd.

  “Have you figured out the remote yet?” Dom asked, hoping he sounded appropriately concerned.

  “Not yet, but I will. Are you coming to see Jenna tonight?”

  “Jenna? Why the hell…is something going on? Do you need Jenna? The police?” Things clicked together when he heard a rough male voice in the background.

  Fear flashed through him as he threw off the covers and headed for the closet.

  “Yes, on all counts,” she responded, her voice tight but even. “A friend of hers is here and is disappointed no one’s in the club but me.”

  He quickly pulled on jeans and a sweatshirt and shoved his feet into his favorite clogs before heading to his SUV.

  “Okay, princessa. I’m going to put you on hold while I call the cops and Jenna. Don’t hang up.”

  “I’m not sure that’s an op—” The phone went dead mid-word.

  Dom swore as he climbed into his SUV. Starting the engine, he called nine-one-one. After reporting an intruder at the club, he called Jenna.

  “What the hell do you want?” the grumpy Mistress growled into the phone.

  “Get dressed and get downstairs. Someone broke into the club and has Gia,” he growled back as he drove.

  “What? Who is this?” Jenna was obviously not focusing on their conversation.

  “It’s Dominic Zaccaro. I just talked to Gia and there’s someone in the club with her. Someone who’s not supposed to be there. Get your ass up and get down there. I’ve already called the cops.” Dom hung up before the woman could respond. At the next red light he tried to call Gia back.

  She didn’t answer.

  Tossing the phone into the passenger’s seat, Dom accelerated, thankful that the roads were clear. By the time he pulled into the parking lot, he acknowledged that he had broken at least a half dozen traffic laws. He didn’t care. If the cops decided to charge him with anything, he would gladly pay the fine as long as his sweet Gia was all right.

  Crossing the parking lot at a trot, Dom pounded on the door as soon as he got there. He only hoped someone heard and let him in since he didn’t know how long it would take for the police to show up.

  He jumped back when the door opened as soon as he finished knocking. Gentry nodded and stepped back, allowing him to enter.

  “Where is everyone?”

  Gentry pointed toward the door that led into the club. “They went into the club to scope out the situation and see if they could do anything to help Gia.”

  Dom started after them, hoping the police arrived before Jenna went all Mistress on the intruder. At the same time, he prayed Gia was still safe. Otherwise, he would step in and the man would need a visit to the emergency room before the cops took him to jail if and when they arrived.

  Opening the door, he slipped into the darkened hallway with Gentry on his heels. He stayed against the wall as he quickly moved down the hall toward the main room of the club. There were only a few lights on, and the only sounds were grunts and skin slapping skin. He couldn’t see the fight, because Jenna and Antony were standing between him and the action. Jenna’s hands were behind her back, a thick cane in one and a pair of handcuffs in the other.

  As Dom crossed to join them, concerned that he didn’t see Gia, the fight ended with someone giving a high-pitched squeal. A moment later, Gia stood up, looking triumphant though she was sporting a black eye and split lip.

  Without a word, Jenna handed Antony the cuffs. By then, Dom had reached Jenna’s side. “What’s going on?” he asked, trying not to sound panicked but failing miserably.

  “Gia was just showing this piece of trash that coming into a sex club after hours and assaulting the manager while demanding money is not a very bright thing to do,” Jenna said with a wide grin.

  Dom stared at the sadistic mistress and wondered if she’d been drinking too much. “Gia? My Gia?”

  Jenna laughed and pointed to the man on the floor. He was still curled in as small a ball as he could manage with his hands cuffed behind him. His coloring had gone pale, and then almost gray as Antony spoke to him softly. Dom had no doubt the slave was outlining exactly what would happen to him the next time.

  With the intruder under control, Dom’s attention returned to Gia, who had stepped behind the bar. She was retrieving an ice pack from the freezer, which she then wrapped in a towel and applied to her face. To say she glowed was an understatement. She looked like a gladiator who had bested the lion as she sauntered toward him.

  “Why are you here?” she asked, her triumphant smile drooping a bit around the edges.

  Dom took the steps that brought him to her, then pulled her close. He had to fight the urge to put her over his knee for a spanking for risking herself. “Where else would I be when my princessa tells me there’s an intruder and then hangs up on me? You should not have fought him. You should have let the police deal with him.”

  Gia pulled her head back and frowned at him. “But I knew I could handle him. And besides, if I didn’t get him under control, Jenna would have, and he would be going to the emergency room, and not just police lockup.”

  “Damn straight. If I’d been here, he would be in the stocks getting his ass worn out with this,” she said, raising the cane in her hand. “In fact, I think he needs a dozen s
trokes or so just to make sure he doesn’t…”

  “No, no, please no,” the intruder screamed just as two policemen followed Gentry into the room.

  “Trouble, Jenna?” The bigger, bulkier of the two asked. He radiated alpha-dominant power, making Dom wonder if he was a member of the club.

  “Good evening, Ronald. Seems this piece of trash decided to break into the club and assault my new manager,” Jenna explained.

  At that, things moved quickly. Antony and Gentry lifted the intruder to his feet, and the second officer exchanged the club cuffs for his own. Then he led the man out while reading him his rights. At the same time, Ronald, who Dom learned was Sergeant Ronald White, pulled out his notebook and began taking statements.

  Gia went first. When she began to tremble in his arms, Dom decided it was time to end her evening. After giving his statement, he looked at Jenna. “I’m taking her upstairs and putting her in a hot bath.”

  The Domme nodded. “Good plan. Gia, if you need anything, we’ll be just across the hall. Tomorrow morning we’ll call the security company and see about upgrading things around here.

  Gia had gone silent once Sergeant White had finished with her. Dom could feel her relaxing, melting into his arms, as her adrenaline level tanked. “Come on, cara mia, let’s go upstairs.”

  She went along, silent and passive, until they reached the bathroom. After starting the water running into the tub, he turned his attention to removing her clothes. “I can do this myself,” she said softly as he pulled her pants and panties down and off after removing her shoes.

  Once he had her naked from the waist down, he stood and quickly removed her shirt and bra. Once she was completely naked, he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. “I know you can, princessa. But you are my injured warrior and I want to take care of you. Not sure if this is a Dom/sub thing, or just man woman, but since I couldn’t kick that guy’s ass for you, I need to love on you and make sure you’re all right.”


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