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Forbidden Blood (Vampire Venators Romance Series)

Page 25

by Heaton, Felicity

  Her body quaked around his, milking him and encouraging him to release himself, to lay claim to her and change things between them forever.

  He groaned into her ear, his pace quickening and turning frantic as she relaxed beneath him, floating on warmth and lost in the ecstasy of her release. She didn’t feel the pain of his grip on her hips or the roughness of his thrusts. She felt only pleasure and happiness, and a deep awareness of his feelings.

  Kearn buried his face in her neck and slammed to a halt inside her. His hands trembled, clutching her hips, and his breath shook on her throat. She wrapped herself around him and held him gently while his body quivered, his length throbbing and spilling his seed within her.

  He held her like that for long minutes, neither of them moving. She listened to his blood, to his emotions, and they echoed her own. She loved him. She stroked his hair and let him feel that within her blood, knowing that he needed it. The words were too difficult to say right now, but in time, she would find a voice for them and the right moment, and so would he.

  For now, they could say it without words.

  He relaxed on top of her, his breathing slowing and his heart calm again. She didn’t protest when he rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. His arms were steel bands around her telling her that he wouldn’t let her go even if she did try to move off him. If he was comfortable beneath her weight, then she was happy to sleep like this, tangled around him, her head on his chest and their bodies still joined as one.

  Amber closed her eyes and listened to his heart beating.

  Her heart.

  She smiled.

  She had won the heart of her Noble.

  She would give hers in return.



  Kearn wasn’t quite sure how to act around Amber. He pottered about the living room of the lodge, flicking through one of the books he had found but not seeing any of the words on the pages, and occasionally glancing at her where she sat by the fire. It was cold in the stone lodge even though the night outside was warm, so he had brought wood in and lit the fire for her. The smile she had given him for doing such a thing had been dazzling. It seemed small things could count as much as big gestures. He had a lot to learn about women and how relationships worked if he was going to treat her the way she deserved.

  He reined himself in. It wasn’t the time to become lost in her. Until he had sent the man to the eternal darkness, Amber wasn’t safe. He couldn’t afford to get complacent.

  It still didn’t stop him thinking about what she had said. She might not want children. He supposed that it was as much her decision as it was his, but he had always imagined that he would have children, many of them. Two boys at least. Before he had become a Venator, it had been his duty to produce heirs to the dukedom of Savernake. After becoming a Venator, he had been too busy with his new duty and then he had been cast out of society. All hope of finding someone to spend his life with had disintegrated. He hadn’t thought about children after that and all that had been in his future was his calling. Now things were different and he found himself thinking about all sorts of things.

  Not just what it would feel like to bite her, but what it had felt like to make love with her. He had tried hard to contain his strength, fearing that he would be too rough and would hurt her. She was strong for a human, but her body was frail compared to his. He would never have forgiven himself if he had injured her in any way. She had enjoyed it though. Her blood and her scent, everything had told him that she had been there with him in the moment, feeling nothing but sheer bliss at their coupling.

  He had never been with a human before. Since the events that had led to him becoming a Venator, he had closed off his heart to women completely. Amber had forced it open again and shown him that there were people in the world capable of love deep enough that it transcended boundaries. And that he could love again.

  He wanted to keep that feeling forever by making her immortal.

  What would his family say to that? If he told them that he wanted to turn a human, they would see it as a lowly desire, one that would taint the pure lineage of his family.

  He didn’t care. His family had cast him out. They had made it clear that he was no longer a part of them, and that meant they no longer governed him. They could think what they liked about him. All that mattered to him now was having Amber at his side eternally, and he wouldn’t hear a word against it or against her. He wouldn’t let anyone call her weak because she was a turned human and not a pureblood vampire, or attempt to harm her because of it. He would challenge them all and protect her. He would make them see that she was strong and deserved recognition as a Savernake.

  “You’re very quiet,” Amber said and he looked at her. She curled up on the red armchair and faced him, tucking her feet in near her bottom. The firelight shone on her, darkening her jeans and the hooded zip-up black top she wore but highlighting her face and hands, turning her skin golden. “Thinking?”

  He nodded.

  “About the man?”

  “Amongst other things.” He crossed the room to her, placed the book down on the coffee table and sat in the armchair opposite her. She was beautiful today. There was a glow about her and it seemed she couldn’t stop smiling. He had frightened her yesterday but there was no trace of fear in her now. She grinned.

  “You probably shouldn’t think too hard.” Amber reached across and ran her thumb up his forehead between his eyebrows. “You frown too much when you think. Can vampires get wrinkles?”

  He nodded.

  “Then you definitely shouldn’t think so hard.” Her grin widened.

  Was that her way of saying she didn’t want him to get wrinkles? He had many years before that happened. He studied her face. She was still young for a human but they aged so rapidly. He wanted her to look always as she did now. He couldn’t have that, but he could have her age at the same rate as him. He could live with her for centuries.

  He wanted that more than anything.

  Kearn stood with the intent of kissing her but stopped when he heard a knock. He frowned and walked out into the small entranceway. Someone was at the door. They were weak. He opened it. A servant looked up at him and then bowed her head. Her dark hair fell across her face. She placed her hands in front of her, clasping them together.

  “Your presence has been requested at the house, Venator Savernake.”

  Kearn looked over her head towards the brightly lit mansion in the distance. He was about to ask who had requested him, thinking it would be Kyran, when she spoke again.

  “Archduke Pendragon desires to meet you and the female human.”

  Kearn’s heart dropped into his stomach. The archduke wanted to meet Amber? He didn’t want to take her to the house but he couldn’t refuse the man who ruled over the noble bloodlines, not even when he was no longer a welcome part of them.

  “May I relay your answer to Duke and Duchess Savernake?”

  His father knew about this? His mother was home? His head spun at the thought of seeing her. She wouldn’t want him in the house. He would hurt her by going.

  But he couldn’t refuse.

  “You may tell them we shall be there directly.” His tone was flat, without inflection, and he stared back at the house. What was he doing? It was madness to take Amber to the house to meet with the archduke. His father had made it clear he wasn’t to attend. But then his father had sent the servant.

  Could he show up without Amber?

  Even as he thought it he realised it wasn’t an option. The archduke would see it as a mark of disrespect and no excuse would save him from punishment.

  He closed the door, distant in thought as he walked back into the living room. Amber’s gaze was immediately on him. He wanted to tell her to stay in the lodge but couldn’t. The archduke had to be curious about her to request her attendance. He had to bring her with him.

  “Who was that?”

  Kearn looked at her, still frowning, and tried to
think of what to say.

  “We have been called to the house.” He could see she didn’t understand. She frowned back at him, stood and moved around the armchair to face him. “You recall my father mentioning Archduke Pendragon?”

  She nodded.

  “He has come, and he wishes to meet you.”

  Her hazel eyes went wide. “Me?”

  He heard her heartbeat accelerate and felt the fear in her blood. It whispered to him and his spoke back, assuring her that he would keep her safe. Nothing would happen to her. They would leave if it became dangerous and he would risk the archduke’s anger.

  “He’s important isn’t he? I remember you mentioning Pendragon before.”

  “They rule us. I cannot disobey. I desire to, but it would only incur his wrath and place you in more danger.”

  She nodded and looked herself over. “Should I dress up?”

  The honesty in her eyes when she looked at him brought a smile to his face. Here he was worried about keeping her from harm, and she was more concerned about her outfit. Was her belief in his ability to protect her so strong that she didn’t fear meeting such a powerful vampire?

  He moved across the room to her and touched her cheek, his eyes holding hers. “You are beautiful as you are.”

  Her cheeks coloured, darkening delightfully in the firelight and warming beneath his fingers. He dipped his head and raised her chin. The kiss was soft and he sent a sense of reassurance through the connection to her so her belief in him would only strengthen. He wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her.

  He skimmed his hand down her arm, claimed hers, and led her to the door and out into the night, walking past his car and towards the house. The night was beautiful, full of stars and a bright crescent moon. He was in no hurry to be mocked and humbled. The archduke and his family could wait.

  Amber’s hand shifted in his, interlocking their fingers so her palm pressed against his.

  The whole world could wait when Amber was with him.

  It was dark out on the lawn. He kept the connection to Amber open so he could monitor her feelings and she could feel the calmness of his. She was relaxed too and more than once he felt her eyes on his profile. He smiled. It felt nice to walk with her like this, just enjoying being with her and not thinking about the next moment or the past. He only wished it didn’t have to end.

  The house loomed ahead of them.

  They would see the archduke and then leave. He had meant to go back to London tonight to hunt the man but he would stay with her instead. She would worry without him and he didn’t want to leave her alone in the lodge when there were vampires from outside his family in the main house. He doubted anyone from the Pendragon bloodline would try anything but he didn’t trust them.

  The female servant was waiting at the entrance to the house. She bowed to him again, opened the door and walked in. The moment they entered, Amber’s hand left his. She was learning about his kind. The sight of a human touching a vampire of the rank he had held would only stir trouble amongst the lower ranking men and women of the house.

  He followed the servant left, through the long black gallery. They wouldn’t stop in the first chamber this time. The archduke would be waiting in the grand reception room, and he wouldn’t be alone.

  Kearn glanced at the painting of his parents, his eyes fixing on his mother, and then strode on. He raised his head and straightened his back. His family may have cast him out, but he had lost none of his pride. He would face his mother and show her that he had only grown stronger in their time apart. He was a worthy son of the Savernake line.

  Amber was muttering things. He caught snippets of them. She was trying to calm her rising nerves by chanting the rules he had told her at the ball.

  She glanced up at him.

  “Follow my lead. We will not linger. I will have you back at the lodge soon.” His words did nothing to alleviate the fear in her eyes.

  Against his better judgement, Kearn stopped. Her eyebrows furrowed. He smiled and cupped her cheek, using touch to reinforce their connection.

  “You will be safe. It is a promise,” he whispered and she surprised him by raising her hand and placing it over his, holding it against her face. Her eyes closed and she leaned into his touch. He had never felt so warm, or loved. Or needed.

  The servant watched them. He no longer cared if it was improper for him to touch a human, or to show such feeling towards one. He took Amber’s hand in his and turned with her to face the servant. She bowed her head and kept walking.

  Amber’s hand shook, conveying the nerves he could already feel in her blood. He would hold it until they reached the archduke.

  His nerve wavered when he stepped into the first chamber and saw the gilt doors to his right that led through into the grand reception room. He would hold it until he reached those doors at least.

  The servant opened them, revealing the warmly lit stately red and gold room beyond. Amber’s hand left his. Had she sensed his intent to let go? Had it hurt her to feel that in him? She smiled at him, no sign of anger or upset in it.

  “Venator Savernake,” the servant announced.

  A sudden wave of anger crashed over him.


  He swallowed and went to step forwards but Amber caught his arm. Why had she stopped him? He heard her thoughts plainly in her blood.

  She was there with him. He wasn’t alone. They would face this together.

  He nodded and touched her hand. She released him and he walked forwards with her at his side. He wouldn’t let her walk behind him. She wasn’t inferior.

  Archduke Pendragon stood directly before him at the other end of the long room. The lowest ranking vampires crowded the area near the entrance, quietly standing with their heads bowed and right hands against their chest, all facing the archduke. Kearn walked forwards along the corridor they had created. He took in everything—the red walls and high ceilings, the warm light emanating from the candle sconces that lined the walls and the two small chandeliers, and the sheer number of vampires in the room. There were at least one hundred. Guards from the Pendragon household formed a barrier between his bloodline and the titled vampires where they stood on a raised platform.

  Kyran stood far to the left of the row, dressed formally in black with his head held high and a glass of blood in his hand.

  To Kyran’s left sat their mother. It seemed she didn’t deem Kearn worthy of a proper greeting. She wasn’t even looking at him. Her head remained turned away as he approached the platform, her sleek black hair forming a barrier across her pale face and blending into her black dress. Her anger radiated through him, pulsing deep in his blood, and he cast his eyes downwards for a moment, struggling to bear it. A sense of calm flowed into his blood and he looked up at his father where he stood beside his mother, wearing the long black coat of a retired Venator. His green eyes were on him, shining with a touch of concern but also with pride, and Kearn straightened, raising his chin again, bolstered by his father’s feelings and Amber’s eyes on him. Kearn’s gaze moved to the man next to his father.

  Archduke Pendragon.

  He was older than his father by almost five hundred years but only around fifteen years senior in appearance, and was not a handsome man. Battles throughout the centuries of his existence had left him scarred and he had a dark personality to match his cruel visage. Kearn had only met him as a child, when the hunters had razed the Savernake mansion, and Archduke Pendragon had hunted them in the name of Savernake.

  He had butchered them and revelled in the glory, becoming a beast and slave to his bloodlust. The Pendragon bloodline was strong, and every vampire in it made Earl Huntingdon look kind in contrast.

  Kearn stopped in line with the vampires from the Pendragon house and went down on one knee. Amber followed him this time. She was definitely learning. The archduke wouldn’t be as kind to her as Duke Montagu had been. To him, all humans were a threat, pests to eradicate.

  Whispers started at the back of the roo
m. Kearn kept his head bowed, feeling everyone’s eyes on him, including his mother’s now. Her cold glare cut into his heart.

  “Rise, young Savernake.” The archduke’s voice was emotionless.

  Kearn could sense nothing from him. His age defied all attempts to grasp his emotions and his intent. He rose to his feet and Amber followed suit. She kept her head bowed, her hands resting in front of her stomach, and he hated seeing her so meek.

  “You have grown well, young Savernake. I have heard much of you.”

  “Thank you, my most honourable lord and master.” Kearn kept his feelings in check and tried not to think about Amber. Archduke Pendragon would be able to read him openly, without much of an effort. If he sensed Kearn’s feelings for Amber, it would only make things worse.

  “Come, child.” Archduke Pendragon stretched a hand out and motioned towards himself.

  To his horror, Kearn realised that the archduke was speaking to Amber. She raised her hand, her eyes hollow, and walked towards the archduke. He was trying to control her.

  Kearn reacted on instinct.

  He moved in front of her and blocked her path. Archduke Pendragon glared at him.

  “My apologies, my most honourable lord and master, but I cannot allow the human to come any closer.” Kearn dropped his head and his heart raced. He was stupid. He shouldn’t have interfered but the thought of Amber being near the archduke turned his stomach. He wouldn’t allow it. She would be in too much danger.

  He tried to use his blood to release the archduke’s hold on her but the connection closed.

  She couldn’t do such a thing. She didn’t know how.

  The archduke towered above him on the small platform, a displeased look on his dark face. His black eyes narrowed on Kearn and he felt the power in him, and knew he didn’t stand a chance.

  Archduke Pendragon moved onto the bottom step of the platform, raised his right hand while holding Kearn’s gaze, and backhanded him across the face. The force of the blow sent Kearn down, his left knee and hand hitting the wooden floor so hard that the impact jolted every bone in his body. He closed his eyes to stop his head from spinning, and then pushed himself up, coming back to stand on trembling legs between the archduke and Amber.


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