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The Anzu: Alec

Page 7

by Mary S. Sheppard

  Denabulus, was again in charge of the landing party, but this time the landing party was larger than before. The ship’s principal scientist, a Thesbes by the name of Rhoda, had requested to come along and there were also four Lolas for security.

  During the trip down Denabulus sat next to Alec and asked him how he liked going to the planet for the second time. “You are the first human to do that,” he added.

  “Yeah, I guess it was fortunate I was on the team that discovered life,” said Alec.

  “Yeah, it was fortunate. You should call me Denab. I think shorter names are easier for humans?”

  “In some cases,” said Alec.

  “In many cases,” corrected Rhoda who was listening, “and you are not the only species to think so. That is why we Thesbes have all opted to have only one short name. You should consider that Denabulus.”

  Denab didn’t say a word.

  The shuttle landed, and the four Lolas quickly went down the ramp. They hurried to the rock outcropping where Alec had first touched the crystal and set a perimeter around it. Alec didn’t think that establishing a perimeter would matter much if the black rocks launched another electric bolt.

  Rhoda led the group to the orange outcropping.

  “It does look different,” said Alec. He looked at the rest of the surface just to make sure there weren’t other crystals.

  “It is the only one here,” he said mostly to himself. He stared at it.

  “What are you doing?” asked Rhoda.

  “I am doing exactly what I did before,” said Alec. He continued to study the crystal while the others continued to study him.

  Then suddenly he felt something. He took off his glove and touched it. The crystal quivered and shifted a tiny bit.

  “Oh,” said Tania.

  “Remarkable,” said Rhoda.

  “Yep, I definitely saw it move,” said Alec putting his glove back on.

  “Step away Alec,” said Rhoda giving him a slight push. “Tania, go ahead, scan it.”

  Tania took reading of the crystal. “The water content has increased.”

  They all looked at Alec. They would know that the amount of water in an adult human was 57 to 60% and somehow he had deposited some of it on the crystal.

  “That is why nothing happened when we had the Lola touch it,” said Rhoda. “Their bodies have less water content.”

  So the crystal had taken water from him, thought Alec. Should he be concerned?

  “Don’t worry,” said Tania. “It just took molecules of water, nothing that would affect you.”

  Maybe she was also a mind reader thought Alec.

  “So maybe those two black rocks are alive as well,” said Denab.

  “We can’t make that conclusion,” said Rhoda, “but one thing is for sure. We have to stay to check it out.”

  “But we can’t,” said Alec and then added, “sir. We will run out of food.”

  “I know that. I am the principal scientist so obviously I know that,” Rhoda raised her voice. “I am considering all options and I am surprised Tania didn’t tell you that we Thesbes like to go by our names and not sir.”

  Damn, he was such a newbie. He should have kept mouth shut.

  Tania glanced at him. “But Rhoda, he does have a point.”

  “I know, but it is very frustrating that we are about to discover a new life form and we have to leave. It is all because of the life liquid. You swam in it, Alec. Don’t you have an idea what is happening?”

  “No,” said Alec almost adding the sir. Rhoda was very much a sir.

  “Denab, find out how much time we have before we have to leave,” said Rhoda.

  Denab started talking with the captain while Tania helped Rhoda measure and analyze.

  “I’m sorry Rhoda, but the captain says the ship is still scheduled to leave in three hours,” said Denab.

  “Right. The captain has no idea,” said Rhoda under her breath. “Okay, pack it up then.”

  Alec was surprised Rhoda hadn’t argued more and soon they were back in the shuttle. As the shuttle took off, Alec closed his eyes. He was tired, but at least they knew he wasn’t crazy. When he opened his eyes, Tania was staring at him. He stared back. She had the most gorgeous, warm, brown eyes with little flecks of gold. Then he shook his head to dispel any thoughts, just in case she could read his mind.

  They arrived to the Anzu, Denab offered to walk with him back to his cabin. Alec wondered if it was to ensure he went back to his jail.

  “Hey Alec, I wanted to thank you for helping me the other day. I didn’t have a chance to do that before.”

  “Oh, it was no problem.”

  “I have come to realize that not all humans are the same, just like not all of us Shapers are the same. On the other hand, I still think all Lolas are the same.” He laughed.

  “Mostly the same,” smiled Alec.

  “Yeah you’re right. Mostly. Well hopefully we will fix the life liquid problem and we will get to work together.” He opened the doors, let Alec through and closed them afterwards.

  Chapter 12 – No change is too minor

  Alec debated whether to head to the lounge or go back to his cabin. He decided to go back to his cabin and found Cate waiting outside his door.

  “Hi,” she said. “I heard you guys were back from the surface. How was your trip down?”

  “Let’s go inside.” He closed the door to transparent and told her what they had found.

  “I understand this is an exciting scientific achievement, but shouldn’t we be leaving this planet? Aren’t we going to run out of food?”

  “Yeah. I brought that up and it was not too well received by the chief scientist.”

  “Ah, Rhoda, I went down with her. I made the mistake of calling her sir.”

  Alec smiled, “So did I. She is not your typical Thesbes.”

  “True. Hey, have you heard that some of the crew is going to be put into deep sleep to conserve food?”

  “Yeah, Chief mentioned it.”

  “Well several humans want to do it.”

  “Why would they?”

  “If they’re asleep they won’t get bored and their bodies will not age during that time.”

  “It’s not going to be for too long, but I can relate to the part of being bored. Do you know if it’s possible to nominate a couple of people to be put to sleep?”

  She laughed. “I think I know whom you’re talking about. Well, the reason I came is I found out that we picked up cargo at the same time we picked up the seven people.”

  “Cargo? What kind of cargo?”

  “I don’t know. None of the people were involved, but several saw the containers being loaded.”

  “Good job, Cate. Let’s find out what was loaded,” said Alec. He called Chief directly.

  “I’m in the engine room with Jamez,” said Chief. “Please wait a minute.”

  As they waited, Alec happened to look out the door and there was Tania. She saw him and Cate and immediately turned away.

  Alec’s heart had started to beat more quickly, and then he heard Chief repeat his name, “Alec?”

  “Oh, Chief,” said Alec. “Cate found that we received cargo exactly three months ago and we were wondering what it was?”

  “I was not aware we picked up supplies then. Do you think something was brought on board that affected the liquid life?”

  “It fits the time frame,” said Alec.

  “I will look into it,” said Chief.

  “I have a good feeling about this,” said Cate. “Let’s go to the lounge to wait for Chief’s reply.”

  Tania was gone and he could not very well chase after her. It was better to go with Cate and forget those crazy thoughts.

  “How many drink credits do you have?” asked Cate.

  “Four or five, I’m not sure.” He had not been drinking his allotted daily amount.

  “Do you know that some will pay cash for your liquor credits? I sold two of mine yesterday.”

bsp; “Really?”

  “Yes, I figure I can make some dough.”

  “But we don’t need money on board.”

  “We will when we back home.”

  Yes, thought Alec, another thing he had not worried about while on board.

  They walked into the lounge and Cate announced that Alec had liquor credits to sell. Suddenly he was the most popular guy around.

  He saved one credit to buy a beer and was nursing it when Jamez walked in. “Alec. Is Cate around?”

  Alec pointed in her direction.

  “I need both of you to come with me. Chief wants to see you.”

  As they walked Jamez asked Cate how she was doing.

  “I am doing as well as can be in our situation,” said Cate. “Thanks for asking.”

  “By the way, I am doing well too,” said Alec.

  “That’s good of course,” said Jamez.

  “So did Chief find something?” asked Alec trying to steer the conversation back to work.

  “Chief didn’t tell me, but he has called a meeting, and he wanted you two there. I suspect so.”

  It must be something significant, thought Alec. They were heading to one of the larger conference rooms. When they arrived, they had to take a seat at the back of the room, it seemed many had been invited.

  Chief started the meeting right away. He said it was good so many were there to hear the news directly and that should prevent having rumors afterwards. “This morning another ship was reported to have its life liquid infected.”

  But there were no other ships with humans, thought Alec.

  “There were no humans on board and none have ever visited this ship. This of course discounts the humans as being the cause. In fact, our own humans have pointed to the real problem.”

  The audience was paying close attention.

  “Months ago, we upgraded the filters in the life liquid. It was a minor change and the new filters looked very much like the older one. The change was in the material used and it was considered so minor, most of us were not informed.”

  Some heads would roll, thought Alec.

  “The new material interacts with the life liquid and the result is the fungus we have. We need to replace all the filters with older ones right away. Fortunately we still have several old filters on board.”

  The captain got up. “Even after we replace those filters, we still do not know how long it will take for the life liquid to recover so we are still implementing the deep sleep option for part of the crew. This will ensure there will be sufficient food for all of us. Any questions?”

  Rhoda stood up. “Does that mean we can stay around Alumina 2 longer?”

  “No,” said the captain. “We are in the process of selecting who will be put to sleep and once we do, we will head to the nearest space station. We cannot risk running out of food. Anything else?”

  There wasn’t and the meeting ended.

  “Sounds like you will be back in business,” said Jamez. “Congrats.”

  Chief came to talk to them. “Did you hear the news?”

  “Yes, sir,” said Alec.

  “Good. Walk with me. We need to change those filters right away,” said Chief heading out the door.

  Cate, Jamez and Alec followed him.

  “We will start with the influx filters. Alec, you will go right away and change two of them and as soon as you return Cate will do the same with the other two. I will have X and Z ready with the backup suit just in case, but there shouldn’t be a problem if we keep to within the acceptable time parameters, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, sir,” said both Cate and Alec together.

  “I have scheduled ten hours of rest in-between your swims. Sorry it is not more time, but you understand the urgency.”

  All eight filters had to be replaced, but with the two of them, each one had to make only two trips each. It was very do-able, thought Alec.

  “We will be done by tomorrow evening and then we just wait for the life liquid to clear itself.” Chief didn’t smile, but if he could, he would have.

  Alec went to the bar soon after he had replaced the influx filters. Cate was already swimming and with X and Z supporting, he didn’t need to be there.

  Actually, he should have been sleeping since he would be back at it, in, he looked at the time, eight hours, but he couldn’t and when Jamez asked to meet him there, he agreed.

  Jamez was seated at a table already. “I was trying to remember the last time I saw you here,” he said.

  “I prefer to come later, when it is quieter,” said Alec, “although tonight it is very quiet.”

  “There are less humans and Lolas.”

  “Yeah,” said Alec as he ordered a drink from a Lola. Over 30% of the crew, including 15 humans, had been put to sleep and Josh was one of those.

  “Alec, I know we are friends so I wanted to ask you something.”

  “Go ahead,” said Alec not paying much attention. It was probably questions about humans.

  “Do you love Cate?”

  Alec almost choked on his whiskey. “No,” he said much too quickly.

  “Good,” said Jamez. “If you did, I would not have a chance. I think she would prefer you to me, but now my plan will work. I know I will have to improve so she will notice me, but there is a position opening for lead engineer and I am going to apply for it. What do you think?”

  What he said was wrong on so many levels it took him a moment to reply. He started with, “Do you love her?”

  “Yes, in the classic human way,” said Jamez.


  “You worry that I am not human? I could be. I could be any human she might like. I know I can’t give her children, but I believe she is not the type of woman who wants little ones. They would detract from her career, don’t you think?”

  He had had that impression, thought Alec but there was bigger impediment. “I don’t know her that well, but Jamez you are a different species.”

  “I know,” said Jamez as he put his hand on Alec’s. He looked into his eyes. “I think we can overcome this.”

  “Yeah,” said Alec removing his hand. “Jamez, when you hold hands like that, humans interpret that gesture as fondness.”

  “Yes. I am fond of you.”

  “We are friends, but to me, that kind of hand holding is more intimate, almost sexual.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know.”

  “Exactly. An interspecies relationship might be a lot more complicated than you imagine.”

  “So you are against it?”

  Just then Tania walked into the bar. She saw them and headed towards them.

  “Alec?” Jamez was waiting for a response. “Oh, hello Tania.”

  “Hello Jamez, Alec. Can I join you?”

  “Sure,” said Jamez. “We were just talking about interspecies relationships.”

  “Interesting subject,” said Tania.

  “He is against it,” said Jamez.

  “No. I am not against it. I just said it would be complicated. Things can be interpreted very differently from one species to another.”

  “Yeah,” said Jamez. He took Tania’s hand and held it. “He said that means I am fond of you and that we are more than friends.”

  “Oh,” said Tania. “Touching hands is significant in our world as well.”

  “Is it lust?” asked Jamez. He turned to Tania. “Lust is when you crave each other’s bodies.”

  “I know what it is,” said Tania. “So is it?”

  “No. Holding hands is not lust. In fact for two men to hold hands in countries in Africa, the Middle East and in India is very commonplace and it just means friendship.”

  “That does sound complicated,” said Jamez.

  “You know, I’m not an expert on relationships, maybe there is someone else,” Alec looked around the bar hoping he could get away.

  “I think you know enough to enlighten us,” said Tania.

  “Oh, I just remembered something else,” said Jamez. “I
saw Dmitry and Pasha kiss each other on the cheek, three times. Does that mean they are a couple?”

  “No,” said Alec. “Dmitry and Pasha are Russian and that is a common greeting in that country.”

  “Wow, that is amazing the same gestures mean different things depending on where the people were born,” said Jamez. “Where is Cate from?”

  “I think she is Canadian, which is a lot like the USA.”

  “I could say I am Russian and kiss her on the cheek?”

  Alec laughed. “I guess you could but she is not going to believe that.”

  “Look Alec,” said Jamez. His face was changing and he started to look like Dmitry. “Even now?”

  Alec had never seen an actual shifting and it was fascinating how subtle changes made the total appearance so different. “Come on, Jamez, be yourself.”

  Tania put her hand over his. “So this means fondness for you?”

  “Yes,” said Alec removing his hand. “I have to go. Actually I am surprised you are up this late Tania.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she said looking at him with her perfect almond colored eyes.

  He could get lost in those eyes too easily. He got up suddenly. “See you tomorrow, guys.” Then he hurried out of the bar.

  Luckily he was tired and fell right asleep.

  Chapter 13 – Final filters

  He pulled the filter carrier alongside him. Going in this direction was always easier and the current helped him along. As soon as he came back, Cate would enter the life liquid, finish the job and hopefully there would be no more swimming for a while.

  He knew that the ship was getting ready to leave the orbit of Alumina 2. They should have done so already, but there was some sort of hang-up. He was not privy as to why; it was above his pay grade, but that didn’t bother him. He was happy he was back at work and he had plans. Regardless of Jamez, he was going to try for the lead engineer position.

  He was also going to try to be friendlier with his coworkers. Just think, he and Denabulus had barely exchanged a greeting and after a few moments together he was now his buddy, Denab. Alec smiled as he swam.

  When he came back up the hatch, Cate was ready to go.

  “Go ahead Cate,” said Chief. “We still have to make the change.”

  Alec thought that a weird comment, but wished her luck as she went through the shower.

  “While you were gone, an emergency came up,” said Chief.

  Alec had started to dress and now stopped to listen.


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