Chasing Connor

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Chasing Connor Page 11

by Sam Ayers

  Ethan walked out and plopped on the couch. Looking at Liam’s tired face, he asked, “Do you really think Con likes Harley?”

  “Hmm . . . yeah, I guess so. I could see right through them the first time he introduced her. The way they looked at each other – Harley never looked at Carter that way.”

  Liam frowned and punched the cushion lightly. Seeing him acting this strange, Ethan asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Look, I didn’t mean to pry but his phone fell out of the bed and there was this one message notification. It’s kinda weird.”

  “Who sent it? There must be a name,” Ethan asked curiously.

  “Yeah! Harley Evans,” Liam grinned. “She wants to talk to Connor and sounded really concerned.”

  “Think it’s wise to let Connor anywhere near her now? She’s getting married. And Connor isn’t giving up!”

  Liam smirked as he said, “You know what? That’s what we are going to do! We will get them together. She wants to talk? I’ll take him to her place and lock him there till they finish their nice little chat.”

  Ethan looked at Liam in surprise; Liam is actually trying to get them together? This is going to be exciting! He thought with a smirk.

  “ARGH!” Connor woke up with a scream, clutching his head tightly, the next morning. He kept pressing his temples, trying to get even a little relief. Liam, who had heard the shout, walked in with a grin. “Morning, sleepyhead! How’s the head?”

  “Damn it! It hurts like hell!” Connor gritted out, in pain.

  “Here you go,” Liam said, handing over some pain meds and water. Connor snatched it and drank it all in a gulp. “Easy does it!” Liam called. “What the hell were you thinking last night, Con?”

  “Last night?” Connor asked, confused. “What exactly happened?”

  “You don’t remember?” Liam raised his eyebrow in surprise. “Seriously dude, you bloody fainted!”

  Connor moaned and plopped on the bed, hiding his face under a pillow. The sound of paws moving fast was heard as Padfoot jumped over the bed and tried to push the pillow away. Connor moved the pillow and looked at Padfoot, who started pawing his nose and licking his face.

  “Hey, Pads! Sorry, Daddy wasn’t feeling well,” he cooed as he rubbed Padfoot’s head.

  “Oh! He’s up?” came a voice from the doorway, Ethan walked in with his hands folded across his chest.

  “Eth? What are you doing here?” Connor asked as he tried to sit up.

  “You collapsed, bro! We had to carry you from the hotel to the car and then from the car to this bed! And damn, you’re heavy!”

  “Still doesn’t explain what you are doing here!” Connor rolled his eyes.

  “Padfoot needed a babysitter,” Liam explained and sat on the chair next to the bed.

  “Oh yeah. Pads, come on, breakfast time,” Ethan called to the little pup. Padfoot sat up and looked at his daddy. Connor smiled and asked him to go, so he jumped off the bed and ran out of the room in a jiffy.

  Connor sighed as he picked up his phone to see missed calls from his parents, Uncle Brand, his colleague from work and finally . . . Harley. Harley had sent him messages too. He read them all.

  C, what is wrong with you? Why did you get drunk? Please don’t tell me it’s because of me! And we are going to have a nice chat tomorrow. If you run, I’ll find you and have a forceful chat with you. Okay? Take care. – H x

  There was another one sent later that night. Connor grinned when he read it.

  Seriously, is this your genius way of ignoring me? Come on, Con! You aren’t playing fair! I’m worried sick about you. Just send me a reply with a simple ‘Okay’ that will do the job. But if I don’t get that text by next morning, I’ll haunt your dreams forever. – H xx

  “Why are you laughing like a lunatic?” Liam asked, looking at his friend curiously.

  “It’s Harley,” Connor explained. “She texted me. More like threatened to haunt my dreams forever.”

  “That girl’s seriously got to work on her priorities. Marrying the older brother, haunting the younger one . . .” Liam shrugged and walked out of the room. Connor smiled and read the latest message Harley had sent. It wasn’t a threat or anything. And now he knew she was really concerned.

  Look, I called Lillian this morning asking her for an update on you. What happened to being friends, Connor? Why are you pushing me away?

  Just as Connor was about to reply, Ethan walked in. “Con, we need to get going. Aunt Mae is really worried about you, and she said she’s coming here if you aren’t going home.”

  “Give me ten minutes,” Connor said, getting up from the bed and walking towards the restroom. “And don’t give Padfoot cereal, he hates that!”

  Ethan rolled his eyes and walked away. Exactly ten minutes later, Connor walked into the living room and graciously accepted the steaming mug of coffee Liam had for him.

  “So, what really happened last night?” Connor asked as he finished his first cup of coffee and was waiting for more.

  “You got all emotional during the speech,” Ethan explained. “Then you left and went missing. Dad found you in the bar, completely drunk. So, we brought you here.”

  “Damn! Do Mom and Dad know what happened?”

  “Nah! Dad covered for you, he said you had food poisoning, and Liam’s house was closest,” Ethan grinned.

  “Dude! They would have figured out something is wrong if I didn’t answer a single call!” Connor groaned.

  “Exactly! Your alibi was perfect. You can’t answer the call in the bathroom!”

  Liam burst out laughing and Connor shot a glare at his cousin. “Shut up, will you? I need to get home.”

  “I can drive you both back home,” Liam said, standing up to get his jacket and car keys.

  “Thanks, dude!” Connor looked down to see Padfoot sitting next to him, wagging his tail. “Let’s go back home, Pads!” He smiled and picked Padfoot up. Ethan groaned as he picked up Padfoot’s toys and followed them out.

  “Seriously, does he play with all these?”

  “Hey! No!” Connor frowned. “He will play with whatever he wants.”

  Ethan rolled his eyes and followed them out; Connor was always so protective about Padfoot that he wouldn’t let anyone complain about him or what he does.

  “So, it’s Carter’s bachelor party tonight,” Liam started, “you guys going, right?”

  “We weren’t really invited,” Ethan said sadly. “Why, do you plan to crash it?”

  “Ha-ha! Carter will ship us off to Mars,” Connor said cheekily.

  “But we are family!” Ethan cried. “We don’t need an invitation!”

  Connor turned around with a frown, and Ethan shut up. He sighed as Padfoot licked his hand and tried to cheer him up. “Thanks, Pads,” Ethan grinned, patting Padfoot’s head.

  The minute they reached home, Connor knew something was going to happen. He walked in to see the inquisition squad – his parents and uncle – and aunt seated in the living room. Mr. Taylor stood up when he saw them.

  “Connor, my study. Now,” he said, walking away.

  Connor pouted and looked at his mother, who was patting his cheek, asking, “Munchkin, are you okay? Does your tummy still hurt?”

  “I’m okay, Mom.” Connor gave her a small smile. “Really hungry, though.”

  “Of course, let’s talk to your dad first then, you can have breakfast,” she said and walked towards the study with him.

  Mr. Taylor frowned when they walked in. “Sit, both of you. And Mae, before you begin, I really want to talk to Connor about this. Okay?”

  “Fine.” Mrs. Taylor sighed and turned away.

  “So, Slugger, last night didn’t go well, huh?”

  “Don’t know what you are talking about, Dad.”

  “Really now, let me enlighten you,” Mr. Taylor said, calmly. “That speech was something; your mother and I are really proud of you. My cousin Roger told me that both my sons were absolutely rude with him.”

bsp; “Umm . . . Dad, you see . . . let me explain, please—”

  Mr. Taylor cut him off, “Well done, son! I’m really proud of you both. Roger wasn’t even invited, but that’s not why I called you here. Connor, you got drunk and crashed at your friend’s place on the night of your brother’s rehearsal.”

  Connor lowered his face and sighed.

  “Brandon was covering for you, and Mae here really believed that you were sick. What are you, in high school? Connor, this week is very important for your brother. The whole family was there and then, you went missing! Con, I know you don’t want to be here. I’ve always told you that in front of others, we will be a happy family. Whatever happens between us, will happen within this house! Connor, your brother regrets, alright? He came to me this morning and apologized to me. He said he would talk with you, too. But what are you doing? Pushing him away when he’s trying to finally see what’s wrong!”

  “Miles, don’t!” Mrs. Taylor spoke, grabbing his arm. “He’s just come back home!”

  “Mae, this is what you are afraid of, isn’t it? I confront him, and he runs away. Whoa! So simple, Connor.” Connor looked up to see his father frowning at him; he quickly lowered his head again. “Son, when you have kids and when they do this, you’ll know how I really feel.”

  “Oh, Dad! I’m sorry,” Connor moaned. “Look, it’s the past. It’s over. Let’s move on.”

  “I’m ready to move on, Slugger, are you?” Mr. Taylor asked with a twinkle in his eye. “Are you ready to forgive Carter?”

  Connor looked at his parents and shrugged, “Yeah. I guess, I am.”

  It was late in the evening when Connor got a call from Liam, asking him to join him for some Chinese buffet.

  “We’re still doing this?” Connor asked when Liam had come to pick him up.

  “Tradition.” Liam nodded, and Connor rolled his eyes. “So, when are you going back to Vancouver?”

  “As soon as the wedding gets over. I really have to go back home; new project is coming up. Uncle Brand and I are in for some serious business.”

  “How does it feel to work for your uncle?”

  “He’s the best boss! I was a bit nervous when I joined his company. They are one of the best construction firms in the country, and I was just a rookie. Mind you, Uncle Brandon is one of the most serious bosses you would ever come across. When he means business, you just shut up and get to work.”

  “But you like working for him, right?” Liam asked, curiously.

  “Of course! They are the best builders, and everyone is just so cool with my work.” Connor smiled. “You should totally come and visit me!”

  “I was thinking about that. Lily wanted to go somewhere. You know, take a break after the wedding, so I suggested Vancouver, and she said yes.”

  “That’s a great idea! You guys are most welcome to stay at my place. It’s only Padfoot and me; we have a good place!”

  “Hope Padfoot wouldn’t mind us being there.” Liam said slyly. Connor grinned and shook his head. “Dude! He’s the coolest pup in town. That reminds me, I’ve to take him to my friend’s place to meet his parents and siblings.”

  “Who, Padfoot?”

  “Yeah, he plays with his siblings. I know he knows who his real parents are – I’ve seen him with them – but he knows me too,” Connor said, rubbing his chin lightly.

  “So, you adopted him? How did you choose one? I mean, there must have been so many puppies, but how did you know Padfoot was the one?”

  Connor smiled fondly, remembering meeting Padfoot for the first time. “I didn’t choose him. He chose me. My friends and I were visiting my old college buddy. We were just standing in the backyard, admiring the little pups when all of a sudden, this little one comes to me and starts pawing my foot. I wasn’t . . . you know, planning on getting a pet. But when this little guy looked up at me and gave me this weird grin, it felt good. His tongue was hanging out as if he was grinning at me. And then I bent down to pat him, I just knew I wanted him.”

  “Wasn’t he upset to stay away from his family?” Liam asked.

  “I don’t think so, he was excited to come home with me. I’m thinking of adopting another one, so he’ll have someone to play with. When I go to work, I drop him off at Uncle Brand’s place. Aunt Caitlin works from home, and little Zoe only goes to playschool, so he’s happy there.”

  “So, you’re all set then? If Harley says no, you’ll just go back to your normal life with Padfoot and maybe adopt more puppies?”

  Connor frowned. “What do you mean by ‘if Harley says no’? She said no already. It’s over! Done with! Fin! Nothing more to it.” Just then he noticed that they had crossed the Chinese restaurant. “Liam, where are we going?”

  “I’m doing you a favor, don’t be mad at me!” Liam said as he turned in a different direction and headed towards Harley and Carter’s new home.

  “Liam, I’m gonna kick your—”

  Connor was cut off by his friend, who stopped the car and said, “We’re here! Let’s go! Lillian is there, too.”

  Sighing, Connor followed Liam towards the house. It was Lillian who opened the door when Liam rang the doorbell; she jumped and hugged him tightly.

  “Hey baby, had fun?” Liam asked, putting his arm over her shoulder.

  “So much fun! I’m a bit tipsy.” Lillian grinned, throwing her arms over his shoulder. “Take me home, Liam!”

  “Sure, sweetheart.” he grinned, kissing her forehead. By then Harley had walked out of the kitchen, and she stood staring at Connor in surprise.

  “Harls, I’m going home with Liam. I had a blast today; take care,” Lillian called, walking forward to give Harley a hug.

  “Thanks, Lils! It really was great!” Harley smiled and hugged her friend back.

  Connor was looking around; sighing, he turned towards Liam with a frown. “What happened to the traditional Chinese buffet?”

  Liam winked and patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, mate! I ordered for a home delivery and paid for it too. Enjoy!” With that Lillian and Liam walked out, leaving Harley and Connor all alone.

  Connor sat down and looked at Harley, who was fidgeting with her shirt button. “So, how was the bachelorette party?” Connor asked once she sat down.

  “It was nice, we went out. They threw me a party, and we came back here,” Harley said. “So, you got my messages?”

  “Yeah, you’re welcome to haunt my dreams anytime,” Connor said with a cheeky grin.

  “That was my plan.” Harley grinned. “But now that you are here, we can have that hearty chat.”

  The doorbell rang just as she said it, and Connor stood up to answer it. It was the Chinese food Liam had ordered for them.

  “Food time!” Connor called, walking back to the living room. “Do you have anything to drink with this?”

  “Yeah,” Harley said, pulling out a bottle of wine. Connor shook his head and groaned. “NO! Absolutely not! I woke up with a killer headache this morning. Not happening again.”

  Harley just gave him a huge grin and poured the wine into two glasses. “It’s non-alcoholic.”

  Connor sighed and opened the boxes. “So, here’s our dinner. Let’s dig in!”

  Harley held the glasses of wine and was waiting to toast. Connor gave her a lazy smile as he took one from her. With a huge grin, Harley said, “To us!”

  “To us!”

  They ate as Connor told her about how he went to have a Chinese buffet with Liam when they were in high school. And they returned with their bellies full of yummy food and how it became a tradition for them. Harley then joked about how fast Connor was eating everything and that he hadn’t noticed he was eating hers, too. Connor chuckled as she shared her food with him.

  After dinner, they ended up drinking a lot, and Connor took two fortune cookies out. He gave one to Harley and said they should open it together. She smiled and nodded. And when Connor opened his, he got a pleasant surprise.

  The man or woman you desire feels the same abo
ut you, it said.

  “Oh look!” Harley exclaimed. “The moon is so pwetty tonight!”

  Connor looked at her with a grin. She was high, alright. Harley got up and pulled Connor along with her. “Let’s go to the beach and enjoy the moon!”

  She walked out to the deck and swayed a little. Connor caught her before she tripped and she let out a giggle. “Oh, my knight in shining armor is here!”

  “C’mon, you.” Connor smiled as he helped her down the stairs and towards the beach. “Careful!”

  Harley ran towards the beach and stood near the water, the waves crashing over her feet, making her giggle, as the water was too cold.

  “Come here, Connor!” she shouted, giggling.

  “Harley, are you high?” Connor asked once he reached her. “Look, let’s just go in. You’ll wake up with a bad headache. I did. Trust me, I’m still suffering!”

  “NO!” Harley called as she flopped down onto the sand. Sighing, Connor sat next to her. It felt just like that day when she told him she didn’t like him. But today was different; Harley was funny when she was high.

  “Liar!” Connor grinned. “You said it was non-alcoholic!”

  “Guilty!” Harley giggled and looked ahead. “So, what did you get? In the fortune cookie?”

  “Why should I tell you?” Connor smirked.

  “Because friends tell, Con-Con!” Harley slurred. “We are friends, so tell me!”

  “You go first!”

  “I haven’t opened mine.” She pouted as she pulled out the fortune cookie from the pocket. Breaking it in half, she pulled out the little piece of paper and read the message. Her smile faded as she read it.

  “That bad, huh?” Connor asked. “Okay, let me go first and then you will read yours for sure, out loud!”

  “Okay,” Harley said in a small voice.

  “Here I go! It says ‘The man or woman you desire feels the same about you.’ And it’s lying. Ha-ha!”

  Harley’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh my!”


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