Chasing Connor

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Chasing Connor Page 12

by Sam Ayers

  “Go on, Harls. You need to read it out loud,” Connor grinned.

  “Do I really have to?”

  “Do it!”

  “Fine!” Harley sighed and opened the paper again. “Mine says ‘Love can last a lifetime, if you want it to.’”

  “Well, both of our fortunes suck!” Connor chuckled and stood up. “Come on, let’s go. You need to go to bed, and I need to head back home.”

  “You promised me a lifetime in fifteen days,” Harley whispered.

  Connor looked down and raised his eyebrow. “What was that?”

  “I want more than fifteen days, Connor,” Harley said, standing up. “I want my lifetime.”

  “Harls, what are you saying?”

  “I feel the same about you,” she whispered, cupping his face. “Maybe we can last a lifetime.”

  Connor grabbed her hands and moved away. “You don’t know what you are talking about!”

  “Oh, I do.” Harley smiled and crashed her lips on his. She moaned as she ran her hand through his hair and caught it, tugging on it lightly. Connor lost himself to the kiss and only pulled away to take a huge gulp of air.

  “Harls, wait! Think about it! This isn’t right!”

  “No, it is! I was so stupid to push you away. I love you, Connor.” Harley smiled, pecking his lips lightly.

  “If what you are saying is true, I’m the happiest man alive!”

  “Then take me into that house and make me the happiest woman alive!”

  “With pleasure, sweetheart,” Connor winked and bent down to pick her up in his arms. Harley giggled as she threw her arms around his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

  “So happy,” she cooed as she placed a chaste kiss on his neck.

  “A lifetime, Harley! And we will start with today!”

  Connor carried her into the house and up the stairs; he opened the door with his foot and threw her onto the bed, Harley giggled as Connor jumped on the bed as well and kissed her passionately. She moaned as he kissed her cheek first, then her neck.

  “Love you so much,” he muttered into her neck.

  Harley pulled him back and kissed him slowly, when Connor pulled away, she ran her fingers over his face and over his lips. Connor kissed her hand just as something caught his eyes. It was the ring. Carter’s ring.

  Reality came crashing back on Connor. Yes, he did love Harley, but this was still wrong. She was still his brother’s fiancée, and he just couldn’t betray Carter like this. Harley let out a moan, her hands trying to pull his already close body closer to her. Connor gently stopped her.

  “Harls, wait. You should sleep right now, everything else can wait,” he said gently as he lay on the bed behind her and pulled her closer. His chest to her back, Harley snuggled and sighed in content.

  “Love you, Evans. Go to sleep, beautiful girl,” Connor cooed and placed a kiss on her hair. Harley pulled his arm closer and placed a soft kiss on it. As he lay next to her, holding her tightly, watching her sleep, Connor was glad that Harley told him her real feelings. All he had to do now was talk to his parents and Carter. He figured it was finally time to let the world know he was the Taylor Harley loved, not Carter.

  Connor soon lost himself to a deep sleep, and he dreamt about Harley again. Only this time, his fortune didn’t really suck as he thought it did.

  The next morning, Connor woke up and looked at Harley, who was still sleeping next to him so peacefully. He placed a kiss on her cheek and sat up. Stretching his arms wide, Connor got up and walked away to the bathroom. When he came out, Harley was still asleep, so he went down to get something to drink. And find pain meds for her, because he was sure that she would wake up with a very bad headache.

  Harley had woken up, and she groaned as she felt her head pound. Just as she was looking around trying to figure out where she was, Connor walked in with a glass of water and a cup of steaming coffee.

  “Hey, sleeping beauty! How’s the head?” he asked with a grin.

  “Hurts like hell, Connor,” she sobbed.

  “Here, take this,” he said, giving her a Tylenol and a glass of water. After she drank that, Connor handed over the cup of coffee. Harley sipped it slowly as she looked at him. Connor had a charming smile on his face. He touched her cheek lightly.

  “You won’t believe how happy I am!” he said, running his thumb over her cheek in circles, a soft look in his eyes. “What happened last night, it was just perfect!”

  “What do you mean?” Harley asked, confused.

  “I knew you loved me too, and last night was enough assurance that come what may, we will stick together!” He grinned, his voice lighthearted as he bent and pecked her lips in a quick kiss. “We really should talk with the parents today, and Carter, it wouldn’t do for them to leave for the resort! Do you want me there when you speak to your folks?”

  “No! I mean, no it’s alright. I’ll talk to them myself,” Harley said, her eyes downcast. Connor didn’t seem to catch the hesitation in her voice. Harley tried to figure out what was going on. She had obviously had a lot more to drink than she could handle, then she had confessed her love to Connor! How was she to tell him that she didn’t even know what she had said to him when he was going on all starry eyed about talking to the parents and everyone understanding? The biggest problem here was that last night was blank to her – no memories whatsoever!

  Connor grinned and stood up. “Okay, you talk to your folks first. If you need me, I’m just a call away. Oh, and Evans? I love you so much!” He bent down and placed a kiss on her temple. “Look, I need to get back home, okay? Padfoot must be waiting for me. Let me know how it goes and then I’ll talk to Carter and my parents!”

  Harley nodded quietly. Connor winked at her and walked towards the door. “A lifetime it is, Harls. And I always keep my promises!” With that Connor left.

  Groaning, Harley lay on the bed again. This was a real mess. She ended up doing things that she didn’t mean to, and now Connor wanted her to talk to her parents.

  This wasn’t going to be good, she thought and sighed deeply.

  Connor’s happiness knew no bounds! The world looked more beautiful, and there were imaginary violins playing in the air. The girl he loved loved him back! He couldn’t stop grinning as he made his way inside his home. Mrs. Taylor took one glance his way and something must have given it away, because she gave him the most knowing look ever.

  Without a word, she grabbed his arm and dragged him into the kitchen. “Did she say—”

  “Yes!” Connor cut her off with a grin. “She said yes, Mom!” He pulled his mother into a hug and sighed in content. “I’m so happy, Mom. She said she’d talk to her parents first.”

  “So, we have to wait to tell Miles and Carter?”

  “I guess, but I’m pretty sure Harley would tell them everything soon.” Connor grinned in excitement. A bark came from the stairs, and Padfoot came running in. He jumped on Connor, who caught him in time and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

  “Pads, Harley said yes!”

  Padfoot licked Connor’s face and cuddled into his arms. Mae smiled at her son but somehow she was really worried. Connor’s happiness meant Carter’s heartbreak; he was, after all, supposed to be getting married tomorrow. She wasn’t sure if Harley would really talk to her parents. One thing Mae knew was: One way or the other, one of her precious boys would be hurt; she just hoped not too badly. How she wished she could protect them both, but it couldn’t be so.

  “Mom, I’m starving! What’s for breakfast?” Connor asked, rubbing his tummy lightly.

  Mrs. Taylor smiled and pinched his cheek. “Anything you want!”

  “Umm . . . Waffles?”

  “Coming right up!” Mrs. Taylor smiled and turned around. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek and moved away.

  Connor and Padfoot went to the living room to see Uncle Brandon and Aunt Caitlin talking about something. “Morning, guys,” Connor called as he sat in front of them.

  “Morning Connor,” th
ey said together.

  “Where are the kids?” Connor asked looking around.

  “At the beach.” Caitlin smiled. “Carter offered to take Zoe, so Caleb and Ethan tagged along.

  “Maybe we should go to the beach too, Connor,” Brandon said. “After you’ve had your breakfast, that is. And we can have a nice, long chat.”

  Connor knew his uncle meant business. He nodded quietly.

  “Brand, I hope this isn’t about work,” Caitlin spoke. “We are on a holiday!”

  “No, sweetheart, not work, something else.” Brandon gave her a sweet smile. She smiled and shook her head.

  Mrs. Taylor was back with Connor’s breakfast; she called him and set the plate on the table. Connor grinned and went to join her.

  “Did Padfoot eat anything?” he asked, patting the pup’s head.

  “Of course. He woke up early and came to find me. He was sitting outside our room, and when Miles opened the door, little Padfoot started nudging him. We gave him his breakfast as we ate ours.” Mrs. Taylor smiled at Padfoot fondly.

  “Uncle Brand wants to talk to me about something. Am I in trouble?” Connor asked in a low voice.

  “Not that I know of.” She smiled. “He must be concerned about your drunken episode during the rehearsal.”

  Connor sighed and nodded. He ate his breakfast in silence, and once he was done, he went out to see Brandon walking towards the backyard. Connor and Padfoot followed him in silence.

  “So, you love her, huh?” Brandon asked as they walked towards the beach.

  “Yeah, I do. And she loves me too,” Connor said, rather confidently.

  “Kiddo, she’s marrying your brother tomorrow. The wedding hasn’t been called off yet. And if she really loves you, it might be too late.” Brandon sighed. He looked ahead and saw Carter playing with Caleb and Zoe in the beach. Ethan was lurking around, not going anywhere near them. “Con, this will destroy Carter’s wedding.”

  “Uncle Brand, it’s not our fault that we love each other.” Connor frowned. Of course he knew his brother’s wedding was broken. But did it even make sense for them to marry when she loved him and not Carter? “I know you think this is moving way too fast, but trust me, we aren’t in it for the short run. I know the timing isn’t the greatest, but we love each other and want to spend our lives together. Is that wrong?”

  “Connor, sorry to say this, but I think it’s you who’s going to get hurt badly. I don’t see Harley saying no to her parents. She could have, months ago, but no. She is not the kind of girl who will go against her parents’ wishes, and Carter is so not the guy who will let anyone come and steal his girl. It’s a losing battle, my boy, I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Uncle Brand, I know you are worried about me, but trust me, I know how she feels!”

  “Okay, Connor. You have only one day left. Make it count!” Brandon said and turned away, walking towards the beach.

  Connor sighed and went back into the house. He tried calling Harley, but she wasn’t picking up. He texted her instead.

  Harls, did you talk to them? Want me to come there? – C x

  When he didn’t get a reply, he tried to call her again. Yet again the call didn’t go through. Finally he got a little tensed because Harley never ignored his calls or messages. Connor was about to go to her place and check when Carter walked in.

  He was about to say something when Connor cut him off, “Let me guess, you need to have a word with me?”

  “Yes, this way,” Carter said, walking up the stairs. Connor followed him quietly. Padfoot had stayed back at the beach to play with the kids, so Connor went upstairs alone. Carter walked into his room and asked Connor to take a seat.

  “What is it?” Connor asked, a bit tense.

  “Look, I just want to . . . apologize,” Carter started. “That day . . . it could have been sorted out. I exaggerated. Connor, I’m sorry. I really am. And I know people would be wondering why you aren’t the best man at the wedding. I already asked Aaron, and we weren’t really on talking terms when I asked him.”

  Connor nodded quietly. “Wait, what wedding?”

  Carter let out a chuckle, “My wedding, silly. Tomorrow. That’s what I wanted to talk about. Harley just called and asked if we could go to the resort tonight, you know . . . it’s better to stay the night there and the wedding is at noon—”

  “Harley called you?” Connor asked, distracted. “I mean, she called you today?”

  “Yeah, I was at the beach. She just came back from her friend’s place. Lillian, I think.”

  “Okay,” Connor said in a low voice.

  “So, I was talking to Dad, and I think Harley’s idea is great. Will you come with us? If we leave this evening?”

  “No, I need to be somewhere. I’ll see you later,” Connor said and rushed out of the room, leaving a confused Carter alone. He quickly went to Harley’s house and noticed the door was closed. So he walked towards the backyard and climbed up the wall to Harley’s room. He entered the room to see Harley missing.

  Connor sat down on a chair and sighed. Her words kept repeating in his mind. Did she change her mind already?

  The door opened, and Harley walked in, when she spotted Connor sitting on a chair in the corner, she gasped and jumped in surprise. “Con . . . Connor? What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk. Sit!”

  “Connor, I don’t think you should be here,” Harley murmured.

  “Why?” Connor challenged. “Because you have every right to change your mind, and I don’t even deserve an explanation?”

  Harley sat on her bed and looked down. “I’m sorry. What I said, I’m sorry about that. Connor, I was drunk. I had no clue what I was saying.”

  “That’s it? You regret it now?”

  “It’s not like that! Connor, I can’t do this. I’m not that strong,” Harley whispered.

  Connor nodded as he stood up. “So it was all a lie? What do you think of me, Evans? You wanted me to stop, well I did! YOU pulled me back; I try to be your friend, YOU tell me you love me and now what? You can’t disappoint your dear parents, so it’s just easier to break stupid Connor’s insignificant heart! Is that it? You seriously don’t remember what you said to me? You wanted a lifetime. Not just fifteen days.”

  Harley shook her head as she wiped some tears, trying her hardest not to break in front of Connor.

  “I hope you will stick to the vows you make tomorrow, Evans, because as much as I hate to say it, I don’t think you know how to keep hearts intact. Seems amusing that my heart still beats even when you just pulled it out, smashed it and then stepped on it for good measure . . . I hope you will realize how much you’re hurting me some day.”

  “Connor, liste—”

  “What more could you possibly have to say! I was on the top of the world yesterday, because of what you said. Today, I don’t think I’ll be able to make my way out of the depth of hell you have thrown me in. You can be the perfect daughter, Harley Evans. This is goodbye, don’t expect me to stick around and watch you become a Taylor!” Connor spat, his face furious, eyes wet.

  With that Connor turned around and was about to leave when Harley caught his arm. “Don’t go!”

  He turned to look at her in shock. She is stopping me after what happened?

  “Connor, my parents might be downstairs,” Harley whispered.

  “Oh! You don’t want them to catch me sneaking out of your room. Don’t worry about it; they aren’t here, and I will use the front door today!”

  Harley watched as Connor snatched his arm away from her grasp and stormed out of the room. She had done it – she had just ruined her own life.

  The next day came sooner than she expected it to. Her wedding . . . one of the most important days in life, but sometimes life doesn’t really give you a choice. Harley sat in front of the mirror looking at the unrecognizable person in the reflection. The girl who looked back at her was the one who hurt Connor so badly that he would never forgive her
. The makeup artist had done a brilliant job making her look different, beautiful, but only she could see the eyes staring back at her; cold, accusing eyes that had shed so many tears the previous day, making them as dry as possible. She couldn’t cry even if she wanted to.

  “Harls?” Lillian called. “You need to start getting ready. Your parents are coming upstairs to see you. Do you want me to leave?”

  “No, stay, please.”

  “Okay,” Lillian gave her a small smile.

  Mr. and Mrs. Evans walked in and gasped when they saw their daughter. “Oh my! You look so pretty!” Mrs. Evans exclaimed.

  “Beautiful, indeed,” Mr. Evans agreed.

  Harley looked at them and nodded without a word. Mrs. Evans sat next to her on a chair and said, “You have no idea how happy we are for you, Harley. You are lucky to be marrying a man like Carter. He will keep you happy forever. And take care of you.”

  Harley gave her a blank look, she didn’t bother replying to her mother; instead she stood up and spoke to Lillian, “Lily, I want to change now, can you show my parents out?”

  Her father’s gaze sharpened, his daughter looked like she was walking to her execution, not her wedding. She looked resigned, a deep, raw pain reflecting in the pools of her eyes. Before he could ask her, his wife pulled him out of the room. He shook his head; it had to be wedding jitters, of course! What else could it be? Nodding to himself, he gave a wan smile to his wife. Inside, Lillian looked at Harley, concern clouding her pretty features. “It’s still not too late, Harls.”

  Harley sighed, her eyes looking out, unseeing, through the window. “It was too late yesterday,” she said as she pulled her wedding gown out. “Thanks Lils, but can you excuse me now?”

  Lillian nodded and walked out. Harley sighed for the umpteenth time. Thirty seven – that’s how many times she had called Connor, and each time it reached his voicemail, she tried to tell him how hard this was for her. But the words were stuck, and he had not called or messaged back. For all the times she had tried to ignore him, he sure seemed to be doing an amazing job of ignoring her; after a sleepless night, as the sun rose, she had given up, the sunlight falling on her shaking form.


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