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Unbind My Heart (Club Decadence)

Page 7

by Maddie Taylor

  Watching as another family spread out a blanket beside them, Lexie wiggled in Jonas’ lap. Speaking close to his ear, her voice lowered to a barely there whisper. “Those are rope bondage books with more pictures than words, Jonas. They don’t count.”

  Leaning back, he looked at her curiously. “You’re familiar with them?”

  “Loosely,” she demurred.

  “While I’m thrilled that you are more widely read on the subject than I’d thought, I think you were holding back on the extent of your interest that first night. Note to self, Lex, withholding or omitting information from your Dom is akin to lying and a spankable offense.”

  She swallowed at the last two words, a mix of keen interest and apprehension. She decided it was wise to heed his warning. “I do have more than a passing interest, I suppose.”

  “Mm… As I thought. Again, this isn’t the time or the place. Since you didn’t know the rules at the time, I think I’ll go easy on you. I was reading those books as homework for my project, brushing up on techniques and researching skills for my book. Maybe my new sub can recommend some other good books on the subject.” His arms tightened around her and he bent his head to speak softly in her ear. “Or better yet, she could read to me in her sultry, sexy voice while naked in my bed.”

  Leaning back, she saw the heated look in his eyes. Brighter than usual, they practically smoldered with sensual anticipation. She could lose herself in those eyes.

  He was being open and honest about wanting her. It made her hopeful and bolstered her confidence. Deciding to be open and honest in return, she leaned close and whispered softly, “I have several, including some that are quite erotic, so I think I’d enjoy that very much.”

  The kiss that followed was not at all family friendly. The arms that held her, the hands on her bare back, holding her body against his, were strong and demanding. Unable to resist, if she’d even wanted to, she melted into him.

  Jonas, who was evidently more in tune with his surroundings, ended it. “We really need to take this down a notch—or ten, Lex, or we’ll be thrown out of here before the first note even plays.” With one more fleeting kiss, he set her aside. “We’ll have to finish this conversation later—in private. Then you can tell me all about your erotica collection.”

  He rose in a fluid motion, strength and grace evident in every movement, as he pulled her to her feet. “Let’s go for a walk before we ruin the event’s G-rating. There’s a car show going on at the mall.”

  Thankful for the reprieve, Lexie agreed wholeheartedly, before she revealed all of her secret fantasies. It was only date number two, and she had to leave some mystery for date number three. “Sounds good, I love old cars. Grampa Stan has an awesome 1970’s Dodge Challenger that he fixed up. He’s now working on a ‘58 Impala. He’s a sucker for muscle cars. What kind of car show is this—antique, muscle cars, hot rods?”

  “As long as it’s big, shiny, and has a powerful engine, does it really matter?”

  “Spoken like a real man.”

  Smiling, they joined hands and headed out. The next several hours were spent checking out the car show—as luck would have it, all Mustangs—and window shopping in the air conditioned Wonderland of the Americas mall that was adjacent to the amphitheater. After browsing through several art galleries and local artisan shops, they treated themselves to a Marble Slab waffle cone before heading back to their blanket. What followed was six hours of the best jazz Lexie had ever heard.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, she arrived a few minutes early, entering Jonas’ dojo with ten minutes to spare. As instructed, she’d worn close-fitting workout clothes. Her Lycra/spandex racer-back tank and yoga capris would allow her room to bend comfortably and hopefully wouldn’t bunch up under Jonas’ ropes.

  Heading upstairs to the private studio, she looked around for Jonas but he was nowhere in sight. There were five couples in the room as she entered, including J.T and Miki. Setting her purse to the side, she walked over and joined them. Miki greeted her and then looked down at her own loose fitting tracksuit made out of performance material.

  “No fair. Jonas pulled in a ringer to make the rest of us think we will look half as good as you tied up like a Thanksgiving turkey.”

  “What? These are workout clothes, Miki. I jog in this stuff.”

  “Yeah? Well, I can guarantee no one else here is going to look half as good as you do. Girl, you got it going on with legs to your armpits and those boobs and that ass.”

  Miki’s survey of her body was making Lexie a bit uncomfortable. “Should I have worn something else?”

  “You look fine, Lexie. Pay no attention to my uncouth wife. She’s bi and is a great admirer of any nicely coordinated T&A.”

  Looking at Miki and J.T. in surprise, Lexie flushed. She felt like a babe in the woods around Jonas and his friends.

  “I couldn’t agree more, J.T., but remind your wife this is my girl.” Jonas had walked up behind her and the sound of his deep voice sent a little thrill through her body. He slid his hands up her arms until he cupped her shoulders, adding, “Find your own third, Miki. Lexie’s off limits.”

  His teasing tone told her that he knew about Miki’s adventurous nature. They all smiled at her stunned expression, before Jonas changed the subject. “I need you to do some stretches before we begin, Lexie, and make sure you hit the ladies’ room before we start. I don’t want to stop class for a pit stop and have to untie you.” He kissed her temple and with a stage whisper teased, “Lulls like that cut into my creative genius.”

  Still flustered, Lexie gave a little half-smile. Regretting the two giant cups of coffee she’d had earlier, she excused herself. “I’ll go to the ladies’ room now.”

  “I’ll come with, Lex,” Miki said.

  As they entered the women’s bathroom just down the hall from the studio, Miki apologized. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Lexie. I figured Jonas would have told you about us. I was really just teasing you.”

  “He didn’t mention anything, so I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “In addition to being bi-sexual, J.T. and I are also polyamorous. We put it on hold when the girls came along thinking it might be a bit confusing.”

  “I’ve heard the term but . . . What is that like a ménage or something?”

  “Not really, other than the multiple partners idea, in polyamory we’re looking for more than a hook-up or one-night-stand; it’s about intimate relationships and love—the key word being relationship. A ménage doesn’t necessarily require a commitment, although it sometimes does. Not to mention, poly isn’t limited to three.”

  Lexie’s jaw dropped open in amazement, and Miki responded with an indulgent laugh. “Yeah, that’s the look I often get from people.”

  “Is Jonas poly, too?” Her stomach clenched, her mind and heart pulsing out a common entreaty, please say no, please say no, please say no.

  “I don’t think so, Lex. Although I have seen him in a threesome at The Club a time or two, I don’t remember him playing. He was mentoring, I think. You’ll really have to ask him to find out.” She disappeared into a stall and Lexie blindly entered the next—Miki chattering the whole time—except Lexie didn’t process what she was saying. She was feeling sick. She had to ask Jonas before they went further. She could get into the D/s stuff and the bondage; that was her kink. She was even willing to get more adventurous with Jonas and try some toys and even a flogging, but sharing was a definite deal-breaker. She didn’t want to be with anyone else and for damn sure didn’t want to watch Jonas do someone else.

  A subdued Lexie followed the incessantly chattering Miki out into the hallway. As they approached the studio, Lexie halted when she saw Jonas leaning casually just outside the door. He was watching her approach and instantly noticed her anxiety, his smile quickly turning into a frown.

  “Head on in, Miki, we’re waiting on one more couple. I need a minute alone with Lexie.”

  For the first time in ten minutes, Mi
ki stopped talking as she nodded and entered ahead of them. Jonas eyes zoned in on Lexie. “You look ready to freak. What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t do it. I’m sorry if that’s something you enjoy, but I don’t operate that way.”

  “What? The bondage?”

  “No! The other people—the ménages, threesomes, and orgies— whatever it’s called. I can’t do the group sex thing. I don’t want to.”

  Jonas threw his head back and laughed, which pissed Lexie off.

  “I don’t think it’s the least bit funny, Jonas Mitchell. I think I’ve made a mistake. I’ll just get my things.” As she made to move past him, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against his hard body.

  “I’m sorry for laughing. It was just the horrified expression on your face. I promise you that when I am in a committed relationship, I am one hundred percent monogamous. I don’t share. You heard me tell Miki and J.T. that earlier.”

  “She said she saw you with other couples at The Club.”

  He nodded, not taken his eyes from her. “I have participated in the past, yes, but that was years ago when I was experimenting. Now, my role is that of a mentor or guide, but not for sex, as a teacher for BDSM. The Masters at The Club do that from time to time. We hold classes and some, like Dex and Sean, train the new Doms.”

  Lexie’s temper and pulse rate both lessened when she heard that. “What about being faithful? I’m not into open relationships either.”

  Jonas frowned at that. “You don’t have a very high opinion of me, if you think I’m a player or a cheat, Lexie. I guarantee, like Dex is with Elena, and Rick is for Regan, I’m a one-woman man.”

  She looked down at her hands. She hadn’t realized she’d been twisting and wringing them, a bad habit when she was nervous. If he was monogamous, as he’d said, she was now worried that she’d ticked him off.

  “You’re right; I am a little freaked out. And I’ve offended you again. I’m just trying to understand all this.” She glanced up at him, but couldn’t seem to hold his gaze. “It’s all so new to me.”

  He lifted her chin with a gentle hand, and she felt heat flood her face. “Sunshine, we’re learning about each other. As you meet more of my friends and more of The Club members, you’ll find there’s a whole world of kink out there. Just don’t paint me with a broad brush, okay? Simply because one person likes polyamory or group play or has a new submissive every night of the week, doesn’t mean I do.”

  She was letting her imagination run wild and judging him, which was unlike her. Closing her eyes tightly against her terminal embarrassment, she wondered why she kept letting her mouth get her into so much trouble.

  “Look at me.”

  She shook her head stubbornly. Mimicking her thoughts, she heard him murmur softly, “stubborn little subbie.”

  Speaking low and with authority, he insisted, “Now, Lexie.”

  Her lashes swept open, and through eyes brimming with unshed tears, she looked into his unwavering gaze.

  “I want to be with you, Sunshine, and no one else. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Are we good then?”

  Nodding, she gave the barest hint of a smile.

  “That’s my girl.” With a hand to her jaw, he lifted her face, giving her lips a soft touch of his. “Now then, I hate to rush you, but it’s time for class so I have to ask. Are you ready to be bound in my ropes in front of a dozen or so virtual strangers?”

  “Um . . .” She swallowed with an audible gulp. “Yes, Sir.” Her voice rose and cracked at the end, making it sound more like a question than a definitive response.

  Chuckling, he caught her lower lip and nipped it gently before raising his head. “We’re going to have to work on trust. Today is lesson number one. Let’s get started.”

  Minutes later, Jonas stood in front of his class, the last couple having rushed in at the last second. He began with a lengthy lecture about safety. Lexie didn’t hear much of it, her mind racing a mile a minute. She kept getting distracted by the rope he held in his hands, and such beautiful hands they were, big, strong masculine hands with long tapered fingers and short, well-manicured nails. She couldn’t keep from wondering what they would feel like while binding her or gliding gently over her skin or sharply slapping her bottom.

  “Lexie, come on up so we can start our demonstration.”

  Jumping nervously as his voice interrupted her naughty daydreams, she stood and approached him.

  “Relax,” he whispered in her ear as she came to stand in front of him. “Do you have a hair tie?”

  Looking over to where she stored her things, she shook her head. “I don’t think… maybe there’s one in my purse.” When she made to move away, his hand stayed her.

  “I’ve got it. Take off your shoes, please, and your socks.”

  He stepped away while she removed her shoes and tucked her socks inside, standing barefooted when he returned with a hair band. With nervous fingers, she gathered her thick hair into a high ponytail. Without a brush, she knew she’d missed several strands and figured it was a mess.

  “Here, let me help.” Pulling the knot free, he quickly gathered the shiny mass at the back of her head, looping the skein so it formed a tight coil, and left her back and shoulders free of loose strands. “I don’t want it getting caught in the ropes and hurting you.”

  His low tone soothed Lexie’s jagged nerves as she stood like a malleable doll beneath his hands. “All right, class, now that Lexie’s ready, we’ll start with a basic Shinju, or breast harness.” With a few words and deft touches, he positioned her how he wanted, tying her efficiently as he instructed his students.

  “Notice I’m using traditional jute, which I’m partial to. Western rope bondage has adopted synthetic and colored ropes. I admit I use some dyed ropes for shows, sometimes adding fluorescent colors and lighting, but purists use jute or hemp. It has an earthy smell, a coarse texture against the skin, and is less likely to burn and injure like the synthetics tend to do. Riggers must be conscious of our submissive’s skin at all times.”

  He subtly caressed Lexie’s cheek, checking in with her quietly. “Doing okay?”

  “Yes, Sensei.”

  “Good.” Raising his voice, he continued his lecture. “Jute is light and holds its shape better without giving like nylon. It knots well and ensures your sub stays put. There we of the most sensual but easiest ties in Shibari.” Turning her toward the mirror, she got her first look and sucked in her breath. “See how beautiful my dorei is?”

  She sucked in a breath as her eyes met his in the mirror. His dorei, not the ropes, was beautiful. A tingling awareness danced across her skin, and she felt the uptick of her pulse rate. Lexie could clearly see the admiration in his avid gaze, his approval evident as he continued.

  “This is a purely aesthetic tie as it doesn’t limit movement at all, the arms are free, and she has total mobility. If we add a cinch, we increased the pressure and the sensuality.”

  Using two lengths of rope, one running continuously below and above the breasts, he used the other as a cinch, to connect the parallel ropes together. “I have created a simple V here between her breasts and the remaining lengths will wrap over the shoulders… Turn for me.”

  He gave his command in a soothing, almost hypnotic, tone for Lexie’s ears only. His hands guided her gently, every touch arousing her further.

  “The ropes then tie in the back, using another cinch to create the desired pressure. Depending upon the amount, the breasts will fill, swelling, and will begin to tingle as they become more sensitive, even with clothing.”

  Lexie felt her nipples tighten under his regard. She looked down and saw where they stood out firmly, clearly visible beneath the thin material of her tank. Dear heavens, she was aroused even though he’d barely touched her. Was it the ropes, his seductive voice, the audience, or all things combined?

  She bit back a groan when he murmured against her ear, “What is arousing you my beautif
ul Alexis. Is it my hands touching your curves? Could it be the commands that your sensei is giving? Maybe it’s the eyes of the students, as they watch you intently and drink in your beauty.”

  He was a mind reader—it was the only explanation. No one was that perceptive.

  “I believe more thorough and exhaustive research is needed to be sure, don’t you think?”

  His lips brushing her ear and the whisper of his breath sent a shiver racing down her spine connecting intensely with a jolt on her clit. She bit her tongue, suppressing a groan of arousal. He stroked her back, one long sweep, and with that one caress, she lost focus and slipped into a hazy state of awareness. The students faded into the background, forgotten, her attention now absorbed by the sensations coursing through her body, the confining ropes and the powerful man who was commanding them both.


  Thrilled with her response, Jonas continued his lecture, addressing his students but never removing his full attention from her.

  “With a less endowed model, the ties don’t always make the breasts stand out prominently, or have to be tied tight to make it so. With larger breasts, the contrast between the rough taut ropes and the soft, full curves is stunning. The ropes have more to compress and the curves are further accentuated. No offense to any ladies here; as I said, it is just my preference.”

  Jonas noticed the distant look in Lexie’s eyes, her parted lips and the shallow rise and fall of her chest, her breathing a bit erratic. She looked like . . . Pausing, he questioned his assessment—surely not this soon. Still, he’d seen a sub flying before, and if she wasn’t there, she was close. A rare occurrence with a simple breast tie, with no kissing or caressing, no nipple or clitoral stimulation, no spanking, flogging or impact whatsoever, only simple touches and softly spoken words. Damn. She was perfect.

  “Next, we’ll add a simple wrist restraint.” He turned Lexie’s back to the audience, providing them with a clear view of his technique. “This position will arch the back and display the breasts even more prominently. If you add a hair restraint, you immobilize the head and expose the vulnerable throat. We’ll get to that in future sessions.”


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