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Chasing Connor

Page 4

by Sam Ayers

  “Sure, yeah.” Connor stood up and followed Ethan, and Padfoot dashed in front of him and into the kitchen. Soon Mrs. Taylor chased him out.

  “No, Padfoot, not the kitchen,” Mrs. Taylor called after him. Soon the whole family was seated in the dining room, enjoying the scrumptious food made by her. After the lunch, Connor took his cousins out to the beach. Zoe and Padfoot ran ahead front of them and stood near the water, their feet getting wet with the waves. Ethan followed them and grabbed Zoe’s hand. Caleb decided to work for some project, so he sat on the beach with his laptop, concentrating hard and occasionally shouting at his brother for speaking so loudly.

  Connor joined his other cousins and Padfoot, blissfully watching the sea when he felt a splash of water on his face. He turned around to see Zoe giggling.

  “Why, you little! Come here!” He dashed towards her and started splashing water over her and Padfoot. The pup jumped and enjoyed this game.

  Ethan was frozen on spot when Connor looked at him and raised his eyebrow. Ethan managed to say, “Uh! Hottie alert. She’s right behind Caleb and the Creature is lurking around her.”

  Connor turned abruptly to see Carter speaking to Caleb, and Harley standing next to them, looking at him with a beautiful smile on her face – a smile that was literally driving him crazy. He waved at her and asked her to join them, and she did.

  The next two days literally flew by now that Connor’s cousins had arrived. Ethan was his sidekick, so he wasn’t exactly Carter’s favorite, because according to him, Ethan was another Connor in making. Caleb and Zoe were Harley’s new fans. They adored her and followed her all around. Zoe, with her dolls, and Caleb with his laptop, trying to explain a lot of things that never made any sense to normal people. And for Harley, Caleb was a genius already.

  Harley’s parents, who were so taken with Carter, disliked Connor with a passion and that really didn’t bother him. All he wanted was for Harley to be his friend for all the days he’d promised.

  And now Connor sat in the backyard, watching Uncle Brandon teach Zoe how to swim. It was getting late, so they decided to go inside, but Connor stayed back. Padfoot was taking a nap next to him, and Connor patted his head lightly. In a few days, he would be returning to his normal life with Padfoot. No Harley, he thought, sighing. Thinking of Harley made him cringe. She was on a date with Carter, and they still hadn’t returned. And it was a lunch date!

  Connor sighed and stood up. He looked at the pup who was still napping next to him and said, “C’mon, Pads, let’s go upstairs.”

  Padfoot opened one eye and whined a little before closing his eye. Connor chuckled as he picked Padfoot up and carried him upstairs. He slowly lay him down in the huge dog pillow that his mom bought for him and walked over to the cozy window seat and plopped himself on it before pushing a cushion behind his head for more comfort. Connor looked out and noticed a light in Harley’s room, which was right next door. A crash made him jump, and he looked out to see Harley walking around in her bedroom; by the look of it, she was totally pissed off. Connor called out her name, but the door to her balcony was closed. He pulled out his phone and texted her quickly.

  Everything okay, Harls? – C

  He turned around to see her walk towards the bed and pick up her phone. She frowned when she saw his message, and that wasn’t good at all.

  Connor? What do you want?

  Instead of replying to her text, Connor called her. Harley picked up on the third ring and said, “Yes, Connor?”

  “What’s gotten into you? You don’t need to get your panties in a twist just because I was concerned enough to text you and ask what is wrong,” Connor said evenly.

  “Look, Con, I’m not feeling well. I don’t want to talk right now.” Harley sighed and looked out of the window to see Connor looking at her intensely. “Don’t look at me like that!”

  “Come downstairs,” Connor said, his eyes fixed on her. “I’ll meet you in the backyard in five minutes. And Harley, if I don’t see you there in five minutes, I’ll break down your door and drag you out.”

  “Easy, bud! I’ll see you there,” Harley said, a small smile gracing her lips as she ended the call.

  Connor mock-saluted her and walked out of the room in a hurry. He reached the backyard in less than five minutes and waited for Harley to arrive. When she came out, he opened a small door and let her into his parents’ yard.

  “I always wondered why my folks wanted a door here,” Harley said before taking a seat on the swing.

  Connor joined her. “Obviously Carter’s idea,” he said and saw a frown grow on Harley’s face. “I’m assuming the date didn’t go well.”

  “It was a disaster; we had an argument.”

  “Wanna talk about it?” Connor asked.

  “Connor, your brother is a jerk!”

  Connor chuckled. “Tell me something new, sweetheart. I warned you before. You still have time to run away.”

  “Is running away the only way out of this?” Harley raised her eyebrow.

  “Well, right now that’s a good way out. But there are always choices: one, accept Carter the way he is, and hope he will grow up one day. Two, tell him the truth that you need time, and if he really understands you, he will wait for as long as it takes. Three, my favorite – leave Carter and run away with me.”

  Harley giggled. “Please tell me number three was a joke?”

  “Depends on how you take a joke.” Connor winked. “So, three options. Let’s keep mine open, too. Which one do you choose?”

  Harley sat quietly for a minute before replying, “I choose number one. I want to talk to him.”

  Connor’s face fell, but he put on his best fake smile and stood up. “Well then, I think I know where he’s hiding, and I’ll take you there.”


  Connor nodded and held out his hand for her. Just as Harley slipped her hand in his, they heard Padfoot whining from inside the house. Connor whistled and Padfoot came running out and stopped next to them.

  “Wanna go out for a walk, buddy?” Connor asked, patting his head. Padfoot nudged him and walked towards the path that led to the beach.

  “The beach?” Harley asked as they followed Padfoot out of the backyard.

  “Yeah, it’s shorter this way.” Connor smiled. “So, tell me, why did you argue with Carter? About what?”

  Harley pouted. “You.”

  “Me? Seriously? You argued with Carter about me?” Connor couldn’t hide the surprise from his face. “But why?”

  “He was being mean!” Harley exclaimed and stood still. “He said I shouldn’t hang out with you and that wasn’t nice. So I told him we are friends, and I can make my own decisions. That riled him up, and he started shouting, and I stormed out.”

  “Seriously, Harls. I don’t want you to defend me and start an argument with Carter because of me. The last thing I want is any kinda problem in your relationship because of me. I’m not going to be here for long!”

  Harley grabbed Connor’s arm as he walked away and made him face her. “So you are telling me that I shouldn’t defend you? I shouldn’t defend a friend?”

  “Evans, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Please, don’t take me wrong.” Connor sighed.

  “Fine,” Harley said, storming away.

  “Hey! Don’t be like that,” Connor called after her.

  Harley stopped and listened to him, and they made up with a small hug. Ten minutes later they had reached a house. Harley’s eyes widened when she saw whose house that was. It was the place Carter bought for them. Harley grabbed Connor’s hand as he was about to climb the stairs to the deck.

  “How do you know Carter is here?”

  “It was just a lucky guess. And the lights are still on,” he said, pointing towards the house. “Let’s go.”

  “Connor, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Harley said, still holding his arm tightly.

  “Look, Harls, misunderstandings happen, but you can’t let that get to you.” Connor smile
d, cupping her face. He placed a soft kiss on her temple and pulled her towards the house.

  Connor knocked on the glass door and Carter, who was seated inside with his hands covering his face, looked at Connor in surprise. He got up and pulled the door open.

  “Connor? What are you doing here?” Carter asked, his tone calm but filled with surprise.

  “Someone’s here to meet you,” Connor said, pulling Harley forward as he stepped back. Padfoot sat next to him, looking at Carter and then at Harley in confusion.

  “Hi,” Harley whispered.

  “Hey,” Carter said. “Come in.”

  Harley and Connor walked in, followed by Padfoot. Carter eyed him in wonder, then looked at his brother and asked, “Does he follow you everywhere?”

  “Who? Padfoot?” Connor asked, looking at the puppy who was rubbing his head over Connor’s jeans. “Yeah, he loves a walk and never says no to it. So . . . I think you guys should talk.”

  “Yes, we do,” Carter said, looking at Harley. She nodded and walked in.

  “Hey, Car?” Connor called when Carter walked towards the living room.


  “Mind if I use your restroom?”

  To Connor’s surprise, Carter smiled. “Sure, just go straight and turn left. It’s the second door to your left.”

  “Thanks,” Connor said and looked down at Padfoot, “Pads, stay here with Harley, okay?”

  The pup gave a small bark and happily ran to Harley, who bent down and patted him. Connor disappeared after that and Harley looked at Carter, who was seated in front of her with a calm expression on his face. Just as she was about to speak, he stopped her.

  “Let me go first,” he said gently.

  Carter looked at Harley carefully before speaking. “What I did was wrong, and I’ve apologized before and promised I wouldn’t do this, but Harley, I’m jealous. Yes, I’m jealous that you are so close to Connor and most of our conversations are so awkward. Why is it so easy with him and not me?”

  “Carter, please try to understand that nothing is easy for me at the moment,” Harley said, walking over to him and touching his hand lightly. “Connor is just a friend. Believe it or not he’s the one who convinced me to talk to you. He brought me here. I don’t understand why you are jealous of a guy who cares for you so much?”

  “Everyone loves him, not me. The day he was born, Mom and Dad just started giving him more attention. Mom still does. It’s always about him!”

  Harley smiled and touched Carter’s cheek, she moved closer a placed a soft kiss on his cheek and said, “It’s okay. Everything will be okay now.”

  “Harley, you know I like you.” Carter turned towards her and grabbed both her hands in his. “Please tell me you feel the same.”

  “Carter, I . . . I know—” Harley was cut off by a loud whistle, and Padfoot stood up and dashed towards the deck. “Come on, Pads. Time to go home.” They heard Connor’s voice coming from the deck, and Carter frowned.

  He stood up and marched towards the deck, and when Harley followed him she saw he was fuming. “Carter, what is it?”

  “Connor was here all along! He couldn’t have come to the deck without passing us! What the hell was he doing here?”

  His question was answered without any words. There, on the tree at the deck, there were three words carved on it.

  “CONNOR TAYLOR! COME BACK HERE, YOU MORON! I’M GONNA WRING YOUR NECK!” Carter shouted and ran towards the beach, trying to stop Connor, who was already running with Padfoot. Connor gave him a mock-salute and ran as fast as he could. Harley burst out laughing when she saw what was carved. Connor was indeed present there, the carvings on the tree proved it. She traced her fingers over them and smiled.

  Meanwhile, Connor had managed to escape Carter, and he quickly ran upstairs and closed the door once Padfoot came in. He sat on the bed, panting. Even though it was his idea to help Harley out, he was regretting it deeply. Carter liked her and now he felt helpless.

  Connor lay on the bed, and Padfoot tried to climb the bed as well. With a little help from Connor, the pup rested his head on Connor’s pillow and fell asleep.

  “Why, you lazy Pads! Always sleepy!” Connor grinned, touching the pup’s nose. “Your life is so simple, isn’t it? Staying at home and playing with Zoe and Caleb whenever you want. Even Harley likes you. Daddy isn’t so lucky, Pads.”

  The pup sat up and whined, then he licked Connor’s hand and rubbed his head over his arm. “It’s okay, Padfoot. Daddy will be okay.”

  Padfoot stayed awake till Connor fell asleep. Once he knew his daddy was asleep, he snuggled closer and lost himself to peaceful slumber, but kept one of his ears wide open in case Connor called his name again.

  The next morning, Mrs. Taylor was busy making breakfast with the help of her sister-in-law. She smiled when she saw Caleb sitting in the kitchen talking about Padfoot’s siblings. Once he was done, she asked him if he could wake both Ethan and Connor up. Caleb smiled and went upstairs, two glasses of water in his hands; he went to Connor’s bedroom first and saw Padfoot playing with his little teddy bear. Grinning widely, Caleb poured the water on Connor’s face, and he woke up with a jolt.

  “Caleb Young! Come back here, you little monster!” Connor yelled, getting up and trying to catch Caleb. But the kid was faster as he managed to reach Ethan’s room, and poured some water on his brother’s face too. Ethan’s reaction was pretty much the same, and now Caleb was running towards the beach followed by Connor and Ethan, who managed to catch him and throw him in the water. The cousins were now drenched as they sat on the beach, laughing out loud.

  When they went back inside, Connor saw Harley and Carter sitting at the dining table, talking as they had their breakfast. They looked quite happy. He went upstairs and took a shower, and when he came back downstairs only his cousins and his uncle were seated at the dining table. After having his breakfast, he saw that the whole family was sitting in the living room talking about the wedding.

  “Ahem! Hello everyone! I’ve something to tell you,” Connor said, standing in the middle of the room so everyone could see him clearly. “So, as we all know the wedding is next week, and poor Harley is going to lose her peace forever. As a friend, I’m throwing her a special party, and I’m inviting everyone. Harley, you can invite your friends and bridesmaids, too; but you,” Connor said, looking at Carter, “are not invited.”

  Carter frowned. “I’ve work, and I’m not interested in this party of yours.”

  “Goodbye, big brother.” Connor waved, and Carter had no choice but to leave the room. He kissed Harley’s cheek before leaving, promising to call her later.

  “So, now that Carter is gone, I want all of you to wear something white – white shirt, t-shirt or jeans, anything. And I don’t think it would be safe for Zoe to come with us or even Padfoot.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Aunt Caitlin asked.

  “It’s a secret.” Connor grinned. “So get ready! Harley, let me know if you are inviting someone so I can quickly text them and let them know where to join us.”

  “Sure, I just want to invite my best friend; here, text her from my number,” she said, giving him her phone.

  In the next thirty minutes, everyone was running around getting ready. Connor’s parents decided to stay back and take care of Zoe and Padfoot, and they also had a meeting with the wedding planner later. Once everyone was ready to go, they stepped out to see two cars waiting for them. Liam gave Connor a high-five as he got into the car, and Uncle Brandon decided to drive the other car. After a forty-five-minute drive, they reached a huge arena that looked like a golf court but wasn’t.

  “On no!” Caleb gulped, getting out of the car. “Please tell me this is a bad dream!”

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Harley asked.

  “Those,” he said, pointing ahead, “are air bunkers and it means only one thing—”

  Connor, Liam and Ethan smirked and yelled in excitement together, “PAINTBALL!”

p; “Connor!” Harley called, storming over towards him. “Is this what you call a party? A freaking paintball match?”

  Connor grinned and put his arm around her shoulder. “Sweetheart, the party isn’t going anywhere. Relax, you’ve been spending too much time with Creat . . . umm . . . I mean Carter. Let your hair down, have some fun. We’ll get to the party once we are done being slathered in paint!”

  “Seriously, Connor, someone can get hurt! There’s a ten-year-old here!” Harley let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Harls, that’s why we are going to use balloons filled with paint.” Connor grinned as Liam and Ethan brought huge boxes filled with small balloons. “So, no one will get hurt, and they will all have fun.”

  Harley was looking down at the balloons when something cold hit her arm and it was suddenly covered in blue paint. Connor was chuckling and giving Liam a high-five when Harley picked up a balloon and threw it at him.

  “Come on, Taylor, let’s play.” She smirked, holding two balloons in her hands. Connor’s white t-shirt was now red; Harley had a great aim.

  “Game on, baby.” Connor smirked back and threw more balloons at her. Connor had made Harley his target, and they were attacking each other with paintballs.

  Harley’s best friend Lillian had joined them and the minute she saw Liam, she started blasting him with the paintballs.

  “Lils, don’t!” Liam begged.

  When Connor finally managed to pull him behind an air bunker, Liam explained that he dated Lillian during college, and they had had a bad breakup due to a misunderstanding. Connor grinned as Lillian found Liam, and he let them talk.

  He smiled when he saw Ethan running behind Caleb, who was now covered in all colors. And his uncle and aunt were also having fun. Just as he turned around, something hit his face.

  “Gotcha!” Harley shouted, and Connor ran after her. He lifted her in his arms as she struggled to get away from him. There was a huge plastic pool nearby, and he threw her into the water and jumped in with her.


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