Chasing Connor

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Chasing Connor Page 13

by Sam Ayers

  Harley looked at the beautiful dress that adorned her. There was a knock on the door, and she absentmindedly told that person to enter. As she stood looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the door open, and Connor walked in with Padfoot at his heel. Harley looked at his reflection in surprise, still not sure whether to turn around and face him.

  “Hey,” Connor called as he walked in. Padfoot looked at Harley and whined. When he turned towards his daddy and pawed his foot, Connor looked at him and smiled. “Go, Pads.”

  Padfoot didn’t need to be told twice. He ran towards Harley and rubbed his head over her dress. She sat down and patted his head lovingly. “Hey buddy! Did you miss me?”

  Padfoot woofed and licked her hand. Harley looked up to see Connor standing with his bags; a backpack was hanging over his shoulder, and he held a small box in his hand.

  “Your wedding present,” he said, walking towards her. “Do you want me to keep it here?”

  She motioned towards the table, and Connor placed the box over it. Harley couldn’t help but smile; Connor hadn’t bothered wrapping it in a gift wrapper. He’d used the plain white paper that she had seen Zoe drawing pictures on before. She chuckled when she read what was written over it:

  “It’s an ice cream machine,” Connor explained. “It gets really warm here so, I thought maybe you could do with an ice cream machine. Unlimited ice cream!”

  Harley giggled. “Seriously? That’s a wedding present?”

  Connor pouted. “At least I got you a present. Anyway, that’s for Carter. He needs to chill! This is for you.” He handed her a small box and moved away. “Open it once we leave, please.”

  “What? Where are you going?” Harley asked in a hurry.

  “Back home! Dad’s friend is flying to Vancouver, and his polite offer was something Pads and I were never gonna say no to. I mean, a freaking private jet! Padfoot will be super comfortable! Right, Pads?”

  Padfoot woofed and let his tongue hang out again, Connor bent down and tickled his chin. Harley looked at them in surprise. “You are telling me you won’t be here for the wedding?”

  Connor stiffened, he let out a sigh and shook his head, “I was serious when I told you I wouldn’t stick around to watch you become a Taylor.”

  “Your parents okay with this? It’s your brother’s wedding!”

  “Damn it! It’s your wedding!” Connor yelled. “I’m at my limit, Evans. I won’t stand there in that crowd, watch the girl I love marry my own brother!”

  “I . . . I need you as a friend, here, today. We were fine as friends before; can’t we go back to that? That night, what happened between us, could you not just forget it?”

  A hollow laugh was her answer. “Nothing happened that night.” His eyes were blank, emotionless, and she felt terrible for making him say it, mostly when he had that broken look on his face. He ran a hand through his hair, and exclaimed, “God! How I wanted to! Wanted you. We almost did! But then there was that damn ring, declaring to the world you are Carter’s, not mine! So I waited, waited so you would just be the girl I loved and not my brother’s fiancée.” A self-depreciating laugh left his lips. “How naïve of me, right?” He turned to go, not waiting for a reply.

  “Don’t go!” Harley begged. “Please! Tell me you’ll be ok—”

  He turned a bland smile her way and she winced. “There. I am perfectly alright. Is that what you want to hear?” His smile faded. “It will take me a lifetime to get over you, Evans; I promise I’ll stay out of your life. I hope you are happy; that’s enough for me.”

  “Is it that simple?”

  “Fifteen days are up, Evans. Our lifetime is over. Goodbye, Harley. You truly are the best thing that happened to me.”

  Connor walked towards her and cupped her face; he wiped the single tear as she grabbed his hand tightly. “Love you,” Connor whispered as he placed a soft kiss on her brow. “Forever.”

  With that he moved back and picked up his bags. He whistled to Padfoot and walked away. Padfoot nudged Harley’s leg and licked her hand when she bent down to pat him. After that he turned around and joined his daddy. Connor didn’t look back. He walked out of her life just as easily as he had walked into her life two weeks ago.

  Connor stepped out of the room and punched the wall; he groaned deeply and walked towards the elevator. He was going to do something he never thought he would. Connor and Padfoot went to the first floor, where Carter’s room was. Connor walked towards it quietly, followed by Padfoot, who could sense his daddy’s emotions. His daddy was hurt, and he was feeling bad too.

  Padfoot whined and nudged Connor’s leg. Connor stopped and looked down at the pup with a small smile. He bent down and patted his head. “It’s just you and me now, Pads.”

  He stood up and kept walking. When they had finally reached Carter’s room, Connor knocked on the door. Carter’s friend, Aaron pulled it open. Carter was adjusting the bow tie and turned to look at his brother in surprise. The groom’s men were seated in the room, chatting about something. When Aaron saw the bags in Connor’s hand, he asked everyone to step out for a minute, leaving Carter alone in the room with Connor and Padfoot, who was now looking at the grand suite. This place was bigger than his daddy’s room and it had so many strange and fascinating things.

  “Connor, what are you doing here? Aren’t you getting ready?” Carter asked calmly. “Were you searching for your room? You can get ready here, there’s an extra bedroom.”

  Connor shook his head. “Padfoot and I are leaving.”

  “What do you mean ‘leaving’?” Carter raised an eyebrow in surprise.

  “We are going home. Back to Vancouver.”

  “After the wedding, right? Weren’t you planning to stay here for another week?”

  “Carter, we are leaving now.” Connor sighed. “Look, I’m not gonna make this difficult for both of us. It’s better if I leave now. And it’s not like anybody would notice I’m missing at the wedding.”

  “You gotta be kidding me!” Carter let out an exasperated sigh. “I apologized, Connor! I’m sorry, okay? For what happened at my house back then and for all those times I was a jerk. What do you expect me to do now? Write an apology note with my blood?”

  “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude that day. It’s not about you. I can’t stay here, Car. I’ve to leave!”

  “Is this about that girl you mentioned at the rehearsal?” Carter asked. “Is she here, at the wedding? Is that why you are leaving?”

  Connor sighed deeply before nodding. “Yeah, she’s here. And I’m leaving! Carter, have a great life, bro. Be happy.”

  Carter stood in surprise as Connor walked towards him and gave him a small hug. “You win!” he whispered and turned around to walk away. Carter hadn’t even figured out what Connor meant as he kept staring at his brother, as he walked away without turning around.

  Harley had opened the small present Connor had got for her. It was a small platinum Infinity pendant. There was a small card in the box; she placed it aside and opened the note. In it, she saw Connor’s scrawl:

  Harley gasped as she read the note; she wiped her tears as she read it again. When she heard footsteps on the other side of the door, she placed the note back in the box and kept it next to Connor’s other present. The door opened, and her father walked in.

  “Harley, dear, it’s time,” he smiled. Harley stood up and just nodded. Mr. Evans held his hand out for her, and she placed hers in his. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. You have made us so happy.”

  “I’m glad, dad,” Harley murmured. As they walked towards the elevator in silence, they came across Lillian holding Harley’s bouquet and arguing with Liam.

  “How could you’ve just let him go?!” she yelled.

  “I didn’t realize he was gone!” Liam shot back. “He’s walking around this very corridor a minute ago, and then I turn around to take your call and when I turn back, he’s gone!”

  “Then find him!”

  “Kids, is ever
ything alright?” Mr. Evans asked. Lily and Liam’s face fell when they saw him.

  Lillian put on her best fake smile and nodded. “Of course, Mr. Evans. Everything is great. Ready, Harley?”

  Harley nodded quietly. She knew whom they were talking about. So, Connor was really gone.

  They walked to the beach where the wedding was taking place. Harley and her dad walked towards the altar as the music played, and she looked up to see Carter standing at the far end of the aisle. He had a bright smile on his face.

  Without realizing why, her eyes searched only for Connor as his words kept playing in her mind.

  ‘Well, we might have been best friends, and I would have stopped you from marrying Carter. I would have made you fall in love with me.’

  Harley walked towards the altar as Connor voice still lingered in her ears.

  ‘Harley Evans, I’ll be your friend till the minute you say ‘I do’, after that we’ll just go on our ways.’

  ‘We can make memories in these mere fifteen days that will last us a lifetime, I promise.’

  ‘You don't need to get your panties in a twist just because I was concerned enough to text you and ask what is wrong.’

  Some of his words made her smile so brightly, she completely forgot she was walking towards Carter to get married to him.

  ‘Allison, I would love to, but I’m here with my girlfriend. This is Harley, the love of my life.’

  She remembered his kiss that had made her crave for more. And those words, ‘So that’s it? You are going to resist me? Try!’

  And his cheeky behavior. ‘Harls, girls don’t follow their brother-in-law to a random room. And technically, you aren’t my sister-in-law!’

  And that grin that made her feel fuzzy. ‘Yeah, you’re welcome to haunt my dreams anytime.’

  ‘I hate to say it, I don’t think you know how to keep hearts intact. Seems amusing that my heart still beats even when you just pulled it out, smashed it and then stepped on it for good measure . . . I hope you will realize how much you’re hurting me some day.’

  She had seen his love, his madness, his anger and yet she craved for more. Harley had reached the altar; her father took her hand and placed it on Carter’s.

  ‘I was on the top of the world yesterday, because of what you said. Today, I don’t think I’ll be able to make my way out of the depth of hell you have thrown me in. You can be the perfect daughter, Harley Evans. This is goodbye, don’t expect me to stick around and watch you become a Taylor!’

  “Look after my little girl,” she heard her father say. Carter smiled and nodded, assuring him he would.

  ‘Some promises last a lifetime even if the one who promised isn’t around. To infinity and beyond. I love you, Harley Evans. Here’s the lifetime!’

  “Wait!” Harley blurted. “Wait, I need a minute!”

  “Harley, is everything okay?” Carter asked, concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  Harley turned to face him. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Carter, I’m sorry, but I can’t do this! I thought I could. But I love him. I can’t live without him!”

  “What?” Carter asked in shock. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m sorry, Carter. You are a great man, and you deserve someone better. I’ve to go. I’m sorry.” With that, she turned around. Harley saw her parents getting up, and her mother looked furious.

  “Harley! Don’t!” She glared at her daughter. But Harley shook her head and ran. She could hear gasps, and people calling her name. She could feel Carter’s presence behind her, but she didn’t really care anymore. She kept running till she reached the door where Liam and Lillian stood waiting for her.

  “Atta girl! I knew you loved him like crazy,” Lillian said, giving her a quick hug.

  “Do you know where he is?” Harley asked them in a hurry.

  “I think I know where he could be,” Liam said. “He’s leaving town and doesn’t plan to return. So, he will be at the place he loves most, for one last time. His home!”

  “Can you drive fast?” Harley asked as they rushed towards the parking lot.

  “Oh, Harley, I should have been a F1 Driver. But life always has weird plans for us. Let’s go!”

  Liam started his car and drove as fast as he could. It took them almost ten minutes to reach Connor’s home. Liam parked the car in front of the house, and they ran towards the beach.

  “Ouch!” Harley cried. “These freaking shoes hurt.” She pulled them off and threw them on the sand as she ran towards the lonely figure who stood near the water, with a little puppy sitting next to him.

  “Connor Taylor! You moron!” she shouted as she stormed towards him. Connor turned to look at her in shock, and he froze. Harley was now near him and just as he was about to speak, she jumped on him and crashed her lips on his.

  Harley grabbed his hair and tugged on it sharply, making Connor moan on her lips. He pulled away and moved back.

  “Please don’t tell me you ran away from your wedding!” he said in horror.

  “Well, I fell in love with a guy who is great at running, so I had to. Connor, I love you. And this time, I’m not afraid of anything! I ran away from my wedding! Isn’t that proof that I want to be with you?”

  “You want me to trust you after you rejected me twice? Twice, Harley! You wound my ego!” Connor pouted and looked away.

  Harley cupped his face and grinned. “Well, the third time isn’t really a rejection, right?”

  “So, this is real? You want to be with me?” Connor asked, doubtful.

  “Yes, silly. I really want that lifetime now,” she said, throwing her arms around his shoulder. “Take me away, Connor.”

  Padfoot, who was sitting next to them, noticed someone new and barked. Connor and Harley turned to see Carter standing there with his hands folded tightly across his chest.

  Carter walked towards them. “So, Harley, it was my brother all along? I should have guessed,” he said.

  “Carter, I really am sorry,” Harley said sincerely.

  “I know you are.” Carter nodded sadly. Then he faced Connor. “It was all in front of me, wasn’t it? Painted like a clear picture. But I just didn’t understand it. You said she found someone better. Then you said I’m the better one. That I won. It was all about Harley, wasn’t it? How long have you two been in love with each other?”

  Both Connor and Harley shrugged. “We don’t know.”

  Carter raised his eyebrows in surprise. Connor smiled and said, “Actually, it just happened. By the time we realized, it was too late.”

  “You know, Connor, you are so stupid! You were leaving; you were sacrificing your love for my happiness? After what I did to you? Did you forget I was the reason you left the house in the first place?”

  “Don’t remind me.” Connor rolled his eyes. “Look, she loves me too. I’m not leaving without her. So you can go find someone else. I mean, you aren’t half bad. A bit old, but someone might like you. Someone like Maxine . . .”

  “What? No!” Carter frowned. When he saw the expression on both Harley and Connor’s face, which clearly said he wasn’t seeing what they saw, he said, “Seriously? Maxine Hawthorne likes me?”

  “Duh!” Connor grinned. “Okay now, shoo! I’m with my girl. Go get yours!”

  Carter chuckled at his little brother and swatted his shoulder. Just as he was about to turn away, Harley grabbed his hand. She removed her engagement ring and gave it to him. She rose to her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, saying, “Thank you for understanding, Carter. Thank you so much!”

  Carter cupped her cheek and wiped the tear that slid. He placed a kiss on her forehead and said, “You deserve to be happy. If your happiness lies with him, he’s a darn lucky fellow.” With that Carter winked at her and walked towards the house. Harley noticed her parents and Connor’s parents and his cousins all standing near Liam and Lillian.

  Mrs. Taylor grinned and cheered for her youngest. “You go, Doodle-bug!”

  “Oh my, ever
yone’s here!” Harley exclaimed.

  “And does that change anything?” Connor waggled his eyebrows and made Harley laugh. She threw her arms around his shoulders and shook her head.

  “Nope! Never!”

  Connor gave her his biggest grin before capturing her lips in another passionate kiss. Harley kissed him back with equal passion. And when they pulled away, she asked, “So now that there’s no wedding happening today, what will we do about the guests?”

  “Engagement parties are also great,” he said with a smirk. “I’ll get you that ring later. I promise.”

  “And what do we do about this beautiful dress?”

  Connor shrugged. “Paintball? We can make it colorful!”

  Harley giggled as he pulled her into a hug. When Padfoot jumped next to them, Connor bent down and picked him up into his arms. Harley smiled at Padfoot and patted his head. “Now we look like a real family,” she said.

  “And we will always be one. Forever,” Connor promised.

  The whole family was standing in the beach when they turned around. After a few apologies and some explanations, it was perfect! Connor wrapped his arm around Harley’s shoulder and said, “You know . . . the ocean back there? It’s really jealous of me now.”

  “And do you know our friendship has caught fire and become an unconditional and irrecoverable love? And it’s not gonna die down?”

  “Oh yeah, baby! That’s because we are sooo awesome!” Connor winked at her, unable to contain his grin.

  6 Months Later

  Harley Evans walked into her office with a big smile; this was the life she’d always dreamt of. Working at Brandon’s construction company let her explore a whole new world in her field. The project she had been working for almost four months with her partner had come to an end, and the client loved it.

  She stood in her office, looking out of the huge glass window. Vancouver was truly beautiful, and she loved every single minute here. She was finally able to focus on her work, her career . . . her life. And that was what she always wanted.


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